The Dodge County Independent-News from Juneau, Wisconsin (2024)

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Juneau, Wisconsin

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MRS RICHARD BURLESON THE LNDEPEHDENJ HHWUOSHEffiETMSH aYEBEROSSESALPS ALLIES END MH a TALAATBEY WISCONBZV I DAYS TRIP TAKES JUST 25 MINUTES WAR STARTS IN fEW LESSON OR EBRUARY 2 THE LOOD GREAT SEAL IS LACKING that Jan 8 Pasha has bean WOULD PAROLE PRISONERS r7 TO STUDY WEATHER AST MAIL TRAIN IS WRECKED nf lthe Italian peft ls at Ta to political parties political nnmin ficult WARRING IGORROTES KILL 9 RIOT ON A TROOP SHIP San rancisco Jan The Tru I Bill to Tax Elector Dam and'Markesxti capitallau aclfcn tlat afid explorer who died re back of the project 4 Christiania Norway Jan Tho Norwegian cabinet under the premier I JUNEAU GOVERNOR'S POWER ATTACKED II COORT easy call army of 80000 after vy fighting is now ad a tn a semi circle A made to capture td vance Is dlf Talaat Bey la one of tha leaders of the Young Turk party that haasetzed the reins of government In Constant! nople with the downfall of the cabL CLAIM HE HAD NO AUTHORITY TO OUST EKERN ON DAY a LEGISLATURE MET owtag to defeat at the general elee tinea last October Jy Manila Jan The captain of a transport rends a report by wireless that ScouLCaptain McNally two lieu tenants and six privates have been killed and fourteen men wounded tn a fight with the Igorrotes in Jolo TherehavLbeansevcralrowswtth the Jolo Igorrotes in last few weeks and forces of constabulary and regulars have been 'sent against them This hi the most serious affair that hujvt been reported nils On January 1 men of the 13th infantry oo board vers In a riot over the food served Stow was given three tlmeo a day The men marched la body to Captain Hadley demanded bat ter food and threatened to take poo session of the whip Riot lasted an day Court martinis are expected to result iars on all electors tafUag to vote re need more hatred pf ata tbdarT La Crosse Wis Jan ast mall train No 56 on the St Paul road car rying the heavy mail from Minneapo lis and points west of Chicago and points east was wrecked near Co lumbus 60 miles west of Milwaukee Engineer McBride and ireman Buts of Portage were seriously Injured and are In the hospital at Columbua Sev eral others are reported hurt BIELOVUCCI A PERUVIAN AS CENDS ROM BRIG AND LANDS AT DOMODO88OLA Carnegie oundation Will Give 5000r 000 for International Bureau to Make orecasts Three American Officers and Six Pri vates Killed In ight 14 Others 2 Wounded Chavez Compatriot of te Aviator Crossed Mountains enSama Route In September but Suffered atal Injuries In all Two Members of Crew Seriously In Jured by Accident on 8t Paul 21 Near Columbus STREAM 200 EET MADE TEAR SAT BROKEN DIKE A A tea ik Aft nut juuivu uvw uic wwtwi Dorcer Ing the stream into three feet of wa ter dashing her the rock bottom Her neck was broken Transport Sherman Arrives at San rancloco and Reports Mutiny of SoWiere" BE880N Genesis CS 12 7:11 34 GOLDEN TEXT wages of sin 1Vbut the fos 4rtft of God is eternal WelaChrtst Jesus our Lord" Rom 1:33 5 Constantinople In State of Young Turke Raiding Houses In Effort to Round Up Political Italians In Peril Mahmoud Shefket made grand vizier of Turkey succeed ing Kiamll Pasha who wee forced to resign 4 fiv vane hard effo the fortress Ex Governor Hadley Speaks Utica Jan An address by former Governor Hadley of Mis souri on the subject of urliprudecee" wu the leadingfea ture of the program at the annual meeting ot the Ne JYoftStatoRar association At the electkm of otfi certrwhlcb wUlconeludethemeetlng Judge Alton Parker was chosen Albany Jan An order of arrest directed to Gen Daniel Slckels was Issued by Justice Will iam Rudd in special term The application was made on behalf of Attorney General Carmody because of the failure of General Sickles to make good a shortage in hla accounts as chairman of the New York Battle field Monument und of which be was chairman New York Jan The Carnegie oundation has under consideration the establishment of an international whether bureau with an endowment of $5 000000 to make forecasts for tlx months or a year Those with whom the idea had its inception are con vinced that billions ofdollars would be saved to the financial commercial and agricultural Interests of the world each year by such a bureau Among the sponsors for the plan Is Prof Henry Helm Clayton eminent meteorologist whose work la known the world over nwirw AiLUM raiact wu cUfinn otJv JJC Bratlle resigned Lieutenant In Germany Killed and An other Aviator Drops 240 1 eet and Lives Crevasse Yawns as 1500 Men ight Desperately to Check Onrush of loo'd more reasonable to believe that these traditions are corrupted forma of thei troe account found in tier