K. I. Kellermann, M. L. Lister,1,2

and D. C. Homan1,3

National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475;

[emailprotected], [emailprotected], [emailprotected]

R. C. Vermeulen

Netherlands Foundation Research in Astronomy (ASTRON), Postbus 2, NL-7990 AA Dwingeloo, Netherlands; [emailprotected]

M. H. Cohen

Department of Astronomy, MS 105-24, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; [emailprotected]

E. Ros and M. Kadler

Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hugel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany; [emailprotected], [emailprotected]

J. A. Zensus

Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hugel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany; and National Radio Astronomy Observatory,

520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475; [emailprotected]


Y. Y. Kovalev1

National Radio Astronomy Observatory, P.O. Box 2, Green Bank, WV 24944; and Astro Space Center of P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute,

Profsoyuznaya 84/32, 117997 Moscow, Russia; [emailprotected]

Received 2004 January 6; accepted 2004 March 24


We report the results of a 15 GHz (2 cm) multiepoch Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) program, begun in1994 to study the outflow in radio jets ejected from quasars and active galaxies. The observed flow of 208 distinctfeatures measured in 110 quasars, active galaxies, and BL Lac objects shows highly collimated relativisticmotion with apparent transverse velocities typically between zero and about 15c, with a tail extending up toabout 34c. Within individual jets, different features appear to move with a similar characteristic velocity that canrepresent an underlying continuous jet flow, but we also see some stationary and even apparently inward-movingfeatures that coexist with the main features. Comparison of our observations with published data at otherwavelengths suggests that there is a systematic decrease in apparent velocity with increasing wavelength,probably because the observations at different wavelengths sample different parts of the jet structure.

The observed distribution of linear velocities is not consistent with any simple ballistic model. Either there is arather broad range of Lorentz factors, a significant difference between the velocity of the bulk relativistic flowand the pattern speed of underlying shocks, or a combination of these options. Assuming a ballistic flow,comparison of observed apparent velocities and Doppler factors computed from the timescale of flux densityvariations is consistent with a steep power-law distribution of intrinsic Lorentz factors, an isotropic distributionof orientations of the parent population, and intrinsic brightness temperatures about an order of magnitude belowthe canonical inverse Compton limit. It appears that the parent population of radio jets is not dominated by highlyrelativistic flows, and contrary to the assumption of simple unified models, not all sources have intrinsic speedsclose to c.

Usually, the observed jet flow is in the general direction of an established jet. However, many jets showsignificant bends and twists, where the observed motions are nonradial but are aligned with the local jet direction,suggesting that the jet flow occurs along preexisting bent channels. In a few cases we have observed a clearchange in the direction of a feature as it flows along the jet. Radio jets that are also strong gamma-ray sourcesdetected by EGRET appear to have significantly faster speeds than the non-EGRET sources, consistent with theidea that gamma-ray sources have larger Doppler factors than non–gamma-ray sources. Sources at high redshifthave systematically lower angular speeds than low-redshift jets, consistent with standard cosmologies.

Subject headings: galaxies: active — galaxies: jets — quasars: general — radio continuum: galaxies

On-line material: machine-readable tables


The discovery in the mid-1960s of rapid variability inextragalactic radio sources (Sholomitskii 1965; Dent 1965;Pauliny-Toth & Kellermann 1966) appeared difficult to ex-plain in terms of conventional synchrotron radiation theory.These early observations showed changes by as much as 25%

1 Karl Jansky Fellow.2 Current address: Department of Physics, Purdue University, 525 North-

western Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47907.3 Current address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Denison Uni-

versity, Granville, OH 43023.



The Astrophysical Journal, 609:539–563, 2004 July 10

# 2004. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


over a few weeks, as well as significant day-to-day variations(Pauliny-Toth & Kellermann 1966). It was quickly realized(e.g., Hoyle et al. 1966) that the observed rapid variabilityimplied such small linear dimensions that the relativisticelectron population would be rapidly extinguished by inverseCompton scattering. Later, Kellermann & Pauliny-Toth (1969)put these arguments on a quantitative observational basis,showing that as a result of inverse Compton cooling, themaximum sustainable brightness temperature for an incoherentsource of electron synchrotron radiation is less than 1012 K.

However, Woltjer (1966) and Rees (1966, 1967) pointed outthat if there is relativistic bulk motion of the emitting material,since the radiation is then beamed along the direction ofmotion, the apparent luminosity in that direction is enhanced,while at the same time the cross section for inverse Comptonscattering is reduced. Additionally, since the radiating sourcenearly catches up with its radiation, for a favorably positionedobserver, the apparent transverse motion can exceed the speedof light. Early VLBI observations (Whitney et al. 1971; Cohenet al. 1971) showed evidence of the predicted high-velocityoutflow; however, the arguments were indirect, and one hadto have faith in the interpretation of the very limited radiointerferometric data, which did not fully sample the sourcestructure (e.g., Dent 1972). Subsequent higher quality VLBIobservations confirmed the existence of superluminal motionin the well-collimated radio jets, found in the nuclei of manyquasars and in nearby active galaxies (Cohen et al. 1977).

VLBI observations provide a direct method to investigateaspects of the formation, acceleration, and propagation of ex-tragalactic radio jets. Early studies discussing apparent jetspeeds were statistically unreliable because they were largelybased on the analysis of published observations of only a fewtens of sources made at different times, often at only two orthree epochs, by different groups, using different antenna arrayconfigurations and different observing/data reduction strate-gies. The dynamic range of the images was often inadequate toidentify individual features, especially for the more complexsources, and spacings in time between successive observationswere frequently too long to uniquely identify and track movingjet features from epoch to epoch. Moreover, the source selec-tion criteria for many previously published studies of super-luminal motion were not well defined. A systematic study byVermeulen (1995) of 81 sources from the flux density–limited6 cm Caltech–Jodrell Bank Survey indicated smaller typicalspeeds than in earlier reports. This suggested that earlierstudies preferentially tended to observe and/or report onlysources in which rapid motion was detected or suspected.

In 1994 we began a systematic 15 GHz Very Long BaselineArray (VLBA) survey of relativistic outflows in a sample ofover 100 quasar and active galaxy radio jets. Our motivationwas to study the distributions of velocities, bending, patternmotions, accelerations, and other complexities of the jet kin-ematics that may exist, as well as changes in the strength andmorphology of features as they propagate along the jet. Theseobservations have provided the hom*ogeneity, resolution, anddynamic range to reliably distinguish and identify individualcomponents between different epochs. The central VLBAantennas provide short interferometric spacings that haveallowed us to (1) track features moving for some distancedown the jet where they become more diffuse and (2) observethe continuous jet rather than just the bright features that areoften referred to as ‘‘components’’ or ‘‘blobs.’’

We chose 15 GHz as a compromise between achieving thebest angular resolution and the better sensitivity and immunity

from weather conditions found at lower frequencies. At thisobserving frequency the resolution of the VLBA is approxi-mately 0.5 mas in right ascension and between 0.5 and 1 masin declination. We therefore have sufficient angular resolutionin many cases to resolve the two-dimensional jet transverse toits flow, which allows for tests of some theoretical models. Inaddition, individual features can often be recognized at sig-nificantly smaller separations from the origin. On the otherhand, our observations are less sensitive to structure andmotions of the more diffuse features located far out along thejet or within 0.5 mas of the core.Our 15 GHz data represent a significant improvement over

previous studies of superluminal motion in active galacticnuclei (AGNs). First, our sample of sources is large, and thesample membership was based on criteria other than observedsuperluminal motion. Second, the speeds are better determinedbecause (1) our data are well sampled and span a longer timeperiod and (2) our higher image resolution results in lessblending of features.In Kellermann et al. (1998, hereafter Paper I) we described

the parsec-scale structure of 132 of the strongest known radiojets based on a single epoch of observation. In Zensus et al.(2002, hereafter Paper II) we discussed the structure of anadditional 39 sources. Contour maps of all of our multiepochobservations are available on our Web site4 along with kine-matic and other data on each source. In this paper we discussour multiepoch observations made through 2001 March 15and the kinematics derived from these observations.Some preliminary results of our program have already been

published (Kellermann et al. 1999, 2000, 2003; Kellermann2002; Ros et al. 2002; Cohen et al. 2003; Kovalev 2003;Zensus et al. 2003). We have also discussed the kinematics ofseveral individual sources, including PKS 1345+125 (Listeret al. 2003), NGC 1052 (Vermeulen et al. 2003b), and 3C 279(Homan et al. 2003).In x 2 we describe our sample and source selection criteria,

and in x 3 we discuss the details of our observational program.In x 4.1 we summarize the predictions of relativistic beamingmodels, while in x 4.2 we present the observed jet kinematics.In xx 4.3 and 4.4 we discuss the implications of our observa-tions for the nature of the relativistic flow. In x 4.5 we discussthe angular velocity–redshift relation, and in x 5 we summarizeour results and describe our ongoing observing program.Throughout this paper we use the following cosmological

parameters: H0 ¼ 70 km s�1 Mpc�1, �m ¼ 0:3, and �� ¼ 0:7.


2.1. The Full Sample

Our original source sample (see Paper I ) was based on theKuhr 1 Jy catalog (Kuhr et al. 1981) as supplemented byStickel et al. (1994). Our goal was to include all knownsources in the Stickel et al. (1994) catalog that have a flatspectral index (� > �0:5 for S� � �� ) anywhere above500 MHz and a total flux density at 15 GHz, observed at leastat one epoch, greater than 1.5 Jy for sources north of thecelestial equator or greater than 2 Jy for sources betweendeclinations �20� and the equator. Since the Stickel et al.(1994) catalog is complete only at 5 GHz, we used othermeasurements at 15 GHz or extrapolations from lower fre-quencies to augment the Kuhr sample.

4 Available at /2cmsurvey.



While we attempted to be complete for flat-spectrum, core-dominated sources that met our selection criteria, we alsoincluded a number of other sources of special interest asfollows:

1. Six compact steep-spectrum (CSS) sources as indicatedin Table 1. These sources generally have steep radio spectraand angular sizes smaller than �100 on the sky.

2. Four lobe-dominated sources with core components thatwould satisfy our criteria if they did not also have strong ex-tended steep-spectrum structure. Two other sources, NGC 1052(0238�084) and 3C 120 (0430+052), also have prominentdouble-lobe structure, but since they are core dominated onarcsecond scales at 15 GHz, they met our spectral index se-lection criterion.

3. Ten gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) sources, some ofwhich have two-sided jet structure (Lister et al. 2002; M. L.Lister et al. 2004, in preparation). However, many of the GPSsources we observed turned out to be merely flat-spectrumsources whose spectrum was temporarily dominated by abright, synchrotron self-absorbed component in the jet. Our‘‘peaked’’ classification in Table 1 is given only to sources thatto our knowledge have always met the GPS spectral criteriagiven by de Vries et al. (1997). For a few sources, our classi-fication differs from that previously published (e.g., O’Dea1998); however, we believe that our classification is more ro-bust (Kovalev 2004; Y. Y. Kovalev et al. 2004, in preparation).

Table 1 summarizes the properties of each source discussedin this paper. All of these sources were introduced in Papers Iand II; however, 37 sources included in Papers I and II are notdiscussed now because they were observed only once or twice.These have subsequently been observed and will be discussedin a separate paper (E. Ros et al. 2004, in preparation). Onesource listed in Paper I is gravitationally lensed (0218+357), sowe have chosen not to include it in our statistical discussion.Eight other sources had no detectable jet above our sensitivitylimit. They are labeled as ‘‘naked cores’’ in Table 1, and wereport no motions for these sources. Three sources, 0316+162,1328+254, and 1328+307 reported in Papers I or II, are notdiscussed here as they have complex structure that we couldnot adequately image.

Columns (1) and (2) of Table 1 give the IAU source des-ignation and, where appropriate, a commonly used alias.Column (3) indicates whether or not the source is a memberof the representative flux density–limited sample that wedescribe in x 2.2. The optical classification and redshift asgiven mainly by Veron-Cetty & Veron (2001) are given incolumns (4) and (5), respectively. In column (6) we give a radiospectral classification for each source based on RATAN-600telescope observations of broadband instantaneous spectrafrom 1 to 22 GHz as described by Kovalev et al. (1999).These spectra are available on our web site. For a few sourcesnot observed at the RATAN-600 telescope, we used published(nonsimultaneous) radio flux densities taken from the litera-ture. We consider a radio spectrum to be ‘‘flat’’ if any portionof its spectrum in the range 0.6–22 GHz has a spectral indexflatter than �0.5 and ‘‘steep’’ if the radio spectral index issteeper than�0.5 over this entire region. Column (7) shows theparsec-scale radio morphology taken from Papers I and II,column (8) shows the largest total flux density seen on anyof our VLBA images, and column (9) gives an indication ofwhether or not the radio source is associated with a gamma-ray detection by EGRET.

2.2. The Representative Flux Density–limited Subsample

The full sample of sources described in the previous sectionis useful for investigating jet kinematics in a cross section ofknown AGN classes. However, in order to compare with thetheoretical predictions of relativistic beaming models, a well-defined sample selected on the basis of beamed (not total) fluxdensity is needed. Past surveys (e.g., Taylor et al. 1996; Lister2001) have attempted to accomplish this by means of aspectral flatness criterion. However, we found that this methodeliminates some lobe-dominated active galaxies such as thosedescribed in x 2.1. We also found that the extrapolated 15 GHzflux density based on nonsimultaneous lower frequency mea-surements was often grossly in error because of spectral cur-vature or variability.

We have therefore assembled a flux density–limited sub-sample from the full 15 GHz VLBA survey by using ourmeasured VLBA flux densities as the main selection criterion.All sources that had a total CLEAN VLBA flux density ex-ceeding 1.5 Jy (2 Jy for southern sources) at any epoch since1994 are included in this subsample. We excluded any sourcesthat were observed on at least four occasions and neverexceeded this limit. For survey sources with fewer than fourVLBA epochs, we estimated the VLBA flux density at vari-ous epochs during this period using the source compactnessand data from the flux density monitoring programs at theRATAN-600 radio telescope (Kovalev et al. 1999) or theUniversity of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory5 (Alleret al. 1992, 2003).

It is important to note that this subsample, although fluxdensity–limited, is not complete; that is, there are additionalcompact sources that fulfill our selection criteria. This is partlydue to the lack of a complete all-sky survey at 15 GHz and alsoto the variable nature of AGNs. We have therefore identified alist of candidate sources from other recent high-frequency radiosurveys, made since our original list was compiled in 1994.These include the WMAP survey (Bennett et al. 2003), theVLBA calibrator survey (Beasley et al. 2002), RATAN-600observations (Kovalev et al. 1999), and the high-frequencypeaker survey (Dallacasa et al. 2000). We have made newVLBA observations of these sources in order to assemble acomplete flux density–limited, core-selected sample. There are133 sources in this complete flux density–limited sample, butso far we have multiepoch observations and derived speeds foronly 71 of these sources, which we define as the representativesubsample. For the purposes of the statistical analysis presentedhere, we consider our present subsample to be representative ofa complete sample, since the general properties of the missingsources should not be substantially different from the whole.We have compared the 15 GHz luminosity distributions of ourrepresentative subsample and the missing sources from the fullsample using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and find nosignificant difference between the two samples.

