Death Claims Mary Dlmois Farmers Four Injured Jane Farley ... · Sam has run ttel too—lt'E it 910,000,000 bite House.— 1949 some fellows ;ause they axe Chance being lR out lilizer—We - [PDF Document] (2024)

Sam has run t t e l too—lt'E it 910,000,000 bite House.—


some fellows ;ause they axe Chance being

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The Forresf News Was Consoiklated With The Plaindealer as of December 25, 1947


NO. 22

Death Claims Mary Jane Farley After Extended IllnessFuneral Service and Burial Held In ChatsworthMiss Mary Jane Farley, 61, died

in Peoria Sunday morning at 2:15' o’clock following a long illness.

The body was brought to the] Roach funeral home and funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 9:3(1 o'clock in the Chatsworth Catholic church with Rev. Father A. F. Timmins offic­iating. Burial was in S t Pat­rick's cemetery.

She was bom near Thawville, a daughter of Patrick and Mary Murphy Farley. She spent most of her life in the Chatsworth com­munity until 23 yean ago when failing health caused her removal to the Peoria state hospital.

Surviving are two sisters, Mn. Nicholas Mootz of Chatsworth, and Mn. Louis Hudson of Homer, Il­linois, and two brothers, Larry and Thomas Farley of Chatsworth.

---- ' O 'Forrest Beats Piper To Increase VV Conference Lead

The Forrest Eskimos defeated Piper Ciity at Forrest Tuesday night, 54-31, to pick up a half game on the idle W conference field.

Coach Ken Parker used his re­serves throughout most of the eve­ning In racking up his eighth vic­tory In nine starts In conference play.

Clive Follmer scored 18 points to lesd the Eskimo victory, while Donnie Zom and Jim Hal lam were doss behind wMh 12 and >9 »»l’W respectively. , ,*’* > >

Box ScorePiper City (31) f.b. f .t

F. Johnson, f .......... 2 1Frye, f .................... - .......... 2 3Miller, c ......—................— 3 3Harford, g —.................... 1 0Corkil), g -------------- ------ 1 0Flessncr, g .....- .......- .......- 0 0Donley, f -- ------------------- 1 1Onken, g --- ---------- ------- 0 0

American Legion Auxiliary Has Meeting and Party

Unit No. 613, Auxiliary to Wal­ter Clemons Post, American Le­gion, met In the Legion club rooms Monday evening, January 24th, for a regular business meeting and party. Twenty-five members an­swered roll call. The members voted to donate 925.00 to the polio fund, for which funds are being solicited. Plans were discussed for the coming card party, whlcb is to be held February 14. Committees were named as follows:

Refreshment — Ann Matthias, chairman; Sadie Zimmerman, Cara Klehm, Margaret Jacobs, Velma O'Brien.

Table and Chairs—Velma Pear­son, Laura Ortman and Arlene Hosenboom.

T(pket—Bertha French.In charge of the playing will be

Bridge—Teresa Maurltzen; five hundred, Marrie Herr; Euchre, Clarice Gerbracht and Ann Weller.

After the business session ad­journed the members played bingo and at the close of the evening a delicious lunch was served by a committee composed of Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. William Tinker and Miss Betty Ann Ortman.

Auxiliary members are asked to meet at the hall at 7 o’co*ck Febru­ary 7th, tb clean up in readiness for the card party.

A good number of old glasses and frames have been received for use in rehabilitation work. If anyone has any old eyeglasses which they care to donate for this work, they may bring them to the Plaindealer office by January 29th and they wlH be given to the reha- bttatkm chairman for shipment to the proper department.

Youngsters of the Chatsworth Community' Dlmois FarmersSet New Record In 1948Sod Saving

With the Sick and Afflicted . . . .

Bargman. g ......... ... ...... 1 1

Totals ................ .......... 11 OForrest (54) f.g. f.t.

lluette, f ......... _...... 0 2Keeloy. f ........ ....... ....... 2 2Walbel, f ----- --- - .......... 1 0Follmer, c .............. ....... 7 4Metz, c ................ .......... 1 0J. Hallam, g ......... 0Zom. g ................ - ____ 6 0Purkey, g -------- :... O 0K. Hallam, g ......... 1 0Honegger, f ............ 0 0

Totals....... .......- ..... 23 8

MAYBE YOU CAN HELPReminders were mailed to a

number of Plaindealer subscribers lately. Working under present conditions it is necessary that all subscriptions be kept paid in au- vance. Many papers have advanc­ed the subscription price of their papers to combat Increased cost of producing a paper. The Plain- dealer is trying to avoid increas­ing the price and is asking Its subscribers to help by paying promptly.

------------- o —■—•8HUFFLEBOARD TOUBNEY

Shuffleboard tournament Thurs­day night, January 27th, Colfax vs Point’s Tavern.

Herbie Hurt’s, Falrbury, vs. Point’s Tavern, February 2, a t 7 o’clock. All shuffeboard players invited to participate. Both con­tests at- Point’s Tavern, Cbats- worth.

------------- --------------CARD o r THANKS

The family of the late Mary Jane Farley wishes to thank every­one for their kindness, and assist­ance during her long illness and burial.

— --------- o-------------RESIGNS POLICE POST

Virgil Munz, Falrbury, state po­liceman, resigned as sergeant on Illinois State Police force Monday. He will start on a new Job as salesman with the Reeb Monu­ment Works of Dwight Mr. Munz has been wfl* the state police since July 15, 1941.

95.00 Juniors Pontiac

our rack of 99.96 and lie dresses. Half sixes,


Do they know who killed George P. McNear, former president of the T., P. A W. railroad T The killing of Mr. McNear was a s e r " lonal neafa. story shortly before the end of the T., P. A W. strike. The strike had gone along for months with violence flaring several times. The worst was at Gridley when railroad guards shot down and killed two strikers.

Not long afterwards, Mr. McNear was shot down and killed. Then, the strike was settled. It had long been felt there was no solution as long as Mr. McNear remained president of the com­pany

Tin- railroad president was a man of strong convictions. He made many enemies in the com­paratively short time he brilliantly operated the railroad, taking it when it was in financial dif­ficulties and building it up to a strong business institution making big profits.

In a recent issue the tabloid Peoria News under the heading, "McNear Killer Is Known! But FBI Lacks the Proof,’’ carried the following story. "The Federal Bureau of Investigation knows who killed George P. McNear, the T., P. A W. railroad president, who was assassinated on a dark night when walking alone near his home on Moss avenue, the Peoria News learned this week.

"One or more arrests will be made when the FBI has additional evidence which It nows lacks to obtain a conviction.“The FBI will make no an­nouncement until Its Investigation Is complete but the fact that the killer or killers have been Iden­tified is known to a person well Informed on T., P. A W. affairs.

"This Informant said agents had applied scientific methods to the case. Footprints and the tracks left by the killer’s auto­mobile furnished bare clews which were developed by the FBI. These slender clews led to the Iden­tification of the owner of the car.

"Rewards aggregating 948,000 for the arrest and conviction of McNear’s slayer are still posted.” —Falrbury Blade.

CARD OP THANKSI wish to thank all the friends

for cards and gifts while in the hospital. I surely appreciated them.—Clarence Faust. •


Residents of the Mevin-Slbley area will vote Saturday, January 29th, on the formation of a com­munity school district.

.... .. ... ................—Real values

Dollar Day > ■hop, Pontiac

: our Anal -The Style

& n.m yM l

Top Row, left—Steve, Son of the Leo Lovells; right, Pat, son of the Kenneth Somers.

Lower Row left, Sandra Sue, Donald Wayne and Dale, children of the Leslie Hannas. Right Group—John, Elizabeth, Mark and Ste­phen, children of the Clifford Monahans.

Dr. D. R. Herberich Dies In Chicago Friday Morning

Services for Dr. Dominick R. Herberich, 76, of 7118 Loomis St., a Chicago veterinarian for 21 years, were held at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday In St. Sabina’s church, with burial In St. Mary’s cemetery. Dr. Herberich died Friday In Holy Cross hospital. He was graduated from Chicago Veterinary college in 1920 and practiced in Kempton and Chatsworth before moving to Chicago. He also was an assistant state veterinarian until his retire­ment three years ago. His widow, Margaret, survives; also one daughter, Mrs. John Sllberzahn, of Pontiac.

Dr. Herberlch’s first wife was Mary Sullivan, of Chatsworth, to whom the one daughter was bom. Mrs. Michael Streun of Chats­worth, was a sister of the first Mrs. Herberich.

— ■ -o-------------PAXTON WINS FORD COUNTY n. B. TOURNEY

Ths Psxton Mustangs captured the Ford County Tourney at Pax­ton Friday night by edging a fighting Melvin quintet 47-38, while Gibson City walked off with third place honors by rolling over Roberts 60-39.

The champion Paxton five had to come from behind in the sec­ond half to take the 1st place trophy ns Melvin raced to a 10-6 first period lead and increased the margin to 24-16 at halftime.

The Mustangs solved the Mel­vin zone in the third period to rack up 16 In the quarter and grab a slim 32-31 third quarter lead. They kept up their hot pace In the final minutes to wrap up the county crown.

CARD OF THANKSOur sincere appreciation and

heart-felt gratitude to friends for the irony favor# during our recent bereavement.—The Family of M. A. Freehlll.

CARD OF THANKS We wont to thank all the

friends for the cards, flowers and gifts.—Mrs. Francis Sandoval and Patricia Elaine. .

------------- o-------------—Short sleeve white Nylon

sweaters in stock.—The Style Shop. Pontiac.

Society and Club D oings...

9,410 Acres Were Planted On Contour Last YearDuring the past year, farmers

of Illinois, set an all-time record in putting real soli conservation on the land, Bruce B. Clark, state conservationist, reported today. And in the Livingston County Soil Conservation District local farm­ers easily kept pace with the new state-wide trend, Ray T. Lynge, of the U. SI Soil Conservation Serv­ice announced.

In this district, Ray T. Lynge said local farmers speeded up their applications of conservation methods during the past year to a noticeable degree. As an example, 9410 acres of com and soybeans were planted on the contours last year. 3900 acres were contoured

Mrs. Roy Bennett was taken to the Falrbury hospital Tuesday for medical treatment.

Edwin Pearson is confined to his home with bronchitis.

Mrs. K. R. Porterfield who sub­mitted to surgery in a Blooming­ton hospital last Thursday is ex­pected to return home today.

Mrs. Albert Jacobs slipped on the ice and fell one evening this week, breaking her glasses and cutting and bruising her badly. She Is recovering satisfactorily.

Mrs. Florence Davidson, high school instructor, who recently submitted to a goitre operation in a Bloomington hospital, was able to go to the home of a friend in Chenoa this wek and is expected to return to Chatsworth soon.

The Catholic Woman's League will hold their next meeting Tuesday Feb. 1st in the K. jfor the first time last year. Last of C. hall. This is guest night I fall, the farmers constructed 3.3 and a pot-luck supper will be | miles of terraces with their own served at 6:30. i tractors and plows. During the

-------- , | banner year, more than 30 miles ofMembers and families of the grass waterways were shaped and

Miss Iris Dennewitz fell on the icy pavement Tuesday evening and fractured her right elbow quite badly. She was taken to a Bloomington hospital Wednes­day morning for special treat­ment.

Home Builders class of the Evan­gelical United Brethren church will meet at 6 p.m., Sunday, Jan­uary 30th, in the church parlors for a pot luck supper. Following the supper Arthur Netherton will show moving picures. The com­mittee in charge Is Mr. and Mrs.

seeded to grasses to prevent any more erosion. More than 150 acres have been seeded to perma­nent hay or pasture. Last spring nearly four miles of Living Fence (Multlflorer Rose) were planted. This rose will serve as a perma­nent fence where the field lines

Wesley Klehm, Mr. and Mrs. Carl are ja[^ ouj on ^he contourSharp and Miss Florinda Bauerle.

W. S. C\ 8. MEETS FEB. 2DThe Woman’s Society of

Christian Service of the Methodist jwas organized in 1945. church will meet at the church

The Livingston County Soil Con­servation District Board approved 56 farm plans during 1948 making a total of 242 farm plans since it

at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2, with Miss Maude Edwards, chairman hostess, assisted by Medames W. Pblnt, Everet ' Johnson, L. F. McNeeley, A. B. Farragher.

The program will be a pre­sentation of the "Quadrennial Advance".

Members and friends of church are invited and urged to attend this service.

There will be a

Blight new soil conservation groups were formed last year thus making 26 such groups in this county.

At Urbana, the state oonserva- tionist has just announced results from a survey of statewide pro­gress among the soil conservation district cooperators for the past year.

"We believe farmers of Illinois

Annual Reportt

Indicates Local Church Doing Well

Improvements Costing $6£00 All Paid During Year

short meeting have 861 a record to ** proud of'"of the executive committee*z Z IMr C,a^ ^ “? ,ey P * ^ . acres of land on the contour dur-c 8e' _________________ ing 1948 which brings the state's

w r tT m R total UP to 431,000. They addedm ,ln 4,300 acres of cover crops, inercas- The ice man ilnall} caught up i, . T11: . . OOAnn

with this locality this week and ^ thc tcta! for IUinois tc 35,000acres.Wednesday and today the pave­ments and streets are ice coated and hard to navigate. While the temperature was only 30 at 8:30 this morning there was a misty cold rain falling that foretold fur­ther trouble.

Due to icy conditions and the danger in operating the school buses, Chatsworth schools were canceled Wednesday and today. We understand the schools at Pi­per City and Forrest were laso canceled.

THANKSTo my friends who remembered

me with cards and gifts during my illness.—Mark Edward Shafer. •

-o-—More beautiful formals ar­

rived this week.—The Style Shop, Pontiac.

M. A. Freehill, Pioneer Citizen, Is Claimed By Death On Friday

Michael A. FreehlU, long-time and pioneer resident of this com­munity, died at his home to Chats­worth Friday evening at 5:55 o’clock following a lingering ill­ness, a t the age of 88.

Funeral services were held Mon­day morning a t 10 o'clock in Saints Peter and Paul Catholic church Chatsworth, with the Rev. A. F. Timmins officiating. Burial was in S t Rose cemetery. Strawn.

He was born September 24, 1860, at Falrbury. Following his early school education he attended Valparaiso University. He mar­ried Miss Mary Egan, of Pontiac, August 16, 1893, and for a number of years engaged In teaching in addition to farming. He served 12 years as supervisor of Germanville township and tor 40 years farmed in Germanville township before re­tiring an<l moving to Chatsworth in 1941.

Ha is survived by his wife, three Om Marie Freehill of Mrs W alter K raft of

I Mrs Donald Iowa; and sis

sonB, Harold, Claude and Edward, of Melvin community, and Raphael Vincent and Gerald of Blooming­ton.

A son, the Rev. A. M. Freehill of S t Bede college, Peru, preceded him in death.

Rev. A. F. Timmins officiated a t solemn high mass with Rev. E. V. O’Neill, of Gibson City, deacon, Rev. B. J. Doyle, Piper City, sub-<leacon. Also present In the sanctuary were Rev. Fathers G. J. Sheedy and John King, of Holy Trinity parish, Bloomington; C. B. Motsett of Danville and John D. Ring, of Menu.

The casket bearers wefe the six sons. Music was by organist, Mrs. E. B. Herr and John Lawless.

An interesting feature of his life was his visit to the FVee- hlll ancestral home in Ireland In 1989.

In addition to the son, men­tioned above he was preceded in death by two daughters, Francina in 1987 and a daughter in Infancy

Hie was a member of the Knights of Cohenbus

‘‘During the year, 9,500 more acres went into strip cropping which brought the state total to 51,000 acres. In addition 23/00 acres of Illinois pasures were im­proved during 1948: 233 miles of terraces constructed;.31,000 acres of land made more productive by drainage.’’

