Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (2024)

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (1)

City of Glendale

Reconnaissance Survey and Historic Context Statement

Of Craftsman Style Architecture 2006-2007

Certified Local Government Grant

October 2007

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (2)

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (3)

Prepared For:

The City of Glendale Planning Department

633 East Broadway, Room 103 Glendale, CA 91206-4385

Erik Krause

Senior Planner

Jay Platt Historic Preservation

& Urban Design

"The activity which is the subject of this (type of publication) has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, through the California Office of Historic Preservation. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior or the California Office of Historic Preservation, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsem*nt or recommendation by the Department of the Interior or the California Office of Historic Preservation."

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Director, Equal Opportunity Program U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service P.O. Box 37127 Washington, D.C. 20013-7127

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Forward The City of Glendale is a Certified Local Government (CLG) that recognizes the important role that historic resources play in making the city a special place to live. They understand that the preservation of these resources can foster civic and neighborhood pride, and form the basis for identifying and maintaining community character. The City of Glendale’s Planning Department applied for and was granted a 2006-07 CLG grant from the California Office of Historic Preservation to conduct a reconnaissance-level survey of Craftsman-era residential architecture, built between 1900 and 1925 and located in multi-family zoned areas throughout the City of Glendale. Glendale is located to the northeast of Los Angeles. It was established in 1887 after the partition of the 36,000-acre Rancho San Rafael was divided among several landowners and was ultimately incorporated as a city in 1906. Its development began to accelerate after the turn of the 20th century with the introduction of the interurban electric railroad. By 1920, the population reached 13,536 (from a mere 300 residents at the turn of the century) and eventually swelled to 62,736 by 1930. Today the population has grown to over 200,000. Due to the dramatic increase in population prior to 1930, many residences were constructed in the core areas of the City between 1900 and 1925. Because the Craftsman style was gaining popularity during those years, Glendale developed a large collection of single-family Craftsman houses. However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential areas have lost their historic fabric due to the subsequent development of large apartment buildings, whose construction began primarily during the 1960s and continue today. In addition, many of the single-family properties have lost their historic integrity and there are many undocumented historic resources from this Craftsman era scattered throughout Glendale. Therefore, the intent of the survey and historic context is to identify single-family Craftsman buildings within the City’s neighborhoods zoned for multi-family use that may have potential historic significance to assist the Planning Department with its planning process. Because the residences are located in areas that are zoned for higher-density development, the small Craftsman buildings are increasingly subject to applications for demolition to make way for larger structures. Hence, the Planning Department desires to better understand these resources and their significance to the historical development of the City by looking at all of the buildings on a comprehensive and systematic

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level. This report documents the survey effort and includes the complete historic context that was developed.

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List of Preparers and Acknowledgements The City of Glendale Craftsman survey was conducted by the City of Glendale Staff, with the assistance of volunteers and Galvin Preservation Associates Inc. (GPA). GPA trained volunteers and staff on survey methods, characteristics of the Craftsman style, and prepared the historic context. The GPA staff members who participated with the survey are Andrea Galvin, Rebecca Smith, Ben Taniguchi, Christeen Taniguchi, Laura Gallegos and Tonya West. GPA worked under the guidance of the City of Glendale Planning Department staff, with the project partially paid for by a Certified Local Government (CLG) grant issued by the California Office of Historic Preservation. We are certainly grateful for the assistance and guidance of Tim Foy, Cindy Thomack, Erik Krause, Manuel Valenzuela, and Jay Platt of the Planning staff. Not only were they very responsive and helpful throughout the process, but worked diligently to prepare numerous inventory forms for the large scale survey project. GPA and the City of Glendale are also very grateful for the generosity of several volunteers who attended training sessions, conducted field work and wrote architectural descriptions for the survey project. For their time and efforts, GPA and the City of Glendale would like to extend our gratitude to the following volunteers who without their help, this report could not have been completed. Special thanks go to:

Volunteers: Amy Anderson Jeri Anderson Kristen Asp Chris Baghdikian Amir Bashar Ute Baum Chris Baxter Stuart Byles Brad Collin Kathy Duarte Rathar Duong Tim Foy Lori Frost Laura Gallegos (GPA) Michael Gammell Lana Haddad

Jeff Hamilton Marcia Hanford Catherine Harada Jenna Kachour Maria and Paul Kaye Roger Kiesel Erik Krause Stephanie Landregan Mike Lawler Bryan Lobel Alan Loomis Quyen Luong Sally MacAller Joe Marci Bruce Merritt Gevorg Nazaryan

Jay Platt Marcel Porras Jamie Reeves Gabriel Reza Phillip Smith Laura Stotler Milca Toledo Pat Turner Manuel Valenzuela Ara Vartanian Arlene Vidor Tonya West (GPA) Elaine Wilkerson Yvonne Wolfe Vilia Zemaitaitis

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (7)


Table of Contents

FORWARD ................................................................................................................................................................II LIST OF PREPARERS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ IV TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................................................................1 OBJECTIVES AND AREA SURVEYED ............................................................................................................2

OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................................2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SURVEY AREA ...........................................................................................................3

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS USED ................................................................................................6 PROJECT SETUP AND TRAINING.............................................................................................................................6 FIELD SURVEY AND DEVELOPMENT OF DRAFT HISTORIC CONTEXTS...............................................................8 POST SURVEY DATA ENTRY AND PREPARATION OF REPORTS ..........................................................................10

GLENDALE CRAFTSMAN HISTORIC CONTEXT STATEMENT...........................................................14 RESULTS/FINDINGS...........................................................................................................................................37

IDENTIFICATION OF INTEGRITY THRESHOLDS ....................................................................................................38 IDENTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUALLY SIGNIFICANT PROPERTIES ..........................................................................39 IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTIES THAT ARE INELIGIBLE FOR DESIGNATION ...................................................41

RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................................................................................................43 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ..................................................................................................43

BIBLIOGRAPHY.....................................................................................................................................................45 APPENDIX A: CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL RESOURCE STATUS CODES APPENDIX B: SURVEYED BUILDINGS AND STATUS CODES APPENDIX C: VOLUNTEER TRAINING PACKET APPENDIX D: DPR 523 D FORM APPENDIX E: DPR 523 A FORMS

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (8)


Objectives and Area Surveyed

Objectives The City of Glendale received a State of California Certified Local Government (CLG) grant for the period 2006-07 to conduct a reconnaissance-level survey of Craftsman-era residential architecture, built between 1900 and 1925 that are located in multi-family zoned areas throughout Glendale. The final project includes a context statement, district records for one identified district, and DPR 523A forms for all the buildings included in survey. Information gathered on all of the properties surveyed was entered into the California Historical Resources Inventory Database (CHRID). The purpose of the project is to complete a survey of Craftsman-era residential architecture, built between 1900 and 1925, located in multi-family zoned areas throughout Glendale, which identifies and evaluates historic resources and serves to accomplish the following:

A. Develop a historic context statement on Craftsman Architecture in the City of Glendale.

B. Provide information to identify resources and develop mitigation measures for adverse impacts to these historic resources.