Although our subsample selection method is somewhatcomplex, it is based on the directly measured compact fluxdensity and does not use an often unreliable spectral indexcriterion. In addition, since the survey membership is notdetermined from a single ‘‘snapshot’’ epoch, we are not ex-cluding potentially interesting or highly variable sourcessimply because they happened to be in a low state at the timeof the original investigation. This increases the size of the

5 See /obs/radiotel /umrao.html.




General Source Properties

IAU Name




Subsample Member


Optical Class




Radio Spectrum


Radio Morphology






0003�066 ............... NRAO 005 Y B 0.347 Flat CJ 2.84 N

0007+106 ................ III Zw 2, Mrk 1501 Y G 0.0893 Flat N 1.29 N

0016+731 ................ Y Q 1.781 Flat CJ 0.98 N

0026+346 ................ N Ga 0.517 Flat CJ 0.65 N

0035+413 ................ N Q 1.353 Flat CJ 0.53 N

0048�097 ............... Y B . . . Flat N 1.65 N

0055+300 ................ NGC 315 N G 0.0165 Flat CJ 0.82 N

0106+013 ................ Y Q 2.107 Flat CJ 2.97 N

0112�017................ N Q 1.365 Flat CJ 0.82 N

0119+041 ................ N Q 0.637 Flat CJ 1.28 N

0133+476 ................ DA 55 Y Q 0.859 Flat CJ 4.95 N

0149+218 ................ N Q 1.320 Flat CJ 1.42 N

0153+744 ................ N Q 2.341 Flat CJ 0.37 N

0202+149 ................ 4C +15.05 Y Qb 0.405 Flat CJ 2.29 Y

0202+319 ................ Y Q 1.466 Flat CJ 2.27 N

0212+735 ................ Y Q 2.367 Flat CJ 2.69 N

0218+357c ............... N Ba 0.96 Flat CJ 0.70 N

0234+285 ................ CTD 20 Y Q 1.213 Flat CJ 4.04 Y

0235+164 ................ Y Bd 0.940 Flat N 1.62 Y

0238�084 ............... NGC 1052 Y G 0.00490 Flat 2S 2.48 N

0316+162e ............... CTA 21 N G . . . Peaked CJ 0.34 N

0316+413f ............... 3C 84 Y G 0.01756 Flat CJ 10.59 N

0333+321 ................ NRAO 140 Y Q 1.263 Flat CJ 2.24 N

0336�019 ............... CTA 26 Y Q 0.852 Flat CJ 3.44 Y

0355+508 ................ NRAO 150 N U . . . Flat CJ 7.11 N

0415+379 ................ 3C 111 Y G 0.0485 Steep CJ, LD 5.98 N

0420�014 ............... Y Q 0.915 Flat CJ 10.60 Y

0430+052 ................ 3C 120 Y G 0.033 Flat CJ 4.41 N

0440�003 ............... NRAO 190 N Q 0.844 Flat CJ 1.20 Y

0454+844 ................ N B . . . Flat CJ 0.34 N

0458�020 ............... Y Q 2.286 Flat CJ 2.33 Y

0528+134 ................ Y Q 2.070 Flat CJ 7.95 Y

0552+398 ................ DA 193 Y Q 2.363 Peaked N 5.02 N

0602+673 ................ N Q 1.970 Flat N 0.97 N

0605�085 ............... Y Q 0.872 Flat CJ 2.80 N

0607�157 ............... Y Q 0.324 Flat CJ 7.26 N

0615+820 ................ N Q 0.710 Flat N 0.48 N

0642+449 ................ OH 471 Y Q 3.408 Peaked CJ 4.31 N

0707+476 ................ N Q 1.292 Flat CJ 0.63 N

0710+439 ................ N G 0.518 Peaked 2S 0.61 N

0716+714 ................ Y B . . . Flat CJ 1.25 Y

0727�115................ Y Qa 1.591 Flat CJ 5.30 N

0735+178 ................ Y B . . . Flat CJ 1.64 Y

0736+017 ................ Y Q 0.191 Flat CJ 2.58 N

0738+313 ................ OI 363 Y Q 0.630 Flat CJ 2.87 N

0742+103 ................ Y Ga . . . Peaked CJ 1.50 N

0745+241 ................ N Qb 0.409 Flat CJ 0.95 N

0748+126 ................ Y Q 0.889 Flat CJ 3.25 N

0754+100 ................ Y B 0.266 Flat CJ 1.83 N

0804+499 ................ Y Q 1.432 Flat CJ 1.14 N

0808+019 ................ Y B . . . Flat CJ 1.34 N

0814+425 ................ Y B 0.245 Flat CJ 1.28 N

0823+033 ................ Y B 0.506 Flat CJ 1.40 N

0829+046 ................ Y B 0.180 Flat CJ 1.35 Y

0850+581 ................ N Q 1.322 Flat CJ 0.61 N

0851+202 ................ OJ 287 Y B 0.306 Flat CJ 4.12 Y

0859�140 ............... N Q 1.339 Steep CJ, CSS 1.58 N

0906+015 ................ 4C +01.24 Y Q 1.018 Flat CJ 2.73 N

0917+449 ................ N Q 2.180 Flat CJ 1.43 P

0923+392 ................ 4C +39.25 Y Q 0.698 Flat CJ 12.68 N

0945+408 ................ Y Q 1.252 Flat CJ 1.59 N

0953+254 ................ N Q 0.712 Flat CJ 1.31 N

1012+232 ................ 4C +23.24 N Q 0.565 Flat CJ 1.16 N



TABLE 1—Continued

IAU Name




Subsample Member


Optical Class




Radio Spectrum


Radio Morphology






1015+359 .................. N Q 1.226 Flat CJ 0.82 N

1049+215 .................. 4C +21.28 N Q 1.300 Flat CJ 1.45 N

1055+018 .................. 4C +01.28 Y Q 0.888 Flat CJ 5.30 N

1055+201 .................. 4C +20.24 N Q 1.110 Flat CJ 0.38 N

1101+384 .................. Mrk 421 N B 0.031 Flat CJ 0.53 Y

1127�145.................. Y Q 1.187 Flat CJ 3.39 N

1128+385 .................. N Q 1.733 Flat CJ 1.13 N

1155+251 .................. N Ga 0.202 Flat CJ 0.24 N

1156+295 .................. 4C +29.45 Y Q 0.729 Flat CJ 2.36 P

1219+285 .................. W Comae N B 0.102 Flat CJ 0.60 P

1226+023 .................. 3C 273 Y Q 0.158 Flat CJ 41.40 Y

1228+126 .................. M87 Y G 0.0044 Steep CJ, LD 2.97 N

1253�055 ................. 3C 279 Y Q 0.538 Flat CJ 24.89 Y

1302�102 ................. N Q 0.286 Flat CJ 0.71 N

1308+326 .................. Y Q 0.997 Flat CJ 3.98 N

1323+321 .................. 4C +32.44 N Ga 0.370 Peaked 2S 0.65 N

1328+254e ................. 3C 287 N Q 1.055 Steep CJ, CSS 0.09 N

1328+307e ................. 3C 286 N Q 0.846 Steep CJ, CSS 1.23 N

1334�127 ................. Y Q 0.539 Flat CJ 8.87 Y

1345+125 .................. 4C +12.50 N G 0.121 Peaked 2S 0.99 N

1404+286 .................. OQ 208, Mrk 668 N G 0.077 Peaked 2S 1.20 N

1413+135 .................. Y B 0.247 Flat 2S 1.72 N

1424+366 .................. N Q 1.091 Flat N 0.61 P

1508�055 ................. N Q 1.191 Steep CJ, CSS 0.73 N

1510�089 ................. Y Q 0.360 Flat CJ 2.93 Y

1532+016 .................. N Q 1.420 Flat CJ 0.76 N

1546+027 .................. Y Q 0.412 Flat CJ 2.83 N

1548+056 .................. 4C +05.64 Y Q 1.422 Flat CJ 2.92 N

1606+106 .................. 4C +10.45 Y Q 1.226 Flat CJ 1.93 Y

1611+343 .................. DA 406 Y Q 1.401 Flat CJ 4.52 Y

1633+382 .................. 4C +38.41 Y Q 1.807 Flat CJ 4.28 Y

1638+398 .................. NRAO 512 Y Q 1.666 Flat N 1.61 N

1641+399 .................. 3C 345 Y Q 0.594 Flat CJ 8.73 N

1642+690 .................. 4C +69.21 N Qb 0.751 Flat CJ 1.34 N

1652+398 .................. Mrk 501 N B 0.033 Flat CJ 0.90 N

1655+077 .................. Y Q 0.621 Flat CJ 2.09 N

1656+053 .................. N Q 0.879 Flat CJ 0.69 N

1656+477 .................. N Q 1.622 Flat CJ 1.14 N

1730�130 ................. NRAO 530 Y Q 0.902 Flat CJ 10.97 Y

1749+096 .................. 4C +09.57 Y Bd 0.320 Flat CJ 5.58 N

1749+701 .................. N B 0.770 Flat CJ 0.79 N

1758+388 .................. Y Q 2.092 Peaked CJ 1.75 N

1800+440 .................. Y Q 0.663 Flat CJ 1.50 N

1803+784 .................. Y Bd 0.680 Flat CJ 2.54 N

1807+698 .................. 3C 371 N B 0.050 Flat CJ 1.38 N

1823+568 .................. 4C +56.27 Y Bd 0.663 Flat CJ 2.31 N

1828+487 .................. 3C 380 Y Q 0.692 Steep CJ, CSS 2.01 N

1845+797 .................. 3C 390.3 N G 0.057 Steep CJ, LD 0.47 N

1901+319 .................. 3C 395 N Q 0.635 Steep CJ, CSS 1.35 N

1921�293 ................. N Q 0.352 Flat CJ 14.39 N

1928+738 .................. 4C +73.18 Y Q 0.303 Flat CJ 3.92 N

1957+405 .................. Cygnus A Y G 0.056 Steep 2S, LD 1.68 N

2005+403 .................. Y Q 1.736 Flat CJ 2.79 N

2007+777 .................. N B 0.342 Flat CJ 1.16 N

2021+317 .................. 4C +31.56 Y U . . . Flat CJ 2.16 N

2021+614 .................. Y Qb 0.227 Flat CJ 2.73 N

2113+293 .................. N Q 1.514 Flat CJ 0.94 N

2128�123 ................. Y Q 0.501 Flat CJ 3.18 N

2131�021 ................. 4C �02.81 Y Bd 1.285 Flat CJ 2.21 N

2134+004 .................. Y Q 1.932 Peaked CJ 6.34 N

2136+141 .................. OX 161 Y Q 2.427 Flat CJ 2.75 N

2144+092 .................. N Q 1.113 Flat CJ 0.81 N

2145+067 .................. 4C +06.69 Y Q 0.999 Flat CJ 10.37 N

2200+420 .................. BL Lac Y B 0.069 Flat CJ 5.67 Y



sample and the robustness of statistical tests on source prop-erties. Of the 71 sources in our representative subsample, thereare 53 quasars, 12 BL Lac objects, and six galaxies.


Our observations were made during 29 separate observingsessions between 1994 and 2001. Typically, we obtainedimages of each source at three to seven epochs over this 7 yrperiod. Sources were usually observed at 6–18 month inter-vals. Those with known rapid motion were observed morefrequently, while those with no observed jet or with only smallobserved motions were observed less often. Each observingsession lasted between 8 and 24 hr. In general we tried toobserve only at elevations above 10� to minimize the effect oftropospheric absorption, phase errors, and excessive groundradiation. Except for sources at low declinations, where thehour angle coverage is restricted, we observed each sourceonce per hour for 6–8 minutes over a range of 8 hr in hourangle. In general, all 10 VLBA antennas were used for eachobservation, except when restricted by elevation. We rarelyused less than eight antennas. Papers I and II, as well as ourWeb site, give logs of the observations.

Some additional observations were made in 1998 and 1999by L. I. Gurvits et al. (2004, in preparation) as part of a dif-ferent program to compare 15 GHz source structure measuredwith the VLBA to the 5 GHz structure measured using theJapanese HALCA space VLBI satellite (Hirabayashi et al.1998). We have used these data to supplement our own as theobservations were made using the same observing and datareduction procedures as used for the present program. Theseimages are also available on our Web site.

Data reduction was done using a combination of AIPS andDIFMAP as described in Paper I. Each image was analyzedusing the AIPS task JMFIT or MAXFIT to determine the rel-ative positions of each definable feature at each epoch, andthese positions were then used to calculate velocities relative toa presumed core component. We have assumed that the bright

unresolved feature typically found at the end of so-called core-jet sources is the stationary core. Generally, the choice of thecore is clear because of its high brightness temperature andlocation. However, in a few cases, the location of the core isambiguous, particularly in some sources where the componentmotions appear two-sided about a centrally located core. As anaid in identifying components from one epoch to the next, weexamined each image for continuity in position, flux density,and structure. Usually, this procedure is more reliable thanfitting independent models to the (u, v) data at each epoch, andwith the possible exception of a few isolated cases, we believethat we have correctly cross-identified features as they evolvefrom epoch to epoch. However, for those sources where the jetis barely resolved from the VLBA core, we fit models to thedata in the (u, v)-plane in order to exploit the full interfer-ometric resolution of the VLBA.In Figures 1 and 2 we show the angular motion in the jets of

the 120 sources for which we have been able to determinemotions with three or more epochs of observation. Of these120 sources, there are 110 sources with good-quality data andmeasured redshifts for which we have been able to determinethe linear velocity of at least one jet feature. These comprise13 active galaxies, 79 quasars, and 18 BL Lac objects. In all,we have been able to determine reliable values for 208 sep-arate features found in these 110 jets.We have determined the radial angular speed, �, of each

definable jet feature using a linear least-squares fit to themeasured component positions, relative to the presumed core.Our measured values of � are given in Table 2. In Figures 1 and2 the slope of the line corresponds to the best-fitting least-squares fit to the speed, which is shown in column (6) ofTable 2. Figure 1 shows the plots for the one-sided jets andFigure 2 the two-sided ones. For well-defined components theformal uncertainty in the relative position is small, generallyless than 0.02 mas. Frequently, however, the jets have acomplex brightness distribution with regions of enhancedintensity that can brighten and fade with time. In some sources,

TABLE 1—Continued

IAU Name




Subsample Member


Optical Class




Radio Spectrum


Radio Morphology






2201+315 ............... 4C +31.63 Y Q 0.298 Flat CJ 3.28 N

2209+236 ............... Y Qa 1.125 Flat CJ 1.62 Y

2223�052 .............. 3C 446 Y Q 1.404 Flat CJ 6.57 N

2230+114 ............... CTA 102 Y Q 1.037 Flat CJ 4.86 P

2234+282 ............... CTD 135 N Q 0.795 Flat CJ 1.44 N

2243�123 .............. Y Q 0.630 Flat CJ 2.56 N

2251+158 ............... 3C 454.3 Y Q 0.859 Flat CJ 12.08 Y

2345�167 .............. Y Q 0.576 Flat CJ 2.54 N

Notes.—Col. (1): IAU name (B1950.0). Col. (2): Other name. Col. (3): Indicator for the flux density–limited subsample (see x 2). Col. (4): Optical classificationaccording to the Veron-Cetty & Veron (2001) catalog, where Q = quasar, B = BL Lac object, G = active galaxy, and U = unidentified. Col. (5): Redshift from Veron-Cetty & Veron (2001) (the redshifts for 0026+346, 0727�115 and 1155+251 are from Paper II, that of 0202+149 is from Stickel et al. 1996, that of 0218+357 isfrom Lawrence 1996, that of 0754+100 is from Carangelo et al. 2003, and that of 2209+236 is from Sowards-Emmerd et al. 2003). Col. (6): Description of radiospectrum (see x 2). Col. (7): Radio morphology classification, where CJ = core jet, 2S = two-sided jet, N = naked core, LD = lobe dominated, and CSS = compactsteep-spectrum object. Col. (8): Strongest 2 cm total cleaned VLBA flux density at any epoch, in Jy. Col. (9): EGRET gamma-ray source identification according toMattox et al. (2001) and Sowards-Emmerd et al. (2003), where Y = highly probable identification, P = probable identification, N = no identification. Table 1 is alsoavailable in machine-readable form in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal.

a Source not in the Veron-Cetty & Veron (2001) catalog.b Source classified as a galaxy in the Veron-Cetty & Veron (2001) catalog.c The source 0218+357 is a gravitationally lensed AGN that we do not include in our statistical analysis.d Source classified as a quasar in the Veron-Cetty & Veron (2001) catalog.e Source has large or diffuse structures that are not adequately sampled by our observations.f The complex source 0316+413 (3C 84) satisfies our selection criteria but was observed as part of a separate monitoring program (Walker et al. 2000). It is

included in our statistical analysis for completeness.