Current state totals reported by district cooperators, Clark said, are: Improved pastures, 98,000 acres; Terracing 1,030 miles; and Farm Drainage, 150,000 acres.

Farmers of the state, Clark said, organized five new spil conserva­tion district during the year and the Illinois total now sands at 89.

A total of 14,740 farmers in this state have now developed complete farm conservation plans with the technical asslsance of the U. S. Soil Cbnervation Service and these plans cover 2,500,000 acres. Dur­ing the past 12 months alone Service technicians helped 2,917 farmers develop farm conservation plans which Increased farm In­come, control erosion and hold more rainfall on the land. They also gave technical assistance to 2,200 other farmers with one or two more conservation practices which in most cases are gradually* developed Into a complete plan, Clark explained.

At regional headquarters of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, In Milwaukee, reports show the In­creased Impetus in getting con­servation applied on the land, was general in 1948. R. H. Musaer, who directs the technical program for eight corn belt states, including Illinois, said fanners throughout the entire region hit a much fatter pace in getting the conservation job done during the past yepr. Farmers also made marked pro­gress in organizing new soil con­servation districts, Musser an­nounced.

There axe now 459 districts In the eight states which Include Il­linois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wis­consin, Musser announced. And 36 of these were organized by the oornbelt farmers during 1948.

(Oontinuad on lest page)

The Annual Business Meeting of t h e Chatsworth Evangelical United Brethren church was held Monday evening, January 24th, preceded by a delicious pot luck supper, in charge of theVladies of the Home Aid.

Arthur Netherton gave the boys and girls a delightful evening In the church parlors with funny funnies while their elders met in the church auditorium to transact the business pending.

The pastor, E. E. Keiser, served as chairman of the session, and Albert Wisthuff, as secretary. Reports of the several depart­ments and organization were presented.

Arthur Heinhorst, c h u r c h treasurer, presented the financial report of the improvement pro­gram completed some months ago which revealed over $6,500.00 expended, and all bills paid. He also gave the current budget re­port which showed the treasury in substantial position.

Albert Wisthuff gave a brief statement on behalf of the board of trustees. Dorothy Frick, secretary, presented the report of the Sunday school, and the report of the treasurer, Lloyd Shafer, was read, which showed the con­spicuous part the Sunday school played in the improvement program. -

Mrs. Lillian Pearson, president of the Woman’s Missionary Society gave a splendid report of that society enumerating the impressive and wide range servr Ice activity of the group, as well as the financial position and commendable improvement pro­gram support.

Marilyn Pearson presented a digest of Youth Fellowship inter­ests and activities of the year, and Allen Diller, president of the Men’s Brotherhood outlined the progress of the local Brother­hood.

The elections resulted as fol­lows:

Member of Board of Trustees for 3 years, Walter Grosenbach. Class Leader, F. A. Ortlepp; Associate Class Leader, Albert Wisthuff. Sunday school super­intendent, A. H. Heinhorst, Asso­ciate superintendent, Harold Das- sow, Sunday school secretary, Dorothy Frick, Treasurer, Miss Marilyn Pearson.

The finance secretary and church treasurer are elected by the official quarterly Conference at its next session, as are also the board of stewards.

TTie officers will be officially installed next Sunday morning. The session was a delightful oc­casion, the largest attendance in many yeen which bespeaks well o f the splendid Interest in the work of the church by Its ap) dative members.

Four Injured In Forrest Crash Tuesday Noon. St. Charles, Peoria Autos Collide A t Route IntersectionFour persons were injilred, none

seriously, in an automobile collis­ion at the intersection of routes 24 and 47 in Forrest shortly before noon Tuesday.

The injured were Louis Fort- man, St. Charles, bruises and lac­erations; Mrs. Fortman, broken hand and head injuries; Martha Krefting, Peoria, facial lacerations and Walter Krefting, Peoria, leg injuries.

The Peoria people were released after first aid in' a doctor’s of­fice.

Mr. and Mrs. Fortman were ad­mitted to the Fair bury hospital for treatment and Fortman was re­leased later Tuesday afternoon.

Fortman, driving south on route 47 in a ’49 Ford sedan, reportedly failed to observe the stop sign and was struck by a ’46 model Dodge driven by Elmer Krefting of Pe­oria.

The impact of the crash sent the Fortman car into the High­way Cafe building at the southeast corner of the intersection, knock­ing several bricks from the wall of the structure.

Neither Krefting nor his wife was injured. The injured people were his brother and sister. They were en route to Danville when the mishap occurred.

Both cars were extensively dam­aged.

------------- o-------------Cullom Plays Here Friday In V. V. League Feature

Cullom’s roarin' Ramblers, twice the victims of the Bluebirds this season, will be here Friday night in the feature battle of the week in VV conference play.

Three wins in a row over the Ramblers would be quite a feat and Coach Kuntz is anticipating a rough night for his rangy Blue­birds in view of the fact that it took two overtime periods to eke out a decision over the Cullom lads in the Inst meeting.

The Forrest Eskimos this week increased their lead over runner- up Chatsworth to a full game by virtue of victories over Qillom, 36-25, and over Piper City, 54-31.

Chatsworth decisioned Saunemln 56-20, in a league contest last Fri­day.

VV StandingsW L

Forrest ........................ 8 1Chatsworth ................... 6 1Cullom ......................... .... 5 4Kempton ..................... . 4 3Onarga ......................... .... 4 5Saunemln ................... .... 2 7Piper City ................... .... 2 7Herscher ..................... .... 0 3

Cow and Calf Bring $460 At Consignment Salev Forty-five lots of registered and polled Shorthorn cattle were sold Saturday a t the fifth annual consignment sale at the sales barn in Chatsworth.

There was a good attendance from surrounding and distant towns.

Top of the sale was a good thick white cow, Revelanta Juno, with a September roan bull calf at foot, consigned by Edward Traub of Forrest, purchased by John Hines of Chebanse a t $460. The top bull, Lord Command, rich in Edellyn Mood, consigned by Charles Hubly of Chatsworth, was sold a t |390 to Martin Pinter or Zearing.

In the heifer class, Paramount Ann, also Edellyn bred and con­signed by Charles Hubly went to S. H. Engle of Bloomlngon, Ind­iana a t 9860. Twenty nine fe­males averaged $260, 16 bulls averaged 9284.


Will the girl who borrowed my 3-A folding kodak please return It to me at once. I need i t

Jo HaH■ ■ ■ — -6-------------

—Dollar D ay . Wednesday. Thursday, Friday at Tha Style Stag


The Forrest NewsVOL. 66. NO. 13



JANUARY 27. 1949 Mrs. Margaret Altstadt, Local Editor


, n ' \

The Forrest Home Bureau Unit Canter Clive Follmer racked up met Monday, January 24, at the

a total of 24 points last Friday home of Mrs. G. G. Seitman at night to lead the Eskimos in a Fairbury with Mrs. Lloyd Shaddle 86-26 victory over Cullom on the as the assisting hostess. A pot la tte r’s floor, thus avenging the luek dinner preceded the after- only defeat charged against the ncon meeting.Forrest quintet this season. Eighteen members answered Follmer dunked eight field goals the roll call with “what I dislike and a like number of charity toss- most in mending". The polio ea to account for two-thirds of drive, for which the soliciting is the Eskimo total. being done by Home Bureau

The Ramblers got off to a members, was discussed, fast start and appeared temporar- Miss Jessie Campbell, County ily to be headed for their second home adviser, gave the lesson on upset victory over the Eskimos. Mental Health. One guest was They led 7-2 at the end of the preSent.first quarter. • The February meeting will be

Rieger.The Eskimos thawed out in

the second quarter to gain a16-11 halftime lead Which theynever gave up.

The Forrest reserved defeatedCullom in the Curtainraiser.Box Score:

Fbrrest (36) F.B. F.T.Huette, f ......... ....... 0 2Waibel, f......... ....... 0 0Fbllmer, c........ ....... 8 8Zorn, g ....... 3 1Hallam, g........ ....... 1 1

Totals ....... ....... 12 12Cullom (25) F.B F.T.

T. Gray, f....... .........2 5A. Stahl, c....... .........2 1Harms, g......... ......... 1 1P. Gray, g .........2 1G. Stahl, g...... .........0 1Stark, f........... 1 0

Totals ....... .........8 9



Home Rebekah Lodge held public installation of officers Mon­day evening at their hall, follow­ing a short business session. Mrs. Lucille Stephens was installed as Ncble Grand. Others are:

Mrs. Evelyn Everett, vice grand. Mrs. Ada Hinton, record­ing secretary. Mrs. Nelda Harris, financial secretary. Mrs. Pearl Altstadt, treasurer. Mrs. Ethel Baughman, warden. Mrs. Mary Leenerman, c o n d u c t o r . Mrs. Blanch Thomas, chaplain. Mrs. Janjce Goodpasture, musician. Mrs. Myrtle Painter, Inside guar­dian. Mrs. Gertie Morrison, out­side guadian. Mrs. Ruby Hud­dleston and .Mrs. Alvina Blundy, :• gut and left supporters to the .'oMe Grand. Mrs. Juanita Metz

ar.d Mrs. Elsie Womack, right and left supporters to the vice '.-and. The past Noble Grand s Mrs. Elizabeh Blaine. The

installing officer was Mrs. Ada Hinton, -asisted by Theta R2:o girls as escorts.

Entertainment was songs * by •Miss Laura Sue Womack and George Stephens. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Meta Rush and committee.

north of Forrest, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Betty Ann to Leslie E. Schweigert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schweigert, of Tremont. The wedding will be in tl e near future.

The engagement of Gloria Ifft to William Wilken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilken, has been announced by her mother, Mrs. Mildred Ringen. No date has been set for the wedding.

Mrs. J. W. Brown was hostess to Pastime Bridge Club at her home Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. L. F. Thompson, Mrs. Mabel Church and Mrs. H. O. Franklin Luncheon was served during social time.

Lutheran Ladies’ Aid held their January meeting at the counry home of Mrs. George Weisser. The co-hostess being Miss Pauline Croy. Members brought their donations for the gift box: to be sent to Europe. -Luncheon was served following the business session.

Folks You Know

Forrest Chur cites3T. PAUL'S LUTHERAN

Sunday School—9:30.Church Service—10:46.

M. E. Schroeder, Pastor

The rest of our days depends on the rest of our nights — Beecher City Journal.

The Russians want the atomic bomb. Maybe we should let them have it—and how!

CHURCH OR GOD- Sunday School, 9:46 sum.

Morning Worship, 10:45 am. Young People’s Meeting) 6:30

p.m.Evening Service, 7:30 p.m.

Everybody knows that a quar­ter won’t buy any more than a nickel used to, but there are a lot of people who still expect the

JLord to perform miracles when they drop it in the church col­lection plate.—Beecher CityJournal.


Groceries and Lunch Room

Jost & Anderson, Props.

Open Sundays and Evenings — Two blocks north of the

high school on Route 47, Forrest

METHODIST CHURCH9:45 am., Sunday church school.10:45 a.m., Church worship

service.4:00 pnv Wednesday, Boys’

Choir rehearsal.7:00 p.m., Wednesday, senior

choir rehearsal.8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Monthly

meeting of the official board.Watch for the date of the

pipe organ dedication perhaps in February.

We desire to thank everyone who helped in any way to make our festivities, on Monday, Jan 17th such a great success.

P. Henry Lotz, Pastor ------------- o-------------


Expect From Your Dry Cleaner?

You expect that your dry cleaner will do a satisfactory Job of cleaning for a reasonable price. We do that PLUS in­sure your garments while in our care PLUS keep our deadlines so that your garments are re­turned on time.

Sanitary Cleaning* WorksFAIRBURY. ILLINOIS

Twenty five attended the "Kettle Falls” party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wallace Sunday evening. Movies were shown of the men’s fishing trip of Northern Minnesota during social time. Buffet supper was served at 11 o’clock.

The Tead. ers’ Bridge Club was entertained,, Monday evening at the home of Miss Rita Kurten- bach, ,at Chatsworth. She was assisted by Mrs. Helen Lehman. Desert was served at 7:30 o’clock. Prizes went to Mrs. Gladys Myer and Miss Ruth Monroe. Guests were Mrs. Wm. R. Mez, Mrs. Martha Hamilton and Mrs. Bernice Hirstein.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Huette, of

S A V E M O N E YSee Us About...

GREEN GABLE READY-BILTBrooder Houses Laying Hrtises

Farrowing Houses. Range Shelters, Milk Houses

• & Go, In c .

Howard Rudd of Kankakee, spent the week-end at the Mrs.Lillian Howes home.

Mrs. E. V. Buckley, of Decatur,Monday visited Mrs. Martha Buckley, who is quite ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Curry and son spent the week-end with the latter’s parents at Elmwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinley of Peoria, spent Jhe week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.Phil Hacker.

Mrs. Sue Jenkins and children of Fairbury were guests, Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Edward Fortna.

Mrs. C. R. Foltz and son Ricky, of Decatur .are spending several weeks with her parents, Mr and f cc°un* n£ Mrs. Edward Fortna.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Sullivan, of Maywood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tomlinson, the latter part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randolph, of Holyoke, Mass., are j had income tax problems. Two spending this week with-* the] wars and prospects of another former’s sister, Mrs PaulMcLaughlin and family.

Mrs F W. Altstadt, grand­daughter, Paula Lou Kaisner and Mrs. A. M. Altstadt spent Satur­day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Johnny Kaisner, of Chicago.

Twenty-five basket ball fans went to Bourbonnais Thursday i Chronicle Headlight evening to see Coach Ken Parker, j . — :who plays with the Kankakee Le­gion team and Phillips 66 game.

Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stewart were Miss Nancy Neeley of West­ern College, Macomb and Perry j Stewart and Lou Wilhebni, stu-1 dents of Wesleyan, Bloomington i

Mr. and Mrs Thomas McFar-| Sale Equipment Furnishedland, daughter Betty, Mr. and EXTRA 8ALE 8JERVICF.Mrs. Raymond Mydler, Mrs. I , tock Dens Edward Fortna and Mrs. Myrtle i V Painter attended family night ”

IVAN METZAuctioneer


. sale ring . . P. and nurrtbering of

and pot luck supper held by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxil­iary at Fairbury, Monday evening.

C. M. Richmond went Monday to Pekin, where he attended fu­neral services for his cousin, Ed­ward Mulvey. Mr. Mulvey was the father of Mrs. Clarissa Whit­field, who is instructress for the Order of Eastern Star, School of Instructions find is well known here.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tomlinson and daughter, Bette, went to Me- chanicsburg Saturday, where they attended the wedding of the lat­ter’s nephew, Ross L. Earls, and Miss Kathryn EJliott, held at the Methodist chufch. They spent Sunday with their parents at Mt. Pulaski.

Attending the Hockey game at F e Chicago Stadium Sunday eve­ning were: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nussbaum. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Haab, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Huette, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hirstein, Mrs. Mildred Masters, Paul McLoughlln, Cyril Allen and Les­ter Fortna.

Mrs. Lillian Howes,; Mrs. Hilda Wallace, Stanley Rudd and Mrs. Raymond Howes, Friday attended the funeral services of Gail and Duane Close, the remains were returned from overseas. Gall Close was the husband of Dorothy Rudd, daughter of h?r. and Mrs. Stanley Rudd, formerly of For­rest. ^

livestock. PHONE 68W1


Strawn News Notes- - - By J n io r Press Club

Jimmy and Tommy Walker of Sibley, spent Thursday evening at the hqsne of Mr. and Mrs. Fred


Miss Katherine Adam was con fined to her borne several day- last week by Illness

-Use the want ad column It get* results. -Plalndealer

Phosphate & LimestoneHauling and Spreading

Modem Power Spreader Special Phosphate Spreader . uniform and even distribution

. . Immediate and future del- livery . . 14 years' experience.