C. Provide information that may be used in preparing nominations, as appropriate, to the National Register of Historic Places, the California Register of Historic Resources, and the Glendale Register of Historic Resources; identify any potential Craftsman historic district(s).

D. Create a community-based, public participation effort intended to stimulate community awareness, interest and support for historic preservation.

E. Help continue the development of a working program for conducting surveys of other potential resources within the city of Glendale.

The survey will ensure that accurate, detailed information is available on potential historic resources for use in City programs and land use planning, including California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (9)


Description of Project Survey Area The project study area included the entire City of Glendale; however the survey areas were limited to those areas that are zoned for multi-family residential, including Zones R-1250, R-1650, and R-2250. The R-3050 zoned properties were not included in this survey. The Craftsman buildings included in the survey are scattered throughout the City, but are largely concentrated in the southern portion of the City to the south side of the SR-134 Freeway. Neighborhoods with the highest concentration of resources include: Verdugo Viejo, Vineyard, City Center, Citrus Grove, Mariposa, Pacific-Edison, and Moorpark. There is a small pocket of Craftsman buildings concentrated in the eastern neighborhood of Grandview and others scattered around the neighborhoods of Grand Central, Freemont Park, Tropico, Adams Hill, Somerset, Woodbury, Rossmoyne, Glenwood, and Montrose. The map of the City of Glendale below (see Figure 1) illustrates its thirty-seven neighborhoods. Historically the City of Glendale was part of Rancho San Rafael, which was granted by the Spanish government of California to Corporal Jose Maria Berdugo (later changed to Verdugo) in 1798. Through inheritance, sale, and foreclosure, culminating in the “Great partition” of 1871, the 36,000-acre ranch was divided among several landowners. The 150-acre town of “Glendale” as it became known, was surveyed and recorded in 1887. Originally consisting of ranch land used for grazing cattle and sheep and later for the cultivation of oranges and strawberries, today Glendale has transformed from a bedroom community to a thriving city of over 200,000 residents with numerous residential neighborhoods and a vibrant downtown. Throughout the years of Glendale’s development, the City has seen several changes in planning and zoning that have altered the traditionally small-scale character of its neighborhoods. Today the City’s government is located around the intersection of Glendale Avenue and Broadway, with the commercial core lined along Brand Boulevard and Central Avenue. The surveyed neighborhoods are planned in a traditional grid pattern, although the northern and eastern sections of the city hug the hills. The city is accessed by three major highways (I-5, Hwy 134, and Hwy 2), linking it to the neighboring cities of Burbank, Pasadena, and Los Angeles. There is a wide representation of building types and styles within Glendale as well as a mix of building scales and setbacks, particularly in the neighborhoods zoned as multi-family residential.

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Figure A: Map of Glendale showing the City’s neighborhoods.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (11)


Figure B: Map showing buildings that were surveyed as part of this study.

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Research Design and Methods Used The project was contracted to Galvin Preservation Associates Inc. (GPA), who oversaw and assisted with the survey and prepared the historic context on behalf of and under the guidance of the City of Glendale Planning Department. The majority of the survey field work was conducted by community volunteers. The GPA project team consisted of five team members, all of whom meet the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications for History and Architectural History. They are, Andrea Galvin, principal architectural historian/preservation planner; Christeen Taniguchi, associate architectural historian; Rebecca Smith, associate architectural historian, Ben Taniguchi, historian; and Laura Gallegos, historian. Tonya West provided administrative assistance. The survey and development of the historic context were conducted from September 2006 to September 2007. The draft historic context and the historical resources survey were developed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Historic Preservation and National Register Bulletin 24, Guidelines for Local Survey: A Basis for Preservation Planning. The Project was conducted in three phases to include: 1) project setup and training, 2) field survey and development of draft historic context, and 3) post survey data entry and preparation of reports.

Project Setup and Training Due to the size and nature of the proposed project, the City of Glendale worked closely with the contracted preservation consultants and local volunteers to complete this survey. The first step in processing the project included identifying all of the buildings that were constructed between 1900 and 1925 within the R-1250, R-1650, and R-2250 multi-family zoned residential areas of the city. Once the properties were identified, the survey methodology and process was established. Following are the steps used in this process:

A. Identify all properties within multi-family zoned areas in the city constructed between 1900 and 1925. The City planning staff used Assessor’s data to compile a spreadsheet of all the buildings within the city that were constructed between the selected dates located within the R-1250, R-1650, and R-2250 multi-family residential zones.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (13)


B. Windshield survey to exclude properties from the list. Due to the large number of buildings that were constructed during 1900 and 1925 (several thousand), Planning Department staff conducted a windshield survey of the study area to photograph and verify which buildings were constructed in the Craftsman style. The properties that were clearly not Craftsman were removed from the list of properties to be surveyed. Photographs were taken of the properties that were questionable.

C. Architectural historian review of master list of properties. GPA staff reviewed the list of properties identified in the windshield survey to verify if the properties were constructed in the Craftsman style. Several buildings were identified and omitted from the survey that were built in other architectural styles.

D. Buildings lacking integrity would receive a status code of 6Z. The City planning staff worked with the project architectural historians to review the building photographs and identify buildings that were so heavily altered that they did not merit an inventory form. Later these buildings were given status codes of 6Z. Information on these buildings will be entered into the California Historical Resource Information Database (CHRID), although architectural descriptions and inventory forms were not created for these buildings.

E. Prepare final survey list and create survey packets for fieldwork. After the final list of buildings were identified, survey packets were created by geographic region; these packets included a map of the City of Glendale, a list and map of the buildings to be surveyed for that packet, information on the property owner, year built, address, etc. (from the Office of the Assessor), and a sample building description. A total of 65 packets were created that included an average of 10 properties.

F. Pre-survey drive through Glendale and identification of building typologies. GPA architectural historians drove through the City of Glendale to identify potential architectural typologies (sub-types of the Craftsman style) and photograph sample buildings and character-defining features to be used for the volunteer survey training. GPA identified seven preliminary typologies including Bungalows, cottages, Colonial influences, Eclectic influences, multi-family, transitional, clipped gable, and Aeroplane style buildings.