Fig. 1.—Plots showing the change in separation with time of features of one-sided jets for which we have measured a velocity from observations at three or moreepochs. An asterisk denotes sources that were model fitted in the (u, v)-plane rather than in the image plane. Different symbols are used for each component as follows:B ( filled triangle), C ( filled five-point star), D ( filled circle), E ( filled six-point star), F (cross), G (open five-point star), H (square), I (triangle), J (circle with cross),K (circle with dot), L (open circle). The solid lines denote the best least-squares linear fit to the data, and the slope represents the proper motion, �, tabulated in Table 2.


Fig. 1.—Continued


instead of a well-collimated jet, there is a broad plume or morecomplex two-dimensional structure. Not only is the centroid ofthese components poorly defined, but changes in the brightnessdistribution with time complicate the definition of their motion.Some features appear to move, while others appear stationary.Some may break up into two or more separate features, and itis often unclear how these moving features are related to theunderlying relativistic flow. In some sources, the moving fea-tures are not well resolved from each other, especially whenthey are close to the core. These issues all affect our ability tomake a unique identification of components from epoch toepoch. In a few cases in which there are fast moving compo-nents, our observations may be too widely spaced in time touniquely define their speed. Ambiguities exist, but we believethat most of our component identifications are robust and thatcomponent speeds are reliably determined.

We have based our error estimates of the angular velocityon the dispersion about the best-fit linear relation between themeasured feature positions and time. The accuracy of each fitdepends on the strength and size of the feature, the number ofepochs, and the range of time covered by the observations. Wenote, however, that the measured dispersion of points aboutthe best-fit line will overestimate the true scatter in componentpositions if there is acceleration such as observed for 3C 279(Homan et al. 2003). Additionally, the measured radial speedmay be an underestimate of the true speed if there is a sig-nificant nonradial component to the motion. However, weshow in x 4.2.3 that while nonradial motions are common, thevector speeds do not differ significantly from the radial speeds,except in the case of 1548+056.

We use the following criteria to classify the quality of eachmeasured velocity:

1. The component position is determined at four or moreobservations.

2. The component is a well-defined feature whose positioncan be unambiguously determined to a small fraction of theVLBA beamwidth.

3. The best-fitting angular speed is determined to high ac-curacy, defined by an uncertainty of �0.08 mas yr�1 or asignificance6 of �5 �.

We then assign a ‘‘quality code’’ to each component motion asfollows:

1. E (Excellent) denotes motions that satisfy all three of theabove criteria.

2. G (Good) denotes motions that satisfy any two of theabove criteria.

3. F (Fair) denotes motions that satisfy only one of theabove criteria.

4. P (Poor) denotes motions that do not satisfy any of theabove criteria or that the uncertainty in the fitted speed isgreater than 0.15 mas yr�1 (except for the �5 � cases describedabove).

These codes and the measured proper motions are tabulatedin Table 2.


4.1. Superluminal Motion and Relativistic Beaming

We interpret the structural changes seen in the AGNs of oursample in terms of the twin relativistic jet model of Blandford& Rees (1974). In this framework, the bulk velocity of therelativistic flow, in units of the speed of light, c, is usuallydenoted as �b, and �b is the corresponding Lorentz factordefined by �b ¼ (1� �2

b)�1=2. For a jet flow at an angle � to

the observer’s line of sight, the Doppler factor, �, is given by� ¼ ��1

b (1� �b cos �)�1.

Three important observational consequences of relativisticmotion in synchrotron sources are as follows:

1. A Doppler frequency shift of the radiation, where theratio of observed frequency � to the emitted frequency �e isgiven by

�=�e ¼ �: ð1Þ

2. A change in the observed transverse velocity due to theapparent time compression. The apparent transverse velocity, inunits of c, is given by

�app ¼ �p sin �= 1� �p cos �� �

; ð2Þ

where �p ¼ vp=c is the pattern velocity. We make this dis-tinction between pattern and bulk velocities because jet fea-tures can move with significantly different velocity than thebulk jet flow (see, e.g., Lind & Blandford 1985; Zensus et al.1995; Vermeulen & Cohen 1994). This could be the case, forexample, if the pattern motion is due to the propagation ofshocks. By studying 25 core-dominated quasars selected fromthe literature, Vermeulen & Cohen (1994) showed that the

Fig. 2.—Same as Fig. 1, but for two-sided sources only. The pointsshown for 0238�084 (NGC 1052) are the brightest four componentslocated on each side of the center of symmetry. No central component isvisible for these sources, so the measured component positions are re-ferred to a virtual center of symmetry as discussed by Vermeulen et al.(2003b).

6 The �5 � requirement is necessary to accommodate nearby sources withvery high angular speed features that may have large absolute uncertainties.




Proper Motions







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)



(mas yr�1)






Distinct Component




0003�066a ................. Bb 5 1.1 �72 �0.05 � 0.09 �1.1 � 2.0 . . . Y G

C 4 3.0 �77 0.01 � 0.02 0.3 � 0.4 . . . Y E

D 5 6.2 �78 �0.02 � 0.06 �0.3 � 1.3 . . . Y E

0016+731a .................. Bb 4 0.8 �50 0.074 � 0.003 5.7 � 0.2 1987.2 � 0.5 N G

0026+346 ................... B 5 10.4 �124 0.03 � 0.23 0.9 � 7.0 . . . N P

Cb 5 12.2 �129 0.15 � 0.12 4.7 � 3.8 . . . Y G

E 5 14.7 56 �0.16 � 0.12 �4.8 � 3.6 . . . Y G

F 4 15.8 56 �0.02 � 0.02 �0.6 � 0.6 . . . Y E

G 5 18.2 59 0.02 � 0.05 0.5 � 1.5 . . . Y E

0035+413 ................... Bb 5 1.5 104 0.10 � 0.02 6.3 � 1.5 1982.6 � 3.5 Y E

0055+300 ................... Bb 5 0.9 �54 0.14 � 0.03 0.16 � 0.03 1991.0 � 1.1 N G

C 6 3.7 �51 0.00 � 0.04 0.00 � 0.05 . . . Y E

D 6 6.0 �51 0.03 � 0.03 0.03 � 0.03 . . . Y E

0106+013a .................. Bb 4 2.4 �119 0.28 � 0.04 23.3 � 3.6 1988.3 � 1.4 Y E

C 5 2.1 �113 0.27 � 0.03 22.3 � 2.7 1990.9 � 1.0 N G

0112�017................... Bb 5 1.2 118 0.02 � 0.03 1.0 � 1.8 . . . Y E

0119+041 ................... Bb 5 0.4 124 0.01 � 0.04 0.5 � 1.6 . . . N G

0133+476a .................. Bb 5 2.7 143 0.04 � 0.01 2.0 � 0.7 . . . Y E

0149+218 ................... B 3 2.8 �13 0.03 � 0.18 1.9 � 11.7 . . . Y P

C 6 5.0 �22 0.29 � 0.03 18.4 � 1.9 1980.8 � 1.8 Y E

Db 6 8.8 �12 0.27 � 0.07 16.8 � 4.6 1964.9 � 9.0 Y E

0153+744 ................... Bb 6 10.4 152 0.01 � 0.02 1.0 � 1.5 . . . Y E

0202+149a .................. B 3 0.8 �67 0.25 � 0.06 6.2 � 1.6 1994.7 � 1.0 N F

Db 4 5.1 �59 �0.01 � 0.01 �0.2 � 0.3 . . . Y E

0202+319a .................. Bb 3 7.2 �2 0.06 � 0.03 3.9 � 2.0 . . . Y G

0212+735a .................. Bb 4 2.4 104 0.08 � 0.01 7.0 � 1.0 1966.1 � 4.5 Y E

C 4 14.0 92 �0.01 � 0.04 �1.1 � 3.8 . . . Y E

0234+285a .................. Bb 6 3.5 �13 0.23 � 0.05 13.5 � 2.9 1982.0 � 3.4 Y E

0238�084a, c .............. E08 7 . . . . . . 0.68 � 0.10 0.23 � 0.03 1967.7 � 4.5 Y E

E17 8 . . . . . . 0.75 � 0.12 0.25 � 0.04 1991.4 � 0.9 Y E

E20b 7 . . . . . . 0.79 � 0.12 0.26 � 0.04 1992.7 � 0.7 Y E

E23 8 . . . . . . 0.76 � 0.12 0.25 � 0.04 1994.1 � 0.5 Y E

W07 7 . . . . . . 0.82 � 0.13 0.27 � 0.04 1984.7 � 2.0 Y E

W10 7 . . . . . . 0.72 � 0.11 0.24 � 0.04 1991.2 � 1.0 Y E

W14 7 . . . . . . 0.75 � 0.12 0.25 � 0.04 1993.4 � 0.7 Y E

W16 6 . . . . . . 0.80 � 0.12 0.27 � 0.04 1995.4 � 0.4 Y E

0316+413a, c ............... Bb 3 . . . . . . 0.19 � 0.05 0.2 � 0.1 1960.0 � 5.0 Y E

0333+321a .................. Bb 9 2.7 123 0.18 � 0.01 11.0 � 0.5 1982.7 � 0.7 Y E

C 9 4.9 126 0.20 � 0.03 12.0 � 1.7 1972.5 � 3.5 Y E

D 3 7.2 128 0.40 � 0.07 24.5 � 4.5 1980.0 � 3.3 Y G

E 4 11.1 131 �0.08 � 0.13 �4.7 � 8.1 . . . N F

0336�019a ................. Bb 5 1.4 67 0.22 � 0.04 10.1 � 2.0 1991.8 � 1.4 Y E

C 4 1.6 46 0.21 � 0.08 9.7 � 3.9 . . . Y G

0355+508 ................... Bb 5 3.2 46 0.09 � 0.03 . . . . . . Y E

0415+379a .................. B 4 2.3 65 1.29 � 0.32 4.2 � 1.0 1994.5 � 0.5 Y P

C 3 4.2 70 0.90 � 0.53 2.9 � 1.7 . . . Y P

Db 6 3.3 66 1.52 � 0.05 4.9 � 0.2 1996.7 � 0.1 Y E

0420�014a ................. Bb 5 1.6 �163 0.03 � 0.07 1.5 � 3.6 . . . N G

C 5 3.1 170 0.29 � 0.14 14.2 � 6.6 . . . Y G

0430+052a .................. Bb 10 4.7 �111 1.77 � 0.06 3.9 � 0.1 1995.0 � 0.1 Y E

C 8 6.1 �106 1.80 � 0.19 4.0 � 0.4 1993.7 � 0.4 Y E

D 3 6.1 �110 1.36 � 0.35 3.0 � 0.8 1991.8 � 1.2 Y P

G 9 3.0 �112 1.59 � 0.11 3.5 � 0.2 1996.5 � 0.2 Y E

I 3 1.7 �125 1.51 � 0.44 3.4 � 1.0 1999.0 � 0.4 Y P

H 5 2.6 �118 2.08 � 0.24 4.6 � 0.5 1998.2 � 0.2 Y E

0440�003 .................. Bb 4 1.1 �120 0.03 � 0.03 1.1 � 1.4 . . . Y E

0454+844 ................... Bb 5 1.3 162 �0.10 � 0.05 . . . . . . Y E

0458�020a ................. Bb 3 1.5 �43 0.10 � 0.04 8.9 � 3.3 . . . Y G

C 3 2.8 �51 0.11 � 0.05 9.4 � 4.1 . . . Y G

0528+134a .................. Bb 3 4.0 23 0.077 � 0.002 6.4 � 0.2 1946.0 � 1.6 Y G

0605�085a ................. B 3 1.6 123 0.10 � 0.21 4.5 � 9.8 . . . N P

Cb 3 3.8 110 0.18 � 0.02 8.6 � 0.8 1977.9 � 2.0 Y G

0607�157a ................. Bb 4 2.4 88 0.17 � 0.04 3.5 � 0.8 1984.1 � 3.3 Y E



TABLE 2—Continued







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)



(mas yr�1)






