Fun things to do in Hamamatsu: 30 fun attractions and activities (2024)

Takatenjin Castle Ruins is a formidable mountain fortress that witnessed intense conflicts between the Takeda and Tokugawa armies during the 16th century. The hiking trails leading to the ruins are well-maintained, and visitors can easily imagine themselves in ancient times with informative boards scattered around. A trip to nearby castles such as Yokosuka Castle and Kakegawa Castle is recommended for an immersive experience of Japan's rich history.

There once was a castle on this steep hill. Tokugawa and Takeda battled many times to occupy this castle in 16th century.

Keiji T — Google review

(Translated by Google) It is an impregnable mountain castle where a fierce battle was fought between Takeda and Tokugawa. The mountain trails are well maintained and commentary boards are installed everywhere, so it is relatively easy to observe while imagining the time. It may be a good idea to visit the nearby Yokosuka Castle and Kakegawa Castle as a set. There is a large parking lot on the Karamete-mon side.(Original)武田と徳川の間で激戦が繰り広げられた難攻不落の山城です。登山道は整備されており、随所に解説板が設置されている為、当時を想像しながら比較的容易に見学できます。近くの横須賀城や掛川城とセットで訪れるのもいいかもしれません。搦手門側には広い駐車場があります。

Oolong — Google review

(Translated by Google) I happened to pass by by car, but I also stopped by the stage of the historical drama. There are steep stairs that are quite challenging to climb, so please keep your spirits up. Do you know what it means to be impregnable? ! There is a parking lot not only at the bottom but also near the torii, so don't hesitate to climb the slope. It was a holiday visit, but is it from the local tourism association? served cold tea (Kakegawa tea of ​​course!). It was delicious (⁠^⁠^⁠)(Original)たまたま車で通りかかったのですが、ちょうど大河ドラマの舞台にも立ち寄ってみました。かなり登りがいのある急な階段が続きますので気合を入れて登ってください。難攻不落だった意味がわかるかも?!駐車場は下のほうだけじゃなく鳥居の近くまでありますから、ためらわず坂を登りましょう。休日の訪問でしたが、地元の観光協会の方?が冷たいお茶(もちろん掛川茶!)を出してくれました。おいしかったです(⁠^⁠^⁠)

Tomohiro I — Google review

(Translated by Google) This mountain castle was the base of Enshu during the Sengoku period, and it was said that ``the one who controls Takatenjin Castle will control Enshu (present-day western Shizuoka Prefecture).''It is said to be an impregnable mountain castle, and it took Tokugawa Ieyasu many years to defeat the army of Takeda Katsuyori who had occupied it.The mountain cliffs🧗 are full of steep slopes, and there are still many places where landslides occur, and there are many places where if you miss a step on the mountain path between the curves, you can fall tens of meters.There were also some mountain passes on the ``Knife Bridge'' (Knife Bridge) that had collapsed and were closed to traffic. There are many remains that show that Takeda Katsuyori's army improved its defense power by building earthworks and moats.Although it is about 130m above sea level, it is well maintained up to the middle. There are steep stone steps up to Takaten Shrine, and at the top of the stone steps, behind the main shrine, is the site of a lookout tower called Babadaira with a great view. You can see all the way to the Enshu Sea from here.⚠️There was a sign saying ``Beware of hornets'', but I was around the Sannomaru area. There are also spider webs, so if you don't like insects, we recommend visiting from late autumn to winter.(Original)戦国時代の遠州の拠点で「高天神城を制する者が遠州(今の静岡県西部)を制す」と言われた山城です。難攻不落の山城といわれ、徳川家康も、ここを占拠した武田勝頼軍を攻め落とすのに何年もかかった歴史があります。山の崖🧗は急斜面だらけで、今もそこかしこで崖崩れがおきたり、曲輪の間の山道を一歩踏み外したら数十mは滑落しそうな場所が多いです。また「痩せ尾根」(ナイフブリッジ)の山道や崩れて通行止めになっている場所もありました。武田勝頼軍が土塁や堀割で防御力をアップしたことがわかる遺構が何ヵ所も残っています。標高130mほどですが、途中まではかなり整備してくれてあります。高天神社までは急な石段があり、石段の上の本殿の奥には馬場平という見晴らしのよい見張り台跡地があります。ここから遠州灘まで見えます。⚠️看板「スズメバチ注意」がありますが、三の丸の辺りにいました。クモの巣も張られているので、虫が苦手な人は晩秋から冬の時期がオススメです。

中田智也 — Google review

Amazing hikes and scenery!