G. Preparation of volunteer survey field forms and packets. GPA staff prepared a volunteer training packet to include an architectural style guide for the Craftsman style identifying the possible typologies and typical character-defining features of each typology; an illustrated field survey form to simplify the survey process; a sample survey field

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (14)


form, an architectural description template, a sample architectural description, a letter from the City of Glendale, a letter to homeowners explaining the City’s survey project, a sample DPR 523A form (blank and filled in), photographic instructions, photo log (blank and filled in), and a survey supply checklist. The packets also contained a rewritable CD with electronic building description templates as well as a training agenda and training session evaluation sheet.

H. Conduct training session for volunteers and City staff. GPA staff conducted two training sessions for volunteers at the City of Glendale City offices to introduce the project’s objectives, explain survey methodology, teach the character-defining features of the Craftsman style, and to go over the survey methodology and tool kit (packets) provided. The training consisted of a lecture, rules and safety precautions, Q&A and hands-on exercises. Training sessions were held in March and April of 2007.

Field Survey and Development of Draft Historic Contexts The second phase of the project included conducting the field survey and inventory, and the development of a draft historic context. Using the information prepared in the first phase of the project, the project team looked at the properties and historical data collectively and at a more detailed level. The second phase consisted of the following:

1. Conduct field survey and photograph buildings and site. The project volunteers conducted the survey from the public right-of-way. They were instructed not to trespass onto private property and utilized all necessary safety precautions in compliance with local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Each surveyor was responsible for visiting and photographing the buildings included in his or her survey packet. The team used a digital camera to take, at a minimum, one photograph of the façade (principal elevation) of each building and one photograph of each side elevation that was visible from the public right-of-way. Additional photographs were taken of some buildings to document major alterations to the building or particularly distinctive features. Any related features that were present (outbuildings, garages, sheds, masonry walls etc.) were also photographed as an inventory of location and condition of existing related features.

Volunteer survey teams kept notes of the addresses of the properties identified, as well as basic descriptions and any characteristics that may not be visible in photographs on the field survey forms. The

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images taken were also tracked by providing a brief description for identification purposes, the date photos were taken, and the view (looking toward cardinal direction). Some of the additional images were used for reference only, in the event that the description writers had questions about any of the properties after the field survey was complete.

2. Write architectural descriptions of each of the buildings and sites

included in the survey. Using the photographs and notes taken in the field, the volunteer survey team wrote architectural descriptions for every building included in the survey packets. Included in these descriptions was a determination of style and extant character-defining features, a description of every visible elevation, a list of determinable alterations, and a statement of condition.

3. Submit survey packets to City and GPA for review & processing.

The project volunteer surveyors then submitted the packets to the Glendale Planning Department with the CD including the completed draft architectural descriptions, labeled photographs, and completed field survey forms.

4. Professional peer review of architectural descriptions. GPA staff

performed a peer review and edited all the descriptions. Particular attention was paid to the content, completeness and uniformity of these property descriptions, and correct spelling and grammar.

5. Develop the draft historic context. This phase of the project

included completing a review of the available literature found through archival research. Christeen Taniguchi of GPA studied the research material, and developed an outline for the draft historic context. The historic context was written using both the research and field data. Research was conducted at the Planning and Building Departments, the Assessor’s Office, the Special Collections Room at the City of Glendale Public Library, the Los Angeles Public Library, Proquest Los Angeles Times online database and other online resources such as the Glendale Historical Society. The resources used included photos, newspaper clippings, city directories, pattern books, historic maps, building permits, etc.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (16)


Post Survey Data Entry and Preparation of Reports The last phase of the project included assembling the survey information in order to create the DPR 523 forms, reviewing and editing the draft historic context, identifying possible future research and/or information gaps, providing a discussion of the results of the survey and suggestions as to how the findings will be incorporated into the local planning process, and inserting and completing sources/notes, maps, formatting and citations for the draft historic context.

1. Create and peer review/edit the DPR 523 forms/ CHRID data entry. The City of Glendale planning staff inputted the base property information on the surveyed properties into the California Historical Resource Information Database (CHRID). After the architectural descriptions were peer reviewed, the City staff downloaded the descriptions into the individual property fields and linked the digital photographs using the photographic log that was prepared during the field survey in the second phase of the project. In addition, they wrote brief descriptions of the photos for identification purposes, the dates the images were taken and their views (identification of cardinal direction).

2. Identify potential historic districts within the project study area. GPA staff drove the city with Planning staff to identify any potential historic districts (concentrations of Craftsman buildings that share a historic context). There were five possible areas that had moderate concentrations of Craftsman buildings. After review of the potential districts, collectively the professionals agreed that there was only one small district within the multi-family zoned areas that had enough integrity and linkage to be considered a potential local historic district. This district was identified as the Riverdale Drive district. GPA staff prepared an abridged historic context and prepared a DPR 523D form for this potential local district.

3. Review surveyed properties/ Sort Buildings The City of Glendale

planning staff and the GPA staff members met to review all the properties that were surveyed as part of this project. The intent of the meeting was to discuss and identify integrity thresholds and to identify properties that may be eligible for local landmark status. All the properties were sorted by typology and each property was identified within the group and historic context as exhibiting high, moderate, or low integrity. This methodology helped to support the later identification of status codes.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (17)


4. Peer Review Draft Historic Context. The City of Glendale Planning staff and GPA staff peer reviewed the draft historic context that was prepared for the Craftsman Buildings in Glendale; after receiving comments, GPA staff conducted additional research and finalized the historic context.

5. Map locations of buildings within associated historic neighborhoods.

The City of Glendale staff plotted the location of the surveyed properties onto the City’s neighborhood maps to identify how many buildings of each typology and integrity level are located within each neighborhood. The City of Glendale has a local landmark criterion that establishes significance to buildings within neighborhoods that are one of the best or last remaining examples within its neighborhood. Therefore, decisions were made as to which buildings might be the best representative examples within the thirty-seven neighborhoods identified to be used by the City to evaluate buildings against the local criteria.

6. Assign status codes to all buildings within the district and project

study area. Based on integrity and known information on the properties, the City of Glendale, with the assistance of GPA staff assigned each building one of following codes (see Appendices A and B):

• 5D2. Contributor to a district that is eligible for local

listing or designation. This status code was assigned to the buildings located within the Riverdale historic district boundaries that contribute to the significance and integrity of the district.

• 5S3. Appears to be individually eligible for local listing or designation through survey evaluation. This status code was assigned to a group of individual buildings that were selected from the whole as exhibiting high or unusual design or craftsmanship and had high integrity.