Bible? Vicksburg Miss: Jan A torrent 200 feet through the crevasso jn Beulah levee about one hundred miles north of here on the east bank of the Mississippi river The water Is rapidly inundating the lowlands destroying crops and forc ing hundreds of families to the high lands? A crevasse at this place last spring when the river stage was considerably higher flooded approximately 1225 square miles The engineers 'engaged on the work estimate that before the flood recedes at least 1000 square miles of plantations and stamps will be Inundated Telephones and mount ed messengers were' used to warn farmers ifteen hundred men about 400 of whom are state convicts are work ing day and night to th ends of the break but despite their efforts It Is slowly widening the rushing water causing the ends of the levees to cave and crumble Maj A Woodrutf of the United States engineers is super intending operations He' will meet Col Townsend president of the "Mis sissippi River commission today for a conference Memphis Tenn Jan 27 Half a million acres of delta lands the rich est in Mississippi will be from one to six feet under water Inside of 36 hours engineers say as a result of the break in the main levee four miles from Beulah Hundreds of families gross are marooned some living In lofts and others on temporary scaf folds HOLD SPECIAL MEETING AND DB CLARE PEACE JC0NGRE88 MUST BE ENDED story of the flood as toM by Dean Hodgev and tell a connected story of what baa already happened hthe past lessons and tan them that the efory win be continued weeK gogd live questions for dais discus iIom would ber What does Jt mean to walk with God? Of the igno rance? lndlfferenee caaMnt or coa iemnation of which one must Sod take? the difference be Magdeburg Germany Jan Lieutenant Scbleget of the' imperial aviation corps was killed and Lieu tenant Von Scheele of the same Branch of the service was fatally Injured when their blplane fell durlng a flight near here Lieutenant Scble desth Is the two hundred and fortieth fatality In aviation since the air machines came into use and ths fourth this year Rhelms Jan Although Charles Gaulard a well known rench aviator fell 240 feet while making a flight in hie monoplane doctors attending him declared that he had a fair chance for recovery Hla monoplane cap sized NORWEGIAN CABINET IS OUT Resigns" Because of Defeat ag General Election Held Last tebsr He the Simplon Pass was taken by his com patriot Chaves In September 1910 Chaves accomplished the flight buLinJandlng hurt himself severely and later died from his injuries Previous Attempts ailed Blelovuccl had made one previous attempt to cross the Alps on Jan 14 but after ascending 8000 feet on that day was forced to make hurried landing owing to a defect In his motor Th a Peruvian who 4 is not yet twenty four years bld holds a rench certificate He made a sensa tional flight In Paris In August 1910 hen he circled the Elffsl tower In September of the same year he flew from Paris to Bordeaux Portugal Setback for Popo Lisbon Portugal Jan 35 The mln Uter of justice has promulgated a de croe prohiblttng tbe ctrcula tlon in Eonngai or me ponuncai ueciaratloa contained in one of tlf? clauses of the laws of the apostolic see He takes the ground that this declaration at tacks the law of separation of the church and stats Domodossola Italy Jan Jean Blelovuccl the Peruvian aviator flew across the Swiss Alps from Brig to this city In less than half an hour He ascended at Brig in bls mono plane on the stroke of noon and land ed at exactly J5 minutes past 12 Blelovuccl had been waiting for ravorame weather since Jan 9th followed the same course over London Jan The representa tives of the Bsan states at the peace conference here Tield a special meek Ing and decided that negotiations look ing to a settlement of the Turko Bul garfanwar which have been pursuing their desultory way toward final dls agreement for more than a month should be broken off at once This de cision means a resumption of the war within a few days unless Turkey should request more time for delibera tion The rn pt ure ln the negotiations which generally is believed to be final would have happened sooner it la learned but the Servian were awalt I ng nst ructions rom Belgrade These Instructions It is understood reached London during the night and the Ser vians were at once placed In position to join with the other allies In terml natingthe negotlatlons With the war party poW in power In Constantinople it is not believed that Turkey will ask for anyfurtber nego tiations as the recent coup e'tat in the Turkish capltal was1 brought about by objection Jo the yielding of Adriano ple the point on which the fellies all along have insisted Allies Prepare for Campaign Previous to the special meeting of the Balkan