Mari H — Google review

(Translated by Google) During the Warring States period, Takeda and Tokugawa fought a fierce battle, and Yamashiro was called "What controls Takatenjin controls Enshu." It is also one of the 100 Continued 100 Fine Castles in Japan.Initially, it was the castle of the Imagawa clan, but when Mr. Imagawa declined after the battle between Okehazama, the castle owner, Nagatada Ogasawara, took the invitation of Ieyasu Tokugawa and moved from the Imagawa clan to the Tokugawa clan. After that, in 1571, Shingen Takeda marched to Enshu with 20,000 soldiers, but he could not drop this castle and spread his name nationwide as an impregnable castle. In 1574, Takeda Katsuyori attacked Takatenjin Castle with 20,000 soldiers, and became Takeda's castle by attacking troops.After that, Ieyasu Tokugawa built Yokosuka Castle about 5 km southwest to recapture Takatenjin Castle, and built six forts to surround this castle, and regained it after a fierce battle in 1581. At that time, all 900 castle soldiers are said to have been killed.Takatenjin Castle is a mountain castle that uses the topography of Mt. Tsuruo at an altitude of 132 meters. .. There is now Takaten Shrine in Nishimaru.From Babadaira, a ridge road called Jingoro's loophole (the steepness of dog return and monkey return) leads to Ryogonjiyama, and I would like to recommend it as a hiking course.(Original)戦国時代、武田と徳川が激しい攻防を繰り広げ、『高天神を制すものは遠州を制す』と呼ばれた山城。続日本100名城ともなっている。当初、今川方の城であったが、今川氏が桶狭間の戦いを境に衰退していくと、城主の小笠原長忠は、徳川家康の誘いに乗り、今川方から徳川方に移った。その後、1571年、武田信玄が、遠州へ二万の兵を率いて進軍してきたが、この城を落とすことができず、難攻不落の城として全国に名を広めた。1574年、武田勝頼が二万の兵で高天神城を攻め、兵糧攻めによって武田方の城となる。その後、徳川家康は高天神城を奪還するため、5キロほど南西に横須賀城を築くとともに、この城を取り囲むように6つの砦を築き、1581年に激しい戦いの末に奪還。そのとき、約900人の城兵は全員討ち死にしたとされる。高天神城は、標高132メートルの鶴翁山の地形を利用した山城で、中央部はやや低くなっており、東側には本丸や三の丸、西側には二の丸や西の丸や馬場平などが築かれている。今は西の丸に高天神社がある。馬場平からは、甚五郎の抜け道(犬戻り猿戻りの険)と呼ばれる尾根道が楞厳寺山(りょうごんじさん)に続いており、ハイキングコースとしてもおすすめしたい。

???? — Google review

(Translated by Google) 2023/07/08 Dark and rainy weather, Takatenjin Castle Ruins before opening, Kakegawa Tourist Association Visitor Center "Travel Switch" cover badge at Kakegawa Station, originally intended to revisit castle ruins, but rainy weather is not convenient, so abandoned No mountain. The next Kakegawa station is now finished with the Kakegawa Castle seal, and the impressive image has changed.◆ Shizuoka Prefecture - Takatenjin Castle (Japan 100 Great Castles Continued 147)Visit Order 135 (2023/07/08) Weather: Shade and rainSequel Japan 100 castle stamp installation location① Great Tohoku Community Center9:00-17:00 (closed on Mondays)②Kakegawa Tourism Association Visitor Center “Tabi no Switch”9:00-17:00 (Closed December 29th-January 3rd)(Original)2023/07/08陰雨天,開車前往高天神城跡,先來掛川駅的掛川観光協会ビジターセンター「旅のスイッチ」蓋章,本來想再去城跡走,但下雨天實在不是很方便,所以就放棄爬山了。上次來掛川駅是為了蓋掛川城的印章,感覺好像沒什麼變化。◆静岡県 - 高天神城(続日本100名城 147)拜訪順序135 (2023/07/08) 天氣: 陰雨天続日本100名城スタンプ設置場所①大東北公民館9:00~17:00(月曜日休館)②掛川観光協会ビジターセンター「旅のスイッチ」9:00~17:00(休館日 12月29日~1月3日)