• 5B. Locally significant both individually (listed, eligible, or appears eligible) and as a contributor to a district that is locally listed, designated, determined eligible or appears eligible through survey evaluation. This code was assigned only to buildings of architectural significance (individually) that were also located within the Riverdale historic district boundaries.

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• 6Z. Found ineligible for NR, CR or Local designation through survey evaluation. This status code was assigned to all buildings that were determined to be designed in the Craftsman style but were removed from the list of properties to be surveyed because they exhibited very low integrity. These buildings did not receive inventory forms but their information will be entered into the CHRID and assigned a status code of 6Z.

• 6L. Determined ineligible for local listing or designation through local government review process; may warrant special consideration in local planning. Several of the properties were given this status code; these buildings represent the buildings that were not of high style but were of standard design and exhibited moderate or low integrity.

• 7R. Properties identified in reconnaissance level survey: Not evaluated. This code was given to properties that were not visible from the street due to physical obstructions such as fences, landscaping, setbacks, etc. Properties that were within one of the 37 neighborhood areas, which also contained single-family zoning, were rated as 7R since additional research is needed to determine if there are any Craftsman style residences in the single-family zoned areas of the neighborhood that would meet the local criteria of being one of the best remaining examples.

7. Discuss conclusions and findings. Identify recommendations. GPA

staff met with the Glendale Planning staff to discuss the assigned status codes, justify the integrity thresholds, identify buildings that may require additional study (DPR 523B forms) and identify recommendations for future research and/or work.

8. Identify potential locally significant buildings within the project

study area. GPA staff and the Glendale Planning staff identified the buildings that were architecturally significant or had high artistic value. This determination was made based on visual inspection. Those buildings that fell into this category and exhibited high integrity are being recommended for potential local landmark status.

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9. Input status codes and typologies into CHRID. The City of Glendale staff inputted all status codes into the CHRID and printed the final DPR 523A forms for approximately 527 properties.

10. Finalize Survey Report. GPA prepared the final recommendation

report based on methodologies and discussions held with the Glendale Planning staff.

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Glendale Craftsman Historic Context Statement Introduction The City of Glendale is located in Los Angeles County, about three miles north of downtown Los Angeles. Glendale thrived and grew as a bedroom community by the early twentieth century as a result of its close proximity to Los Angeles. This was initially made possible by the highly accessible public transportation provided by the Pacific Electric Railway. The increasingly popular automobile also contributed to the growth of Glendale, which was incorporated as a city in 1906 and has grown to a population of over 200,000 today. Early History and Development of Glendale The Gabrielino Indians occupied the areas that would later become the City of Glendale. Their name is derived from their association with the San Gabriel Arcángel Mission during the Spanish period. These Native Americans were also known as the Tongva, which translates to “people of the earth.” They occupied what are today Los Angeles County and the northern section of Orange County. Glendale was first occupied by white settlers during the Spanish era when it became part of Rancho San Rafael, which was a 3,600 acre Spanish land grant given to Corporal José Maria Verdugo in 1798.1 Verdugo had been active in the army until that time, but decided to retire and became a rancher. He had herds of cattle, horses, sheep and mules, and also grew watermelons, corn, beans, pepper and fruit.2 The Rancho also included what is today Burbank, Eagle Rock, and Highland Park. Along with the rest of California, this land became Mexican territory in 1822. The property was then passed down to Verdugo’s children, Julio and Catalina in 1831. Julio and Catalina Verdugo held onto their inherited land even after California became United States territory in 1848 and later the 31st state of the union in 1850. The Rancho was, however, dissolved during the court decisions of “The Great Partition of 1871,” after which parcels were established for residential and commercial developments that would lead to the formation of Glendale as a city. Catalina passed away in the same year, and her brother died five years later.3 1 Glendale: A Calendar of Events in the Making of a City, Los Angeles, California: Title Guarantee and Trust Company, 1936, [1]. 2 The Glendale Historical Society, “TGHS Glendale’s History,” 3 Glendale: A Calendar of Events in the Making of a City, op. cit., [17].

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The name Glendale was established in 1884 at a town meeting. The original 150 acres of the new community was plotted, filed and recorded with the Los Angeles County Recorder in 1887 by ranchers Cameron Thom, Erskin Ross, Benjamin Patterson, Harry J. Crow, Ellis Byram and George Phelon on land that they owned. Its boundaries consisted of six blocks to the north and south (with 1st Street to the north, today Lexington Drive, and 6th Street to the south, later renamed Colorado Street). There were seventeen blocks to the east and west, bounded by Chevy Chase Drive to the east and Central Avenue to the west.4 The center of the community at that time was Glendale Avenue and Third Street (today Wilson Avenue). The Glendale Improvement Society had been organized in 1883; its accomplishments included the establishment and maintenance of roadways into the new community. In 1887, a railroad was also planned that would connect Glendale to Los Angeles.5 The Los Angeles and Glendale Railway Co. ran a “dummy line” along Glendale Avenue. Circa 1905, it was replaced by a more significant railroad called the San Pedro, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake Railroad, which also continued to run along Glendale Avenue.6 Like the rest of Southern California, this newly formed town did well with real estate development which was spurred by the coming of the railroad. Peach orchards, orange groves and vineyards were also found throughout Glendale at the time.7 The grand Glendale Hotel was built in 1886-87 on the block between J Street (today Jackson Street), Third Street (today Wilson Avenue), I Street (today Isabel Street) and Fourth Street (today Broadway). Like the rest of the nation, however, Glendale suffered economic depression in 1888 when the boom went bust. The price of farm products dropped significantly, and the community was plagued by three years of heavy drought. The Glendale Hotel would end up standing empty (converted into the Glendale Sanitarium in 1905 and demolished circa 1924). During this time, Glendale’s population remained at a standstill at around 300.8

4 Glendale: A Calendar of Events in the Making of a City, op. cit., [19]. 5 “’Iron Horse’ Ran on Glendale Ave.,” The Verdugo Newspaper Group, September 2, 1984, A-11. 6 The name was shortened to the Los Angeles and Glendale Railroad in 1916, and this line was purchased by Union Pacific in 1922. Service ended on June 8, 1956. 7 Walter Lindley and J. P. Widney, California of the South, New York: Appleton & Company, 1888, 133. 8 E. Caswell Perry, Shirley Catherine Berger and Terri E. Jonisch, Glendale: A Pictorial History. Norfolk, Virginia: The Donning Company/Publishers, [1983, 1990], 25.