P A U L L. Z O R NPhone 118 W 1

Forres t, W.

W E L D I N G ,

" T h e r e ’ s a s e n s i b l e g i f t l n

Voice of the Press —Editorial Comment From Our Neighboring Papers

Worry is a lot like a rocking chair—-it gives you something to do, but won’t get you any place. —Elkville Journal.

Careless driving can wreck a fender or a family—-Greenville Advocate.

Certainly is easy to see through people who make spectacles of themselves.-—Elkville Journal.

Things commonly used to pro­vide an education late in life in­clude correspondence courses and a lot of grandchildren—Sparta News-Plaindealer.

A good share of the populace has been engulfed in a sea of figures the past few weeks, preparatory to an annual settle­ment with Uncle Sam

Time was when only the rich

have extended the federal drag net clear down into the $50 a month group and, ironically enough, as living expenses went up personal exemptions went down, thereby presenting the added problem of paying the tax after figuring it out.—Cullom

Y 'E S , « Speed Q ueen ce rta in ly is a sensib le g i f t S top in an d le t u s show you (1 ) how a Speed Q ueen saves you m oney; (2 )

h o w i t w ashes clemner; (3 ) bow i t g ives y ou th e fa s ts tt w ashday la A m erica; (4 ) w hy u p k eep cost is v irtu a lly n o th in g . I t 's a g if t th a t w ill b e lo n g app rec ia ted by everyb o d y in th e fam ily .

J. N. Bach & Sonsroi ILLINOIS



General Auctioneering Farm and Household Sole*

andB L A C K S M I T H r—j

W O R K 0Bring your plow lays in nowso we will have them ready □when you need them.

Saves food — Saves money, tooThro* of the five appliances in yoar modern AJUEJectric Kitchen ora dctijntd especially I t kelp yon save food eod

Beautifully styled electric ranges, operating at efficiency, assure you less shrinhegc, more

lanrocnv, in yoii* rooo< ™ new type rooffiy fcttiytctiofi give you ample space for once a weak marketing, making W*y buying possible end profitable for you. Keep left­overs fresh and zesty for use when you want I freezers, economical in operation* give yoii fast, easy, safe food storage. You buy fruit* end vegetable* "in season" at a savings, store tkem, then enjoy them at your pleasure. • And to save you from drudgery, reduce your work day am tk* All-Electric favorites—Automatic Dlsfcwasktr that washes, rinses, dries dishes without your hand* touching ikg w tttf j OStO (It# ClCCbic w d tr M g ltf — flCOtM lM B.r. wnvs s swam www r.w wi

I aL. A. earn L js t u , *1 - —- —i inn gives plenty or not weft wrifntvff youi t t Start or complete yoor AM-Electric Kitchen today*


Blacksmith ShopOn Ron** tH H s f tb Rad

R Lhtin. .MmA }>> rsnVO


J. » < • *•*> » . • V * i •THfc CHATSWORTH PlAINDCALfcfc, CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS H in t

—— -.1. .■■mu


Too F u tIt is all right for any admin­

istration to be in a hurry to get its work done and to expedi­tiously make every mow to carry out their party platform and promises. However, under a representative system, there are limits as to what should be done by "eager beavers" who want to rush through proposed legislation without the customary hearings and debate before Committees. It seems to the writer that practically all legislation consid­ered by tha Congress is important, or at least it should be. There­fore, the idea that any bill might well be pushed through without Committee hearings is a mistake. In this ever changing world with ever changing conditions, view­points and arguments can vary within a few months time. Also, under our system whereby both proponents and opponents are permitted their "day in court” or, in other words, their opportunity to appear before Committees of Congress, the proposal that hear­ings on certain legislation become unnecessary because such hear­ings were held last year or even the year before, deprives both the individual and Committee Members of the full opportunity for complete development of any pertinent ideas on the legislation offered. Without hearings, and giving opponents no chance to testify, the Senate Labor Com­mittee plans to almost lmme- J diately approve such bills as (1) Federal Aid to Education; (2) ( Creating a National Science Foundation through F e d e r a l ; grants and loans; (3) Increasing minimum .Wages from 40 to 76c an hour. Following the old adage "that haste makes waste" should at least In part slow up deliberate plans to "rush” legislation. In view of the known fact that Com­mittees this year were "stacked” by administration forces, role or reason may not be the guide In making decisions on Committee procedure.

trouble of breaking down the new 41.9 b i l l i o n dollar F e d e r a l budget for the fiscal year i960. The taxpayers of Illinois, for Instance, would have to Shell out 7.88% of this huge amount or a total of 8 billion, 301 million dollars. On the basis of our average family Of four, this could mean that if all such taxes were direct, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe of anywhere in Illinois would have to pay out approximately $1,260.00 yearly, more than $100.00 each month! (Remember this would be’approx­imately one year's operating cost of Uncle Sam's business.) Of course, If taxes are to be raised,

.the figure would increase. Orie way to completely understand what added taxes or increased expenditures mean is to see how such items fit into your own pocketbook. Then the individuals would know precisely how they fell about it. The 42 billion dol­lar budget will be raised as fol­lows: $18% billion from individual income taxes, almost 12 blllkm from corporation taxes, about 3 billion from taxes on goods and services (liquor, beer and tabacco taxes being over 3 Mi billion of this), employment,- estate and gift taxes amount to 1.7 billion and all other revenue aggregates about 2 Vi billion.

Direct LobbyingAt times great debate ant)

argument goes on in Washington as to lobbying and whether or not the lobbying act is working out successfully. This act makes any and all lobbyists register and in detail set forth who he lobbies for, plus what he is paid in sal­ary and expenses for such ac­tivities. Now It is learned that Mayor O'Dwyer of New York City is planning on sending a full time representative to Washington to work for and urge passage of any legislation which might be of benefit to New York City. Evidently, the Mayor feels that advantages can come from such an innovation and that his city stands to directly benefit thereby. One wonders what would happen If every municipality follows suit and sends a personal lobbyist to the Nation's Capital to try to persuade Congress into voting more and bigger funds to help finance city government. It would be only a guess as to how many cities' treasuries arc broke or have balances on hand. One thing certain Is that Uncle Sam has no money to give away and will be lucky ir he can carry his own burden of overwhelming debt.

Your HksreSomeone has gone to the

Ibis And ThatThe Treasury Is now collecting

about 8 dollars for every one dol-

J A N U A R Y 2 9 t h is the

Last Dayof our











I I I !■■■'id e -at'-o.v- DU' ■ <:

R O B B S -CorduroysChenilles



West Side Square— —

• llv


Pontiac, I1L

lax collected before the war. Right now it appears the Hoover Commission report will - have roqgh sailing when it Is handed over to Congress. Today It is estimated that we liave 3 million alcoholics In the United States and 8 million people who drink too much. • ,

That BudgetDo you know how much 42

billion dollars is? In simple terras, it means 42 thousand mil­lions of dollars and represents the budget estimate recently requested by President Truman to operate our government for the fiscal year 1960, which begins July 1st, 1949. Three years after World War II, we are faced, during peacetime, with this un­precedented and stupendous out­lay of cash to keep the machinery of government functioning for the period of only 12 months. Thirty four percent, or slightly over one- third of the amount, is allocated for national defense purposes. Staggering as these total defense appropriations are, there seems, at the moment, no alternate but to vote such funds. Most Amer­icans stand convinced that true

preparedness calls for this spend­ing and that only through such policy can we hope to either put off or completely avert World War HI. Preparation for war, though much less expensive than real war, is costly and modern warfare much more so than the equipment of rifles and cannon. New, > up-to-date instruments, machinery and equipment, the most deathhdealtng and destructive ever known, cost a pretty penny. Until the minds of men of all nations are more* objectively channeled toward real peace, the United States dare - not, even momentarily, drop its guard. To do so would be folly.

Veterans AffairsMany listeners were surprised,

just as the writer was, when President Truman, in his "State of the Union” message to Congress and the country, completely failed to make any reference to Veterans Affairs. In the memory of those who have looked into the matter, this is probably the first time "veterans” have not been mentioned in such a speech since the time of World War I. Real soon after the message, veterans’

organizations began to 'speculate whether such omission by Presi dent Truman was an oversight or a forerunner of planned re­ductions benefits. Many immed­iately turned their thoughts back to the "Economy Act" of 1983 when drastic cuts for veterans were initiated because of desired reductions in government expen­ditures. Many injustices to the veterans followed the passage of the above-mentioned act. Veter­ans benefits for the next fiscal year will cost Uncle Sam near 8 billion dollars. I t is agreed that this is a huge outlay of funds, but when one ponders that there today are approximately 18 mil­lion veterans of our Armed Forces, it is not too hard to understand why the outlay for the deserving, needy, incapacitated and disabled veterans and their dependents runs high. Let’s have efficient, deserving and just op­eration of veterans affairs, but no more economy acts like the one of 1933.

Rom where I sit... Joe Marslt

Who's A Foreigner?

While I’m waiting for a hair­cut the other day, Slim Hartman lets slip with a crack about those “foreigners” who live by the depot.

“Now wait a minute, Slim," snaps Doc Sherman. “ Don’t forget we’re all ‘foreigners’ more or less. Some of our families have simply been here longer than others. But even if they came over on the May­flower, ^ney were foreigners to the Indians.”

Slim gets a little red and you could see that Doc had him. "And the reason they came here,” he goes

on, "was to find freedom to do and think as they wanted to bo long as they didn’t tramp on the rights of the other fellow."

From where I ait, America became the great land It is today through onr being tolerant of different peo­ple and different tastes—whether it’s ■ taste for square dsnriag or waltzing, radio or movies, goat’s milk or a temperate glass of spar­kling beer.

^ o e Otituu#.

—Good grade envelopes, printed with your name and address In upper left-hand corner, 60c per hundred.—Plain dealer.

Copyright, 1949, United States Bremers FoundaUov

Try Plaindealer Want Ads for Result i


Mo'Uh VoSbmSL! Ski


2 V;

• • • *

fM flidalro and ONLY Frig Moire hem a ll those features

r—Mori innous cold-maker ever balk. Sealed-in-tte«!, oiled for life. Ample power to meet every need, yet cots current costs to the bone. Only Prigidsire bes it ‘

exctvRlve Qulckubs Trays—Fast-freezing Quickube Trays with instant Cube-Re- Uaaa. Even hard-frozen trays come out M r nuges-touch, auw Cubes pop up, one or a trayful, trigger-quick.

OSuss-Tapped HydnSor — It’s all porce­lain with staioleas porcelain floor tad it’s big. Keeps H bushel fruits and veg- arables dewy fresh snd moist for dtys.

3*ast — Full -width and extra cold for storing frozen food or frecziaglt. Individual freezer shelves for Quickube Trays mtke ice cubes fsstcr than ever. (Only in De Luxe Models).

Super-Freezer—I.srgc frozen storage space with Multi-purpose Storage Tray and Quickube Treys. Holds up to 36 pack- sges of frozen food. (In Master Models)

UtoMe PM Tap —New Sat-top design means another shelf in your kitchen. Handy resting place for trays and food when loading or unloading refrigerator.

1-Year Plan — Theyea ptag In yoat New Frigidaira, the 5-Year Protection Plea is la affect. P(o- sectioc against service expense on the seal ad-In mechanism for 5 years I

A ll th aee o th er f s o tu rn s , to o l• Porcelain interior

• Rust-resistant shelves


There are nine famous Frigidaire models avail­able for any size family or kitchen. All are '’com­pact’’ models that use less kitchen space than ever before. The first time you see them, you’ll quickly understand why. these new Frigidaires are called "the more of everything refrigerators” . . . more usable space on the new, fiat top . . . more frozen food storage space . . . more spare for leafy vegetables . . more usable shelf space for other foods . . more food storage capacity per dollar! See Frigidaire before you buy!

FRMMDAIRE Da Luxe DJ-7 4This compact De Luxe Frigidaire has 7 cubic ft. storage space, 1.3 cubic Ft. frozen storage space in the full-width Super-Freezer Chest. Sliding Basket- Drawer for storage of eggs and small packages, 16.2 square feet of food storage space on heavy- duty aluminum shelves. Be sure to see it.

Ask About Convenient Towns Also 9 cu. ft. and 11 cw. ft. models

^ PRinmAiDP M aster MJ-7atid lots of i t ! Actually 7.7 cubic ft. of

storage space with 14.4 square ft. of shelf area and a large Super-Freezer. The f is s f ia m u-fcL purpose Storage Tray (inside the freezer) holds 5 quarts. Shelves are rust-resistant, food compert- ment is all porcelain. Be sure to see it.

$23975 Ask A bout i$209.76

\ Terms

Adt a. t f e v n o o f t P R IG lO A lR E SL .Ms. - r I ti • ? T

A 14 it-' . TjU, i<OtJ t

1 1 1 > i

1*« n6titoi> ,9AO narfl tat a m *Beta ■ >.

■ ■■ * .,



| Central States News Views

-WUcoiuln’s irehtry deer hunting season was a big eutcess, according to Bernard Hovy of 'Manitowoc, who brought hom*o this eight-pointed 175-pound buck.

t? : r■QrX'

.lav. * *1


u .

.I 4b-I .

^ **Ithrvi > « •:

SERVICE PRODUCESSERVICE — Employees in Lee Anderson’s new auto sales and service center at Lake Orion, Mich., get super service in this barber shop for employees and custom­ers. Here, at left, An­derson, who believes good service to his staff results In good service to customers, watches Manager Leipprandt get Orst haircut In sanitary clay tile lined barbershop. (Meyer)

DOORSTEP BABIES—These four baby puppies, left on his doorstep, brought expres- slonsof ineffable joy to face of Pat Floyd Van Geerty, 1V4, who was overjoyed at unexpected gift. Helpless whelps, obviously coming from a good home, appeared to be of genuine mongrel strain Authorities theorized that mother, unable to sup­port them, derided to leave her offspring where she hoped they u iind a better home

G i a n t S n a i l s M e n a c e

G u a m a s N a v y H u n t s

F o r A n s w e r t o P l a g u eWASHINGTON. - The United

States navy would like to know whatever happened to the bright young scientist it sent to South Africa in search of a snail eater

If the boy doesn't come back pretty soon, we're going to have to move out of Guam, not to mention Saipan, to make room for the giant African snails which are multiply­ing faster than the shmoo.

History of the snail plague is this:

A Capt^jn W. F. Jennings, assist­ant chief of naval operations on Guam, appeared before a house subcommittee wearing a weary look. He said that when the Japs first moved onto Guam they brought their lunch with them, snails, which the Nips dearly love.

The marines and G.I.s who took over had a lot of beans and spam and, hence, little appetite for snails. So the snails, left to their own devices, started to multiply.

Captain Jennings told the com­mittee the snails, measuring four to six inches in length and weigh­ing up to a pound and a half, were raising the very devil with vege­tation on Guam. There are 11,000 arable acres on the island—good for raising com, potatoes, peas, mel­ons and sugar, all liked by snails.

The navy yelped for help and the naval research council and the de­partment of agriculture responded. They sent a lone scientist to Africa, from whence came the snails, to find a natural enemy..

The man hasn't sent a report in, or even a “wish you were here" card. Investigators went through a flood of channels and couldn't even learn the man’s name, although the navy is sure it sent somebody down there.