jlelegatcs word had been received from Thrace that the allies were preparing rapidly for a strong of fensive campaign against Adrianople and Tchataija The Hulgarians it Is said plan to attack these two points with the possible addition of tho Galli poli peninsula If the latter Is assailed however Tchataija wty be the' final object of the operations The Greeks then plan to force the Dardanelles and make a great assault on Constanttn ple While the Greeks are operating from the Dardanelles the allies It Is understood will attempt to force the south end of the Tchataija lines along the seacoast with the fire of the Greek warships to aid them Capital In State of Siege Constantinople is virtually Ina state of siege according to dispatches re ceived by the peace delegates the Balkahalllea The 'Young Turks fearing the relna of power may again escape from their hands are said to be arresting political adversaries right and left searching houses and clubs and confiscating documents They hope thus to break up all opposition The allies express the oplnlon that under these circ*mstances any excess may be expected Adding to the general terror a heavy earthquake shook the Turkish capital Whether there was loss of life was not disclosed In the dispatches Meantime the drafting of note in reply to the powers on Balkan peace is delayed by the Young Turk inability to fill the office of foreign minister permanently? Whole Navy Prepared i With the alarming prospect in view tho European powers are sending war vessels to reinforce the ordinary guard ships stationed at Constantin ople Italy especially is alarmed over the return to power of the' Young Turks who were inexorable during the Libyan war The position of the 5000 Italian resi dents of Turkey Is regarded as so pre carious that Italy has dispatched to Constantinople two of its best cruisers the San Marco and Pisa and the gun boat Archlmede which Js prepared to land 500 blue jackets At the same time the admiralty has ordered tho entire Italian squadron stationed in the Greclan archipelago to hold Itself in readiness The re malnJ' Port of Gpaln Trinidad Jan 25 rank Boland an American aviator waa killed while flvine here After Bucceiui algins iu Ycuetucm oenaa arranged to give a long exhibition flight here The' weather condition being perfect last night he declded to make a trial flight He was returning to the landing place when hlabiplane suddenly dived and struck the eround with terrlfic force Boland found ENTIRETRAJN OLUNATICS aA Nanaafh Jumps to Death rom Cliffr Cle v'eland an Mrs Gibeon forty eight 9343 Miles avenue Three Hundred and Twenty Insane Persons Sent to New Aiylum Guarded by 25 Men Portland Ore Jan A special" of five passenger coaches car ried 320 insane persons from Salem Orfc to Pendelton where a new state Insane asylum has ben erected The Insane person confined in the state hospital here Only twenty five attendahts accompanied them on the trip Lawyers Hold That the Absence of This ormality Made the Order Ins valid Under the Other News of State Capitol Wife Unkleeed Wine a DivertMfoneKUMtananfl4hIhuw to kiss bi lfe tor six months was one of the grounds upon which Mrs imr Andrews aged thlrtr sevwn voo granted a dfvores from Robert tative Klay tntrodaess a MD la the I Nosh earn his salvation? Is fifth Andrew her The couple had been legislature putting tax of two dot "tore than an attitade of mind? Do nartfed seven year TO ARREST GENO SICKELS Order tor Warrant Against Chairman of Monument und for 8hort sgeJrlseued Orgsnize Canning: Company' Beaver ka been organized tqbuild a learning factory at Beaver Dam Junction A three acre tract has been purchased dead oeneatn it Etampes Jrance Jan Two rench airmen were killed here while making a flight in a monoplane Charles Nleuport and his mechanic were flying at a considerable height when their machine doubled up and fell to jearth killing both of them in stantly Charles Nleuport was a' wealthy manufacturer Ha had achieved great success as a builder of fast mono plane I RAIL POOL A DECLARES STEEL MAGNATE 1 Corey Declares reight Coat Was Cause of International Agreement: tloii8party candidates or party com rnltteeR nre stricken from tho Work for Library Students Madison five library Sstn dcnlB from technical Instruc tion In tho Wisconsin library school will gpemi ebruary and Slarch as lii brarlans in various libraries of the 8talLlnJnst years tthas been found the services of these students during two months of the year Is of substantial value to the libraries of the R'afc and it Is estimated by Sec retary Dndgeon of the Wiscon sin free library commission that the technical work to be performed this winter will hare a monetary value of 5000 Ns Industry 4or WestBend A company lsno being organized witlrwTapitallxatloi 