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Figure 1a: City of Glendale Map showing Annexations

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The Red Car and the Bungalow The next century, however, would bring positive change. The Glendale Improvement Society, which had been inactive since the real estate bust nearly fifteen years prior, was reestablished in 1902.9 Edgar A. Goode and Dr. D. H. Hunt of the Society worked with Leslie L. Brand, a businessman and developer, to link Glendale to Los Angeles via Henry E. Huntington’s Pacific Electric interurban lines in 1904 along Brand Boulevard.10 The lines were built on land owned by Leslie Brand.11 This made the “Red Cars” a familiar vision in Southern California. The impact of the Pacific Electric rail line was so great that downtown Glendale shifted west to Brand Boulevard and Broadway from its original center at Glendale and Wilson Avenues to the east. This rail line also helped the community grow by making a direct connection to downtown Los Angeles. With a travel time of less than 20 minutes, and trains that arrived hourly, Glendale became a highly accessible community. Reflecting Glendale’s growth, the Mission Revival style Glendale Country Club, which was the early center for Glendale social functions, was constructed in 1907.12 Schools such as the Third Street Intermediate School and Union High School (built in 1909) were established, and a Carnegie Library was constructed in 1914. In addition, the population of Glendale grew from 2,700 in 1910 to more than 13,500 ten years later. It was also during this time, in 1918, that the community of Tropico located to the south was annexed into the City of Glendale.13 Glendale accurately called itself “The fastest growing city in America.”14 With the Pacific Electric rail line firmly in place, there was a large demand for homes to be built to house a growing community. A booklet issued by the Glendale Improvement Society in 1904 stated that “Evidences of the new growth of the town are seen in the large number of fine residences which are being built. Several new tracts have been opened during the year.”15 The City then continued to grow at the same rapid pace with nine annexations that brought the total acreage to over 7,000 in 1920. Many of the residences constructed during this boom were single-family residences, often housing

9 Glendale Historical Society, “The Glendale Architectural and Historical Survey,” 1984, 4. 10 Perry, Berger and Jonisch, op. cit., 25. 11The Glendale Historical Society, op. cit. 12 Juliet M. Arroyo, Images of America: Early Glendale, Charleston, South Carolina, et al.: Arcadia Publishing, c2005, 49. 13 Glendale: A Calendar of Events in the Making of a City, op. cit., [19]. 14 Glendale Historical Society, “The Glendale Architectural and Historical Survey,” 1984, 5. 15 “’Old Settlers’ Recapture Early History of Glendale,” The Ledger, A California Corporation, August 30, 1967, sec. 1, p. 14.

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families with heads of households that commuted to downtown Los Angeles for work. Along with the rest of Southern California, Glendale embraced the Craftsman style and tracts of homes quickly developed during the years between 1900 and 1925. Quite appropriately, the Glendale Pacific Electric Station located at Brand Boulevard and Broadway, was also designed in the Craftsman style (see Figures 1b and 2). Constructed in 1906, it looked like an oversized 1-½ story Craftsman bungalow. This heavy hipped roof variety with wide overhanging eaves and prominent rafters had a dormer as well as river rock tapered porch supports. This was a very rare, if not unique, design for a Pacific Electric station and was reflective of the prominence of the Craftsman style in Glendale. This building was sold to the Security Trust and Savings Bank in 1923, which used it for offices;16 it has since been demolished. The Craftsman style was so popular and prolific at that time in Glendale, that there were also other non-residential buildings, such as the Canyon Crest Sanitarium and the First Congregational Church (circa 1912), that were designed in the style.17

Figure 1b: Glendale Pacific Electric Station at S. Brand and W. Broadway

Boulevards (John Heller, Pacific Electric Stations, Long Beach, California: Electric Railway Historical Society of Southern California, 1998, 245).

16 Perry, Berger and Jonisch, op. cit., 60. 17 “Glendale Houses of Worship” and advertisem*nt for Canyon Crest Sanitarium, Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914.

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Figure 2: 1912 Sanborn Map showing the Craftsman style Glendale Pacific Electric

Station (ProQuest) The History and Development of Craftsman Architecture The Craftsman bungalow is perhaps the most iconic image of Southern California architecture. Most of the examples of this style are concentrated in this area, including the greatest number of landmark examples. The high-style origins of the Craftsman are most closely associated with master architects Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene, who practiced in Pasadena from 1893 to 1914. Their important works were influenced by the English Arts and Crafts movement and Japanese woodworking techniques. They expressed the honest use of building material, with the structural components of their works made visual rather than hidden behind unnecessary decoration. One of their best-known and well-preserved examples is the Gamble House in Pasadena. Another well-known name connected to the Craftsman style is Gustav Stickley, who led the Arts and Crafts movement in the United States during the early twentieth century. Inspired by his British counterparts, John Ruskin and William Morris, Stickley was known for his handcrafted furniture which was honest in material and design. He became the founder and editor of The Craftsman magazine in 1901. This magazine promoted the American Arts and Crafts movement and a celebration of the manual arts, and homes that were created in harmony with their surrounding landscapes.18 The Craftsman style quickly trickled down to the general population and became very popular for small residential design throughout the country, 18 Robert Winter, American Bungalow Style, Photographs by Alexander Vertikoff, New York: Simon & Schuster, c1996, 18.

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particularly Southern California, from about 1905 until the early 1920s. The same was true for Glendale. Craftsman style residences were widely published in magazines such as the Western Architect, The Architect and House Beautiful, as well as women’s magazines such as Good Housekeeping and Ladies’ Home Journal, to help make the style popular. This was the ideal architectural style for new middle class suburban communities such as Glendale. The Craftsman home is characterized by its low profile and rambling horizontal lines. Although there are certainly examples of it in tight urban settings, these homes were best suited to where they could comfortably sprawl out on larger suburban lots. In addition, land in Southern California was still relatively inexpensive. Coupled with a temperate climate and a pioneer spirit, places like Glendale were ideal for fulfilling the American dream of owning a home and living where there seemed to be endless sunshine and possibilities. The Craftsman Style and the Catalogue Home Popularly advertised as being “simple but artistic,”19 the Craftsman went hand in hand with the pattern books and popular magazines that quickly spread this style throughout the country. There is a very good possibility that catalog Craftsman homes are well represented in the City of Glendale. The most iconic catalogues came from Sears, Roebuck and Company, although others such as Montgomery Ward and Aladdin Homes (based in Bay City, Michigan) were also prominent in this booming industry, making such convenient and affordable homes readily accessible (see Figure 3).20 Gustav Stickley also created two popular books with Craftsman style house plans, called Craftsman Home (1909) and More Craftsman Homes (1912).

19 Robert Winter, The California Bungalow, from California Architecture and Architects, Number I, David Gebhard, editor, Los Angeles: Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc., 1980, 13. 20 Winter, American Bungalow Style, op. cit., 23.