W l ] mT

1 : a :i 1* OPPORTU N ITY KN O CKS m i l *

CLASSIFIED RATES—One and a half cents a word, with mini­mum charge of 35c. Second or more insertions of same ad, one cent per word, minimum charge 25c. Blind ads 10c extra.

Display classified, 50 cents per column inch, with minimum charge of $1.00. Repeat display classified advertisem*nt, 40c per column inch.

FOR SALE—220 acres known as Klley homestead. All good land.—B. 4 Carney.



% a t$ u ;o r tU I f la m d ia iP vCHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS Established 18TS

The Forrest News, established In 1888, consolidated with The Piaindealer. Do­ll. 1841.

Published Every ThursdayBy S. J. and K. R. Porterfield and

Leland Goodpastureflte&wod u second ***** m ttir At th i

poet office, Chateworth, IlUnota. under act of Marsh S. 1818.SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ILLINOIS

Omm T ts r ------------------------------- 11.00Sts Months________________11.00O st Y< Sts Mi

OUT OP ILLINOIS 11.10ll.tl11.10


g. J. Porterfield, roe. K. R. Porterfield, roe.


lu s t Ramblin’ Along—By 8JF

VACATIONING WITH PAYAccording to press dispatches

there are 218 Illinois people in Florida enjoying the balmy climate and drawing unemployment com­pensation at the same time. The same dispatch states that up to last week 520 Illinois people had applied for unemployment com­pensation while spending the winter in the south. The benefi­ciaries were said to be mostly domestics, bartenders, waitresses and others who are employed seasonally.

that the one-family farm is slowly being absorbed, and that is sad­dening to those of us brought up on thbse kind of farms in Illinois. But, as they constantly warn us —time marches on.

THOSE POLLSIf the recent election did noth­

ing else but show the American people that you can’t trust polls as the sure guide to public opin­ion, it did something most benefi­cial. We had about reached the place where we were guided in our thinking by what the polls said. We were mental sheep, following a trend that we thought was the popular way to think. We were letting others do our brain work for us. Evidently the attitude had not reached the point where there was no recovery from our lethargy. Believing ini statistics as ihe final word, not! using mental effort to figure out for ourselves, was becoming too popular a habit. It is well we were awakened, even though it has caused some red faces among the pollster# who had it all doped out for us ahead of time.

------------- 0--------------

‘Glamour.GirP Describes Modern Farmer’s Wife

CHICAGO — The American farmer’s wife is going to be the glamour girl of 1950, Mrs. Charles Sewell, administrative director of the Associated Wom­en of the Farm Bureau Federa­tion, declared here.

Mrs. Sewell told the Third Na­tional Electrification Congress that the next few years will see farm families place themselves on a par, or above the rest of the country, in home conveni­ences.

It Is the tremendous surge of new Ideas and equipment to the farm, she said, that will put the farmer’s wife beside her city sister In the field of glamour and as the typical American girl. The farmer's wife then, Mrs. Sewell said, will have the time necessary to membership in the glamdur division.

WANTED—Single man to work on farm; either year round or sea­sonal.—J. R. Heien, Strawn, II- inois. j27

WANTED—Carpenter and con­crete work and down spouting re­pairs or replacement.—John Dell­inger and H. Sorey, Chatsworth. Drop us a card for labor you wish done.

BEAN CLEANING, SEED oats cleaning and treating, with porta­ble machine. — Wm. Mangan, Strawn, Phone Sibley 76F3. lap49

NOTICE—The Tomlinson Shop will be located, after February 1st in the Doctor Shaddle building, one-half block north of the bank building. Open week days 9 jto 6 and to 9 p.m., on Saturday. j27

WILL THE PARTY who bor­rowed the emery wheels from a porch in the northeast part of town, please return. Party is known. 1 j27*

FULLER BRUSH CO. has open­ing for a reiable man with car In eastern part of Livingston county. Profits highest in history of com­pany. Permanent work. Write 420 Cannon Ave., Kankakee, Il­linois. f3*

WANTED — Short order cook.I Apply Highway Cafe, Forrest.| FRIGIDAIRES—An apartment size Frigidaire electric range and

; a 6-ft. Frigidaire were delivered this week to a Chatsworth couple

| (newlyweds) by the local dealer, |K. R. Porte.field. You are twice as sure with two great names — Frigidaire, made only by General Motors.

FOR SALE—Columbia seed oats —40 lbs. per bushel, high germi­nation test.—Jack Lawless, Chats­worth. *

FOR SALE—Several hundred bushels Mjndo oats eligible for cer­tification; also Columbia oats. These oats were harvested with a binder and threshed, are good seed oats, from the bin, $1.00 per bu. —Kohler Bros., Chatsworth.

DOESKIN dinner napkins 17*17 In size, 60 in box for 50c at Piaindealer. tf

FOR SALE—One Roper used gas range with porcelain stove top covers; excellent condition, with gas system, $135.00.—Rosenboom Bros.

FARMS AND VILLAGE pro­perty for sale.—Martin F. Brown

NEW PLAT BOOKS ARE READY—A new Livingston county plat book has been printed and is nQW on sale. Copies may be ob­tained at the Piaindealer office for $2 each. This is the first plat book published for ten years. Maps j for the book have been carefully drawn after careful study of tax and deed records of the county, j They are as accurate as it is pos-1 sible to make them.

FOR SALE—One used kitchen heater, like new, not chipped or j scratched, with water front. $25.'

Rosenboom Bros., Chatsworth.

FOR SALE—Rad clover seed; purity teat 99.86. Price $37 a bu­shel.—R. P. Homiekel, Route 7, Pontiac. jan27*

FOR SALE —- Modern white enamel range, in excellent condi­tion; replaced by electric range. —Mrs. John J. Kane, Chatsworth.

FOR SALE—Two Holstein, one Guernsey and one Swiss purebred heifer calves, 6 to 12 weeks old. One International 15-foot disc; one new John Deere 15-foot disc, $275. —Gerald Miller, Chatsworth. J27*

FOR Sa l e —Mixed baled hay; also 1984 Plymouth 2-door sedan —Harley Snow, one mile west andfour miles south erf Chatsworth,Mtapta. ____________ W

FOR SALE—Two young Short­horn bulls, 10 months old; Guem sey milk cow to freshen soon. A l ' so Columbia seed oats grown from field inspected seed.—Sidney Yo­der, Forrest. jan20*

FARMS AND REAL ESTATE for sale — B. J. Carney, Chats­worth. tf

FDR SALE—One used Norge electric range, $100.00. — Rosen­boom Bros., Chatsworth.

FOR SALE—1941 Super Deluxe Ford.—Charles Cole, Roberts. •

11 l"t '!■+■{ 4 I I I 1 1 : I I ; 1 t 4»M I 1 t I'H-H-H' I

S h e l l X - I 0 0


Acid Action from "On and Off Driving causes up to 90 per cent ■ • of engine wear. First few minutes of driving—before the engine , is warmed up—are the most critical. . . . ! '

In your short trips around town, to the office, to school for j 1 shopping, your engine is first “On,” and then "Off’—running for , , 10 or 15 minute intervals, seldom warming up to efficient oper­ating temperatures.

In these short ‘‘On” periods, combustion generally is incom- !! plete and partially burned combustion gases and moisture com- ■ > bine to form acids that attack vital engine parts chemically. This I ; biting acid action accounts for up to 90% of your engine s wear.

Acid Action - NOT friction - is Public Enemy No. T for your engine

Shell X-100 Motor Oil may be purchased at the Joe Baltz Garage, Leathers’ Produce and George Miller’s Garage.Shell Gasoline may be purchased at Leathers Produce For Tank Wagon Delivery on Shell Products call 138-R2.


M -H-H-M -S-k H 'l !■ !■■! 1 1 i i H i V »4 l-H -4-44-

POSTPONED—The barn dance at the high school gym, scheduled for last night had to be postponed

I due to bad weather but will be held next Wednesday evening, Feb­ruary 2nd.

—Coming public farm sale. — Herman Lehmann Est., Thursday, February 17.


A CHINESE PUZZLEIt's hard for the average

citizen who has to skimp and squirm to make ends meet and then have to dig up a liberal portion for income tax to figure out why the president, vice presi­dent, speaker of the house are to get a big boost in salary and thery. have it tax exempt. The vice president and speaker each gets $10,000 a year tax free and merafcers of congress themselves have been getting $2,500 tax free income plus 112,500 taxable.


You dwell in the city and yearn for fresh air, space and the so- called free country life. The man who lives on the farm often wish­es for the social and cultural ad­vantages offered by the city. In ■ recent study made by the Agricultural Commit te of Con-

ls a looking ahead

city workers will live In the country and, by that time,

will have more of the 01 city life. Effl-

•nd good business methods ihust be used by farmers, If they

to keep up with tMs oon- though The papulation

a f the nation is expected to In 15 to 20 per cent more

but farm equipment output 50 per cent more

than a t present, the report states. 1 W outlook for the small one fhmlly farm is not so good, but there wfil be a rise in the number of large, commercially operated

In the s ta y

Strawn News Notes- - - by Junior C lub

A birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kuntz in honor of their son, Jackie, and also in honor of Mrs. Kuntz’s father, W. H. Busby, of Weston. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Fran­cis Kuntz, Mr. W. H. Busby, Mrs. Cythla Kirchner,, and son, Dickie, of Falrbury, Mr. and Mrs. P. Flndham, of Colfax, Mrs. Belle Brieden, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken­neth Brieden.

Mr. and Mrs. William Deany, Jr., spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fecht of Roberts.

Mrs. Glen Knauer returned home Tuesday from the Fair bury, hospital where she underwent an operation January 12.

Cyril Brieden left for the Soutn 1 where he will spend several weeks vacationing and working.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavem Ballinger of Bloomington.

William Brand spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lavem Ball­inger of Bloomington.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Anderson ofS0 IM 6. I t Is predated 'tha t by * « * « ? «gw»t Friday with Mr.

and Mrs. Henry DeckerMr. ,and Mrs. Chester Stein

and Bonita visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Elliott of Falrbury.

Mrs. Everett Elliott and Robert were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Elliott of Falrbury.

Harry Hogerman spent the week-end a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. >W. S. Grise of Decatur.

Family Ufa Htld Strong Amid Industrial Chanfts

DETROIT. — The contemporary American family la far from any danger of disintegrating because of change in the national Industrial pattern—it is simply changing Its own pattern In response to changes It encounters.

This, and other statements of praise for the family unit in tha nation were delivered by author­ities on family life at the fifth bi­ennial meeting of the Family Serv­ice Association of America. 0

Speakers declared available evi­dence Indicates that tha adaptabil­ity of the family constitutes one of its principal strengths.

Dr. Charles 8. Johnson, sociolo­gist, declared that “In a dynamic society such as we have In Amer­ica, virtue does not Inhere in sta­bility but In adaptability to greatly accelerated social change."

Dr. Johnson said the American family has been undergoing a "pro­found and, to many students and social workers , a disturbing change." He referred to authorities who cite the increase in divorce, or the number of mothers holding jobs, as evidence the family Is breaking down as s social institu­tion.

The speaker declared that this. Instead of evidence of disintegra­tion, may be studied as a phase of the social orientation of the fam­ily in adjusting to the recasting of the role of the family, the changing status of women in Western cul­ture, and greatly accelerated so­cial change.”

The educator asserted also that the "tradition of unquestioned mala dominance in a family situation is in conflict with the democratic ideal of our society that huabands and wives are equal and that children’s personalities should be respected."

FOR SALE—Dining room suite, buffet, table and six chairs.—Le Roy Hawthorne, Roberts, 111. *

PT.AYER PIANO and rolls for sale $50. Write Musical Supply Co., 2013 W. Clarke St.. Milwau­kee, Wis., as to when piano can be seen In Chatsworth. f3#

FOR SALE—10 white pigs. Weaned.—Charles Dehm, Chats­worth. ‘ J27* i • -

FOR SALE—100 bales alfalfa; also 16 pigs.—Glen Dubree, Chats worth.

FOR SALE—1932 Ford coupe with 1936 motor; 4 new tires; ex­cellent running order. — Richard j . i Zorn, Phone 118-W1, Forrest.

FOR SALE — New 10 cu. ft. capacity original deep freeze home freezer. — Wm. Kilgore, Forrest. (J7*)__________________ 1

FOR SALE—120 acres In Ford county; possession March 1, 1949. —B. J. Carney, Chatsworth.

FOR SALE—Three grade heif­ers, bred to purebred Angus bull- - wili calf this springs—Chas. A. Cul- kin, Chatsworth, *

SPECIAL RADIO SALE—20% discount on all radios, starting to­day through February 5. 16 mod­els to choose from — Baldwin Hardware.

WILL SELL spinet type piano in Chateworth for $345 cash if tak­en at once. Write Rogers Piano Co., 530 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. Phone 8602.

FOR SALE—Size 7.00-15 car tire chains, new.—Bill Knit ties, Chatsworth, 111.

CAR OF EASTERN KEN­TUCKY furnace coal on track soon. Order your grass seeds for spring. — The Livingston Grain Co., Chatsworth.


Pontiac, Illinois

; has an opening for a Blue Seal dlrect-to-the-farm feed sales ;

This work offers a splendid opportunity to serve farmers , \ with a well accepted service from a Farm Bureau Cooperative.

FOUNTAIN PENS—Have a few left of those real good pens at $1 tax paid. Guaranteed and a free trial at The Piaindealer.

TODAY’S LOCAL M ARKETSNew Com .....,....................... $1.30Oats _____________ 66°Soy Beans .......... $2.30Stags ----- 20cOld Roosters ...........~.... ......... 20cHeavy Hens ..... 35cLeghorn Hens .................... — 24cEggs ....... .............— .... - ....... 36cCream....................... 62c

------------- o----- ---------—Have you read the want ads’

Meal Careful PsreateTot parental energy in

after Its young, the house wren has all other birds topped. One wren

•corded aa haying fed Its MIT times during tha day-

Glantar Photographer lay* Woman’s Lags Ravaal Ago

NEW YORK.—An expert can teD a woman's age by looking at her legs, says Larry Gordon, photog­rapher of glamour girls.

It’s easier in a bathing ault than a new look gown, at course, but If the lady will lift her skirt to b knees, the expert can tell in a flash what the beautician tries to seal.

"It's the blood lines in back of the knees and around the ankles,*’ Gordon said. "It’s easy. An expert can guess a woman's age within a year."

The female leg, from the knee down, Is a tattle (fate In more ways than ooe Gordon said

January Clearance Sale Ends Saturday Night, January 29

Fast Colored Print reg. 59c, now ........

Unbleached Sheeting, ches wide, reg. 89cnow ............—

Men’s Union Suite reg. $2.79, now

Sweat Shirts reg. $1.98; now

Men’s SanforizedOveralls...........

Men’s Blue or Grey Work Shirts g I C Oreg. $1.96, rfow 4 > l e « ? 9

Cotton Serge A & a ireg. 75c, now ....... “ A y

Men's Heavy Fleeced Pants,— sizes 44 to 50 r tO O Qpair ...l......... .......

Men’s Dress Rubbers—regular­ly 52.25 * - - -

Wish Bone Coffee4 pound p a ll......

Red (Cherries 2 cans for



4 9 c


FRIGIDAIRE — 1948 De Luxe Model like new.

CROSLEY SHELVADOR -1947 model; used very short time.

FRIGIDAIRE—Just re finished; runs good.

COLD6 POT—De Luxe job; runs good. /

WESTINGHOUSE De Luxe; runs like new.

These refrigerators are priced to sell and guaranteed to pleaseyou.

