Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 620-626
Original Research Article
Population Dynamics of Sucking Pests with Relation to Weather
Parameters in Bt Cotton in Buldana District, Maharashtra, India
Prashant W. Nemade, Kiran P. Budhvat* and Pankaj S. Wadaskar
Cotton Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola 444104,
Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding author
Cotton (Gossypium sp.) is the leading natural
fibre and oil seed crop which plays a key role
in Indian economy with global position of
second in production after China and offering
livelihood security for the Indian farming
community. It also plays a dominant role in
the industrial and agricultural economy of the
nation and has a unique place in social affairs.
Many allied activities like ginning, fabric
production, textile processing, garment
manufacture and their marketing etc. provides
employment about 6 million people. It also
provides 65 percent raw material to textile
industry and contributed 1/3rd
of total foreign
exchange earning of India (Mayee and Rao,
In India, the area under cotton crop is 121.91
lakh ha with production of 347.05 lakh bales
(170 kg) and productivity of 484 kg lint/ha,
however Maharashtra state comes under
central zone occupies an area of 40.95 lakh ha
with production of 73.75 lakh bales and
productivity of 306 kg lint /ha (Anonymous,
2011). The sucking pests viz. Aphids (Aphis
gossypii), Jassids (Amrasca biguttula
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 01 (2018) Journal homepage:
The population dynamics of sucking pests Bt cotton along with their correlation with
weather factors were studied during 2008-2013 in five talukas of Buldana district,
Maharashtra. According to five year average data the maximum aphid population (43.56
per cent) was recorded in 33rd meteorological week whereas jassid population were
reached maximum of 4.42 jassid in 37th meteorological week. The population of thrips
was more abundant (6.96 thrips/3 leaves/plant) on the crop in 36th meteorological week. In
case of white fly, maximum population of 6.57 whiteflies per 3 leaves per plant was
recorded in 37th meteorological week whereas, minimum of 0.82 whiteflies recorded in
31st meteorological week. Among the weather parameters maximum temperature showed
positive correlation with A. bigutulla bigutulla, T. tabaci and B. tabaci except whitefly
whereas, minimum temperature showed positive correlation with all above mentioned
sucking pests. The rainfall favored the activity of all sucking pests with positive
correlation except whitefly.
K e y w o r d s
Bt cotton,
Relative humidity,
Sucking pests and
06 December 2017
Available Online: 10 January 2018
Article Info
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 620-626
biguttula) Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) and
Thrips (Thrips tabaci) are most serious and
destructive pests with regular occurrence.
After introduction of Bt cotton hybrid a
general shift in sucking pest complex towards
thrips, aphids, jassids, white fly and other
sucking pests was observed. These minor
pests attained economic importance after
introducing Bt cotton. The pest problems,
particularly that of up till now minor pests,
had not be monitored regularly and often
remedial majors were undertaken only after
they reached epidemic or causes heavy losses.
A regular surveying of cotton pest, using
preferably information communication
technologies and development of suitable IPM
strategies was the need of the hour, as it would
have lay to better by all agencies involved in
plant protection and issue proper advice to
farmer based on actual pest problem. Amongst
various reason of low productivity of Bt
transgenic cotton, the sucking pests gain much
importance due to havoc created by most of
the sucking pest in the recent years. A broad
range of insecticides available in market have
proved as effective in reducing the pest
population. However, negligence in following
the principles of crop protection,
indiscriminate and extensive use of synthetic
insecticides led to development of insecticidal
resistance, pest resurgence, residue,
destruction of natural enemies etc. Hence, it is
require moving on other molecules with
different mode of action to overcome such
types of consequences (Patel, et. al., 2014).
Thus the present study was conducted to share
the information on sucking pest scenario with
farmer, state agencies and central agencies for
developing appropriate management
Materials and Methods
The field survey was conducted in Buldana
district (Maharashtra) under project entitled
“National Information System for Pest
Management- Bt Cotton” between the years
2008-09 to 2012-13. In the present study, 20
villages from five talukas of Buldhana district
were selected. From these talukas two circles
were preferred and from which two villages
were selected and two Bt cotton growing
farmer were chosen from each village. The
observations were recorded in each week from
these farmers field. Observations on aphids,
jassids, thrips, whiteflies count were recorded
by randomly selecting 20 plants from each
field plot on top, middle and bottom leaves per
plant. Sowing of cotton by project farmers was
done from 15th
May to 1st
week of July at a
different spacing under rain fed situation. For
this purpose, different Bt hybrid varieties were
selected for sowing purpose and regular
agronomic practices were carried out. Data on
weather parameters were obtained from the
Meteorology unit, Regional Research Station,
Buldana under Dr. PDKV, Akola. The
relationship between weather parameters and
sucking pests was established by using simple
correlation coefficient and regression analysis.
Results and Discussion
The cumulative data on aphid was averaged
out of between the years 2008-09 to 2012-13.