5 EOj)O for the purpose of man ufacturing barn equlnment Sever! handy devices are contemplated The first great fact recorded in th book of Genesis is that of Creation which may be divided into several leter The second great fact 1 that of the all which began with th temptation and ended with the excluIon from Paradise in thl lesson vs come to the third great fact th lood the account of which embrace the fifth to the ninth chapter Chap teruflve give genealogy six the history of the bnlldinr of th ark seven the occupancy of the ark eight departure from the ark and nine covenant with Noah In thl lesson sin flourishes like th proverbial green bay tree imagination of the thoughts of heart was only evil continually 5 These thoughts were Crystallized Into the lives of men tor weAread 'that earth was fijled with violence" Viewing thl' awful development ofIn God was deply grieved in hl leart that he turned aside (repented) from hl plan and purpuse thus far tp a determination to destroy man (v 7) Noah ihoweyerr found grace In sight as fere see from 9 even In the midst of these adverse elrcum stances Environment is powerful but not all powerful and it Is never a match for grace We inust not gather from this verse that Noah was faultless but rather than ha souxht i to conform his life to will and not to the standards of those among whom he dwelt Noah gave himself to a whole hearted service to God We are told that the foundation of acceptance before God was his faith Heb 11:7 like his great grand father Enoch he had walked with God" stood absolutely alone and was thus thrown upon com panionshlp with God compare with I John 1 3 Given Due Warning God could no Iongeiendure ths sin of men their iniquity was full therefore God determined to destroy them Hfdld not however put them off for we read that they had 29 announcement of the coming of the flood (v 13) time enough in which to repent They also had a faithful preacher to warn them dur ing this time 3 Peter 2:51 But their apostasy was complete and they would have none of mercy nor heed his warning Prov 29:1 obedience as he built the ark was a dally reminder of ths Impending flood The ark was a flat bottomed chest 450 feet long 75' feet broad and 45 feet deep built ot Cyprus (gopher: wood) and coated with pitch Under the eaves of the roof was an openpace for ventilation and its three decks were divided into compart ments As to the souls" (I Peter 8:20) who entered the ark we need to remember that usually children and servants are understood without men tion in such enumerations? We art not to infer that of all created animals two' of each entered the ark Th flood certainly was not universal and hence such a njlfacle was uncalled tor Rsce Swept Away At last the flood arrived at the ex act moment prophesied Its cause seems to be twofold a subsidence of the ground and a downpour of rain The Euphfateafal ley "where this event took place' fills all the necessary condition Snbsidencewould allow 'an Inundation from the sea Such an' inundation took place in 1911 in the Yangtae valley and another in 190 rendered more than ten million people homeless the water rising from 59 to 90 fqet AU that the account de mands however is that a corrupt race was swept away and that God saved his righteous servant an4 his household It is the privilege of er ry believer in God to save hl how hold Sew Artsl5fi fl: Thsonly way God could insure the purity of the race wasjo destroy ir revocably the impure Skeptic have read into thee story of the flood 'much extraneous matter' Some have sought to prow that ftuw nearly every race under the sun has a flood tradition therefore the writer of Genesis 1 merely passing THREE AVIATORS ARE KILLED rank Bolsnd Lees Life In Trlntda and Two renchman Dis In all? That without the great seal of the state and the signature of the of State John 8 Don aid the order of Gov McGovern re moving Ekern as insurance commissioner is void when the order "was made was a leg A governor whilo he had the right to remove an ap pointee tor proper cause had no au thority to install another appointee to the are the three principal points on which the plaintiffs in the Ekern Injunction case will stand Thin was made clear In the argu ments of Olbrlch and John A Aylward before Judge Ray Stev Jns In connection with the first reposition the reason for Secretary Donald not afllxngthe great seal or Signing Jhu order is made clear? This claim of Mr attorneys how ever Iff In ilTrect opposition to the opinion of Attorney General Owen given in answer to a request from Secretary Donald as to whst his duty was Mr Owen said he had no choice in the matter He was there as secretary of tho state administra tion Mr Owcn to perform the dutleaujf secretary which was to keep the records oi the state