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Figure 3: Plan No. 1312 in the Sweet’s Bungalow catalog (Edward E. Sweet Designing and Building Co., Sweet’s Bungalows: “Just a Little Different,” Los Angeles, California:

Southern California Printing Co., circa 1910s, 21.) The houses offered in pattern books and magazines reflected the typical architectural trends of their times. Some of the earlier ones were in Victorian styles as well as early Colonial Revivals, while those in the 1910s and 1920s often featured the Craftsman. After ordering the house, all the building materials such as nails, roofing material, exterior framing, exterior cladding material and interior features were shipped by rail directly to the customers. Masonry and brick were the only materials purchased locally because of high shipping expenses. Early on, the lumber that arrived had to be cut to the appropriate sizes at the building site. In 1914, precut and factory fitted lumber was made available. Each lumber end was coded to correspond with the floor plans. Customers chose from a variety of styles featured in the catalogs; they had the freedom to mix and match features from different homes, or design their own. The façade and floor plans could be flipped, for example. This practice makes trying to identify a catalogue home today a challenging task. These mass-produced homes were a far cry from their hand hewn and high style counterparts designed by the likes of Charles and Henry Greene.

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The Automobile and the Craftsman As the twentieth century progressed, the automobile became another factor that made possible the success of suburban bedroom communities such as Glendale. Henry Ford’s assembly line automobiles, built since 1908, became increasingly available and affordable, particularly to a growing middle class that was also finding the Craftsman style to be attractive. Replacing the carriage barns of the nineteenth century Victorian homes were the automobile garages of Craftsman homes of a new century. These garages were generally for single cars, although there are also two-car variations that served larger homes (see Figures 4 and 5). The garages were generally detached, and located at the rear of the parcel, often at the end of a straight concrete driveway, although some also faced onto alleys located at the rear of the property. Additionally, there were often concrete pedestrian pathways leading from the driveway to the front porch. The garages were most often constructed in the same design as the residence, with sliding or hinged wood garage doors. These garages served an increasingly automobile reliant society, although at that time most families only had one car.

Figure 4: One-car garage for 215 N. Everett Street located at the end of a

driveway (built in 1921)

Figure 5: Two-car garage for 534 N. Kenwood Street that faces onto the rear

alley (built in 1913) The Architects and Builders of Glendale’s Craftsman Homes Many of the Craftsman homes in Glendale were constructed by builders who used pre-existing plans and specifications, and also created new designs to suit client needs. With the extensive growth in the city, particularly during the first few decades of the twentieth century, building moved at a rapid pace, particularly with residential construction. An “Anniversary Number” insert of the Glendale Evening News from Fall, 1914 reported a million dollars of

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building activity between January 1, 1913, and fall of the following year.21 There were many builders to provide these services during this boom. This same publication also published numerous images of recently constructed buildings, particularly houses. Nearly all of the homes illustrated were of Craftsman design. Perhaps the most known and widely recognized builder was Charles W. Kent & Son, founded in 1910 by Charles W. Kent and his son Roy. As contractors and builders, they both worked and lived in Glendale, and became prolific and prominent both through their work and within social circles. Their offices were located in the heart of downtown Glendale at 130 S. Brand Boulevard. Roy bought out his father’s interest in the business in 1918, and by 1922, the successful company was also involved with insurance, subdivision and real estate improvement.22 Their works include the Little Church of the Flowers at Forest Lawn (1918), Glendale Theater (1920) and Union Public Market (1926). They also built grammar and high schools in the city. In 1948, Roy Kent estimated that 75 percent of the buildings on Brand between Broadway and Harvard had been planned and constructed by his company.23 In addition to commercial and institutional buildings, Charles W. Kent & Son was heavily involved with residential design and construction, many in the Craftsman style, particularly during the 1910s. Although they also worked in other parts of Southern California, the Kent name is closely identified with the Glendale’s early twentieth century built environment.

21 “Glendale’s Building Activity – A Million Dollars in 20 Months,” Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914, 55. 22 Carroll W. Parcher and George S. Goshorn, Glendale Community Book, “Roy L. Kent,” Glendale, California: John W. Akers, 1957, 238. 23 Parcher and Goshorn, op. cit., 239.

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Figure 6: 1914 advertisem*nt for Charles W. Kent & Son (“Charles W. Kent & Son,” Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914, 59).

Figure 7: 1913 Craftsman style home at 500 E. Third Street (today Wilson Avenue) built by Charles W. Kent & Son (“Some of

Glendale’s Beautiful Homes,” Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914, 45).

There were countless other builders and contractors in Glendale. Charlton & Sumner was a company that advertised home construction in The Glendale Weekly News in 1906. Although their office was in downtown Los Angeles, H. W. Charlton had a home on Riverdale Drive near Central Avenue. They promoted themselves as being both architects and builders who could design homes to the client’s particular needs. The 1914 “Anniversary Number” insert of the Glendale Evening News named numerous builder names, including Robert P. McMullen, whose home designed for L. G. Dodge in 1913 at 1308 Chestnut Street was featured in the insert (see Figure 8). C. W. Spickerman & Son (see Figure 10) and Joseph P. Shropshire also had advertisem*nts. There were also individual developers, who both owned and constructed their own buildings. Figure 9 shows an apartment building built by Bert T. Anderson in 1913. His success with this building led to the construction of about five other similar apartments. Plans and specifications were also sold by other businesses associated with the building industry, such as the Bentley-Schoeneman Lumber Co. located at 460 W. Los Feliz Road (see Figure 11).

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Figure 8: L. G. Dodge House at 1308 Chestnut Street designed and built by

Robert P. McMullen (“Harvard Apartments,” Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914, 8).

Figure 9: Apartment building constructed by owner and builder Bert T. Anderson in 1913; it boated to be the first flats to have

open screen sleeping rooms, built-in refrigerators and other conveniences of a

bungalow (“Harvard Apartments,” Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914, 8).

Figure 10: Advertisem*nt for builder C. W. Spickerman & Son (“C. W. Spickerman & Son,” Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914,


Figure 11: Apartment building constructed by owner and builder Bert T. Anderson in 1913 (“Harvard Apartments,”

Glendale Evening News, Fall, 1914, 8). Although many of the Craftsman residences constructed in Glendale were likely catalogue homes or contractor designed, there were others that were

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architect designed and were certainly more substantial. Charles E. Shattuck was an example of such an architect. Shattuck lived in Glendale, and had his architectural office in downtown Los Angeles. He and his family were also heavily involved in Glendale society. Shattuck designed the Craftsman style Toll House located at 1521 N. Columbus Avenue for socially prominent Charles H. and Eleanor Toll around 1912 (see Figure 12). This residence is one of the finest examples of the Craftsman style in Glendale today. Shattuck also designed the Mission Revival Glendale Country Club five years earlier, as well as the First Presbyterian Church at Central and Tropico Avenues, in what was then the community of Tropico, which was annexed by Glendale in 1911. Many of his commissions, however, were residential, often in the Craftsman style. Other substantial homes he created at that time were two-story, nine room residences for J. W. Inler at the southwest corner of Columbus Avenue24 and Riverdale Drive,25 and George Kissenbury at Central Avenue and Riverdale Drive. The Toll House still stands, and 614 S. Central Avenue is possibly the Kissenbury residence (see Figure 13). The Inler House has been demolished.