Average population of aphid was ranged from
7.91 to 43.56 per cent on presence or absence
basis. The maximum (43.56 % aphids)
population was recorded in 33rd
meteorological week; the aphid population
was observed above ET level during 31st to
standard meteorological week, however it
was lower (7.91 %) in 50th meteorological
week. The peak population of aphid was
increased at 33rd
standard meteorological
week and thereafter the peak population goes
decreasing up to 41st week. Thereafter, the
second peak of population was observed in
SMW after that the population continues
decreasing up to 50th
SMW after that third
peak of aphid was observed in 51st SMW (Fig.
1). Dhobi and Bharpoda (2013) also reported
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 620-626
that population of aphid (Aphis gossypii
Glover) was appear during 37th
meteorological week and reached to a first
peak during 39th
The population of jassid was recorded during
the same period of years. The result depicted
in Figure 1 revealed that the population of
jassid was ranged between 0.51 and 4.42. The
peak period of jassid population was observed
during 31st to 41
th standard meteorological
week which shows that the maximum (4.42
jassid per 3 leaves) population was recorded in
five year average in 37th
meteorological week
and it was observed minimum of 0.51
jassids/3 leaves/plant in 2nd meteorological
Reddy et al., (2011) showed that the peak
incidence was observed from the second
fortnight of October to first fortnight of
November in 2009-10 (10.11 to 10.82/leaf)
and in the season of 2010-11, the peak
incidence was noticed in mid-September to
first fortnight of October (6.02 to 5.48/leaf).
Similarly, Bharpoda et al., (2013) concluded
that the peak activity of jassid was recorded
during 38th
to 45th
SMW to the tune of 3.17 to
4.82 per 3 leaves. These results are in line
with the present findings.
Average population of thrips was ranged from
0.21 to 6.96 thrips per 3 leaves per plant. The
peak activity of thrips was recorded during
to 39th
SMW (Fig. 1) during which
maximum population of 6.96 thrips/3 leaves
was recorded in 36th meteorological
week; whereas least in 2nd meteorological
week i.e. 0.21 thrips/3 leaves /plant. The
present findings are supporting the results of
Bharpoda et al., (2013) who stated that the
activity of thrips was concerned in Vadodara
district to the tune of 0.06 (5th
SMW) to 4.30
SMW). The population showed number
of fluctuation in its activity. However, higher
activity of thrips was noticed during 32nd
SMW. Shivanna et al., (2009) reported
that the maximum incidence of thrips
population was noticed from April to May
with a peak incidence of 26.81 per three
leaves was recorded in April second fortnight.
The average population of white fly incidence
was observed between the ranged of 0.82 to
6.57 whitefly per 3 leaves per plant during the
five year in respective SMW. The peak
activity of white fly was recorded during 36th
to 44th
SMW (Fig. 2) where the maximum
(6.57 whiteflies/ 3 leaves) population was
recorded in 37th meteorological week
whereas, minimum of 0.82 whiteflies recorded
in 31st meteorological week. These present
findings are in line with the results obtained
by Deb and Bharpoda (2013) who reported
that the peak activity of white fly was
observed during 46th
SMW (2nd
week of
Correlation studies
The five years (2008 to 2013) mean weekly
counts of various sucking pests from 31st std.
week were correlated separately with weather
parameters and the correlation coefficients
analysis is presented in Table 1.
The maximum temperature did not show any
significant impact on the A. gossypii as the
correlation was negatively non-significant
with the population of aphids (-0.102) but the
minimum temperature had showed highly
significant positive correlation with the
population of aphid (0.725*) which showed
that the minimum temperature was most
favorable to the incidence aphids in Bt cotton
(Table 1). The rainfall showed highly
significant positive impact on population
buildup of aphid (0.773*) which reflects that
the rainfall was very favourable for the
positive population buildup of aphid.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 620-626
Table.1 Correlation of weather parameters with incidence of sucking pests on Bt cotton
Temperature (°C) Rainfall
Relative Humidity (%) BSH
(hr) Maximum Minimum Morning Evening
Aphid -0.102 0.725* 0.773* 0.773* 0.871* -0.839*
Jassid 0.358 0.912* 0.677* 0.849* 0.789* -0.471
Thrips 0.124 0.685* 0.784* 0.752* 0.699* -0.419
Whitefly 0.691* 0.584* 0.217 0.460 0.262 0.136
*Significant at p =0.05% r (5%) = 404 and r (1%) = 515
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 620-626
Table.2 Multiple regression equation of sucking pests with weather parameters on Bt cotton at
Buldana district (2008-2013)
Regression equation R2
1. Aphid Y1 = -144.33+5.658X1-4.321X2-0.109X3+0.390X4+1.360X5-4.113X6 0.845
2. Jassid Y1=5.528-0.346X1+0.475X2+0.009X3-0.034X4-0.023X5+0.406X6 0.885
3. Thrips Y1= -5.408-0.120X1+0.122X2+0.074X3+0.068X4 -0.021X5+0.482X6 0.744
4. Whitefly Y1= 0.583-0.433X1+0.805X2+0.028X3-0.004X4-0.111X5+1.035X6 0.773
Relative humidity both in morning (0.773*)
and evening (0.871*) was positively
correlated with aphid population. The impact
of BSH on the population of all sucking pests
revealed that the population was significantly
negative correlated with aphid (-0.839). The
present findings are in line with Bhute (2012)
who stated that simple correlation studies
revealed that rainfall showed significant and
negative correlation with aphids. The present
findings on positive relationship between
relative humidity and population buildup of
aphids corroborate with observations of
Mohapatra (2008) and Selvaraj and
Adiroubne (2012).