YINGJEN L — Google review

(Translated by Google) It was selected as one of Japan's top 100 castles, and I went there for the first time because of the influence of the taiga drama.The scenery was beautiful, and the locals took good care of it.He said that the number of people has increased recently, probably because of that.Of course, since it's a mountain castle, I recommend wearing shoes that are easy to move in and sturdy pants underneath.It was early autumn and the weather was clear so we could see Mt. Fuji.The level of climbing a mountain castle is about intermediate.(Original)続日本100名城に選定され、大河ドラマの影響で初めていきました。景色もよく、また、地域の方が手入れしっかりしていました。その影響か、最近人が増えたなぁのおっしゃってました。当然山城なので動きやすい靴、下はしっかりとしたパンツを履くことをオススメします。秋口で天気もよく澄んでいたので富士山もみえました。山城を登るレベルとしては、中級くらいです。

Kubotera ( — Google review

(Translated by Google) This was my second visit, and since I had climbed from the north side last time, this time I climbed from the south parking lot. Although there is no castle building, there are many people who visit this famous castle ruin.You will arrive at the Otemon gate shortly from the parking lot. In the eastern area where Otemon is located, a ridge extends southeast from the main enclosure and gradually climbs up.The main enclosure was a long and wide curved circle, and when looking to the east, it was a steep slope. If you turn east from Koguchi on the north side, you will find Ishiku.When I looked at my feet while climbing the castle, I saw round pebbles lying around, and it seemed like the land was raised by the sea or a river.As you head west from the main enclosure, you will see a ridge extending in a cross shape around the western enclosure.The ridge on the north side is an elaborate curve, with a Ninomaru, a large-scale Horikiri, and a horizontal moat built on the west side of the curve, giving a glimpse of the territory of the Takeda side.There is a shrine at the top of Nishinomaru, and the ridge on the west side after Horikiri becomes a long and narrow horse paddock from which you can see the Enshu Sea. As you go west, you reach Uma no Sho, and it seems that this is the end of the castle area.I thought the castle ruins were difficult to attack because of the many narrow ridges on the steep slope.(Original)2回目の訪問で前回は北側からだったので、今回は南側の駐車場から登りました。お城の建物はありませんが、さすが著名な城跡で訪れる人は多いです。駐車場から程なく追手門に着きます。追手門のある東側のエリアは、本丸から南東に尾根が伸びていて段々に登っていくようになります。本丸は細長く広い曲輪になり、東側を見ると急斜面になっていました。北側の虎口から東へ廻ると石屈が有りました。登城中に足元を見ると丸の小石が転がっていて、海か河川かが隆起した地形のように思われました。本丸から西へ向かうと、西の丸を中心に十字に尾根が伸びています。北側の尾根は技巧的な曲輪になっており、二の丸、大規模な堀切、曲輪の西側に横堀が築かれ、武田方の縄張を窺わせます。西の丸の頂上部は神社があり、堀切を経て西側の尾根は細長い馬場となって、遠州灘が眺望できます。西にいくと馬の瀬となり城域はここまでかと思われます。急斜面の細尾根が多く伸びていて攻めにくい城跡かと思いました。