N. M. La Rochelle(?hat#w orth Illinois


StabUiiy — Good FayIf Interested please contact the general office In the Farm

Bureau Building at 222 W. Madison Street, Pontiac.

■H44-H H 4-4 4 h+4 -H I H I I 44 i H »4 H M l


PUBLIC SALEHaving decided to quit farming, wv will sell at public auction at

alf m" ' ‘ .......................mile west of north side of Melvin, six miler

Insurance Real Estate Farm Loans Farm


We write alt types of insurance and Bonds . . . Grain prices are still high; Insure your grain on the farm and be safe.

Kohler Bros. & Company


the farm located one-ha east of Sibley, on

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1949Starting at 11 a.m., the following property;

Farm Machinery to farm 1,000 AcresTractors—One 1947 M Farmall tractor, IHC; one 1947 H Farm s li

tractor, IHC; one 1946 John Deere tractor. Model A.Cultivators— One IHC cultivator for M tractor; one IHC cultivator

for H tractor; one John Deere cultivator for A tractor.Plows—One 3-bottom IHC plow, 16-inch; one 3-bottom IHC plow,

14- inch; one 3-bottom IHCplow, 12 Inch; one 2-bottom IHC plow, 14 inch; one 2-bottom Massey Harris plow, 14 Inch.

Hay Tools—One John Deere hay chopper; one John Deere hay rake; one John Deere hay blower.

Discs One John Deere 15-ft. disc, 18-inch blade; one John Deere15- ft. disc, 16 inch blade; one John Deere 15-ft. disc, 16 Inch blade; one IHC 14-ft. disc. 16 Inch blade.

Seeding Equipment One 1948, 490 John Deere com planter, onrubber, 4-row; one 999 nearly new horse planter; two Johp Deere oatsseeders.

Grain Handling Equipment—One John Deere grain elevator, 52 ft. long, 18 inches wide; two overhead jacks; one drive on jack; onespeed Jack.

Harrows One 4-sectlon iron harrow; one 4-sectlon Iron harrow; one 4-sectlon wood harrow.

Harvest*!* Equipment—One 2M IHC com picker; 2-horae mowers with tractor hitch; one 2-wheel 21 ton implement trailer; two rubber running gears with Anthony box; one rubber running gear with wood­en box; one straight box rubber tired trailer; one steel running gears with wooden box; two hay racks 14x8 feet

Other Miscellaneous Equipment—One hammermill, Oliver; one garden tractor and cultivaor; one John Deere manure spreader; one IHC manure spreader; one IHC manure louder;’ five w ater tanka with hog waterers; four cattle feed troughs 16 f t long; one 16-hole hog feeder; one 4-hole bog feeder; one hog oiler; one oil tank heater; one electric tank heater; one long hog trough; one Wisconsin 5-horae air cooled motor; one set new tractor chains, 10x38; 14x30; 12x38; one Briggs A Stratton 3-horse motor; one Briggs A Stratton K horse mo­tor; ten gas barrels; 150 hedge comer posts; one brooder house and feeders and waterers. Miscellaneous articles too numerous to men­tion.

82 Head of Cuttle—T-B and Bangs tested. Three milk cows; eight heifers, wt. 700 lbs.; twenty steers, wt. TOO lbs,; one calf.

Terms of galec Cart. No property to be removed until terms of are compiled with. Articles left after sale a t

nsIMe sheNot responsible should accident occur

D U F - F Y B R O T H E R SCol. J. F. Donovan, Auctioneer Milton Rueck

Lunch Stand on Ground by CollinsClerk


—26 gabardine , $26.00 each; all n The Style Shop, Pc

Mr. and Mrs. Le Chicago, stopped j Saturday on their v a business trip . to

Rev. Paul E. Row arrived here on W ning of last week i Rev. Rowgo Is the the Calvary Baptl a young man of p] ality. Their house*, trucked here by earlier In the week

—Loads of new and coats now l Style Shop, Pontlai

Mr. and Mrs. A. have received woi son, Francis X., of has been selected t further his electri New London, Oo School.

—Bargains galor Shop this week-en<

Nothing could be /. . . than a lov lected from s on display at S

S m i t h ’ sOver 50 yran

In Por

W hat’sDid you km burglary Inst not only silvei furs, but evi you own i

Are You

• R eel B

M . F . iOhetewor

p h o n e m



i . r /» v1* ■ :■Br" ’ 'T V : >.y*v. *** 1 _

•■» /•' -q

ixed bated hay; th 3-door sedan le mite weat and of Chatsworth,

__________ J27*vo young Short- nths old; Guam reshen soon. Al*“ oats grown from *ed.—Sidney Yo-


TJ a n ^ a a i£ H ^ B B n B n


ESTATE y, Chats


Nto 90 per cent are the engine

, to school for ’—running for efficient oper-

rally la Incom- molsture com- lemlcally. This engine’s wear.

: Enemy

at the Joe ge Miller’s

re Produce •ducts call



>PLY C O .::

'arm feed sales '

> serve farmers i Cooperative.

Ice in the Farm


H-M-M-M -M-H 44 i

ALEit public auction at of Melvin, six miter

3, 1949operty:

00 Acresone 1947 H Farms I:1 A.; one IHC cu it I vs toretor.3-bottom IHC plow, ttom IHC plow, 14

ne John Deere hay

de; one John Deere 16 inch blade; one

re com planter, on wo John Deere oats

jrain elevator, 52 ft. drive on Jack; one

lection iron harrow,

ker; 2-horse mowers trailer; two rubber

Ing gear with wood- steel running gears

lermlll, Oliver; one anure spreader; one ve w ater tanks with ng; one 16-hole hog oil tank heater; one Hsoonsln 5-horse air j 14x38; 13X38; one tratton 34 horse mo- s brooder house and o numerous to men

tree milk cows; eight ne calf.P O W ^ tttJW M O f

ER8Milton Rusck, Clarkline

t n t d

’o w n .a

—26 gabardine., suits at only 326.00 each; all new lengths.— The Style Shop, Pontiac.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heringer of Chicago, stopped In Chatsworth Saturday on their way home from a business trip to Roberts.

Rev. Paul E. Rowgo and family arrived here on Wednesday eve­ning of last week from Michigan. Rev. Rowgo is the new pastor of the Calvary Baptist church and a young man of pleasing person­ality. Their household goods were trucked here by Marvin Cole earlier In the week.

—Loads of new spring suits and coats now in stock.—The Style Shop, Pontiac.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haberkom have received word that thel,r son, Francis X., of the U. S. Navy has been selected by the Navy to further his electrical studies at New London, Cbnn. Submarine School.

—Bargains galore at The Style Shop this week-end.

Nothingcould be finer . . ., . . than a lovely ring se­lected from among those on display at Smith’s.

S m i t h ’s J e w e l r yOver 50 years of service

in Pontiac


What's Gone?Did you know that our burglary Insurance covers not only silver, Jewelry and furs, but everything that you own •

Are You Insured 7

• Real E s ta te

U. F. BROWNObatsworUt. lIMnnla

—See our sale racks of dresses, ooats, suits, etc.—C r o u c h ’ sPontiac.

A pot-luck dinner was served Sunday at the Joseph J. Endres home in honor of the birthday of Charles V. Endres. Those from out of town were Mr. and tyra. Wm. Streff of Loda, Mrs. George Anderson of Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wlsthuff and son, Danny, and Mrs. Kathryn Breunig of Gib­son City and Mrs. Henry Whately of Falrbury.

—Many excellent bargains on our sale racks.—Crouch’s, Pontiac.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Drendel spent the week-end at Portage, Wisconsin, visiting Mrs. Drendel’s two brothers, and their families. On their way home Monday they stpped off in Chicago and attended the radio broadcasts, "The Break­fast Club." "Welcome Travelers,’’ and "Ladles, Be Seated.” Their two children, Sharon and Freddie, stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drendel.— Culiom Chronicle. Mrs. Drendel is the former Evelyn Carney, of Chatsworth.

—See our beautiful new spring dresses purchased on trip to New York.—The Style Shop, Pontiac.

Dr. H. A. McIntosh is in Chi­cago this week attending cancer clinics at different medical col­leges and hospitals. He is rep­resenting a number of doctors of this area. He planned to be back in his office Saturday.

—4jth Annual Fireman Ball, Chatsworth, Thursday, Feb. 10th.

J. Lester Haberkom and Karl Denton are directing and taking part in a home town minstrel show staged in Streator last night and again tonight The Show is being sponsored by the Elks lodge.

—Get your ticket from any of the Chatsworth firemen for their Ball, Thursday, Feb 10th. f3

Mrs. Heinz Eckhardt, of Santa Monica, California, is arriving to­night at the Chicago airport to be with her mother, Mrs. Roy Ben­nett. a patient at Falrbury hospi­tal.

—Firemen Ball, Grand Ball Room Chatsworth, Thursday, Feb. 10th. f3

Due to weather conditions the rural polio solicitation has been slowed up. Those not solicited are asked to leave their contri­butions a t the Citizens Bank.


Woman Victim Of Car Accident Dies In Falrbury

Wednesday’s Pontiac Leader re­ports that Mrs. Catherine Gelse, 68, Injured In a car accident 21 miles west of Falrbury at 5 o’clock Tuesday evening, died In the Falr­bury hospital at 11 o’clock that night.

Henman H. Leuger, brother of Mrs. Gelae, with whom she was riding, attempted to pass a car driven by Tamils Wenger. Then the cars proceeded westward side

| by side, fenders of both hooked, causing the mishap.

Mrs. Gelse was In a critical con­dition when taken with her brother to the hospital. He was dazed but not hurt seriously. Wenger, the other driver, was not reported at the Falrbury hospital.

Leuger, of Votkins, Ohio, and his sister were en route to Arkansas after a visit with their brother in Michigan.

The body was taken to Michi­gan for burial.

Ts Stretch Ham barterA good way to stretch hamburg

ar la by adding ona beaten egg and some cooked noodles. For edded flavor, season with a minced onion, salt, pepper and Worcestershire snucc. or serve with tomato sauce.


LARGE JUICEORANGES, per dozen..........................37i

COFFEE, per lb. 53cSW IFTS ORIOLEBACON, per lb. 49c

TIDE, 2 boxes 61cPARK AY, per lb. 16c

MARSHMALLOWS, 4 1/4 lb. pkga..31c PORK SAUSAGE, per lb ._____ ___ 49c



Educational Council Further Discusses Unit School Affairs

The Chatsworth Educational Council held Its second meeting on Thursday night, January 20th, at the high school. About twenty members of the council and Inter­ested parties spent a couple of hours discussing the unit system, the local educational need In ten more years, possible- consolidation with other high school districts and the size of the new proposed gymnasium.

Possibilities of joining with For­rest and Strawn, or with Piper City or with Culiom were discuss­ed without any recommendations being made. The territory In the local petition will support a high school and there Is much senti­ment to .force the county superin­tendent to call an election.

As matters stand now Chats­worth and Forrest each have a pe­tition for a unit district which should be up for a vote soon. If the -vote passes one board will be elected to conduct all 12 grades. If It fails the present grade and high school territories will remain as at present. There is no sen­timent at all which favors any consolidation which would take the high school out of town. The new Ag building and the new gym which may be started this spring wllf give Chatsworth the finest secondary school set-up in this ter- ritory.

Some fans were present to try to have the plans of the new gym revised to seat more patrons. The blue prints are complete but can be changed of course. The plans call for three more rows of bleach­ers than Piper City; six feet longer (thus giving end room for seats) and a wider stage About 1500 can be taken care of, which may or may not be enough for a town of 1,000.

Piper City has invited local school boards to a meeting there this Saturday evening. Professor Lindstrom of the U. of I., is to speak| Forrest and Strawn have also organized a guest meeting for Chatsworth. Mr. Cox of the Il­linois Agricultural Association will be the speaker on February 10th at the Forrest high school gym.

Wednesday, February 9th, has been Bet for the county council meeting so local patrons may rest assured that when a vote is finally called, all avenues of that will have been explored.

Bluebirds Win a Game, and Then Lose a Game

An even split was the best that the Chatsworth township high school baaketeers could gain since the last publication. The Bluebirds registered VV win No. 6 Friday night at Saunerrtn, walloping the home team 56-20. Sauitemln had little to offer as they failed to get clicking. Only Cleary could score more thsnJone field xoai.

For Chatsworth the scoring was rather evenly distributed. Jim Mauritzen and Tom Askew led the scorers with eleven points each; Paul Klehm 9, Jim Zorn 7, Dick Fortna and Jim Bennett 6, Fran­cis JCrohn 4 and Ronnie Wisthuff 2. Arlen Kuntz and Jack Stad- ler also played.

In the second team game Saune- min walked off an easy 41-15 tri­umph. Every member of the re­serve squad saw action aplenty. Falrbury Wins Overtime

At Falrbury Tuesday night the Bluebirds dropped a 42-38 over­time to the Tarters. The game was close throughout and the lead changed hands several times but Falrbury led at each quarter by 11-9; 22-20; 28-27 scores. The score was 37-87 at the end of the regulation time, but Falrbury scored five points to Chatsworth’s one to win 42-38.

The Bluebirds offense was slow­ed down by the absence of Tom Askew, who la nursing a case of measles. Various combinations were used to offset the boys with Ronnie Wisthuff playing most of the time. Dick Fortna picked up four personal fouls early In the game and had to be side-lined for much of the second half. Later he returned to {he game but a fifth foul sent him to the showers to txv followed soon by Paul Klehm.

Jim Mauritzen led the scorers with 12 points; J. Bennett 8; Dick Fortna 7; Jim Zorn 6; Paul Klehm 3 and Ronnie Wisthuff 2, complet­ed the scoring. Francis K^ohn and Charles Haberkom did not score. •

The Bluebird reserves salvaged the curtalnralser, with a great sec­ond half as they overcame a 16-7 haftime deficit to win 36-32. The little boys held Falrbury to three points while getting 20 for them­selves

It was a great display of courage after 6 ragged disorganized first half.

Charles Haberkom and Arlen Kuntx each ecored 12, Tom Kerber T, Franck Krohn 4. Jack Stadter 1; Donald Kane, Gerry B artlett, Bob Back, and Bill RIbordy did not mom.

People, Spots In The News8DNKI8T ICICLES this Long Beach greenhouse as California thermometers dipped to 27.9, lowest on record there. These plants were deliberately “iced” by sprinkler system to protect them.

BACK AGAIN—Dean Ache son, Yale and Harvard grad­uate who had been under­secretary in both the Treasury and State departments, has been named secretary of state to

AUTHOR James C. Hilton, who is writing new novel with American background to celebrate his coming Amer­ican citizenship, receives con­gratulations of film star Ida Lupino at rehearsal for Hall­mark Playhouse, of which he js host and narrator.

TWENTY FEET off the ground at once are caught by camera as five horses take home-stretch turn at Callente track. "Torch’

______ “Adorable(extreme left) came around outside to win.

WEEKLY REVIEWand Farm Outook Letter -

Department Agricultural Economics

University of Illinois January 20, 1949

L H. "Larry" Slmerl The Gloomy View

Now that you have filed income tax estimate for 1948, you know that the peak of postwar profits is past From what we see and hear, profits from farming last year were much smaller than In 1947. There are many reasons for believing that farm incomes may get another sharp trimming in 1949. Here are some of the things that point that way:

Prices of farm products are still relatively high. Therefore they can take quite a fall. Let's look back and see what prices were' in August 1939, just before World War II began in Europe Here is what we find:

Corn, per bu., 38c; Soybeans, per bu., 60c; Oats, per bu., 24c; Wheat, per bu., 57e; Hogs, per 100 lb., $5.60; Beef cattle, per 100

lib., $7.70; Milk, per 100 ]b„ $1.50; Milk cows, per head, $60.00; Butterfat, per lb., 21c; Chickens, per lb.. 13c; Turkeys, per lb., 12c; Eggs, per doz 13c.