Distinct Component




0642+449a .................. Bb 3 0.2 92 0.01 � 0.02 0.9 � 2.0 . . . N F

0707+476 ................... Bb 4 3.5 5 �0.04 � 0.03 �2.8 � 1.7 . . . Y E

C 3 6.3 24 �0.11 � 0.05 �7.1 � 3.3 . . . Y G

0710+439 ................... Bb 4 13.3 3 0.01 � 0.13 0.2 � 3.9 . . . Y G

C 4 14.4 3 �0.05 � 0.07 �1.4 � 2.0 . . . N G

D 4 15.8 4 0.00 � 0.02 0.0 � 0.5 . . . Y E

G 4 24.4 1 0.00 � 0.01 0.0 � 0.3 . . . Y E

0716+714a .................. Db 4 2.4 14 0.65 � 0.04 . . . 1994.2 � 0.3 N G

E 3 1.8 11 0.51 � 0.04 . . . 1995.5 � 0.3 N F

0727�115a ................. Bb 3 2.7 �52 0.44 � 0.01 31.2 � 0.6 1990.7 � 0.1 Y G

0735+178a .................. Bb 4 0.7 72 0.17 � 0.02 . . . 1992.5 � 0.7 N G

C 3 1.2 59 0.64 � 0.16 . . . 1994.2 � 0.5 N P

D 5 4.0 64 �0.18 � 0.03 . . . . . . Y E

0736+017a .................. B 6 4.2 �70 0.93 � 0.02 11.5 � 0.2 1993.5 � 0.1 Y E

D 5 10.0 �88 0.39 � 0.06 4.8 � 0.8 1972.7 � 4.1 Y E

Eb 5 2.1 �68 0.85 � 0.10 10.5 � 1.3 1996.1 � 0.4 Y E

0738+313a .................. Bb 8 2.8 179 0.06 � 0.01 2.3 � 0.4 1953.8 � 8.0 Y E

C 7 3.1 170 0.07 � 0.10 2.4 � 3.8 . . . N F

0742+103a .................. Bb 6 2.0 �5 0.03 � 0.01 . . . . . . N G

C 6 0.7 �38 �0.02 � 0.02 . . . . . . N G

0745+241 ................... Cb 8 3.1 �63 0.32 � 0.05 7.9 � 1.3 1988.2 � 1.6 Y E

D 8 0.6 �64 0.003 � 0.022 0.1 � 0.6 . . . N G

0748+126a .................. Bb 6 1.7 120 0.12 � 0.01 5.9 � 0.5 1983.5 � 1.1 Y E

C 3 4.7 111 0.274 � 0.004 13.1 � 0.2 1980.8 � 0.2 Y G

0754+100a .................. Bb 5 4.0 15 0.70 � 0.12 11.9 � 2.1 1991.3 � 1.0 Y E

C 6 0.9 17 0.05 � 0.07 0.8 � 1.2 . . . N G

0804+499a .................. Bb 4 0.8 134 0.13 � 0.06 8.5 � 4.2 . . . N G

0808+019a .................. Bb 3 0.4 �175 0.11 � 0.01 . . . 1993.1 � 0.5 N F

C 3 4.8 �173 �0.20 � 0.18 . . . . . . Y P

0814+425a .................. Bb 6 0.9 90 0.18 � 0.02 2.9 � 0.3 1993.2 � 0.5 N G

C 5 1.7 129 0.32 � 0.11 4.9 � 1.7 . . . N F

0823+033a .................. C 6 2.4 14 0.48 � 0.04 14.4 � 1.1 1993.3 � 0.4 N G

Db 6 1.1 32 0.31 � 0.06 9.5 � 1.8 1994.8 � 0.8 N G

E 3 0.7 32 0.41 � 0.01 12.3 � 0.4 1998.2 � 0.1 N F

0829+046a .................. B 4 1.3 66 0.30 � 0.04 3.5 � 0.4 1994.0 � 0.6 N G

Cb 5 3.0 66 0.13 � 0.06 1.5 � 0.7 . . . Y E

0850+581 ................... B 3 0.8 174 0.05 � 0.11 3.0 � 7.1 . . . N P

Cb 4 2.5 152 0.04 � 0.01 2.5 � 0.5 1935.6 � 12.5 Y E

D 4 7.0 151 0.20 � 0.07 12.7 � 4.1 1963.5 � 11.3 Y E

0851+202a .................. C 5 1.0 �92 0.52 � 0.04 9.9 � 0.9 1994.7 � 0.2 N G

Db 5 0.9 �102 0.37 � 0.06 7.1 � 1.1 1994.9 � 0.4 N G

E 4 0.6 �116 0.31 � 0.02 6.0 � 0.4 1995.7 � 0.1 N G

0859�140 .................. B 3 1.1 160 0.16 � 0.04 10.1 � 2.8 1990.3 � 1.9 N F

Cb 4 3.2 �155 0.03 � 0.01 1.9 � 0.6 1889.8 � 32.2 Y E

D 3 7.0 158 0.26 � 0.15 16.3 � 9.4 . . . Y F

0906+015a .................. Cb 4 0.9 38 0.10 � 0.07 5.1 � 3.9 . . . N G

D 4 1.4 40 0.12 � 0.07 6.4 � 3.5 . . . N G

E 4 2.8 45 0.22 � 0.07 11.8 � 3.9 1986.3 � 4.3 N G

0917+449 ................... Bb 6 1.2 178 0.07 � 0.01 5.8 � 0.9 1979.8 � 2.6 Y E

0923+392a .................. Bb 6 1.9 �78 0.07 � 0.03 2.9 � 1.0 . . . Y E

C 7 2.5 �79 0.01 � 0.03 0.2 � 1.2 . . . N G

0945+408a .................. Bb 5 0.1 �83 0.03 � 0.04 2.0 � 2.4 . . . N G

C 3 8.3 119 0.37 � 0.20 22.5 � 12.1 . . . N P

0953+254 ................... B 3 1.2 �108 0.31 � 0.01 12.4 � 0.4 1992.4 � 0.1 N F

Cb 5 1.0 �129 0.09 � 0.01 3.5 � 0.4 1986.1 � 1.3 N G

D 3 1.6 �104 0.301 � 0.001 12.09 � 0.04 1994.17 � 0.02 N F

E 3 0.4 �124 0.06 � 0.02 2.4 � 0.7 1992.0 � 2.2 N F

1012+232 ................... Bb 5 2.2 110 0.27 � 0.02 9.0 � 0.6 1989.9 � 0.5 Y E

1015+359 ................... Bb 6 1.3 �172 0.20 � 0.04 12.4 � 2.2 1991.0 � 1.2 N G

C 5 3.1 �178 0.04 � 0.04 2.6 � 2.2 . . . Y E

D 7 4.7 �178 0.16 � 0.04 9.9 � 2.5 1969.4 � 7.1 Y E

1049+215 ................... Bb 6 1.1 106 0.01 � 0.07 0.9 � 4.4 . . . N G

C 6 7.4 112 0.14 � 0.04 8.8 � 2.6 1944.7 � 16.1 Y E

1055+018a .................. Bb 5 1.7 �49 0.04 � 0.03 1.7 � 1.6 . . . Y E



TABLE 2—Continued







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)



(mas yr�1)






Distinct Component




1055+201 ................... Bb 7 1.2 �10 0.02 � 0.02 0.9 � 1.1 . . . N G

C 7 3.0 �5 0.18 � 0.08 10.0 � 4.3 . . . Y E

1101+384 ................... B 5 2.2 �40 0.40 � 0.15 0.8 � 0.3 . . . N F

C 7 1.4 �39 0.22 � 0.02 0.46 � 0.04 1991.5 � 0.5 N G

Db 6 0.8 �30 0.17 � 0.03 0.4 � 0.1 1993.8 � 0.7 N G

E 3 0.3 0 0.07 � 0.03 0.1 � 0.1 . . . N F

F 3 5.7 �44 �0.02 � 0.30 0.0 � 0.6 . . . N P

1127�145a ................. B 6 2.3 82 0.05 � 0.06 3.0 � 3.5 . . . Y E

Cb 7 4.1 83 0.09 � 0.01 5.4 � 0.8 1952.5 � 6.9 Y E

1128+385 ................... Bb 5 0.3 �168 0.01 � 0.01 1.1 � 0.5 . . . N G

C 5 1.0 �155 0.004 � 0.008 0.3 � 0.6 . . . N G

1155+251 ................... B 3 10.2 8 0.02 � 0.17 0.2 � 2.2 . . . N P

C 3 10.2 20 �0.17 � 0.14 �2.2 � 1.9 . . . N P

D 3 8.0 14 0.00 � 0.33 0.0 � 4.3 . . . N P

Eb 3 3.4 21 0.03 � 0.03 0.3 � 0.4 . . . Y G

F 3 4.5 �83 �0.06 � 0.20 �0.7 � 2.5 . . . N P

G 3 3.0 �51 0.01 � 0.02 0.1 � 0.3 . . . N F

I 3 1.2 �24 �0.03 � 0.04 �0.4 � 0.6 . . . N F

1156+295a .................. Bb 8 3.8 �2 0.22 � 0.08 8.9 � 3.4 . . . Y G

1219+285 ................... B 6 0.8 101 0.08 � 0.08 0.5 � 0.6 . . . N F

C 7 2.5 107 0.02 � 0.08 0.1 � 0.5 . . . Y E

Db 7 11.0 107 0.48 � 0.03 3.2 � 0.2 1974.5 � 1.4 Y E

1226+023a .................. Bb 11 6.1 �113 1.05 � 0.04 10.8 � 0.5 1992.1 � 0.3 Y E

C 7 9.6 �120 1.36 � 0.11 14.1 � 1.1 1991.3 � 0.6 Y E

D 8 10.8 �119 0.83 � 0.20 8.6 � 2.0 1984.3 � 3.1 Y P

E 10 3.3 �116 1.27 � 0.07 13.1 � 0.8 1995.0 � 0.2 Y E

F 6 18.7 �123 0.79 � 0.15 8.2 � 1.6 1974.6 � 4.6 Y E

G 4 2.3 �122 0.41 � 0.39 4.2 � 4.0 . . . Y P

I 4 1.4 �122 0.88 � 0.32 9.1 � 3.3 . . . Y P

1228+126a .................. B 9 6.0 �76 0.14 � 0.07 0.04 � 0.02 . . . N G

Cb 10 1.5 �78 �0.01 � 0.08 0.00 � 0.02 . . . N G

1253�055a ................. Bb 10 3.3 �116 0.28 � 0.01 8.9 � 0.4 1986.2 � 0.6 Y E

1302�102 .................. Bb 3 1.5 30 0.31 � 0.05 5.6 � 0.9 1992.3 � 0.8 N F

1308+326a .................. Bb 3 0.8 �80 0.313 � 0.002 16.3 � 0.1 1995.08 � 0.01 Y G

1323+321 ................... C 3 56.4 �51 0.04 � 0.03 0.9 � 0.8 . . . N F

D 3 58.0 �50 0.142 � 0.001 3.25 � 0.02 1588.5 � 1.4 N F

E 3 14.6 �46 �0.86 � 0.35 �19.7 � 8.0 . . . N P

F 3 10.8 �41 �0.54 � 0.28 �12.3 � 6.5 . . . N P

G 3 4.8 �35 �0.10 � 0.12 �2.2 � 2.8 . . . N P

Ib 3 55.0 �50 �0.15 � 0.03 �3.4 � 0.7 . . . N F

1334�127a ................. Bb 3 2.5 156 0.05 � 0.03 1.7 � 1.0 . . . N F

1345+125 ................... B 5 1.1 168 0.09 � 0.02 0.7 � 0.2 1986.8 � 3.2 Y E

C 5 2.0 164 0.15 � 0.02 1.2 � 0.1 1985.7 � 1.5 Y E

D 5 7.1 171 �0.07 � 0.09 �0.6 � 0.7 . . . Y G

Eb 5 9.8 162 0.03 � 0.01 0.2 � 0.1 . . . Y E

F 5 20.6 156 0.16 � 0.23 1.3 � 1.9 . . . Y P

G 5 44.5 155 �0.01 � 0.01 �0.06 � 0.05 . . . Y E

I 5 52.4 161 0.02 � 0.05 0.1 � 0.4 . . . Y E

J 5 66.1 177 0.03 � 0.08 0.2 � 0.6 . . . Y E

1404+286 ................... Bb 10 3.3 53 0.04 � 0.02 0.2 � 0.1 . . . Y E

C 9 2.0 62 0.06 � 0.03 0.3 � 0.2 . . . Y E

D 10 3.3 �127 0.00 � 0.02 0.0 � 0.1 . . . Y E

E 10 4.4 �111 0.03 � 0.02 0.1 � 0.1 . . . Y E

1413+135a .................. Bb 6 2.1 �113 0.25 � 0.08 3.9 � 1.2 1989.8 � 2.7 Y E

C 4 3.8 �111 0.37 � 0.15 5.8 � 2.4 . . . Y P

F 3 6.6 �109 0.45 � 0.15 7.1 � 2.4 1984.9 � 4.9 Y F

1508�055 .................. Bb 7 1.7 85 0.10 � 0.02 6.2 � 1.2 1981.9 � 3.2 Y E

C 5 4.9 83 0.53 � 0.30 31.4 � 18.1 . . . Y P

1510�089a ................. Bb 5 2.8 �26 0.85 � 0.05 18.9 � 1.0 1994.6 � 0.2 Y E

C 3 2.3 �32 0.57 � 0.03 12.8 � 0.7 1995.0 � 0.2 N F

1532+016 ................... Bb 6 1.1 130 0.21 � 0.01 13.7 � 0.9 1992.6 � 0.4 Y E

D 6 6.6 143 0.06 � 0.03 4.1 � 1.9 . . . N G

1546+027a .................. Bb 3 1.2 175 0.05 � 0.03 1.3 � 0.8 . . . N F

1548+056a .................. Bb 5 4.4 10 0.052 � 0.004 3.5 � 0.3 1912.6 � 7.0 Y E



TABLE 2—Continued







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)



(mas yr�1)






Distinct Component




1606+106a .................. Bb 5 0.9 �58 0.30 � 0.02 18.4 � 1.4 1994.8 � 0.3 N G

C 4 1.2 �53 0.38 � 0.03 23.2 � 2.1 1994.0 � 0.3 N G

D 3 1.5 �52 0.36 � 0.02 21.6 � 1.3 1991.9 � 0.2 N F

E 3 2.1 �40 0.50 � 0.03 30.1 � 1.6 1991.9 � 0.2 N F

F 3 0.6 �61 0.196 � 0.001 11.8 � 0.1 1996.16 � 0.00 N F

1611+343a .................. Bb 5 2.9 173 0.06 � 0.04 4.2 � 2.6 . . . Y E

1633+382a .................. Bb 8 1.5 �86 0.15 � 0.03 11.5 � 2.0 1987.5 � 1.8 Y E

C 7 2.6 �82 0.10 � 0.03 7.3 � 2.6 . . . N G

1641+399a .................. Bb 9 1.7 �95 0.49 � 0.03 17.0 � 0.9 1993.9 � 0.2 Y E

C 5 0.9 �101 0.37 � 0.03 12.8 � 1.0 1995.4 � 0.2 Y E

1642+690 ................... Bb 5 2.2 �162 0.38 � 0.04 16.0 � 1.8 1991.9 � 0.7 Y E

D 4 9.9 �166 �0.04 � 0.05 �1.6 � 2.3 . . . Y E

1652+398 ................... B 5 2.7 142 0.06 � 0.26 0.1 � 0.6 . . . Y P

Cb 6 7.5 109 0.09 � 0.05 0.2 � 0.1 . . . Y E

1655+077a .................. B 5 3.7 �38 0.43 � 0.03 15.3 � 1.0 1988.9 � 0.6 Y E

Cb 5 8.0 �44 0.07 � 0.03 2.4 � 0.9 . . . Y E

1656+053 ................... Bb 4 0.7 72 0.09 � 0.02 4.4 � 0.8 1990.0 � 1.4 N G

1656+477 ................... Bb 5 1.1 0 0.04 � 0.04 2.8 � 3.0 . . . N G

C 5 7.0 �19 0.06 � 0.06 4.5 � 4.6 . . . Y E

1730�130a ................. Bb 4 5.0 17 0.48 � 0.12 23.3 � 5.6 1987.5 � 2.5 Y G

1749+096a .................. B 4 4.6 29 0.06 � 0.07 1.2 � 1.3 . . . Y E

Cb 4 0.7 34 0.15 � 0.03 3.1 � 0.5 1993.5 � 0.8 N G

1749+701 ................... Bb 6 2.3 �66 0.01 � 0.03 0.4 � 1.1 . . . Y E

C 3 3.2 �58 �0.084 � 0.003 �3.6 � 0.1 . . . N F

D 3 1.3 �76 0.08 � 0.06 3.4 � 2.6 . . . N F

1758+388a .................. Bb 4 0.4 �98 0.002 � 0.013 0.2 � 1.1 . . . N G

1800+440a .................. Bb 5 2.6 �163 0.49 � 0.05 18.5 � 2.0 1992.5 � 0.6 Y E