Lo H — Google review

(Translated by Google) Takatenjin was an important base in Totomi, so much so that it was said that "those who control Takatenjin Castle will control Enshu." Takatenjin is said to have been the site of fierce battles between the Takeda and Tokugawa clans, which led to the downfall of the Takeda family. I went to the castle. I've always wanted to go here, so I'm glad I was able to go this time. As expected, it was quite difficult to reach the main castle, as it was a mountain castle in a stronghold.(Original)「高天神城を制するものが遠州を制する」と言われたほどの遠江の重要拠点で有り武田と徳川が激しい攻防戦を繰り広げて、武田家滅亡のきっかけにもなったと言われる高天神城に行きました。ここは前から是非とも行きたいと思ってたので、今回行けて良かったです。さすがに要害の地の山城だけに本丸迄たどり着くまで大変でした。

平野圭一 — Google review

(Translated by Google) I went to Takatenjin Castle, No. 147 of Japan's 100 Famous Castles. As I walked through the area, I realized that it was a place where the Takeda and Tokugawa families fought fiercely, and it was famous for being impregnable. It is a mountain castle that is representative of the Sengoku period, and it was clear that the structure was such that it would be attacked from both sides as you climbed towards the main enclosure.It's a solid mountain castle, so I was prepared for quite a bit of climbing, but although the territory is quite large, the height differences and slopes are not as great as Takatori Castle (in Nara Prefecture) or Iwamura Castle (in Gifu Prefecture). There are also well-maintained mountain trails, so this hike will give you just the right amount of exercise. Elderly people were also strolling around.During the final battle, the lord of the castle, Motonobu Okabe of the Takeda side, exchanged a farewell cup with his soldiers the day before the castle fell. It is introduced at the Greater Tohoku Community Center, so we recommend that you stop by there as well. By the way, the 100 famous castle stamps are also available here.(Original)続日本100名城No.147の高天神城へ行ってきました。武田家と徳川家が激しく争った場所で、難攻不落と名高いことが、歩いてみて良く分かりました。戦国時代を代表する山城で、本丸に向けて登っていくときに左右から攻撃されてしまう構造となっていることが良く分かりました。堅固な山城なので、かなりの登りを覚悟していましたが、縄張りの広さはかなりありますが、高低差や傾斜は(奈良県の)高取城や、(岐阜県の)岩村城ほどではないですし、登山道も整備されていますので、ちょうど良い運動量となるハイキングになるでしょう。ご年配の方も散策されていました。最後の攻防戦となった際、城主だった武田方の岡部元信公が落城前日に城兵達と別れの杯を交わしたやるせなちエピソードなどが、近く(車で5分強の距離)の大東北公民館で紹介されていますので、こちらにも立ち寄られることをお薦めします。ちなみに100名城スタンプもこちらです。