The maximum temperature did not show any
significant impact on the A. biguttula
biguttula. The correlation with jassid (0.358)
population was positively non-significant and
the minimum temperature (0.912) and rainfall
(0.677*) had showed highly significant
positive relationship with the population of
jassid (Table 1). Relative humidity both in
morning and evening was positively
correlated with jassids. The average of
morning (0.849*) relative humidity had
positive relationship whereas, the relative
humidity at the evening (0.789*) had showed
highly significant positive relationship. The
impact of BSH on the population of jassids
revealed that the population was significantly
negative correlated with aphid jassid (-0.471).
Mohapatra (2008) reported that rainfall had a
non-significant positive effect on population
of A. biguttula biguttula (0.284).
The maximum temperature was negatively
non-significant correlated (0.124) population
but minimum temperature was highly
significant positive (0.685*) relationship with
thrips (Table 1). The rainfall showed highly
significant positive impact on population
buildup of thrips (0.784*) during all the years.
This shows that the rainfall was very
favourable for the positive population buildup
of thrips. The average of morning relative
humidity had positive relationship (0.752*)
whereas, the relative humidity at the evening
had highly significant positive relationship
with thrips (0.699*). The impact of BSH
showed significantly negative correlation with
thrips (-0.419). The present findings are in
controversy with Selvaraj and Adiroubne
(2012) who stated that thrips population build
up showed a significant and positive
correlation with BSH.
The maximum (0.691*) and minimum
(0.584*) temperature exhibited highly
significant positive correlation with
population of whitefly (Table 1). The
population of whitefly showed the non-
significant positive relationship (0.217) with
the rainfall. The average of morning relative
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(1): 620-626
humidity had positive relationship (0.460*)
but at the evening it showed non -significant
positive (0.262) correlation with the
population of whitefly. The impact of BSH on
the population of whitefly showed the non-
significant positive correlation (0.136). Shera
et al., (2013) found that the population of B.
tabaci was positively correlated with
maximum and minimum temperature during
all the years; however, it was significant with
minimum temperature. Meena et al., (2013)
concluded that whitefly population exhibited
positive correlation with maximum, minimum
and mean temperature on chilli.
Regression studies
Based on regression analysis by taking
sucking pest population (Y) as a dependent
variable and weather parameters (X) as
independent variables following equations
were fitted for the year 2008-2013 (Table 2).
The regression equation indicated that an
increase in 1ºC of maximum temperature
increases the aphid population by 5.658 per 3
leaves per week and the population decreases
by 4.321 per 3 leaves as the 1ºC of minimum
temperature increases. The increase of 1%
morning and evening relative humidity
increases the aphid population by 0.390 and
1.360 per 3 leaves per week. Increase in 1%
maximum temperature resulted for decreasing
the jassid population by 0.346 per 3 leaves
similarly, 1% increasing of morning and
evening relative humidity the population of
jassid were decreases by 0.034 and 0.023 per
3 leaves, respectively. Whereas, in case of
thrips, the population were decreased by
0.120 and 0.021 per 3 leaves as the 1°C of
maximum temperature and 1% evening
humidity were increased, respectively. Due to
the increase in maximum temperature of 1ºC
whitefly population almost reduces by 0.433
and similarly whitefly population reduction
(0.111 per 3 leaves) was also observed at
increasing of evening humidity by 1%.
The prediction of sucking pests of Bt cotton
were made by developing multiple regression
equations by using regression models. The
results of regression models and the
coefficients of determination (R2) indicated
that the sucking pests viz., aphid, jassid, thrips
and whitefly were predicated to an extent of
84, 88, 74 and 77 per cent, respectively. The
correlation and regression analysis clearly
showed the importance of weather factors in
predicting the sucking pest incidence in Bt
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How to cite this article:
Prashant W. Nemade, Kiran P. Budhvat and Pankaj S. Wadaskar. 2018. Population Dynamics
of Sucking Pests with Relation to Weather Parameters in Bt Cotton in Buldana District,
Maharashtra, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(01): 620-626.