C 4 4.4 �155 0.56 � 0.14 21.2 � 5.3 1989.1 � 2.0 Y G

1803+784a .................. Bb 6 1.4 �94 �0.01 � 0.01 �0.5 � 0.4 . . . Y E

1807+698 ................... Bb 7 2.5 �96 0.01 � 0.04 0.0 � 0.1 . . . Y E

C 8 5.2 �94 0.12 � 0.04 0.4 � 0.1 . . . Y E

D 3 6.8 �97 0.85 � 0.47 2.9 � 1.6 . . . Y P

E 4 0.6 �97 0.26 � 0.08 0.9 � 0.3 1996.9 � 0.8 N F

1823+568a .................. Bb 7 1.7 �158 �0.003 � 0.040 �0.1 � 1.5 . . . Y E

C 7 6.7 �161 0.09 � 0.03 3.4 � 1.1 1923.0 � 23.4 Y E

1828+487a .................. B 3 1.2 �20 0.23 � 0.03 9.2 � 1.3 1993.5 � 0.7 N F

C 3 3.5 �23 0.38 � 0.15 14.8 � 5.8 . . . Y F

Db 3 9.6 �32 0.26 � 0.01 10.1 � 0.4 1961.5 � 1.6 Y G

1845+797 ................... B 9 5.5 �41 0.54 � 0.03 2.1 � 0.1 1987.2 � 0.6 Y E

Cb 10 7.2 �36 0.60 � 0.01 2.3 � 0.1 1985.7 � 0.3 Y E

1901+319 ................... Bb 7 0.8 122 0.03 � 0.02 0.9 � 0.7 . . . N G

C 7 15.8 120 0.00 � 0.01 0.0 � 0.5 . . . Y E

1921�293 .................. B 4 5.7 24 0.19 � 0.06 4.2 � 1.3 1968.9 � 8.9 Y E

C 4 2.3 �1 0.17 � 0.06 3.7 � 1.2 1984.7 � 4.5 N G

Db 4 0.5 �29 0.01 � 0.01 0.2 � 0.2 . . . N G

1928+738a .................. Bb 8 2.1 165 0.29 � 0.03 5.6 � 0.6 1990.3 � 0.7 Y E

C 6 3.6 161 0.30 � 0.08 5.8 � 1.5 1984.7 � 3.1 Y E

E 5 0.8 156 0.12 � 0.06 2.3 � 1.1 . . . Y E

1957+405a .................. B 5 6.0 �78 0.12 � 0.02 0.5 � 0.1 1950.6 � 8.0 N G

D 8 3.0 �79 0.18 � 0.02 0.7 � 0.1 1981.4 � 1.6 N G

E 8 2.2 �80 0.19 � 0.03 0.7 � 0.1 1986.0 � 1.6 N G

F 6 1.7 �79 0.22 � 0.03 0.8 � 0.1 1990.3 � 1.1 N G

Gb 8 1.2 �79 0.16 � 0.03 0.6 � 0.1 1990.0 � 1.6 N G

I 7 0.8 �79 0.10 � 0.02 0.4 � 0.1 1990.6 � 1.6 N G

J 5 0.5 �123 0.05 � 0.02 0.2 � 0.1 1989.6 � 3.1 N G

K 7 6.6 109 0.00 � 0.14 0.0 � 0.5 . . . Y G

L 8 3.0 115 0.05 � 0.03 0.2 � 0.1 . . . Y E

2005+403a .................. Bb 5 3.2 120 0.16 � 0.04 12.3 � 3.0 1978.2 � 4.8 Y E

2007+776 ................... Bb 8 1.4 �92 0.00 � 0.03 0.0 � 0.6 . . . Y E

D 6 6.8 �91 �0.04 � 0.23 �0.8 � 4.9 . . . Y P

2021+317a .................. Bb 5 3.4 166 0.14 � 0.05 . . . . . . Y E

C 3 1.0 �172 0.02 � 0.02 . . . . . . N F

2021+614a .................. B 6 3.9 34 0.04 � 0.04 0.6 � 0.5 . . . Y E

Cb 6 3.1 �149 0.05 � 0.04 0.8 � 0.6 . . . Y E



simplest model, which has only one value of � that is the samein all sources and also has �b ¼ �p in all sources, is not ten-able. They showed that either there must be a distribution of �among the sources, or �b 6¼ �p. Most likely, there is both somedistribution of � and also a difference between �p and �b.

The apparent transverse velocity of an approaching com-ponent with a pattern Lorentz factor �p reaches a maximumapparent speed �p�p when the component moves at an anglesin � ¼ 1=�p to the line of sight. For the corresponding com-ponent in the receding jet, the observed velocity is �p/2.

3. A change in the apparent flux density, S, of a movingcomponent over its stationary value, S0, by a factor

S=S0 ¼ �x�� ; ð3Þ

where � is the spectral index and x has a value of 2 for acontinuous jet or 3 for discrete components (see, e.g., Urry &Padovani 1995).

The Doppler factor is sharply peaked along the direction ofmotion, so sources with highly relativistic jets that happen tobe pointed close to the line of sight will appear stronglyboosted and hence are likely to be selected in a flux-limitedsample. Although the jets may be intrinsically two-sided,unless they are very close to the plane of the sky, they

will appear highly asymmetric (i.e., one-sided) since the ra-diation from the receding jet is highly beamed away from theobserver.Equation (3) has the important consequence that the

strongest, most compact radio sources we observe tend tohave highly relativistic jets that are aligned close to the line ofsight, and they will therefore likely display superluminalmotion. The most probable angle for sources selected on thebasis of beamed flux density alone is close to (2�)�1, where�app � �=2 (Vermeulen & Cohen 1994). The distribution ofobserved speeds and flux densities is dependent on the dis-tributions of �, redshift, and the intrinsic luminosity function.This is illustrated in Figure 3, where we show the predicted

distribution of apparent velocities for three different models.If the effect of Doppler boosting is ignored, for example, ifthe observed motions are due to the propagation of shocksrather than actual bulk motion, then most jets will lie close tothe plane of the sky and have apparent speeds �app close to �p.If we take into account the effect of Doppler boosting, then,in a flux-limited sample, with a single Lorentz factor, mostsources are found to lie close to the line of sight and have anapparent velocity �app � �p�. In the typical situation that weconsider, where �p �1, in the absence of Doppler boostingmost sources appear to have an apparent velocity close to c,

TABLE 2—Continued







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)



(mas yr�1)






Distinct Component




2113+293 .................... Bb 5 0.3 177 0.02 � 0.01 1.4 � 0.3 1985.1 � 3.2 N G

2128�123a .................. Bb 3 3.7 �143 �0.07 � 0.01 �2.0 � 0.2 . . . Y G

2131�021a .................. Cb 4 0.8 105 0.12 � 0.03 7.7 � 1.6 1991.9 � 1.4 N G

2134+004a ................... Bb 6 1.9 �99 0.02 � 0.02 1.5 � 1.7 . . . Y E

2136+141a ................... Bb 6 0.3 �72 0.02 � 0.01 1.8 � 1.4 . . . N G

2144+092 .................... Bb 3 0.6 83 0.03 � 0.04 1.5 � 2.0 . . . N F

2145+067a ................... B 8 0.3 �95 �0.01 � 0.01 �0.6 � 0.4 . . . N G

Cb 8 0.6 �119 0.027 � 0.003 1.4 � 0.2 1974.2 � 2.3 N G

D 8 1.0 �118 0.03 � 0.01 1.4 � 0.4 1960.4 � 9.6 N G

2200+420a ................... Bb 7 2.4 �172 1.41 � 0.13 6.5 � 0.6 1995.1 � 0.2 Y E

C 5 2.5 �171 1.12 � 0.22 5.2 � 1.0 1995.6 � 0.5 Y E

D 4 2.7 �172 0.99 � 0.18 4.5 � 0.8 1996.7 � 0.5 Y E

E 3 1.9 �161 1.09 � 0.37 5.0 � 1.7 . . . Y P

2201+315a ................... Bb 6 2.8 �145 0.34 � 0.02 6.3 � 0.5 1989.7 � 0.6 Y E

2209+236a ................... Bb 4 1.5 18 0.04 � 0.04 2.3 � 2.4 . . . N G

2223�052a .................. Bb 6 1.9 102 0.49 � 0.09 32.5 � 6.0 1994.0 � 0.8 Y E

C 7 5.2 98 0.31 � 0.03 20.4 � 1.9 1981.4 � 1.6 Y E

2230+114a ................... Bb 8 1.9 143 0.03 � 0.04 1.4 � 2.1 . . . Y E

C 6 4.6 166 �0.05 � 0.03 �2.7 � 1.6 . . . Y E

D 5 6.5 156 0.00 � 0.01 0.0 � 0.8 . . . Y E

E 3 17.8 141 �0.23 � 0.37 �12.3 � 19.9 . . . N P

2234+282 .................... Bb 5 1.2 �97 0.12 � 0.05 5.1 � 2.2 . . . Y E

2243�123a .................. Bb 4 2.7 15 0.29 � 0.03 10.7 � 1.1 1988.7 � 0.9 Y E

C 3 10.3 25 �0.14 � 0.05 �4.9 � 1.9 . . . Y G

D 4 11.3 33 0.11 � 0.10 4.1 � 3.5 . . . Y G

2251+158a ................... Bb 8 5.2 �86 0.04 � 0.04 1.9 � 2.1 . . . Y E

2345�167a .................. Bb 5 1.7 124 0.03 � 0.05 1.0 � 1.6 . . . Y E

Notes.—Col. (1): IAU name. Col. (2): Component identifier. Col. (3): Number of epochs with measured position. Col. (4): Mean radial position, relative tothe core. Col. (5): Mean structural position angle, relative to the core. Col. (6): Angular radial speed and 1 � uncertainty. Col. (7): Radial speed in units of thespeed of light and 1 � uncertainty, computed assuming H0 ¼ 70 km s�1 Mpc�1, �m ¼ 0:3, and �� ¼ 0:7. Col. (8): Extrapolated epoch of origin anduncertainty. Col. (9): Does the component satisfy the second criterion in x 3, i.e., is it a well-defined feature? Col. (10): Overall quality rating. Table 2 is alsoavailable in machine-readable form in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal.

a Source is a member of the representative sample.b Component is the brightest.c Motions for 0316+413 that are taken from unpublished data do not appear in Fig. 1. The motions for 0238�084 are from Vermeulen et al. (2003b).



whereas in the Doppler boosted case most sources have anapparent velocity close to �c. Note that in the absence ofDoppler boosting there are virtually no sources with apparentspeeds less than �c since this would require rare end-on ori-entations. The randomly oriented model also drops much moresharply with increasing � than the model with a range ofLorentz factors.

Blandford & Konigl (1979) suggested that one of the ob-served jet components might be the stationary feature of theapproaching jet at the point where it becomes optically thin, sothat the flux density of this ‘‘core’’ component, as well as themoving component, is Doppler boosted. The observed overallspectrum is typically flat, whichmay be due to the superpositionof different parts of the jet, which each have different Dopplerfactors, causing the synchrotron cutoff to appear at differentfrequencies. Consideration of differential Doppler boosting ledto the concept of unified models (e.g., Orr & Browne 1982;Barthel 1989; Urry & Padovani 1995), which is usually invokedto understand the observed differences in the properties ofquasars, active galaxies, and BL Lac objects as due to the ori-entation of the relativistic beam and an obscuring torus withrespect to the line of sight. Thus, comparison of apparent jetspeeds with optical classification is an effective test of theseunified models and also serves to refine their parameters.

4.2. Jet Kinematics

The motion statistics collected for our sample address manyphysical questions related to relativistic jets. The process oftheir formation, that is, the initial acceleration and collimationof the flow, can be constrained by studying the speeds as afunction of distance from the beginning of the visible jet(often referred to as the ‘‘core’’) and also by comparing thetimes when flares occur with the back-extrapolated epochs atwhich moving features appear to originate. Long-term multi-epoch observations can show whether there are accelerationsor decelerations farther down the jets and whether radio fea-tures follow straight or curved trajectories.

In order to discriminate between various jet models andthen to refine the relevant ones, it is important to establishwhether jets exist as predefined channels, along which mul-

tiple moving features can be seen, or whether instead suc-cessive components follow different trajectories, at either thesame or at different speeds. Viable models of jet formationwill also need to be able to reproduce the observed Lorentzfactor distribution. The moving features may in fact be pat-terns, caused by the propagation of shocks rather than the flowof matter. This can be studied by comparing the Lorentzfactors inferred from the motions to the Lorentz factors esti-mated by other means, such as variability, brightness tem-perature, and (possibly) the presence of X-ray and gamma-rayemission. By probing for correlations between the apparentvelocities and other quantities such as the radio or X-ray lu-minosity, more can be learned about the physical parametersrelevant for jet formation. Finally, studying the distribution ofvelocities as a function of optical host type is relevant toconstraining unification models.

Most of the jets in our study are well collimated and areunresolved transverse to their flow, although there often issignificant curvature. In some radio galaxies with two-sidedstructure, the appearance of the source is very frequency de-pendent, suggesting free-free absorption in a disk or torus,probably associated with the accretion disk surrounding thecentral engine.

We found several jet features to have apparent negativevelocities; that is, they appear to be approaching rather thanreceding from the core. Most of these apparently negativevelocities are consistent, within the errors, with no significantmotion. Observations extending over a longer time frame areneeded to determine if these inward motions are real. Ap-parent inward motion may be produced if there is a newlyemerging jet feature that is ejected from the core and thecombination is not resolved by our beam. This would cause ashift in the measured position of the centroid and a corre-sponding decrease with time in the apparent separation of thecore and other jet features. It is also possible that the true coreis not seen, possibly as a result of absorption, and that the onlyobserved features are parts of a jet that are moving with dif-ferent velocities. If the farthest component is moving with aslower velocity than the one closest to the obscured core, thenthey will appear to be approaching each other. The apparentdecrease in component separation from the core could also bedue to component motion away from the core along a highlycurved jet that bends back toward the line of sight, so that theprojected separation from the core appears to decrease withtime. Finally, the moving features could be only patterns in theflow, some of which might even be moving backward. Istomin& Pariev (1996) have discussed an electron-positron jet modelwhere an observer located close to the direction of motion willsee backward-moving knots. We note that any model in-volving patterns must account for the very large numbers ofobserved outward motions, as opposed to inward ones. Forthis reason, many of the simplest ‘‘moving marquee’’ modelsfor superluminal motion have already been ruled out. In thecase of 0735+178, the most distant feature appears to bemoving inward, but this is probably an artifact of the complexbrightness distribution whose centroid shifts when the inten-sity distribution changes.

4.2.1. Velocity Distributions

Figure 4 shows the distribution of the observed values of�app ¼ 1:58 ; 10�2�DA(1þ z), where DA is the angular sizedistance to the radio source in megaparsecs and the angularvelocity, �, is in mas yr�1. Figure 5 shows the same dis-tributions for those jets found in the representative subsample

Fig. 3.—Predicted distributions of �app when the sample has randomlyoriented jets all with the same Lorentz factor � (dotted line), when the samplehas sources drawn from such a jet population but based on flux density thatcan be enhanced by Doppler boosting (solid line), and for a Doppler boostingwith a range of Lorentz factors that favors low values of the Lorentz factor(dashed line).



described in x 2.2. We include in these figures only those jetfeatures that we have been able to measure with a quality codeof E or G and that have measured redshifts.