鈴木善行 — Google review

(Translated by Google) It is one of the most famous castles in the world, and it was said that ``those who control Takatenjin Castle will control Enshu.'' Although the view from the castle ruins is affected by the thick trees, you can see the Enshu Plain and the Enshu Sea from the Nishinomaru area where Takaten Shrine is located. At first glance, you can understand that it is an extremely important strategic point whether attacking Enshu from Koshu or defending Enshu from Koshu.Takatenjinyama, where the castle is located, is a small mountain with a height of about 100 meters, and the size of the castle is only moderate. The mountain, covered with forest, looks serene. However, the impression changes completely when you step into the castle from the Oite exit or the Atsu exit. The ridge path continues to be steep on both sides, making it extremely difficult to veer off the path. The surroundings of Kuruwa are similar, and the level of difficulty is further increased by the dry moats and horikiri. It was a famously strong castle from the time it was built by the Imagawa clan, but after it returned to the Tokugawa clan, it was taken over by the Takeda clan, and its defense became even more solid after renovations by the Takeda clan. It makes sense for the Tokugawa clan to avoid force when recapturing the area, and to force the besieged forces to go to war through a thorough assault on supplies. For the Takeda clan, Takatenjin Castle was not only a beachhead for the invasion of Enshu, but also a stronghold from which to overcome their inferiority from the Battle of Nagashino, but with its loss, the prestige of the Takeda clan fell to the ground. One year after the fall of Takatenjin Castle, the Takeda clan fell into ruin. The winner was the one who controlled Takatenjin Castle.However, unless Enshu and Koshu were at war with each other, mountain castles on the border would be inconvenient because they could not support a large army, no matter how strong they were. The Tokugawa clan renovated Yokosuka Castle, which was built as a base for conquering Takatenjin Castle, and Kakegawa Castle, which had existed since the time of the Imagawa clan, while abandoning Takatenjin Castle. Since the decline of the Takeda clan was inevitable, they probably decided that Takatenjin Castle had no strategic value. Although it has ceased to function as a castle, it seems to have continued to be a spiritual place for the people living in this area, and has been well-maintained as both a shrine and a castle ruin. It is a good historical site where you can experience the history for yourself if you visit.(Original)「高天神城を制するものは遠州を制する」とうたわれた天下の名城です。生い茂る木々により城址からの眺望は損なわれているものの、高天神社が鎮座する西の丸近辺からは遠州平野と遠州灘を見渡せます。甲州から遠州を攻めるにせよ甲州から遠州を守るにせよきわめて重要な、戦略上の要衝だと一見して理解できます。城のある高天神山は比高一〇〇メートルほどの小さな山で、城の規模もそれなりでしかありません。山林におおわれた山容は穏やかにすら見えます。しかしながら追手口あるいは搦手口から城内に足を踏み入れると印象は一変します。尾根道の左右は急峻が続き、道を外れて進むのは至難の業です。曲輪の周辺も同様なうえ、空堀と堀切により難攻の度がさらに高められています。今川氏による築城当時から名高き堅城ではありましたが、徳川氏への帰順の後に武田氏に奪われ、武田氏による改修で守りはさらに堅固となりました。徳川氏が奪い返す際は無理押しを避けて、徹底した兵糧攻めにより籠城方を出戦に追い込んだのは理にかなっています。武田氏にとっての高天神城は遠州攻略の橋頭堡であると共に、長篠の合戦からの劣勢を跳ね返すための拠り所でもあったのですが、それを失ったことにより武田氏の威信は地に堕ちます。高天神城失陥の一年後に武田氏は滅亡します。まさに高天神城を制したものが勝者となったのです。ただ、遠州と甲州が相争う状態でなければ、どれほど堅固であっても、大軍を養えない国境の山城は不便なばかりです。徳川氏は高天神城攻略の拠点として築いた横須賀城、今川氏の頃からあった掛川城を改修する一方で、高天神城を廃城とします。武田氏の衰亡が不可避である以上、高天神城に戦略的価値はないと判断したのでしょう。城としては役目を終えたものの、この地に暮らす人々の心の拠り所ではあり続けたようで、神社としても城址としてもほどよく整備されています。訪れれば歴史を体感できる良い史跡です。

七面鳥放浪記 — Google review

(Translated by Google) A castle ruin that you should visit at least once when you come to Shizuoka. There is no castle tower or stone wall, but the defense system that takes advantage of the mountain topography is interesting.As the years pass, the remains of the structure start to fade away, but since there is a shrine here and people come and go, it is unlikely that it will be buried in bushes.Kuruwa is placed on the ridge of the mountain and is strengthened with a moat and earthworks.It is said that "those who control Takatenjin will control Enshu," and the castle fell due to the force of Katsuyori Takeda. However, the battle for Takatenjin Castle with Tokugawa Ieyasu ended with Motonobu Okabe, the nearly 70-year-old lord and commander-in-chief, leading a charge and defeating the castle.Takatenjin Castle, which was said to be a strong fortress, would have been completely surrounded by six forts and was attacked for food and supplies.The retreat route that Takeda vassals used to escape when the castle fell has been maintained as a mountain trail.The recommended entrance to the castle is the Ashi-te exit. There are several parking lots, and I arrived at the castle before sunrise, but I was able to park nearby. It is also the trailhead for climbing the next mountain, and there is also a restroom. The view is great, and even if you're not a fan of castles, it's recommended for light trekking or walking.It is said that Lord Ieyasu also climbed the neighboring mountain.(Original)静岡に来たら一度は訪れたい城跡。天守や石垣はありませんが、山の地形を生かした防衛システムが面白いですね。年数が経つにつれ遺構が煙滅してきますが、ここは神社も有り人の往来もあるので藪に埋もれる事は無さそうです。山の尾根に曲輪を配置し、堀と土塁で固めています。「高天神を制するものは遠州を制する」とも言われ武田勝頼の力攻めにより落城しました。しかし徳川家康との高天神城の戦いの終焉は70歳近い城主であり総大将の岡部元信が先頭に立って突撃を仕掛けて討ち取られたそうです。堅城と言われた高天神城も、周りに6つの砦を築き完全な包囲で兵糧攻めされてはたまったもんではなかったでしょう。落城の際に武田家臣が逃げ道に使った退路が登山道として整備されています。オススメの登城口は搦手口が良いでしょう。駐車場が幾つも有り、日の出前に登城しましたが近くに止められました。隣の山に登る為の登山口でもあり、トイレもあります。見晴らしも良く、城郭ファンで無くても軽いトレッキングや散歩にもオススメですよ♪隣の山には家康公も登ったそうです。