Those prices look mighty low, don’t they? And, remember, those were the acual prices that Illinois farmers were getting in August, 1939 That was after six years of attempts to raise prices by dollar devaluation, acre­age restrictions, marketing quotas, etc.

Now you can take your pencil and write in present prices. Then you will agree that present prices are very high in relation to prewar figures. That is why we say that prices of farm prod­ucts even now are up where they could fall a long way. Here arc a few things that may make them fall:

Foreign Demand Weaker The foreign demand for our

food is weakening. European countries are making good pro­gress in restoring agricultural production. Weather conditions throughout, much of Europe have been favorable for wheat and Other winter grains. Further­more, food production in food­exporting countries other than the U. S. is increasing

storm already has begun. First, many businesses, large and small, have about completed their present expansion programs. Expenditures for new plants and equipment are expected to be much smaller in 1949 than in 1948. That means less employ­ment in those lines.

Second, consumers are not so desperate to buy new cars, houses, household equipment, furniture, etc., as they were a year or so ago. Mbjt of the G. I.’s and war workers have found places to eat and sleep and have acquiredother "necessities." Now they can wait and hope for lowerprices before making further investments.

Third, farmers are more cau­tious in buying farm and home equipment than they have been for several years. They, too, arefairly well supplied with such equipment as cars, tractors,trucks, and other machinery.

Fourth, credit has been tight­ened ’up considerably during he past year. The most important development along this line is the substantial increase in interest rates discourage would-be bor­rower-buyers. Economists gen­erally consider an increase in interest rates to be deflationary.

Altogether, this is not a bright picture for "^farmers. But don't go out and fall under the tractor. Remember, we have presented in this letter only the unfavorable in the outlook.

Culiom Here Friday NightIn an all-important W contest

the Bluebirds take on- the Culiom Ramblers here Friday night. First game at 7 p m

Chatsworth owns two very close victories over Culiom. The last be­ing a double overtime affair.

Next Tuesday night Chatsworth goes way up north to Herscher for a W game.

Domestic Demand Down, Toor e domestic demand for food

also is slackening. Consumers are not buying food so freely as they did a year ago. Wage rates are still going up, but increasing unemployment may cause total consumer buying power to decline. Recent figures show that un .employment is Increasing faster than at any other time since the war.

I t la easy to find other dark clouds on the business lx In fact, there are many believe that the

Mt In#

Get your kitchen Philco now.

............................. .... ......................... .... 4



If a bank loan will help you finance t

needed farm machinery, revitalize your

soil, repair farm buildings, or

improve your farm in other

ways — we are here to help

with a low-cost bank loan.



CitijenA Bask0 CkatAucrtk


vam anBM iinam ziBaniaaM Baim iim inzzBim anBm inizm m nzazBnzzzazBBm

O OWe Have a Complete Stock of the Best Grades of

• Eastern Kentucky• Southern Illinois• West Virginia• Pocahontas Briquets

We have in transit a car of Eastern Kentucky Block "Ash Lo" and West Virginia Lump "Glen Valle/'

We load and screen the coal for you__________ *


S t o c k T a n k s

2x2x4, plain $18.952 |^ x 2x6, plain ......... 27.953x2x8, plain .................. 38.952x2x4, with hog waterer 29.952*/2x2x6 , with hog waterer 39.953x2x8, with hog waterer ......... 49.95


Phone 202 On Route 24—Chatsworth

ATOMIC FEEDSIn buying a roast or steak at the meat, market, do you purchase the largest one you can find at the cheapest price listed, or do you

INSIST — ON — QUALITYA bag of feed is similar to a steak in th a t respect, as the more volume you gef for your money the cheaper the grade.

Atomic Grain Balancer Prodnces Those Extra Pkafits---------------------- S O L D B Y .................... ......................................... .


Formor*' Groin Gow off ChorioVtoU k,


m e c h a t s w o r t h p ia in d e a u l r , c h a t u N o a

' . . , « r*

ome to tfhurc^,d u c a l tn m v D u n c w n f H

9:80 ajn., Sunday school.10:80 am , Morning Worship.

Message; “The Joys of Church Membership”. Feature: Formal installation of newly elected church and organization officers.

The Home Builders will enjoy an evening of Social Fellowship In the church parlors next Sun­day evening. A pot-luck supper will precede. Interesting films pf motion pictures will be shown by Arthur Netherton.

The Father-Son Banquet will be held in church parlors Wednesday evening, Feb. 2nd, sponsored by The Men's Brotherhood, begin­ning at 6:30. Kenneth Askew of Pontiac, formerly associated with the Reformatory and during the war in Government Secret Serv­ice in many lands, will bring a most interesting message.

The Women’s Missionary Soci­ety monthly meeting will be held Thursday afternoon, Feb. 3rd, at 1:30 o’clock.

Edmund E. Keiser, Minister


The fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Bible School 9:30 a.m. Graded studies in Christian growth for youth and adults.

Divine Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastoral message “Confessors of Christ” from St. Matthew 10: 32-33. A group of adult will be received into our Christian com­munion by the rite of confirmation.

Ladies' Aid and Missionary Society Thursday, Feb. 3 at 1:30 p. m.

Senior Luther League, Thurs­day, Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m.

The pastor expects to attend the Rural Pastor's Institute at the University of Illinois, Feb. 1 to 3.

Karl F. Trost, Pastor

CALVARY BAPTIST9:45 a.m.—Sunday School.

Parents and children are invited to this profitable hour.

10:45 a.m.-—Morning Worship. Message “Christian Fruit Bear­ing”. We extend an invitation to all to this worship service.

6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples’ Serv­ices at the church.

7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Services —"The Wilderness, or The King’s House.” This informal hour of singing, testimonies and Gospel preaching will help you. Join with us this Lord’s Day.

Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Prayer and Praise Service at the church.

Friday, 7:30 p.m.—Young Adult Social at the Clyde Wilson home. A real evening of fun and fellow­ship. Don’t fail to come.

Saturday—Youth For Christ at Stuiiieuiin high school gym. Rev. Robert Foster, former athlete and coach will speak. Help fill a car this Saurday.

Paul E. Rowgo, Pastor Clyde Wilson, S. S. Supt.


(Emmanuel)9:30—Sunday school Chris

Jensen (Sup’t).10:30 — W o r s h i p Service.

Sermon to have missionary Em­phasis. Please be prepared for Missionary offering. The mem­bers of Catechism will be taken into the church as members during this service.

The W.S.W.S. Tuesday, Feb. 1, 1:80 p m at the church.

The annual birthday party of the church Friday, Feb. 4 at 7:00 p.m.

(Charlotte)9:30 a.m.—S u n d a y School.

Hollo Haren (Sup’t )10:30 am.—Devotional Service. 10:30 am.—Children’s Service 7:00 p.m.—Preaching Service.

Theme: “The Inheritance of the Meek”.

c*ntis L. Price, Pastor

M ETH O D IST CHURCH9:48—Church School worship

services and classes are held for children, young people, young mar- rled adults and adults in the church house.

11:00—Morning church worship services in the sanctuary-

8:00—Youth Fellowship services a t the church.

Alfred S. Wakefield, Pastor

Looking BackwardItem s G leaned F rom Tbe Plalndealers of Yesteryear

FORTY YEARS AGO January 22, 1909

The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Felt was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, when .their daughter, Miss Jennie M., was united in marriage with Mr. Arthur H. Pearson, son of Mrs. Hannah Pearson. Miss Ida Felt, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, Mr. Ira Pearson was best man, and Miss Ethel Roth played the wedding march. Rev. O. E. Clapp performed the cer­emony in the presence of about sixty guests. The bride’s dress was of white China silk, trimmed with lace and ribbon and she carried a bonquuet of bride’s roses, while the bridesmaid's dress was of creme voile. The room was decorated with carnations, ferns, and smilax.

S. J. Porterfield, of Cullom, was in Chatsworth on Tuesday after­noon, and made a pleasant call at the Plaindealer office.

On Wednesday evening, shortly after dark, the school house in district, No. 255, known as Center school, came near being destroyed by fire, and had it not been for Chester Bayston, who discovered the blaze, the district would be without a school building. The stove doors had been left open and coals fell upon the floor, setting it on fire, but Mr. Bay- ston’s discovering it enabled its being extinguished with no further damage than a hole in the floor. Miss Jane Hagaman is the teacher.

THIRTY YEARS AGO January 23, 1919

Robert Henry, the eight months oki child of Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Brammer, died Monday morn­ing, Jan. 13, 1919, after a short illness of forty-eight hours He was born April 28, 1918.

Sherman Turner received word from the War Department some time ago that his brother, George Turner, had been killed in action in France on Nov. 10. They have now received word from the de­partment that the report of his death was an error as he is ill in a hospital in France and, while it is hard to think of- him being ill it is better news than that

lr$ h ere /

tA e 'H c to


Urn ftio Now GOLD STAR Model with 31 Improved M echanical Feature*

COMB IN TODAY!Sm haw EZEE FLOW Pulverize*, Mixes

mi form applications of , . regardless of condition Is . . . without cloM ing tbe EZEE FLOW n ucro- foe accurate sowing and . front An tractor teat!

PERFORMANCE OU A RA N TIID IBof It fo r L o a f Llfn and Y aars o f TroobU-Frce ppacarion The New 10- foot G old 8«ar SERB FLOW Jv^the

AonEGGers’ & Co., Inc,Forrest and Falrbury, III.


formerly received by his relatives and friends.

We learned yesterday thatAuctioneer R. K. Johnson, partner of J. P. Crawford, had died Tues­day evening, after a few days illness, from pneumonia. Our informant also stated that Mrs. Johnson was seriously ill from the same disease.

TWENTY YEAB8 AGO January 24, 1929

Mrs. Ivan Fletcher was op­erated on for appendicitis in a Chicago hospital Saturday and is reported as convalescing nicely. She will be remembered as Katharyn Phipps, a Chatsworth girl.

Mrs. Edward Bouhl was able to be brought home from the Pontiac hospital last week. She was taken there following an attack of influenza. She is still in a weakened condition but slowly regaining her health.

A party of young people surprised Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bennett last night at the Earl Harrington farm. The party was made a charavari party and a fine social time resulted.

Harold Pearson, who passed through a double operation for hernia in a Bloomington hospital one day last week, is reported as recovering nicely. His condi tion was found to be much worse than expected before the operation and his recovery was therefore, slower than expected.

FIFTY YEARS AGO January 27, 1899

Mr. T. Y. Brown's condition is reported to be very serious tills morning. His extreme age makes it almost impossible for his physical forcefe to withstand the debilitating effects of his illness, pneumonia.

The friends of Austin Moran will regret that he is lying crit­ically ill at his home in the north-­east part of town. So serious is his condition that his life is despaired of. His health has been poor for some time past, and he is now in the last stages of quick consumption, with no hopes of recovery.

Born—On Saturday, Jan. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hubley, re­siding north of here, near the river, a son.

It is with regret that Miss Anna Coughlin’s many friends learn that she lies very ill with lung trouble.

Word received from Miles Cook, of Chicago, by his mother, Mrs. E Cook, states that he is the proud father of a son, bom the forepart of the week.

The Body With No Smoki

tat V

v> .

The oun above Isn't a firebug trying to burn •» near applying a smoke teat to a new 1848 modal

_ Fisher Body laboratories in Detroit. Tt left creates a vacuum inside the oar aad Urn

Hah aa In

laboratoriessmoke torch around door aad window opealaga can fflm y determine if there is an air leak. Details of this and numerous similar ingenious automotive experiments are featured at the General Motors "Trans­portation Unlimited” show in New York this month.

1125 East Grove street, was celebrated tbe marriage of Miss Mark? S. Stevens and Mr. Elmer W. Peason, both of Chatsworth, the groom being a nephew of Mr. Storey. Rev. U. S. Davis, pastor of the First Baptist church, offifeiated, using the Episcopal ceremony. A company of rel­atives witnessed the wedding. The bride wore a gown of Copenhagen blue silk, and carried bride’s roses. The dining room and parlor were decorated in pink and white.

The death of Martin J. Andrew Grob occurred Wednesday morn­ing at the home of his father after an illness of a number of months with heart trouble. He was the youngest son of George Grob and was born at Norton, Kane county, Illinois Sept. 12 1889. He is survived by his father, one brother and four sisters, three

brothers and his mother having preceded him in death.

On Monday evening at about halp past six o’clock occurred the death of Mrs. Margaret Reilly, fol­lowing an illness of about two weeks with- the grippe. Margaret West was bom in Ireland April 29, 1839. She came to the United States aqd in February, 1872, was united in marriage at Camp Grove, III., with Patrick Reilly, Mr. Reilly’s death occurred Nov. 8, 1904. Mrs. Reilly was the mother of three sons. Besides her sons she is survived by her aged mother, one sister, and onebrother. ----■*—'

o-------------Alfalfa Needs Fertilizer

Fertilization is the key to suc­cessful alfalfa production. The less fertile the soil the more commer­cial fertilizers must be applied to aet a good yield.

BAILEY’S WOODWORKING SHOP Custom Built Cabinets and

Carpenter WorkC H A T S W O R T H , I L L I N O I S

: ATTENTION! MRS. HOUSEWIFE:!: We Deliver Every Day Except Sunday :

THESE ARE OUR 0: MILK, ( t h 68c• MILK, quarts .................. 18c: CHOC. MILK, quart*___ 18c> ORANGE, quarts _ 18c ; BUTTERMILK, quarts _ 16c

WE NOW HAVE HI Q U A RT____________ 18c





• I » ****** H to H M

The Most Appropriate Gift of all for the One who has captured


FORTY YEARS AGO January 29, 1909

Thursday, Jan. 28, at 5 o’clock at the home of Mr. T. J. Storey,

W .E. H U G H E SF A R M S A L E S A N D R E A L E S T A T E

AuctioneerRecord sales are my testimonial. I refer you to those Ihave sold for.



< ^ ■ ^ 3

♦ .*

-w i

* 7

Give an engagement ring of dignified beauty

—a fitting pledge of your- lasting devotion!

Huff & Wolf Jewelry Co.; 127 So. Schuyler Ave. Kankakee, IllinoU ■ •

H I M t t* H M i l t l i m H i H I H i H H H H I l l l l H ****** ♦'

Oldsmohile Means More Car For Your Money -Futuram ic Design, Hydra-Matic Drive,

and High-Compression “Rocket” Engine!fVkat you get for what you pay . . , m at’s tbe big thing in buying a car. And with a Futuramic Oldsnaobile, yon get

that’s tbe big tiling in

MUVHMtt We will deliver all new Oldamobile. at tbe earliest possible date ammktm H with production. PMC>8--We wQl charge no more than the delivered

in asted by OUemobUe Division of

to supply, and we will give you a fair and reaaonaole allowance an yotnr present car.

Yon m ar pay oaah for rour new Olda- or finance it wherever yen wish. We wfl) be

r oast finance aad Insurance Sanaa. AH

Genera]receive aa Itemized bill of male. glad to furnish low

We wQl take year order and deliver * ________car w ithout requiring a trade-in. However, we as ordered, and prices are figured to oovar these,many valued need car customers we would like We will add no "extras” except those customer order*.