The middle and right panels of Figures 4 and 5 show themotions of only one feature per source, the brightest and thefastest, respectively. The brightest feature in each jet is definedas the one with the largest peak flux density at the epoch forwhich the source image was presented in Papers I and II,although in nearly all cases this does not change over theperiod covered by these observations. These features generallyhave well-determined motions; however, in a few cases, thebrightest jet feature does not have an E or G quality code,usually because it has a large diffuse structure. In these cases,we have substituted the brightest component that did have anE or G quality code. For the right panels of Figure 4, thefastest feature within a source is simply defined as the onewith the largest (absolute) linear speed with a quality code ofeither E or G.

K-S tests indicate that at a 95% confidence level there is nodifference in the distribution of the jet speeds, independent ofwhether we consider the brightest, fastest, or even all the jetfeatures within a source. We consider the brightest feature ofeach source to be the most representative for our analysis,since in the case of sources with weak secondary features

observations having a limited sensitivity or dynamic rangemight only detect the brightest jet feature.The distributions shown in Figures 4 and 5 are also sub-

divided according to optical class. We find that the velocitydistributions for the quasars, radio galaxies, and BL Lacobjects are mostly concentrated in the same range (0 <�app < 15). However, the quasars have a tail ranging up to�app � 34, while jets associated with active galaxies have anarrow range of velocities with �app � 6. A K-S test confirmsat the 98% confidence level that the quasars have a differentspeed distribution than the galaxies and BL Lac objects,while the distributions of speeds for the galaxies and BL Lacobjects are statistically indistinguishable. Examination ofFigures 4 and 5 suggests that the distribution of quasar ve-locities may be bimodal with a minimum near �app� 5. Wehave compared our observed distributions with one and twoGaussian distributions and find in each case a significantlylower value of reduced 2 for the two-component distribu-tion for all of the quasar distributions. However, we are re-luctant to quantify this further, as the observed distributionsare clearly more complex than can be represented by twoGaussians.We have also compared the dispersion in the speed of dif-

ferent features within each jet with the dispersion of the av-erage jet speeds. We find that the dispersion of the average jetspeeds among the 50 sources with two or more features withquality factors E or G is 6.3c, whereas in all but four jets

Fig. 4.—Distribution of the apparent linear velocity in all sources with aquality code E or G and that have measured redshifts. The left panels displaythe distribution for all individual features that we have observed. Distributionsin the middle and right panels show only one feature per source, the brightestor the fastest, respectively. Sources are divided by optical class in the second,third, and fourth rows of the figure.

Fig. 5.—Same distributions as in Fig. 4, except that only those sources con-tained in our representative flux density–limited subsample are included.



(92%) the dispersion in the speed of individual jet features issmaller than this value. This suggests that there is an under-lying flow, characteristic of each jet, that determines the speedof individual features with the jet.

4.2.2. Apparent Speed and Apparent Luminosity

Figure 6 shows the relation between �app and apparentVLBA core luminosity at 15 GHz. There is a distinct upperenvelope to the distribution, which is very similar to thatfound at 5 GHz in the Caltech-Jodrell flat-spectrum survey byVermeulen (1995). In particular, the low-luminosity sourcesall have slow apparent speeds. If we divide the sources at themedian luminosity of L15 < 1027:4 W Hz�1, a K-S test yieldsless than a 1% probability that speed distributions for thebrightest components of the high- and low-luminosity sourceshave the same parent distribution. We note that if the apparentjet speeds that we are measuring are simply random patterns,then no envelope would be expected in Figure 6.

As discussed by Lister & Marscher (1997), the presenceof this envelope does not necessarily imply that intrinsicallyfaint jets have low intrinsic speeds. As discussed in x 4.3.1, inpractice there is likely to be a spread in Lorentz factors. Thelowest luminosity sources in a flux-limited sample will tend tolie at low redshifts, where the comoving volume element issmall. Ignoring evolutionary effects and assuming a constantcomoving space density and a steep luminosity function, thesesources will therefore be representative of the most common jetsin the parent population. The probability of any of them havingboth a high Lorentz factor and a small viewing angle will bevery small, especially if the parent population is dominated bylow Lorentz factor jets [i.e., n(�) / ��1:5 as found by Lister &Marscher 1997]. This may therefore explain why none of thelow-luminosity sources in Figure 6 are highly superluminal.

4.2.3. Nonradial and Bent Trajectories

For most of the sources in our sample we have determinedonly the radial speed and position angle of the motion withrespect to the assumed core component. For those sources

with sufficiently high quality data, we also computed the fulltwo-dimensional vector proper motion on the sky. This wasaccomplished by fitting separately for the proper motion inboth right ascension and declination. These results werecombined to form a vector velocity, determined by the speed,�, and the direction, , on the sky relative to the radio core.We are particularly interested in comparing the direction ofmotion, , to the mean structural position angle of the jet, #h i.

Table 3 compiles the vector proper motions for all jetcomponents in our sample that have at least five epochs ofobservation and for which the vector velocity is of at least 5 �significance. These criteria guarantee that only the highestquality vector motions are used in our comparison of velocitydirection to structural position angle. Of the 60 componentmotions that meet these criteria, we find that 20 are significantly‘‘nonradial,’’ meaning that the velocity direction, , differs byat least 3 � from the mean structural position angle, #h i. Thesenonradial motions are highlighted in bold in Table 3.

Nonradial motions do not follow a direction that extrap-olates back to the jet origin and are by definition considerednonballistic. The occurrence of such nonballistic motions inapproximately one-third of the highest quality motions weexamined is striking. Assuming that the observed velocitiestrace the underlying jet flow, this result indicates that bends injet direction and/or jet collimation are common. The actualbends may be small, only a few degrees, but the observedbends can be large, of the order of 90�, since they appearamplified by projection.

In Figure 7 we show tracks in the right ascension–declinationplane of several sources that have clearly defined nonradialor bent trajectories. In general, the trajectories are bent towardthe next structure down the jet, whether seen directly in ourmaps or in published larger scale images. This suggests thatjet features may trace out a flow in a preexisting curvedchannel. Sources 1226+023 (3C 273), 1219+285, 1532+016,and 2200+420 (BL Lac) are excellent examples of this trend.In 1548+056, the component motion appears to be transverseto the main jet direction that is known from lower resolutionimages, and is hinted at in our images, to lie to the north.However, the motion we observe is directed toward the smallextension toward the east, and looking back toward the core,the jet ridgeline appears to curve into the component from theopposite direction.

In 3C 390.3 (1845+797) the two most prominent featuresappear to be moving with a similar speed of about 2.5c butalong slightly different trajectories of 27� and 30�. Neithertrajectory is aligned with the direction of the core or with thenarrow 6000 jet that points toward one of the distant hot spotsin position angle 35� (Alef et al. 1996). This is a clear ex-ception to the trend identified above.

In general we do not have sufficient data to robustly detectchanges in velocity, although the high incidence of non-ballistic motion implies that such changes must occur. How-ever, in BL Lac, there is evidence that the moving featuretraces the curved ridgeline of the jet. Moreover, we havepreviously reported an abrupt change in both speed and di-rection in 3C 279 that occurred in 1998 (Homan et al. 2003).

4.2.4. Two-sided Sources

Seven sources in Table 2 display two-sided structure inwhich the jet flow appears bidirectional away from a centralcore. We have previously reported our results on the two-sidedsource NGC 1052 (Vermeulen et al. 2003b), where the com-ponent motion is close to the plane of the sky and multiple

Fig. 6.—Apparent speed of the fastest feature found in 110 jets as a func-tion of the radio luminosity.




Vector Proper-Motion Results







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)


(mas yr�1)






#h i � j j(deg)