おやじ三等兵 — Google review

(Translated by Google) First of all, choose whether to climb from the Atsumon gate or the Oshimon gate.I parked at the south exit parking lot (with toilets) and climbed the castle through the Otemon gate.The condition of the building is such that you can feel the love of the local people and the local government.Now, only small remains remain.The view from the top was very pleasant as you could even see Mt. Fuji.It was a fairly tough climb, but it was fun and gave us a taste of what Yamashiro is like.By the way, wouldn't it be okay to leave a box for maintenance cooperation? I wanted to pay off my feelings.(Original)まず初めに、搦手門か追手門から登るか選ぼう。オイラは南口駐車場(トイレあり)に停めて追手門から登城。地元民と自治体の愛を感じる整備具合。今は細々とした遺構が残る。上からの眺望は富士山も見えて気持ちいいものだった。そこそこキツい登りだが、山城らしさを味わえて楽しかった。ところで整備協力金的な箱置いてもいいんじゃないかな?オイラはお気持ちを払いたいと思ったよ。

Tokyo F — Google review

(Translated by Google) Number 147 of 100 Famous CastlesThere is a legend that Takatenjin Castle was built during the Jishō-Juei War (Genpei War), but no documents or archaeological discoveries have been made to confirm this. The first reliable written record states that in the early 16th century, Sukeharu f*ckushima, a vassal of the Imagawa clan, was stationed at Hijikata's Castle (Hijikata was the name of the area where Takatenjin Castle is located) as a castle lord.From wikiIt is a castle that has a connection with Takeda and Tokugawa.For Katsuyori, losing this castle was an opportunity to make a name for himself, but by not being able to protect it, it became a part of Takeda's downfall, and I think it is a castle that symbolizes the prosperity of Takeda.There is plenty of parking.It took about 80 minutes to walk around. Since the shrine is located at the top of the mountain, the roads are in good condition.The ruins can be said to be the entire mountain. Highlights include Ohorikiri, vertical moat, and Kuruwa. The view from the observatory overlooks the Pacific Ocean and is refreshing on clear days.Transportation is very difficult here, so a car is recommended.Meijo stamps are available at Daito Community Center.(Original)続百名城の147番高天神城には治承・寿永の乱(源平合戦)の際に築城されたとの伝承があるが、それと確認できる文献も考古学的発見もなされていない。確実な文献としては16世紀初頭に今川氏の家臣であった福島助春が城代として土方の城(土方は高天神城のある地域の地名)に駐屯したとの記述が初見である。wikiより武田・徳川の因縁ある城ですね。勝頼にとっては此処を落とした事は名を上げる機会にもなったものの、守り切れなかった事で武田滅亡への一端にもなり隆盛を象徴するような城だと思います。駐車場はたっぷりあります。一通り歩き回って80分ほどでした。神社が山頂にある関係で道は奇麗に整備されています。遺構は山全体とも言える。大堀切や縦堀、曲輪などが見どころか。展望所からの景色は太平洋が見え、天気が良い日には爽快です。交通の便は非常に悪い所なのでやはり車がお勧めですかね。名城スタンプは大東公民館にあります。

ダイヤドラゴンワン — Google review

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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