P* U a Chrti Sedan _ 3IO JO De Luxe Town 8 * d « n ~ ZIMbO


CH A '' r ; W R E C K E R S E R V I C E

r—i9 I * * t ia l

$25 — $ 1 5 $ 1 0 MERCHANDISE CREDITS — Chevrolet for 1949, complete new c a r . . register a t our show room for door prizes the week of January 22-29, inclus­ive . . Open Saturday, January 22nd and 29th to 10 p.m . . . awards Saturday, Jan. 29th a t 8:80 P. M.

Dolly l.aO-fiM)r)

H. A. McIntosh, MJ).M a i d y W r ? n i ^ fc> { a tf and

Saturday-^KMk&OO pjn.And By Appointment• ' t"■ " *■" - v

C. E. Branch MJ).ten and ■■fineld O 'to 5:00 pun.

o m o iBy Appointment■ r a o n i l i f l u

Dr. D. E. KUlip

C hataw orth Phooa U B

PAUl _ A . G A N N O N , M .P.

420 N. Chicago S t Phone 5430 ILL.

Eye . . Ear . None and Throat Glaaaea Fitted

DR. H. J. FINNEGANO p to m etrist

Closed Thursday Afternoons Over Wade’s Drug Store

Phone 83 Falrbury, 111.


U l-M


Clarence E. ftuppelD is tr ib u to r o f

S H E L L P R O D U C T SFor Santee and Quality


Highest Cash PricePA ID FO B DEAD AN IM ALS

H O RSES - C A T T LE - HOGS ai«>« crippled or disabled

Cropeey U R-2 OdUl 2aPaxton 129 14

Daod Animal Disposal Co. W# pay phone calls—te ll operator

to reverse charges



Protect Your Vision





Yoti can build the organic mat­ter and nitrogen as weV> as the phosphorus of your soil . . . by applying POUR-LEAF Powder­ed Rode Phosphate and grow­ing a legume In your rotation. Legumes feed hungrily on pow­dered rock phosphate, grow luxuriantly, leave roots and residues rich In nitrogen from the free air! Phosphated le­gumes and following crops grow increased residues to build the organic matter of the soil —make It easier to work and increase Its water holding ca­pacity. This is the effective, Inexpensive way to Wgg*r arsps and richer pastures.

B E E T BDW ABD9 r n E . M adias* 0* Phone N Rrmttsi, n.or w rite to . . . . _____ ___THOM SON PH O SPH A TE CO.

401 a Dauhora St

= r :w *



The second semester has begun as enrollment took place Monday morning. There are 78 students In C. T. H. S- this semester. There are 10 freshmen, 18 sophom*ores, 21 Juniors, and 18 seniors.

During the year we have lost Norma Church who went to Falr­bury; Kay Kohler who Is attend­ing school In Florida; Wilma Lang who Is home on account of illness; Ann Seright who is attending school In Bloomington; Mary Fraces Bump who moved to Indiana; Fred Attebury who dropped out of school In the first semester; Forest Farley who is In Florida, and Joanne Schade who is now in Arizona. Beverly Fritts, a Junior has been added to the Junior class and that makes a total of 78 students.


The annual Polio Drive is from January 14 to January 31 this year. 'Hie students of high school have made their contributions in the form of dime folders and they are now canvassing the town to help with * the collections. We Hope' that no one was missed and that you gave generously to the worthy cause. We will inform you of our success at a later date, both as to the amount of our contributions and the town col­lections made.


The local speech contest is to be held Feb. 17. The contestants are choosing their speeches. The following students plan to participate:

Serious reading*—Norma Lee, “Mama and the Hospital”; Dolores McNeely, “The Death Disk”; Verna Glllett, "The Gipsy”; Shirley McKinley, “Neither Hand Nor Foot”; Gall Hummel, “Mama and Her Bank Account.”

Humorous readings—Sue Liv­ingston, “Hungah”; Dolores Hab- erkom, “Master Mind of Mem­ory” ; Carol Forney, “Old Junk and New Money”; Bill Ribordy, “My New Pink Suit”; Bonnie Lange, "Tom Sawyer's Low Affair.”

Oration*- Dick Fartna. "Why"; Audrey Dlckman, “Stay Strong America”; Harriet Bush, "Tomor­row's World”.

Verse i p e a k l n g - Alarvetta Hendershott and Audrey Dick- man.

The verse speaking has changed considerably this year. The con­testants Just have to memorize one piece and arc given 30 minutes to look over another poem, the title of which is drawn at the contest. They will haw three selections to choose from in the drawing.


Trat was a swell game last Friday night, fellows. Let’s keep it up!

Now that semesters are over, everyone can relax. Whoops! We almost forgot about report cards coming out soon.

CTmon kids! Lc's dig deep for dimes to help In the fight against polio.

No one was surprised to see people talking to themselves last week. I t wasn't what you're thinking; they wen* just studying for semester exams.

Poor Mr. Kibler! Those history classes must lead him a merry chase. You’d better hurry back and rescue him, Mrs. Davidson.

Tom Askew Is having a vacation while he entertains the German measles. Let’s hope this doesn’t become popular.


How did you like the Semester exams?

1. Dick Fortna—N. C. (No Comment)

2. Jeanette Hubly—Easy, If you knew them.

8. Jim Bennett—Harder than heck.

4. Marlene Haberkom — O h brother!

6. Francis Krohn—Awful, awful HARD.

8. Jack Stadler—I Should like them. I passed them all.

7. S h 1 rl e y McKinley—C Her comment deleted by order of censor.)

8. Donald Bennett—Not very well, too hard.

9. Arlen Kuntz—I should have sat by Audrey D.

10. Gall Hummel— O. K.11. Janioe Bennett—O. K . I t

you knew the answers.12. B m l9 IAMB—Oh brother!19-

aril 14. V frgB . L s d S T t

If I took them or If they took me


Some of the courses at school are only half year courses'so now that the first semester is owr the changes have been made. They are as follows: The com­mercial geography class has changed to economics, both taught by Mils Plaster, commercial arithmetic to commercial law, solid geometry to advanced al­gebra, all these taught by Mr. Kuntz, and American history to civics, taught by Mrs. Davidson. For the most part the same pupils are taking the second semester courses as were enrolled In the corresponding f i r s t semester course.


Mrs. Florence Davidson has been recovering in the Mennonite hospital in Bloomington, from an operation performed last Monday morning. Mr. Kibler has been teaching her classes for her. “Ihe typing classes sent letters to her which they typed in class.

The Latig class wrote a Latin letter to her as a proof of their interest in both Latin and her recovery and also sent a remem­brance of “flora."

We hdpe tHat she has a speedy recovery and will be back with us very soon.


Stuart Ross, a magician, is to provide an assembly program for us next Monday afemoon at 3 p.m/ The advanced Information promises "rapid fire magic” interspersed with comedy.

We have Invited the grade school and parochial school chil­dren to enjoy this entertainment with us and hope it comes up to our expectations.


Beverly Fritts enrolled at CTHS Monday morning as a new student. She was a Junior at Rockford, Michigan high school before coming here. She makes her home with Rev. Paul Rowgo, who ls the new pastor of the Calvary Baptist church. The class from Which she came had an* enroll­ment of 00 pupils.

We hope that you will enjoy your stay with us, Beverly.

------------- o-------------IN AUTO CRASH A T FO RREST e

Mrs. Mike Arends, her son, Tom, and daughter, Sally, were In an auto crash which occurred at the Intersection of Routes 47 and 24 at Forrest last Thursday forenoon. A car driven by Wm. Steinbeck of Hinsdale, traveling south, stopped at the intersection and then drove on directly in the path of the Arends car, driven by Tom, and traveling east.

Mrs. Arends and Sally bqth received severe blows on the head and numerous cuts and bruises. Tom and the driver of the Hins­dale car were uninjured. The entire front end of the Arends car was caved in and the whole considerably damaged.

Strawn News Items- - - toy Ju n io r P ress Cub


A chili supper in honor of the 1948 Pioneer staff was held in the high school gymnasium on Tues­day, January 25. During the sup­per Miss Mabel Marlar, sponsor of the yearbook, announced that the ’48 Pioneer had won an “All American” rating In the National Scholastic Press Association con­test.

All American is the highest ra t­ing possible for a year book to earn. All of the annuals which receive first place or excellent are again judged and a few superior ones are then chosen and given the rating, “All American.”

I t was previously announced that the '48 Pioneer won second place In the Columbia Scholastic Press Association contest for schools of under 300 enrollment. The Columbia Press Association includes .schools from the eastern and some from the middle western sections of the country while the National Scholasic Press Associa­tion includes t h e midwest and western s e c t io ns o f the country. They are the only two associations of their kind in the country.

Miss Gladys Hartman, ed.tar; Miss Janet Kuntz, associate edi­tor; and Miss Emma Jean Adam, managing editor of the winning yearbook, Miss Elizabeth Metz, present editor, and Miss Ruth Adam, associate editor, were then initiated into Quill and Scroll So­ciety, by J. ML Lattig principal, and Miss Marlar. At the conclu­sion of the ceremony they were presented with the official badge of membership. These five girls thus become charter fnembers of this international honorary society fdr high school journalists. In or­der to become members students must be of at least junior stand­ing, they must rank high scholas­tically, they must have done super­ior work in some phase of Jour­nalistic or creative endeavor, they must be recommended by the ad­viser, and they must be approved by the executive secretary.

An air of mystery prevailed be­fore the announcement of the Pi­oneer’s All American rating was made as only Miss Marlar, Eliza­beth Metz and Ruth Adam knew of the results. The atmosphere of mystery was heightened by the table decorations of gold question marks. The 1948 Pioneer colors, green and gold, were used In the other decorations and programs.

ELECT OFFICERSThe Altar and Rosary Society of

St. Rose Catholic church, elected officers at the home of Mrs. Belle Brleden, Friday, January 21. The

.officer*'are as follows: Mrs. James Keeled, president; Mrs. William Somers, secretary. Mrs. Lyle Sut­ter, treasurer.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Steidlng- er of Sibley, attended a birthday supper at the home of Mr. and

• Mrs. Everett Elliott and family.

! ATTEND R ETR EA T'Catholic Men’s Retreat will be

held at St. Joseph’s church and hall in Decatur January 27th through the 30th. Those attend­ing from Strawn are Raymond Aaron, Harold Kuntz, James Law­less and James Brady.

MISCELLANEOUS SHOWERA miscellaneous shower was

held at the home of Mrs. Cletus Freehill Sunday, January 23, In honor of Mrs. Joseph Freehill. Hostesses were Mrs. James Free­hill, Mary Loretta Freehill and Eileen Freehill. There were twen­ty guests present. Mrs. Freehill was the former Wilma Metz.

Head of Cattle

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benway of Bloomington, Russell of Pontiac were week-end visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. O. E. Benway.

Jerome Benway, of Boomington, spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Ms. Anna Benway, and family.

M. and Ms. John Houlk and family of Stawn, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Houlk of Dwight, on Satur­day night.

Mrs. L. A. Meyer was a guest Saturday at the home of Dr. and Mrs | Upstone and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Upstone and Susan of Ar­thur. Mrs. C. S. Gerlach of Sib­ley, returned home with them aft­er a months’ stay there.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hildreth and daughters of Falrbury, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Walters and family.

Mrs. Lanie Chaudoil of Waynes- ville and daughter, Mrs. Ward of Ft. Crownover, Florida, came on Monday evening to spend several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Homickel, John and Karen.

Karen Homickel spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- town Mowery at Fairbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Steffen of Forrest, were supper guests Sun­day at the home d t Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zimmerman and family.

Ruth Kiefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kiefer, is recov­ering from an appendectomy at Fairbury hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Hebron Garmon and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flessner at Thawville Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Carson is employ­ed at the A&P store in Falrbury since Friday.

Miss Madalyn wTdmer of Peoria, spent the week-end at the home of Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Widmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steidinger and Marilyn were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robins and family of Springfield, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark and family at Decatur.

St. Rose’s Catholic Church, Rev. Fr. O’Neil, pastor: mass at 8 a.m.

Miss Elizabeth Metz and Chris­tian Metz of Strawn, attended a birthday supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everet Elliot and family.

Billy Decker has been confined to his home sinoe Monday with the measles.

Mrs. Bill Singer of Strawn, vis­ited Mr. and Mis. Wayne Decker Thursday.

Miss Elizabeth Metz, student at the Strawn high school, under­went an appendectomy at Fair­bury hospital Saturday, Jan. 22.

Short F olks’SPECIAL

C O A T SValue» to $45.00

S U I T SValues to $35.00


C O A T SValues to $35.001

S U I T SValues to $45.00


Sorkfn’s Ladies* ShopW EST SID E SQUARE PO N TIA C , IL L IN O IS

PUBLIC SALEI will sell the following listed articles at public auction, on the

Gordon Pool farm, located two miles east and one mile south of Chats- worth, or two miles west and one mile south of Piper City, on

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1949Beginning at 12:30 p. m.

Farming Equipment, Etc.1947 Ford tractor. 1947 cultivator. 1947 plow (2-14-in.). 1947

weeder. Four section John Deere spring tooth harrow. Heavy duty side mower. 10-foot straight disk. David Bradley manure loader. John Deere 999 planter. One 2-row Oliver com picker. Four section harrow. Peoria oats seeder. Two high wheel wagons. One over­head jack. One pair wheel weights for Ford tractor. One pair chains for Ford tractor.


7 — Head of Cattle — 7Two Guernsey cows, 3 years old, giving 4 and 6 gallons per day.

One Brown Swiss, 4 years old, a 4 gallon cow. One Holstein 4 years old, a 5 gallon cow. One Guernsey 5 years old, a 6 gallon cow; one Shorthorn 5 years old, a 6 gallon cow. One red Guernsey 6 years old, will be fresh by date of sale; a seven gallon cow.

TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Not responsible for accidents or for goods left on grounds after the sale.

J. E. UNDERWOOD, Ownerli. li. Stevenson, Auctioneer Herjsn sad Johnson, ClerksJ 13-20-72 Lunch Served on the Grounds

Tribune clubbed with The Plaindealer — a city daily and your home weekly — $8.75.

Public SaleHaving decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction at my

residence, 2 miles south of Dwight on Route 47, one mile east and one- half mile south, on

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1949Commencing a t 11 o’clock sharp the following described property

. 2 - — Head of H orses-----2

One Holstein cow’ 6 years old. One Holstein heifer, 11 months old. One heifer 9 months old. One Holstein bull 8 months old.

IFarming Implements

One F-30 International tractor. One 2-row cultivator with hy­draulic lift for F-30. One F-12 International tractor and 2-row cul­tivator. One Allis-Chalmers combine and F-30 take-off. One 1937 Ottawa C shelter on rubber. One New Idea 2-row husker. One new 4-row International com planter. Otae new 10-ft. heavy tandem In­ternational disk. One new 11-ft. field cultivator. One new John Deere tractor mower. One International hay loader. One 2-row Hayes com planter. One 2-row International com planter with trac­tor hitch. International 10-ft binder. 3-bottom Case plow. One John Deere 10-ft. tandem disk. One New Idea trailer truck. One new An­thony trailer (ruck. One horse drawn mower. One 4-sectlon har­row. Two 8-ft. corrugated rollers. One International broadcast seeder. Two top box wagons. One hay rack on truck wagon. One fanning mill. One buggy. One hay rake. One lOxlO-foot brooder house. One 45-bu. hog 8elf feeder. Many dther articles too numer­ous to mention.

TERMS: CASH on hand before property is removed, sponsible for accidents.