0035+413 ............. B 5 1.5 � 0.0 103.7 � 0.8 0.10 � 0.02 121.8 � 8.2 6.6 � 1.2 18.1 � 8.2

0055+300 ............. B 5 0.9 � 0.0 �54.2 � 1.6 0.14 � 0.02 �52.3 � 7.3 0.2 � 0.0 1.9 � 7.5

0106+013 ............. C 5 2.1 � 0.0 �112.7 � 1.2 0.27 � 0.03 �119.6 � 7.4 22.4 � 2.1 6.9 � 7.5

0149+218 ............. C 6 5.0 � 0.1 �21.9 � 1.1 0.29 � 0.04 �26.3 � 9.9 18.7 � 2.3 4.5 � 9.9

0234+285 ............. B 6 3.5 � 0.1 �12.6 � 0.6 0.25 � 0.05 11.6 � 4.2 14.7 � 2.8 24.2 � 4.3

0333+321 ............. B 9 2.7 � 0.0 123.3 � 0.2 0.18 � 0.01 120.3 � 1.8 11.0 � 0.4 3.0 � 1.8

C 9 4.9 � 0.0 126.0 � 0.5 0.20 � 0.02 135.0 � 6.8 12.2 � 1.4 9.0 � 6.8

0336�019 ............ B 5 1.4 � 0.1 66.9 � 1.8 0.22 � 0.04 67.1 � 7.0 10.1 � 1.7 0.2 � 7.2

0415+379 ............. D 6 3.3 � 0.1 65.9 � 0.8 1.52 � 0.04 65.3 � 1.4 4.9 � 0.1 0.6 � 1.6

0430+052 ............. B 10 4.7 � 0.1 �110.8 � 0.6 1.77 � 0.06 �108.7 � 1.1 3.9 � 0.1 2.1 � 1.3

C 8 6.1 � 0.2 �105.9 � 1.1 1.81 � 0.17 �100.0 � 3.7 4.0 � 0.4 5.9 � 3.8

G 9 3.0 � 0.1 �112.0 � 1.9 1.59 � 0.10 �105.9 � 2.5 3.5 � 0.2 6.1 � 3.2

H 5 2.6 � 0.2 �118.4 � 2.6 2.08 � 0.20 �114.8 � 3.5 4.6 � 0.4 3.6 � 4.4

0735+178 ............. D 5 4.0 � 0.1 63.9 � 0.9 0.18 � 0.03 �119.1 � 12.6 . . . 177.0 � 12.7

0736+017 ............. B 6 4.2 � 0.1 �70.0 � 1.6 0.96 � 0.04 �87.3 � 4.3 11.9 � 0.5 17.4 � 4.6

D 5 10.0 � 0.1 �87.8 � 0.2 0.39 � 0.06 �86.1 � 3.1 4.8 � 0.8 1.7 � 3.1

E 5 2.1 � 0.1 �67.8 � 2.2 0.86 � 0.09 �72.0 � 3.8 10.6 � 1.1 4.2 � 4.4

0738+313 ............. B 8 2.8 � 0.0 179.4 � 0.3 0.07 � 0.01 157.7 � 7.6 2.5 � 0.4 21.6 � 7.6

0745+241 ............. C 8 3.1 � 0.1 �63.1 � 1.0 0.33 � 0.04 �50.0 � 6.5 8.2 � 1.0 13.1 � 6.5

0748+126 ............. B 6 1.7 � 0.0 120.1 � 0.4 0.12 � 0.01 129.3 � 4.5 5.9 � 0.5 9.3 � 4.5

0754+100 ............. B 5 4.0 � 0.1 14.6 � 0.9 0.76 � 0.13 �7.1 � 4.5 12.9 � 2.1 21.7 � 4.6

0814+425 ............. B 6 0.9 � 0.0 89.6 � 0.8 0.18 � 0.02 86.5 � 2.0 2.9 � 0.3 3.1 � 2.1

0823+033 ............. C 6 2.4 � 0.1 14.1 � 0.6 0.48 � 0.04 10.8 � 1.6 14.5 � 1.1 3.3 � 1.7

D 6 1.1 � 0.1 31.9 � 3.0 0.31 � 0.05 31.3 � 6.4 9.4 � 1.5 0.6 � 7.1

0851+202 ............. C 5 1.0 � 0.0 �91.9 � 1.0 0.52 � 0.04 �90.6 � 2.5 9.9 � 0.9 1.2 � 2.7

D 5 0.9 � 0.1 �102.4 � 1.5 0.38 � 0.06 �111.4 � 5.0 7.2 � 1.1 9.0 � 5.3

0917+449 ............. B 6 1.2 � 0.0 177.7 � 0.5 0.07 � 0.01 �176.1 � 5.7 5.9 � 0.8 6.2 � 5.7

0953+254 ............. C 5 1.0 � 0.0 �129.3 � 1.4 0.10 � 0.00 �96.6 � 9.5 4.2 � 0.1 32.7 � 9.6

1012+232 ............. B 5 2.2 � 0.0 109.7 � 0.4 0.27 � 0.02 111.7 � 1.8 9.0 � 0.6 2.0 � 1.8

1015+359 ............. B 6 1.3 � 0.1 �172.3 � 0.4 0.21 � 0.04 177.2 � 0.6 12.6 � 2.2 10.4 � 0.7

1101+384 ............. C 7 1.4 � 0.0 �38.8 � 1.3 0.23 � 0.02 �57.1 � 3.8 0.5 � 0.0 18.3 � 4.0

D 6 0.8 � 0.0 �30.3 � 2.8 0.17 � 0.02 �26.8 � 9.2 0.4 � 0.0 3.5 � 9.7

1127�145............. C 7 4.1 � 0.0 83.0 � 0.1 0.09 � 0.01 70.4 � 3.1 5.5 � 0.8 12.6 � 3.1

1219+285 ............. D 7 11.0 � 0.1 106.8 � 0.3 0.59 � 0.03 143.6 � 3.0 4.0 � 0.2 36.7 � 3.0

1226+023 ............. B 11 6.1 � 0.1 �112.7 � 0.4 1.05 � 0.04 �119.6 � 1.6 10.9 � 0.4 6.9 � 1.7

C 7 9.6 � 0.1 �120.2 � 0.7 1.36 � 0.08 �119.1 � 2.9 14.1 � 0.9 1.1 � 3.0

D 8 10.8 � 0.2 �119.5 � 1.0 0.83 � 0.16 �119.7 � 10.3 8.6 � 1.7 0.2 � 10.3

E 10 3.3 � 0.1 �116.1 � 1.1 1.27 � 0.07 �115.4 � 2.3 13.1 � 0.8 0.7 � 2.5

F 6 18.7 � 0.2 �123.1 � 0.6 0.83 � 0.14 �140.5 � 10.6 8.5 � 1.5 17.4 � 10.6

1253�055 ............ B 10 3.3 � 0.0 �115.9 � 0.5 0.29 � 0.01 �130.3 � 3.1 9.1 � 0.4 14.4 � 3.1

1345+125 ............. C 5 2.0 � 0.0 164.2 � 0.8 0.16 � 0.01 173.3 � 7.3 1.2 � 0.1 9.1 � 7.3

E 5 9.8 � 0.0 161.8 � 0.1 0.04 � 0.01 114.3 � 15.1 0.3 � 0.1 47.5 � 15.1

1510�089 ............ B 5 2.8 � 0.1 �26.5 � 0.9 0.85 � 0.04 �23.2 � 2.1 19.0 � 0.8 3.3 � 2.3

1532+016 ............. B 6 1.1 � 0.0 130.4 � 1.0 0.21 � 0.01 146.8 � 2.5 14.3 � 0.7 16.4 � 2.7

1548+056 ............. B 5 4.4 � 0.0 10.4 � 0.3 0.12 � 0.01 74.4 � 2.9 7.7 � 0.8 64.1 � 2.9

1606+106 ............. B 5 0.9 � 0.0 �58.0 � 2.5 0.31 � 0.02 �47.8 � 4.0 18.7 � 1.3 10.2 � 4.7

1633+382 ............. B 8 1.5 � 0.0 �86.2 � 0.5 0.15 � 0.03 �86.2 � 3.0 11.4 � 1.9 0.0 � 3.1

1641+399 ............. B 9 1.7 � 0.0 �95.0 � 0.6 0.49 � 0.02 �99.9 � 1.7 17.0 � 0.8 5.0 � 1.8

C 5 0.9 � 0.0 �100.6 � 0.7 0.37 � 0.03 �92.9 � 2.5 12.9 � 0.9 7.7 � 2.6

1642+690 ............. B 5 2.2 � 0.1 �162.4 � 1.6 0.38 � 0.04 �161.0 � 4.8 16.0 � 1.6 1.4 � 5.0

1655+077 ............. B 5 3.7 � 0.0 �38.4 � 0.6 0.43 � 0.03 �46.6 � 3.4 15.4 � 1.0 8.2 � 3.5

C 5 8.0 � 0.0 �44.2 � 0.2 0.14 � 0.02 17.1 � 6.1 4.9 � 0.9 61.3 � 6.1

1800+440 ............. B 5 2.6 � 0.1 �163.1 � 1.4 0.49 � 0.04 �155.7 � 4.3 18.6 � 1.6 7.4 � 4.5

1845+797 ............. B 9 5.5 � 0.0 �40.9 � 0.3 0.55 � 0.03 �29.9 � 2.2 2.1 � 0.1 10.9 � 2.2

C 10 7.2 � 0.0 �36.0 � 0.2 0.61 � 0.02 �26.6 � 1.0 2.3 � 0.1 9.3 � 1.0

1928+738 ............. B 8 2.1 � 0.1 165.3 � 0.7 0.29 � 0.03 158.4 � 3.2 5.6 � 0.6 7.0 � 3.3

1957+405 ............. D 8 3.0 � 0.0 �78.6 � 0.2 0.18 � 0.02 �78.2 � 2.0 0.7 � 0.1 0.4 � 2.0

E 8 2.2 � 0.0 �79.7 � 0.4 0.19 � 0.03 �75.6 � 3.1 0.7 � 0.1 4.1 � 3.1

F 6 1.7 � 0.1 �79.4 � 0.5 0.22 � 0.03 �79.5 � 1.9 0.8 � 0.1 0.1 � 2.0

G 8 1.2 � 0.1 �79.0 � 0.7 0.16 � 0.03 �80.2 � 2.9 0.6 � 0.1 1.2 � 2.9

2005+403 ............. B 5 3.2 � 0.1 119.8 � 1.4 0.20 � 0.03 83.6 � 13.6 14.9 � 2.1 36.2 � 13.7

2113+293 ............. B 5 0.3 � 0.0 177.0 � 2.2 0.04 � 0.01 �131.3 � 8.2 2.4 � 0.3 51.7 � 8.5

2145+067 ............. C 8 0.6 � 0.0 �119.4 � 0.7 0.03 � 0.01 �156.4 � 5.3 1.8 � 0.3 37.0 � 5.3


components move in opposite directions from the core with avelocity, �� 0:26, that is only mildly relativistic. Plots ofcomponent position versus time for all of the two-sided jetsare shown in Figure 2. For most of these sources we wereable to identify the central component at each epoch and sodetermine the motion of individual features away from thecenter. In a few cases, however, such as 1404+286 (epochs1998.83 and 1999.55), the central core was not detected at oneor more epochs, either because it was weak or because thedynamic range was limited for that observation. In these caseswe have interpolated from the positions of the outer features,to find the ‘‘virtual’’ center, and we have used that to deter-mine the motion of the individual outer features. For thesource 1323+321 even that procedure was not possible sincethe structure appears to be two-sided, but we do not see thecore at any epoch. Moreover, our imaging of this source is notcompletely satisfactory as a result of its large angular size andthe limited interferometer spacings sampled by our data.

4.2.5. Peaked Spectrum Sources

GPS sources are characterized by their sharp low-frequencycutoff and general absence of prominent large-scale structure.There is no consensus as to whether the observed spectralcutoff in these sources is due to synchrotron self-absorption orfree-free absorption (Shaffer et al. 1999). Previous VLBIobservations have suggested that GPS sources have a simpledouble-structure morphology with little or no significantmotions (e.g., O’Dea 1998). Thirteen of our sources are clas-sified as GPS sources, of which we, so far, have observations ofeight at three or more epochs. Of these, only 1345+125 showssuperluminal motion. The mean velocity observed for the GPSsources in our sample is only (0:5 � 1:5)c. None of the GPSsources have �app > 1:5.

The existence of a sharp peak in the spectra of these sourcesimplies that the individual components each peak up at aboutthe same frequency. This means that the different componentsprobably have comparable Doppler shifts, and if the spectralcutoff is due to synchrotron self-absorption, they should havecomparable brightness temperatures. Some GPS sources, suchas 0552+398 and 0642+449, contain a single unresolvedstrong component, and so an interpretation in terms of syn-chrotron self-absorption is required for any reasonable mag-netic field strength. However, for other GPS sources we notethe very different appearance of the core and jet components;nevertheless, they have a common cutoff frequency. Moreover,many of the peaked spectrum sources included in our studyhave sharply bent jet structure suggesting very differentamounts of Doppler boosting and frequency shift of the self-absorption peak. Free-free absorption probably plays an

important role in determining the spectra of these sources.Since many of the core-jet GPS sources show little or nomotion, we suggest that possibly the jet flow in these sourcesis nonrelativistic or that these sources are seen at very largeviewing angles, rather than that the measured velocity is theadvance speed of a young double-lobe radio galaxy as sug-gested by Owsianik & Conway (1998). Either of these sce-narios would imply a small Doppler shift. GPS sources do nothave any extended double-lobe structure, which may be aconsequence of the slow jets that do not carry sufficient energyto form extended radio lobes.

We note that in some cases, such as CTA 102, which had apeaked spectrum in the past, there are large variations in thetotal flux density (Kovalev et al. 2002), which probably reflectssignificant relativistic boosting. Lister (2003) and Kovalev(2004) have argued that these sources are not bona fide GPSsources but ‘‘masquerading blazars’’ that often contain brighttransient jet features that dominate their radio spectrum.

4.2.6. Sources with Extended Double Structure

As a result of our selection criteria, most of the sourcesincluded in our study are dominated by their flat-spectrumcompact structure; they are mostly identified with quasars.Some quasars, however, also have extended structure withrelatively steep radio spectra, in addition to their flat-spectrumcompact core. We have included a few of these lobe-dominatedsources in our study, although they did not meet our selectioncriteria. Extended structure is more common among the activegalaxies. The following sources in Table 2 have significantdouble-lobe steep-spectrum extended structure: NGC 315(0055+300), NGC 1052 (0238�084), 3C 111 (0415+379),3C 120 (0430+052), M87 (1228+126), 3C 390.3 (1845+797),and Cygnus A (1945+405). All are identified with galaxiescontaining a relatively strong AGN. All but NGC 1052 and3C 120 are dominated by the extended steep-spectrum double-lobe structure even at 15 GHz. In the framework of standardrelativistic beaming models, radio galaxies and lobe-dominatedsources are presumed to lie close to the plane of the sky and thusshould show values of �app �1. However, 3C 111, 3C 120, and3C 390.3 each show rather large apparent motions, and it isnot clear how they fit into standard unification models.

These objects are all broad-line radio galaxies (BLRGs),although 3C 120 has also been classified as a narrow-lineradio galaxy (NLRG). The NLRGs are thought to lie at ratherlarge angles to the line of sight, and polarimetry shows that insome cases they contain a central quasar and a broad-lineregion that are hidden by a dusty torus. The NLRGs do notshow strong superluminal motion. Sources 3C 111, 3C 120,and 3C 390.3 do show superluminal motion and hence must

TABLE 3—Continued







Rh i(mas)


#h i(deg)


(mas yr�1)






#h i � j j(deg)


2200+420 ................. B 7 2.4 � 0.1 �171.6 � 1.6 1.41 � 0.12 �170.7 � 3.1 6.5 � 0.6 0.9 � 3.5

C 5 2.5 � 0.2 �171.4 � 1.5 1.16 � 0.22 172.8 � 3.4 5.3 � 1.0 15.8 � 3.7

2201+315 ................. B 6 2.8 � 0.0 �144.5 � 1.2 0.34 � 0.03 �142.7 � 5.3 6.3 � 0.5 1.8 � 5.4

2223�052 ................ B 6 1.9 � 0.1 102.4 � 2.8 0.50 � 0.08 107.3 � 6.4 32.9 � 5.4 4.9 � 7.0

C 7 5.2 � 0.1 98.0 � 0.3 0.31 � 0.03 90.6 � 3.3 20.6 � 1.8 7.4 � 3.3

Notes.—Sources with significant nonradial motion are shown in bold print. Col. (1): IAU name (B1950.0). Col. (2): Component identifier. Col. (3): Number ofepochs with measured position. Col. (4): Mean radial position, relative to the core. Col. (5): Mean structural position angle, relative to the core. Col. (6): Angularvelocity. Col. (7): Direction of velocity. Col. (8): Linear speed in units of the speed of light. Col. (9): Misalignment angle.



Fig. 7.—Selected images of sources with jets that show nonballistic component motion. Measured component positions for each epoch are superimposed on theimages along with the vector motion (solid lines) in the right ascension–declination plane. Dashed lines represent the mean structural position angles, #h i, for eachcomponent.


be at small angles to the line of sight (less than about 11� for3C 111). The BLRGs are not well understood, and they mayhave a wide range of intrinsic luminosity and orientation(Dennett-Thorpe et al. 2000).

On the other hand, the jets of other lobe-dominated sourcesappear to be subrelativistic. The powerful radio galaxyCygnus A contains twin jets pointed toward the distant hotspots. The approaching and receding jets appear to propagatewith velocities of 0.7c and 0.2c, respectively, and we findrelatively slow speeds of (0:16 � 0:03)c in the parsec-scale jetof NGC 315. In the case of the radio galaxy NGC 1052, wehave reported a two-sided flow with subrelativistic jet speedsof only 0.26c (Vermeulen et al. 2003b) on both sides of thecore. At least in these radio galaxies, the intrinsic jet flowclose to the core appears to have only moderate speeds with�appT1. Thus, it appears that the observed distribution ofspeeds and/or degree of jet asymmetry cannot be interpretedsimply in terms of the orientation of a twin relativistic jet with� �1, unless the observed speeds do not reflect the actual jetflow speed, or the radiation from a high-speed inner spine isnot observed as a result of a more slowly moving outer sheaththat dominates the emission at large angles from the jet di-rection. As we show in x 4.4.1, highly relativistic jets arerelatively rare among the general population of radio jets.

4.2.7. Comparison with Other Velocity Studies

Other recent VLBA monitoring observations (e.g., Jorstadet al. 2001a, 2001b; Britzen et al. 2001; Homan et al. 2001;Vermeulen et al. 2003a) made at other wavelengths with dif-ferent resolution and with different sampling intervals arecomplementary to our observations and may be used to extendthe range of size and timescales over which jet kinematics maybe studied.

Jorstad et al. (2001a, 2001b) have used the VLBA to studythe motions in a sample of strong sources at 7 and 13 mm.These observations probe the source structure and motions ona scale about 3 times smaller than our 2 cm observations, butas a result of the decreased surface brightness at 7 mm, theyare generally not able to trace the motions beyond a fewmilliarcseconds from the core. From the comparison of theobserved motions for the sources in common to our twostudies, it is possible to trace the motions of individual com-ponents over a wider range of scales than is possible fromeither set of observations alone.

We have compared our velocities determined at 15 GHzwith those of Jorstad et al. (2001a, 2001b). There appears tobe little agreement in the individual source speeds found bythe two studies. On average, the Jorstad et al. (2001a, 2001b)speeds appear systematically higher, possibly because theirobservations were carried out at shorter wavelengths andprobed jet regions closer to the core.

Britzen et al. (1999, 2001) and Vermeulen et al. (2003a)have discussed jet motions in a large sample of sources at6 cm, taken from the Caltech-Jodrell CJ surveys coveringdeclinations greater than +35�. These observations have lowerangular resolution than ours and are thus more sensitive tothe lower surface brightness structure located downstream.Vermeulen et al. (2003a) quote a mean velocity for quasar andgalaxy jets of 2.9c and 0.9c, respectively. This appears to beless than the values of (7:3 � 0:8)c and (1:7 � 0:8)c that wemeasure at 2 cm for the brightest features in each source. Onthe other hand, Jorstad et al. (2001b), working primarily at0.7 and 1.3 cm, find systematically faster velocities in those

sources where our samples overlap. These results suggest thatthere is a systematic decrease in �app with increasing wave-length, probably because the observations at different wave-lengths sample different parts of jet structure. In a separatepaper (R. C. Vermeulen et al. 2004, in preparation) we willdiscuss, in more detail, the motions of those sources in com-mon to the 6 and 2 cm samples.

4.3. Implications for Relativistic Beaming Models

4.3.1. Ballistic Models

The simplest model to consider is a pure ballistic model witha common flow velocity for all sources, with �p ¼ �b �1, and aflow that is intrinsically symmetric. In this simple case,observations of the apparent velocities, as well as the ratio offlux densities of approaching and receding components, can, inprinciple, be used to solve uniquely for � and � and thus pro-vide a test of the hypothesis that �p ¼ �b. However, even earlyVLBI data indicated that this simple model is not tenable(Vermeulen & Cohen 1994; Lister & Marscher 1997).

In a flux density–limited sample, the combined effect ofavailable solid angle and Doppler boosting leads to a distribu-tion of �app with many values close to � (Vermeulen & Cohen1994). On the other hand, if Doppler boosting is not animportant selection mechanism, then in most cases �app �1.Figure 3 shows the expected distribution of apparent velocitiesfor the case in which �p ¼ �b (see x 4.1) along with the corre-sponding distribution for a randomly oriented sample. None ofthe distributions shown in Figure 4 or Figure 5 are consistentwith either of these simple ballistic models as there is neitherevidence of the peak at �app � � characteristic of the simpleDoppler boosted models nor evidence of the sharp low-speedcutoff at �app �1 characteristic of models that ignore Dopplerboosting.

How do we reconcile the difference between the observedand predicted distributions? There must be either a spread inintrinsic velocity (e.g., Lister & Marscher 1997) or a differ-ence between the bulk flow velocity and the pattern velocity,so that there is less Doppler bias in favor of observing beamsthat are oriented close to the critical angle (Vermeulen &Cohen 1994). In Figure 3 we plot a model with a spread ofintrinsic velocity such that n(�) / ��1:5. This model has equalpattern and bulk velocities and reproduces the general char-acteristics of the observed distribution of superluminal speeds.A more detailed analysis will be discussed by M. L. Listeret al. (2004, in preparation).

4.3.2. Randomly Oriented Samples

Based on earlier observations of apparent velocity dis-tributions, Ekers & Liang (1990) suggested that the simplemodel with no Doppler bias provided an adequate fit to theobserved distributions of �app with only a slight adjustmentneeded, which was satisfied by introducing an obscuring to-rus. However, comparison of our data with models that do notinclude Doppler boosting shows poor agreement, since, asshown in Figure 3, in the absence of Doppler boosting, mostsources are expected to lie close to the plane of the sky where�app �1. This appears to be inconsistent with the tail of thevelocity distribution that we find extending toward larger ap-parent velocities. Following the discussion of Cohen (1990),a detailed analysis of the observed velocities shows that theprobability of the sources having been picked at random froma parent population that is isotropically distributed is less than



10�5. We therefore conclude that the sources are preferentiallyaligned along the line of sight, as would be expected ifDoppler boosting is in fact important.