Just as tho secretary of any corporation kept thu records Mr Aylward Introduced one statement that was interesting in support of the claim that Jan 8 was a legislative day and therefore Gov McGovern could not act This was to the effect that there was no fixed unis icr mo legislature to meet on the second Wednesday of January Originally Mr Aylward said 42 had been In the revision of the statutes this had been omlttedTTeavIng it to the legislature to meet at any time on that day that ft saw fit Hence ths entlre day asserted was to considered as a legislative day Mr Olbrlch was responsible Jor governor might remove one man he had no authority to install man appointed to fill the vacancy The author Ity euded Mr Olbrlch contended when he had made the appointment Other points were raised as that Mr Ekern hafl not been guilty of pollti 1 such a way as th make him subject to removal for any po litical cause Authorities were quoted to show that an Injunction would bo against Gov McGovern as an Individual though it was admit ted he was Immune as governor from that form of judicial writ Would Wipe Out Psrty Linos Assemblymen Don Hall has In troduced two bills and a resolution in the assembly that will mfeke poli ticians sit up whatever tho ultimate fate of the bill Mr Hall would have all party designations or names elim inated at elections making ira free for all race and let the best man win One of Mr Hall bills reads: "No candidate for any state office state whether a local or state office shall nominated or elected upon any party ticket nor shall any desig nation or party name boosed tn the Pomtnatlon or election such The other bill Vlpcs out all mention of parties or party des ignations state central coiintv nr preclnct eommitce8 oirany election ballots It says: words or ex presslons relating or tending to refer Atlanta Warden for Letting ederal Out After Serving ifteen Years Atlanta Ga Jan Parole priv ileges for life term convicts who have served 15 years or more In federal prisons is recommended by William Moyer warden of the United States prison here in his annual report made public During the fiscal year end ed Jyne 30 1912 says the report the conduct of 39 ot the 59 life term pris oners here was excellent nine show ed good behavior and the conduct of11 Is rated believe that the enactment of the bill before concluded Warden Moyer "providing for the parole of prisoners undergoing life sentence will have a tremendous In fluence for Tho average cost of thamialnten anc of each prisoner here in the fls i cal year was $20554 acording to the report New York Cor ey former president of the United States Steel corporation testified on cross examination tn the suit to dissolve tho corporstlon jor twfo days Mr Corey has given testi mony bearing on the contentionof the government that the corporation Ik a monopolistic combination He was examined by A Severance Mr Corey was asked concerning the steel rail pool among American manufacturers including the corpora tion He said that the pool was a "haug from a pool' that existed before the corporation was organized It Jvas broken up he said In 1904 or 1905 Thereafter Mr Corey testified some other manufacturers wanted to raise the price on several occasions but the steel corporation declined 8lnco 190 the prlce of steel htfls Mr Corey said had not varied from 128 a ton several years" he added? 4g of steel rails have been higher BIPLANE ALLS SOLDIER DIES In rance Germany Austria Italy and Russia than here" Taking up the international steel rail pool Mr Severance sought to show that tho reason why producing countries did not Invade one territory was because transportation rates would make It impracticable to do so "It was not the common custom to do Corey replied Mr Severance asked If the witness did not recall cabling to James A ar rell when Mr arrell was abroad asking bin to ascertain at what price rails had been shipped from Belgium to the Pacific coast for consumption by the Harriman lines "I rimsmber that I cabled Mr ar rell to that effect" Mr Corey replied 1 am not prepared to say wheth er It was before or after the period you refer to" This perlod'ended In 1910 Lesson (By SELLERS Director ef av nlng Department Th Moody Bible In atttute of Chicago) Agssalz EstatslIs Large 7 New York Jan An appraisal of the estate of Prof Alexander Agassiz In 1910 filed here abows an entire per sonal eout of 33Uk25L 4" 4 44 '44 i IbY 1 4 1 IM I' i 1 1 wiwi i 1 i i 4 IMIIKllKT ATI AM 1 i A I illlLkHAllUllAL A WIIIMIIAVWIllillll uiumouwvL 1 'S a A fe fljj a 4 44' i is ii i fiiTili iiAiiHgreaMSaBMiy I I wii'Wj mil 1 I I I fl '5! A yA 7 8.

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The Dodge County Independent-News from Juneau, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.