Figure 12: Tuesday Afternoon Club members, including Charles Toll (third from right in the front row), posed in front of the

Toll House (Juliet M. Arroyo, Images of America: Early Glendale, Charleston, South Carolina, et al.: Arcadia Publishing, c2005,


Figure 13: Possibly a Charles E. Shattuck designed Craftsman residence at 614 S.

Central Avenue

Another prominent Glendale architect who has designed Glendale Craftsman residences was Alfred F. Priest. Priest was a prolific architect, who designed a large number of Glendale’s buildings from the 1910s to 1920s. Like Shattuck, 24 “By Architects and Builders,” Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1904, D2 [note: the article indicated the building to be at the intersection of Columbus Avenue and Riverside Drive, but it is not likely that these streets ever intersected, so “Riverdale Drive” as the intersecting street is an assumption on the part of the author]. 25 “By Architects and Builders,” Los Angeles Times, June 17, 1906, V24.

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Priest also maintained a Los Angeles office, but lived in Glendale and was very socially active. He was a prolific architect who designed not only homes, but also commercial and educational buildings. His works could be seen throughout California, although he did do a substantial amount of work in Glendale. Many of Priest’s homes were built in the upscale neighborhoods of North Glendale. Priest designed three homes in a row for Joseph M. McMillan, general manager for Pacific Electric, and his two sons-in-law at Mountain and Louise Streets (see Figure 14). McMillan is shown to be living at 915 Mountain Street in the 1912 and 1915-16 Glendale City Directories. However, his sons are not listed, so it is not certain whether all of these homes were built. It is likely that none remain today. However, at least two examples still stand, as seen in Figures 15 and 16. Priest’s later residences were often designed in the Spanish Colonial Revival style which took the place of the Craftsman in popularity. Priest died an early death in 1931. Martin Weil created a detailed list of Priest’s buildings in “The Work of Alfred F. Priest.” However, because pre-1921 building permits and plans no longer exist at the City of Glendale,26 additional Craftsman residences designed by these architects, and the names of other local architects who created such designs, can not be determined at this time.

Figure 14: Alfred F. Priest designed “three attractive houses of the chalet type” in 1913

for J. McMillan, general manager of the Pacific Electric system, and his two sons-in-law at the corner of Mountain Avenue and Louise Street in Glendale. (“Attractive Foothill Homes for Prominent Railway Man and Two Sons-in-Law,” Los Angeles Times, July 13, 1913, V1.)

26 Leslie Heumann and Paul Gleye, Heumann, Gleye and Associates, “How to Research Buildings in Glendale,” for the Glendale Historical Society, [1984].

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Figure 15: Alfred F. Priest designed Craftsman style residence at 1330 N.

Louise Street (built in 1915)

Figure 16: Alfred F. Priest designed Craftsman style residence at 1545 Cedarhill

(built in 1921) Typologies and Character Defining Features of Craftsman Residences in Glendale Glendale is a rich resource for Craftsman style residences, particularly those built between 1900 and 1925. The Craftsman residence symbolized the shift from the heavily ornate Victorian architecture of the previous century, to one that was simpler, with a more organic sensibility that complemented the natural landscape. Craftsman style residences vary, but they share the following general character-defining features. These residences are typically one- to two-stories in height and are wood framed. In Glendale, the foundation is often of poured concrete, although fieldstone examples do exist. The siding materials are either horizontal wood boards or wood shingles. The houses have a low-pitched, gabled roof (occasionally hipped) with wide, unenclosed eaves. The gables often feature vents in a variety of configurations, including rectangular, vertical slats, horizontal slats, latticework, and “picket fence.” The roof rafters are usually exposed, and there are decorative (false) beams or knee brackets commonly added under gables. There can be shed, gabled or eyebrow dormers on the roof. Full- or partial-width porches have roofs, which are often supported by tapered square columns that frequently extend to ground level (without a break at porch floor level). The wood windows consist of fixed, double-hung, or casem*nt sash with either multiple lights or single panes of glass. A typical Craftsman door is stained wood with multiple lights. The windows and doors are generally surrounded by wide casings. The Craftsman interior can vary, although the common spaces typically consist of a living room and dining room which were located near the front of the first floor. The front door generally led into the living room, which replaced the

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parlor from the Victorian days. The Victorian parlor was furnished with ornate furniture and countless bric-a-brac and paintings, with walls and ceilings papered with busy patterns. Meanwhile, the Craftsman living room was ideally a place of order and simplicity (see Figure 17). Gustav Stickley noted that the living room should be “the center of peace and comfort in the household,”27 with the purity of straight lines, quiet wall spaces, and simple, comfortable and durable furniture absent in a Victorian home. Whereas the Victorian parlor was a very formal room used only on Sundays or formal occasions, the living room became a room for informal entertainment. Family members and friends used the living room to not only socialize and read, but also play the piano, gramophone, and, by the 1920s, the radio. The living room often had a fireplace. Both this room and the dining room had built-in cabinets or shelves. The dining room might also have a sideboard with drawers and cabinets located above and underneath. Sliding wood and glass doors often divided these two rooms, although they could also have been separated by fabric panels.

Figure 17: An ideal living room as illustrated in Craftsman Homes by Gustav Stickley (Gustav Stickley, Craftsman Homes: Mission-Style Homes and Furnishings of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, New York: Gramercy Books, c1995 [reproductions of two Stickley publications Craftsman Homes (1909) and The Craftsman’s Story (1905)], 18).

The kitchen was located at the rear of the first floor, often with a secondary entry leading from this room into a service porch where the icebox was historically kept until the electric refrigerator became common in the 1920s. Most homes of this era only had one bathroom; in two-story Craftsman residences, this room was often located on the second floor. The number of bedrooms in a typical Craftsman varied, from the one bedroom of the most modest Cottage to the multiple bedrooms of a Greene and Greene mansion.