4.4. Comparison with Other Relativistic Velocity Indicators

While the actual observation of superluminal motion inradio source jets remains the most direct way of establishingthe existence of relativistic motion, comparison of the ob-served values of �app with other velocity indicators also pro-vides important tests of beaming models and specifically therelation between pattern and bulk flow speeds. This includesflux density variability (Hughes et al. 1992; Lahteenmaki &Valtaoja 1999; Lahteenmaki et al. 1999), maximum brightnesstemperature (Kellermann & Pauliny-Toth 1969; Readhead1994; Guijosa & Daly 1996), the ratio of core to extendedradio luminosity (Orr & Browne 1982), the gamma-ray lu-minosity (von Montigny et al. 1995; Hartman et al. 1999;Mattox et al. 1997, 2001), or observations of inverse ComptonX-rays (Ghisellini et al. 1993). Relativistic boosting alsoaffects the radio source counts and luminosity functions(Padovani & Urry 1992; Wall & Jackson 1997), which pro-vide a consistency check on beaming models.

4.4.1. Relation between Observed Velocityand Flux Density Variations

Flux density changes are commonly seen in superluminalsources, and their short timescale is generally taken to implyhigh brightness temperatures. The variability timescale andthe timescale for apparent transverse motion are both com-pressed as a result of the forward motion; hence, we mightexpect to see a relation between �app and the flux densityvariability provided that �b is related to �p. Lahteenmaki &Valtaoja (1999) used variability data at 1.3 cm and 8 mm fromthe Metsahovi Observatory to calculate a variability Dopplerfactor, �var , assuming an intrinsic brightness temperaturecharacteristic of a self-absorbed synchrotron source in whichthe particle and magnetic energy are in equilibrium. We haverecalculated their values using the cosmology given in x 1 andfor different values of intrinsic brightness temperature. Since�var varies inversely as the cube root of the assumed intrinsic

temperature in the synchrotron plasma, T intb , �var is relatively

insensitive to the assumed value of T intb .

In Figure 8 we plot �app against �var for the 49 sources incommon to the Metsahovi and VLBA samples. We calculate�var ¼ (Tvar

b =T intb )1=3 assuming a spectral index of zero and

where Tvarb is the apparent brightness temperature calculated

from the variability timescale, by assuming that it is limited bythe size of the source divided by the speed of light. Fivesources that only have components located at a bend in the jetwere excluded, as they probably reflect a standing shockwave, or perhaps a stationary location in a helical jet where theflow is closest to the line of sight and hence is boosted moststrongly. In either case the measured velocity is a poor indi-cator of the flow velocity and not relevant in discussing rel-ativistic effects. The sample we use contains five activegalaxies, 14 BL Lac objects, and 30 quasars. Most points lieinside the ‘‘1/� cone’’ (�app ¼ �var) as they should for a fluxdensity–limited sample (Vermeulen & Cohen 1994).Cohen et al. (2003) have compared Figure 8 with the results

of a simulation generated by randomly picking a flux-limitedsample from an isotropically distributed population withpower-law distributions of luminosity and � and for severalvalues of T int

b over the range 4 ; 109–1 ; 1011 K. The valueT intb � 2 ; 1010 K gives the best fit between the measured

and simulated data. However, although there does appear tobe an upper limit to �app that is close to the expected locusfor components with � ¼ 25, the detailed distribution is notwell matched to that expected from the simulation (Lister &Marscher 1997).Calculations of the variability Doppler factor using values

of T intb closer to the inverse Compton limit, �1012 K, lead to

distributions on the �app-�var plane that are very different fromthose expected from the simulations. We conclude that T int

b isperhaps an order of magnitude below the inverse Comptonlimit.For this application, we have used the fastest feature for

each source, on the grounds that these velocities should bemore representative of the true flow velocities. Slower movingcomponents, especially those located at a bend in the jet, maybe dominated by standing shock waves. Forward shock wavesmight also exist, and trying to understand their role is a goal ofour study. Other geometries have been suggested for the jet,including a fast ‘‘spine,’’ which we would preferentially see,surrounded by a slower shell. In this case, the spine wouldprobably also control the flux variations, so that using thefastest (spine) velocity for �app is appropriate.We have also examined values of �var calculated from the

UMRAO database at our wavelength of 2 cm and noted alarge dispersion between Doppler factors deduced from thesedata and the shorter wavelength Metsahovi data. Thus, therobustness of the Doppler factors calculated in this wayappears to be uncertain. The Michigan data cover a longertime span but are at longer wavelengths where individualoutbursts appear to overlap in time.The Lorentz factor � in a superluminal jet is important

because it is intrinsic to the jet, whereas �app and �var are theobservables that depend on the jet orientation. The distributionof � may give information on the physics of the collimationregion. From the values of �app and � shown in Figure 8 wecalculate the actual Lorentz factors, shown as a histogram inFigure 9. We believe that the apparent deficit in the first binof Figure 9 for the quasars may be a selection effect or justdue to small number statistics. To be fully consistent with theanalysis above and the choice T int

b ¼ 2 ; 1010 K, the Lorentz

Fig. 8.—Apparent velocity, �app, plotted against variability Doppler factor,�var , for the fastest component found in 49 sources calculated using the methodof Lahteenmaki & Valtaoja (1999) with an intrinsic brightness temperatureT intb ¼ 2 ; 1010 K. The solid line shows the expected locus of points for

Lorentz factor values of 25. The dotted line represents the 1/� cone where�var ¼ �app.



factors should have a power-law distribution. However, thenumber of objects is too small and the errors too uncertainto make a meaningful comparison. A small Lorentz factorimplies a low velocity and small flux density variations, andthe latter especially is less likely to be measurable. However,the calculated Lorentz factors are useful in showing that theremust be a wide range of � in the superluminal sources. Thegalaxies all have rather low Lorentz factors, while the quasarshave a broad distribution up to � � 30.

4.4.2. Gamma-Ray Sources

Many of the sources included in our study have beencataloged as strong gamma-ray sources according to mea-surements made by the EGRET detector on board the ComptonGamma Ray Observatory (von Montigny et al. 1995; Hartmanet al. 1999; Mattox et al. 1997, 2001; Sowards-Emmerd et al.2003). It is generally thought that the gamma-ray emissionoccurs deep within the relativistic jet. Arguments based onsize limits deduced from time variability and the cross sectionfor pair production suggest that the gamma-ray emission, likethe radio emission, is Doppler boosted (Dermer & Schlickeiser1994). In fact, the gamma rays may be even more stronglybeamed than the radio emission since the former generallyhave a steeper spectral index, � , and the flux density boost-ing varies as �ð2��Þ for continuous jets. Furthermore, Dermer(1995) has shown that if the bulk of the gamma rays areproduced by external Compton scattering off photons associ-ated with the accretion disk, the resulting gamma-ray emissionwill be boosted by an additional factor of �ð1��Þ.

If gamma-ray–loud AGNs do indeed have systematicallyhigh Doppler factors, then we might expect to see a differentapparent speed distribution for them than for AGNs that havenot been detected in gamma rays. The situation is complicatedby the possibility that the gamma-ray–loud jets may be seeninside the critical angle for maximizing superluminal motion(1/�) and therefore might have slow apparent projected speeds.However, Monte Carlo simulations based on a simple linearrelationship between radio and gamma-ray luminosity (e.g.,Lister & Marscher 1999; Lister 1999) confirm that in a fluxdensity–limited radio sample, AGNs detected by EGRETshould have typically higher speeds than those that were notdetected in gamma rays.

Jorstad et al. (2001b) recently measured the apparent speedsof 33 EGRET-detected AGNs. They found a mean value of16c for the fastest component in each source and concludedthat the gamma-ray sources have larger Lorentz factors thanthe general population of radio sources. However, Jorstad et al.

(2001b) did not have a non–gamma-ray control sample ob-served in the same way and at the same wavelength withwhich to compare their results.

We have classified our sample into EGRET and non-EGRETsources based on the list of Mattox et al. (2001) and recentlymodified by Sowards-Emmerd et al. (2003). These authorsclassify gamma-ray sources from the third EGRET catalog(Hartman et al. 1999) as ‘‘highly probable’’ and ‘‘plausible’’AGN identifications, based on Bayesian statistics and theirproximity to bright flat-spectrum radio sources. In Figure 10we show the distribution of measured speeds for the EGRET-detected and nondetected sources. For the brightest jet com-ponent found in the 18 EGRET sources in our representativesample we found a median speed of (8:0 � 1:6)c comparedwith a value of (3:9 � 1:1)c for the 53 sources with no EGRETdetections. A K-S test suggests that the difference appears sig-nificant at the 90% level. For the purpose of this analysis wehave included the two ‘‘plausible’’ EGRET sources, 2230+114and 1156+295, as detections. Reclassifying them as non-detections had no effect on our results, and neither did ex-cluding the sources with negative velocities from our analysis.

These results are consistent with the idea that the radioemission from gamma-ray quasars is indeed more stronglybeamed than for the whole radio quasar population. However,our samples are incomplete and may therefore be biased.

4.5. The Angular Velocity–Redshift Relation

Figure 11 shows the measured values of angular velocity �versus redshift for the fastest E or G rated component found inthe sources in Table 2. The line represents �max, the fastestproper motion a source can display if it has � ¼ 25. Thevariables are the observables, uncontaminated by modeling,and hence are of value in showing directly that (1) at allredshifts, the observed velocities are not clustered near themaximum value as expected from the simple ballistic modelswith a single Lorentz factor for all sources, (2) low values of �are seen at all z, and (3) high values of � are seen only at lowz. This is true for galaxies, BL Lac objects, and quasars andappears inconsistent with noncosmological interpretation ofquasar redshifts as proposed by Burbidge (2004).

An early version of this plot (Cohen et al. 1988) was used toshow that the standard paradigm for superluminal motionprovided a crude upper bound to the points in Figure 11 and

Fig. 10.—Histogram of the brightest component speed in EGRET-detectedand non–EGRET-detected sources for our representative flux density–limitedsample.

Fig. 9.—Histogram of Lorentz factors for 49 sources, calculated from �app

and �var based on T intb ¼ 2 ; 1010 K.



that the maximum value of �app in 32 sources was about 13(H0 ¼ 70, q0 ¼ 0:5). The �max line in Figure 11 is, similarly,a crude upper bound to the measured points and shows that�app;max � 25. Note that the cosmology used in this papermakes �app somewhat larger than for a cosmology with�m ¼ 1 and �� ¼ 0.

The data in Cohen et al. (1988) were compiled at assortedfrequencies, mostly below 15 GHz, and corresponded tomeasurements made at different distances from the core,which may explain the difference in �app;max. As we havediscussed in x 4.2.7, there is some evidence that observationsat high frequencies give higher values of � than observationsat lower frequencies.

Vermeulen & Cohen (1994) and Lister & Marscher (1997)have shown that if Doppler boosting is important, then evenrather small samples of superluminal sources will show�app;max near the maximum value of the distribution of �,�max. Hence, we expect that �max � 25 for the sample shown inFigure 11. This is marginally consistent with Figure 9,reflecting that Lorentz factors calculated according to themethod in x 4.4.1 have rather large uncertainties.


We have studied the kinematics of a large well-definedsample of 110 quasar and active galaxy jets and find a dis-tribution of apparent velocities typically between 0 and 14cbut ranging up to about 34c. There is evidence of a charac-teristic velocity in each jet that may represent the true plasmaflow velocity. We have found that quasar jets generally havelarger apparent velocities than jets associated with BL Lacobjects and active galaxies, although the distributions overlap.Our measured values of �app are consistent with the Dopplerfactors, �var , calculated from time variability and a parentpopulation having a steep power-law distribution of intrinsicLorentz factors extending down to moderate velocities and anintrinsic brightness temperature close to 2 ; 1010 K. This isclose to the value expected if the particle and magnetic energydensities in the jet are comparable (Readhead 1994; Singal &Gopal-Krishna 1985).

In approximately one-third of the well-studied jets, we findevidence of nonballistic motion; that is, the flow is not alongthe direction away from the core. In most of the jets, we find

no deviation from a constant speed, but in a few sources, we dosee evidence of changes in speed and direction of individualfeatures. Mostly, the flow appears to lie along the direction ofthe local jet orientation. However, in some cases the flow has asignificant nonradial component, which points toward moredistant parts of the jet. This suggests that there is a continuousflow along a preexisting channel. Contrary to the assumption ofthe simple unified models, in some jets, the intrinsic flowappears to be with speeds much less than c.Observations made at higher frequencies sample jet features

located closer to the core, and they typically show larger ap-parent velocities than we observe at 15 GHz, while lowerfrequency observations show yet smaller speeds. Sources withstable GPS spectra show little or no motion; the jet flow inthese sources may be nonrelativistic or lie in the plane of thesky with a correspondingly small Doppler shift.We find that jets of quasars that have been observed as

strong gamma-ray sources have marginally higher speeds thanthose that are not gamma-ray sources. This is consistent withmodels where the gamma-ray sources have more highly rel-ativistic jets and are aligned closer to the line of sight. How-ever, our analysis is limited by both small number statisticsand the uncertainties in the ever-changing analysis of theEGRET catalogs. In addition, with the limited range of fluxdensity observed by EGRET, there is no well-defined class ofgamma-ray–loud and gamma-ray–quiet sources analogous tothe radio-loud and radio-quiet classifications. More sensitiveobservations with the next generation of gamma-ray obser-vatories, such as GLAST, combined with jet speed data for ourcomplete radio sample of 133 radio sources, should be veryuseful for investigating gamma-ray production mechanisms inAGN jets and relating the gamma-ray properties to the ob-served jet outflow.E. Ros et al. (2004, in preparation) have extended these

observations and analysis through 2001 and 2002. M. L. Listeret al. (2004, in preparation) have defined a more completesample of 133 sources and are continuing the observationsof these sources including linear and circular polarization(D. C. Homan et al. 2004, in preparation). Observations withthis new sample will allow a more robust comparison withmodels, a better estimate of the distribution of intrinsic Lorentzfactors, and a start to understanding the evolution of jet mag-netic fields.

The VLBA is a facility of the National Radio AstronomyObservatory, which is operated by Associated Universities,Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the National ScienceFoundation. We thank Hugh and Margo Aller and TigranArshakian for many valuable discussions, Mike Russo,Andrew West, and John Armstrong for their help with the dataanalysis, and the NRAO staff for their support in the dataacquisition and correlation. We also thank the referee for hisvery constructive suggestions, which have helped to clarifyour presentation. Ed Fomalont and Leonid Gurvits kindlyallowed us to use their 1998 and 1999 images to supplementour own observations during that period. We have made use ofthe database from the UMRAO, which is supported by fundsfrom the University of Michigan, and additional VLBAobservations of Cygnus A by Uwe Bach to help interpret ourown data for this source. Part of this work was done whileR. C. V. held an appointment at Caltech. K. I. K. thanksCaltech and the MPIfR for their support and hospitality duringseveral visits.

Fig. 11.—The �-z diagram showing the distribution of angular velocity forthe fastest component of the 110 sources that has a quality factor of G or E.The solid line is the maximum value of �app for � ¼ 25.




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Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.