Not 1

M i


ROBERT E. DAVIS, OwnerJOHN M e O O lffftiL , d a rk

Store Away More Foodwith the Amazing

” Stowaway” Freezer Locker

in your great new


REFRIGERATORCome In and see this beauty today. Y ou'll see why we say — "T b en ts room to spare w ith spare room Us your kitchen”—w ith an IH R efrigerator. T hink of a ll the food you can buy a t sale prices hod store, w ith the im portant new features shown a t left . . . and w ith the room y ’’Stowaway” freezer locker com partm ent th a t holds m ore than 35 pounds of frozen foods . . . pins two roomy C risp in storing m ore than three pecks o f deliciously crisp nod fresh v^pe- tablas and fruits. T his extra capacity saves yon shopping atvl m ost planning tim e, too. . A*d don’t forget tha soonoosy o f the "T igh t-W ad” u n it th a t assures carefree operation aaoafhJo, w on h s n , for m ass.

Chnck * Those convenient NEW Features

ovars. Pels away wfcaa aa t la ate.

Hold*psrrtwss, kvwldHy fcutbobolfoods for sforogo of 11% yoo gaol refrigar- pooads wWy. ate, aad sfsjdbs.


THE CHATSWORTH If^lN D EALER, CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS f h j r j d o y ^ ^ « u « j ^ ^ .27, 1949

. . . Forrest News Notes. . .Rebckeh Home Lodge held their

regular meeting at the hall Turn- day evening. The members were served luncheon by their newly Installed Noble Grand, Mrs. Lucille Stephens. There will be Initiation of new members into the order at the next meetng.

Mrs. Joseph Rush fell, when coming down the stairs of the Rebekah hall, Monday evening. X-rays were taken and revealed a badly sprained foot and ankle.

F. W. Altstadt spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of his son, Fred Jr., in Decatur.

Mrs. Ralph Broadhead, Wednes­day received word of the death of her cousin, Thomas S. Greene, of Wapella. He married Aneita Hollaway, of Forrest who preced­ed him in death.


Friday, Saturday Jan. 38-29 FEATURE ONE

Jean Willis In

“Winners' Circle?FEATURE TWO

Johnny Mack Brown In“Triggerman”

Sunday, Monday Jan. S0-S1Continuous Sunday From 2:00

See Jane Wyman andLew Ayres in

“Johnny Belinda”Feb. 1-2Tues., Wednea.

Robert Montgomery and Robert Taylor In



Thursday, Friday Jan. 27-28

Saturday January 29/ Matinee 2:00—Night 6:30

HIA9 VflrtHTfOl .?* rtAh*'< CAiLf

'U l A ,

Walter King and family, Fri­day, moved into the houa^, which was recently remodeled by Wm. Folkner, in the north part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol­loway of Wing have moved into the house on Route 24 vacated by the Kings.

Mrs. Martha Buckley has been very ill ah the home of her daugh­ter, Mrs. Cort Verkler.

Miss Frances Aberlie, of Peoria was a week-end truest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reiger.

Students at home between semesters are Mack Follmer, and Elinor Deffley,- of University of Illinois and Miss Joan Mclntire, of Milliken, Decatur.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pokamey and children of Peoria spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Basil.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Danforth, of Saunemin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie, Tuesday.

Ralph Gould, student of Univer­sity of Illinois, has completed his studies in designing engineering at the end of the semester. He will return to Urbana for Com­mencement exercises Feb 6. Mr. Gould is spending several weeks at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mayhew.

Fred Weisser and son, Ronald, of Peoria Tuesday visited the former's mother, Mrs. Kathryn Weisser, who is quite ill at the Fairbury hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thrush and daughter, Joan, of Peoria are spending this week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Metz.

Miss Glenn Opie was hostess to the Neighborhood Bridge Club last Wednesday evening. The traveling prize was awarded to Mrs. W. S. Mayhew.

The American Legion Auxiliary will hold their January meeting, Thursday evening at the Legion hall.

Charles W. Molton, of Spring- field spent the week-end at his home here.



SupportsMrs. Andy


Phone 528 J

Dwfight Bohanor spent from Friday to Sunday attending to business in Louisville, Kentucky.

Don Fortna of Great Lakes spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fortna.

Mrs. George Tomlinson returned to her home in Mt. Pulaski after an extended stay a t the home of her son, A. H. Tomlinson.

Mrs. Lillian Howes, daughter Miss Hilda Wallace, Mrs. Ray­mond Howes, Stanley and Howard Rudd spent Sunday at the home of» Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rudd, of Bloomington.

------------- o-------------LCSCD SELECTS TWO NEW DIRECTORS

A the 3rd annual meeting of the Livingston County Soil Conserva­tion District held Monday, Janu­ary 24th, at 1:30 p.m in Pontiac, at the Methodist educational building, the following two men were elected for two-year terms as directors for the district:

Harry Roth, Forrest (reelected).Norman Foss, Blackstone.Other members of the board

whose terms do not expire until 1950 are:

E. J. Raber, Flanagan (reelect­ed chairman and treasurer); Wm. Steichen, Dwight; Dan W. Kerber (elected vice chairman and trea­surer).. These directors will be in charge

of the soil conservation district program for the Livingston county district during the next year. They will have the assistance of Ray T. Lyne .soil conservation district farm planner. All applications for assistance from the Soil Conser­vation Service through the district should be directed to this district board.

People, Spots In The Newdj

Sunday, Monday Jan. 80-31Continuous Sunday From 2:00

Tues., Wednea. Feb. 1-2t

Job Days—The salary will be 3475 unless claimed January 26

r S S s


Miss Marjorie Honegger, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hon­egger of Forrest, has been named the D.AJl. Award winner of For­rest Township High School for this year.

Marjorie, a senior at F.T.H.S., was chosen for the honor by mem­bers of her class,, the faculty, and the D.A.R. chapter represent ing the local school.

The basis for the award are the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. The award is given by the Daugh­ters of the American Revolution to stimulate the building of good character and to recognize and commend the qualities of good citizenship

Marjorie has been active in band and orchestra, girls’ dhorus, and in school publications. She has been very active in speech events and this year is president of the F.H.A.

BOYOBOYOBOY1 — It’s a boy at the Harrison Millers’ In Mason City, la., the ninth In a family of nine. The first eight, ranging from John, 14 (left), to Dwight, 2, gleefully welcome Bobby as rounder- out of their baseball team.

|ROOSTER loses a Job las w aker-upper as

Joan Foster I Installs new H m ey- I v . p l u g - i n t y p e Ichronotherm that is

‘self-waking” a n d I turns up house heat automatically, re­gardless o f w h e n

H E R M A NH i c k m a n , popular Yale gride c o a c h whose contract has just Been renewed for five years, makes a splash in F l o r i d a waters too as taxes after coaching session.

he re- all-star

FROSTING in spectacular style decorated these Minneapolis store fronts as result of efforts to check fire in which fourfiremen were hurt and seven states destroyed.

lartnerb with one or more starting practices.

■■■—■------ -o--------------

We can all make the world much brighter by keeping our hard luck stories to ourselves.

A recent survey shows there Is a car for every four persons in the United States and a bathtub for every six. Four persons in a car is just about right but putting six people in a bathtub is over- dolng it a little.______________


FORREST GYMMusic by Hanaoay Boys i f Pontiac

Modern and Square Dancing 9:00 P. M, -12:00 M.

Door Prizes, Refreshments, Floor Show, beginning at 8:30 p. m„ please wear gingham and denim,

Forrest “F” Club and Lions Club

Admission: Adults 60c under high school 30c; tax included

Only 3 Days Left of our January


5 0 % Off On Entire Stock of Costume Jewelry

Some Outstanding

Conibear Drug Store

111-44 11 11I I 111 ♦♦»++♦+

A nniversaryPARTY

H U G O & E D N A ’ S T A V E R N i

T O N I G H T^ 1

Bar-B-Q SpareribsC O M E A N D J O I N I N T H E F U N, ✓ *

4 11 I HI II' M H I H M 4-4-4-M I H M O

Ink From Other Pens . .

Princess TheatreCULLOM, ILLINOIS

Friday, Saturday Jan. 28-29 IN TECHNICOLOR

“Black Barf*With Dan Duryea

rJeffrey Lynn

_____ Yvonne De CarloSunday, Monday Jan. 80-81

“Good Sam”With Gary Cooper and

Ann Sheridan

Tues., Wednea. Feb. 1-2

“The Big Punch”With Wayne Morris and

Lola Maxwell



Likes Old Home NewsRiverside, Op.1L, Jon. 17—

Gentlemen—Please renew our paper for -another year. Always nice to read the news of home.—

Sincerely,Mrs. Gerald Stone

Looking BackwardItems Gleaned From The Flaindealers of Yeatery ear

Celebrates Their 56th AnniversaryLongford, Kansas, Jan. 17th—

Dear Sirs;—Please find check en­closed for the Plaindealer another year, as I have been a subscriber for more than 60 years and it always brings some news so we do not like to do without it.

We have just celebrated our sixty-sixth wedding anniversary on January 16th. By so doing we received many cards and let­ters from Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado and many other places, all of which we enjoyed very much. We held open house from 2 to 4 o’clock. I t was a great pleasure to us have our friends with us. and to receive all the gifts for which we say, many thanks to all.

Very truly,John H. Bruns

F riday, Saturday Jan. 28-29GENE AUTRY

twins justice for an outlaw . stallion

“Strawberry RoanSport reel

CartoonLatest Newsand Tuesday

Feb. I(Mti Duels, Rotyt

In a comedy that hits a new high in laughs

“June Bride?Popeye Cartoon

Friday, Saturday Jan. 28-29G<*>e Tierney, Randolph Scott

Dana Andrew* InUBelle Starr”

Loves and battles of Americas first "two-gun” woman

C arton ________NewsSUN., Jab. 804 Days

Continuous Shows Saturday A id___Week Nights From 7:00 P

O’Brien, Robert Starts In a new drama of the

skies of yesterday

Fighter Squadron?, TECHNICOLOR!

frewa Bugs Bunny N ewfrom 2 p.m

Still Enjoys PlaindealerIn renewing for The Plaindealer

from Onarga, Miss Marion O’Toole, says her mother is bed fast due to a heart condition and the loss of the use of her legs Her main pleasure is her radio and newspapers. She takes four daily papers and seems to enjoy them all. "The Plaindealer is still a great entertainment for. her in spite of the fact that most of the names are people who have edme to Chatsworth since we moved away;’’ she wrote.

THIRTY YEARS AGO January 30, 1919

Jesse Herr, who has been stationed in camp at Macon, Ga., has received his honorable dis­charge and reached home yester­day.

Olin Allen, formerly a resident here, of Indianapolis, Ind., was here the first of the week. Olln is representative of a wholesale dry goods house of Indianapolis and Chatsworth is in his territory so that he may come here often from this time on. Mrs. Allen is at Colfax visiting with her mother, Mrs. Edward Entwistle.

Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Gale have this weak moved to inp farm i which they will work the coming summer about two miles west of Cuilom. We are sorry to loose these people as residents but wish them success in their new home.

TWENTY YEARS AGO January 31, 1929

Louis L. Puffer has been very ill at his home in Chatsworth as the result of an attack of appen­dicitis sustained Monday.

Miss Irene Askew departed Sunday for Alton, where she planned to re-enter Shurtleff College. She was a former stu­dent there but had to give up on account of illness.

Leo, two-year-old son of Mr. and - Mrs. George Homstein, was quite ill last week for a time but is reported as convalescing.

Mrs. Emma Wienand went to

Kankakee Sunday to see her husband, Lou Wienand. who had been in a hospital then? since Wedesday. Mr. Wienand received ijuries when he was run into by an auto a t Chebanse. Mrs. Wienand found that he was not as badly injured as had been reported.

Irene Homstein, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Honstein,. fell one day last week and cut a gash on her forehead about three inches long which necessitated the services of a physician.


Illinois Farmers Set New Record In 1948 Soil Saving

(Costlawd from Ural | •)■'More conservation was applied

on tha land throughout this radon in 1948 than in .any other year since the Service was created," Mussor said. "As an example of one phase of the work, combelt farmers put 457,000 additional acres under contour cultivation during the past year which la 7,000 acres more than 1947. And 1947 was regarded as a banner year.”

"Progress during the past 12 months was 10 per oent above the previous record In 1947 and 80 per cent obove 1946," Musser de­clared.

In these eight states the Serv­ice so far has given technical os- sltance to 78325 fanners who have developed complete farm conser­vation plans covering 12,604,000 acres of the country's richest farm land. Of this total ltf.OOO plans were developed In 1948 and the Service also assisted 12,000 other

m i n m i m t l u i i i i i n n

In Sunny Florid* __In sending a check for renewal

of The Plaindealer subscription, Mr. and Mrs. James Phipps write: "We are spending the winter In the sunshine city of St. Peters­burg, Florida. We have been here 35 days and the sun has shone every day; we had a few chilly days; one morning It got down to 42 but most of the time the temperature Is from 76 to 86 and pretty flowers of all kinds are in bloom.”

-------------o —-------- —Carbon paper, 8)4x14, two

sheets for 5c at The Plaindealer

Annual Clearance SaleReal Savings In Household Goods

i5 Pc. porcelain top extension table

breakfast sets, black or re d ......... $ 79T50Kroehler 2-pc. two cushion daven­

port suite ..................................... 234.50Kroehler 2-pc. three cushion daven­

port suite ............................. 198.50Kroehler* 2-pc. regular damask cov­

ered suite ....................................All white 5-pc. breakfast set, blue

seats .............................................IBeige all wood breakfast set, very

fine finish ..................................... 79.50Tilt-away chair and ottom an, rose

Golor , ......................... .............................

Roach Furniture Co.a n d F u n e r a l H o m e

CHATSWORTH, ILL* * * ♦* M I « » * « * I » I » I > M « 11 M l 11 »>♦♦»♦♦♦«! I I I I H 11

Was Now

.$ 79*50 $ 59.50

234.50 169.50

198.50 149.50


49.50 29.50

79.50 59.50

98.50 59.50

Order Field Seeds Now! •


Alio order Smith-Douglas and Darling's Fertilizer—W e

have orders going in this week for May delivery.


DICK J. BUSH BENJAMIN BUSH -Chatsworth, Illinois

}■ >1 I H I I I I 4 44 44-H -H"i 1 I H 14 4-4-S-41 H I I H I H M 1 1 I H I

Brand New David BradleyFarm Machinery SaleAll Implement* In this aale are la stock, delivery- Quantities are limited ai first who come. Horry—don’t be

70 bu. mnaure spreader* for tractor Two bottom 14-lnek plow s----------------- ----Four section drag harrows, heavy duty, with

drawbar ---------------------------------------Single section « 4 n g tooth borrow s-----------15 j foot d iscs iV.............. .......................Seven foot tandem d isk---------------------------IHC "H” or “M”


John Deem “A* and ”B” power mowersPower mowers for Allis Chalm ers------.Garden Tractors — ,—_..— ----- ------------Cutter bars for garden tractor ...Lawn rollers'for garden tractor Snow plows for garden tractor ..Breaking plows for garden tra c to r--------Cultivator alla«hmwata for garden tractorSpike harrows for garden tra c to r----------Three ton farm tra ile rs-----------------------Two ton farm trailers, regularly $11130;10 lack hammertnlll, $147.50; w/<7 ft. x 14 ft. wagon beds and gears with 15 Cbrn planters with tractor Mtch

wire, fi0 rod ran for

15.50 103027 A#17.50 14 M






ON U S. $4♦ I I I I M 1114 1 1..................................................................... ................ A


Death Claims Mary Dlmois Farmers Four Injured Jane Farley ... · Sam has run ttel too—lt'E it 910,000,000 bite House.— 1949 some fellows ;ause they axe Chance being lR out lilizer—We - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.