27 Gustav Stickley, Craftsman Homes: Mission-Style Homes and Furnishings of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, New York: Gramercy Books, c1995 [reproductions of two Stickley publications Craftsman Homes (1909) and The Craftsman’s Story (1905)], 223-24.

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Within the general Craftsman style are different sub-styles such as the Bungalow, Cottage, Colonial, Clipped-Gable Colonial, Multi-Family, Transitional, Eclectic, and Aeroplane. These are all represented in the City of Glendale. Each of these sub-styles generally shares the character defining features of the basic Craftsman. The following are additional characteristics of each of these sub-styles (listed in the general order from the most prevalent in Glendale to the least): Bungalow This is the most commonly represented Craftsman sub-style in Glendale, and is what most people envision when they think of a Craftsman home. The typical Bungalow is a one-story house with low-pitched broad gables; it can be double-front gabled, side gabled or cross gabled. A lower gable usually covers an open or screened porch and a larger gable covers the main portion of the house. In larger bungalows the gable is steeper, with the addition of cross gables and/or dormers. Rafters, ridge beams and purlins extend beyond the wall and roof. Chimneys are of cobblestone or rough-faced brick. Porch railings can also be of the same material, as well as wood or ornamental concrete blocks. Shingled porch railings often terminate with a flared base. The porch pedestals are often battered. Wood shingles and/or horizontal wood boards are the favorite exterior finish found in Glendale, although gunite and brick can be found in other parts of the state and country. Exposed structural members and trim work usually are painted but the shingles were traditionally left in a natural state or treated with earth-tone stains (although many of these shingles have since been painted).

Figure 18: 515 N. Isabel Street (built in

1914) Figure 19: 1415 E. California Avenue

(built in 1913)

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Cottage This is the smallest and most modest of the Craftsman sub-styles located in Glendale. In many communities, this sub-style is also identified as a “worker’s cottage.” This style is one-story in height with a compact rectangular plan. There is a centralized main entrance with a simple partial-width porch sheltered by a front gabled roof. The entry is typically flanked by windows, often creating a symmetrical façade. Other characteristics are a side-gabled low-pitched roof, horizontal wood siding and other Craftsman stylistic details (exposed rafter tails, wide window and door casings, triangular knee brace supports, etc.).

Figure 20: 1208 Boynton Street (built in

1922) Figure 21: 514 Granada Street (built in

1923) Colonial Craftsman This Craftsman residence exhibits Colonial Revival features. The Colonial Revival style pre-dates the Craftsman; it was incorporated into architectural design in the late nineteenth century. By the turn of the twentieth century, it was fully established. Just as Georgian or Federal design elements had been incorporated into Queen Anne homes during the nineteenth century,28 the Colonial Revival style would be merged with the Craftsman during the twentieth. The other revival styles such as Spanish Colonial and Tudor, only really gained popularity during the second half of the 1920s. The Colonial Craftsman shares some similarities with the Cottage sub-style, with its side gabled roof and symmetrical façade. In addition, it generally has a small partial width front porch sheltered by a moderately pitched front gabled 28 David Gebhard and Robert Winter, Architecture in Los Angeles: A Compleat Guide, Salt Lake City, Utah: Peregrine Smith Books, c1985, 477.

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roof. This roof can also be more substantial with a steeper pitch, as illustrated in Figure 23. There can also be an arch located within the gable. The porch roof is often supported by Tuscan order columns. The front porch sometimes features a pergola on each side of the entry (or, in some cases, just one side). The windows can consist of the double hung sash, fixed and/or casem*nt sash typically associated withthe Craftsman style, or can be taller French windows. The front door is more representative of a Colonial Revival home, made of solid wood, painted and with multiple panels (or sometimes only a single large panel).

Figure 22: 529 N. Jackson Street (built in

1919) Figure 23: 500 Salem Street (built in

1922) The Clipped-Gable is a sub-style of the Colonial Craftsman. This home is covered by a gabled roof which has had its gable point “clipped off.” The roof can be front, side or cross-gabled. Typically this type of Craftsman is a one-story building. Sometimes the clipped-gabled roof will have gabled, hipped or eyebrow dormers.

Figure 24: 316 W. Acacia Avenue (built in

1923) Figure 25: 372 W. Lexington Drive (built

in 1921)

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Multi-Family Craftsman This is a Craftsman building designed with separate complete living spaces to accommodate more than one household. Within the survey area, multi-family Craftsman buildings are primarily duplex, although there are multiplex examples. These properties boast the character defining features of their single-family residential counterparts. Figure 26, for example, shows a duplex that has the same character defining features as a Clipped-Gable Colonial Craftsman. This includes not only the clipped front gables, which are located above each of the entries, but also the symmetry and Tuscan order columns of that sub-style. Many duplexes are one-story in height, modest in size and scale and each unit generally has one bedroom. Figure 27, however, shows an example that is more substantial. It is two-stories in height with two bedrooms and two bathrooms per unit. It shares the characteristic of a symmetrical façade with its smaller counterpart. This symmetry allows for each unit to be identical to the other.

Figure 26: 366 and 368 Burchett Street

(built in 1923) Figure 27: 224 N. Louise Street (built in

1914) Figure 30 is an example of a Craftsman multi-unit apartment building, which has four units total. This is a rare resource in the study area where most of the Craftsman multi-family residences are duplexes. Like the duplexes, this residence also has a symmetrical façade. Bungalow courts, which were not surveyed for this study, tend to consist of individual units that form a “U” shape around a central courtyard. Often the short side of the “U” shape has a two-story, or substantial residential building that is either where the owner/manager lives, or could be a duplex.

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Transitional This is a residence which is “transitioning” from the Victorian-era into the Craftsman-era in design and materials. This sub-style was generally constructed during the 1900s to the early 1910s when there were holdover elements of nineteenth century design. This style is not commonly found in Glendale, unlike other Southern California cities such as Pomona where it was popular. Typically, the Transitional still retains a strong vertical emphasis on the façade, and Victorian-era design elements such as bay windows, long narrow windows and decorative knee brackets and rafters. In the case of the residence in Figure 28, the paneled front door is Victorian in style, with a single light and dentil details at the top section. The home in Figure 29 also has a window with a Gothic Revival pattern. What generally differentiates this type of residence from a Victorian-era residence is its Craftsman features such as stonework on porch pedestals, horizontally-oriented windows surrounded by wide casings, sometimes a hipped roof with a squat dormer at the façade side of the roof, and rafter tails under the roof line.

Figure 28: 1211 Viola Avenue (built in

1909) Figure 29: 301 N. Kenwood Street (built

in 1911) Eclectic Influenced Craftsman This is a Craftsman building influenced by other cultures or styles, the region it was designed in, the preferences of its architect or builder, the preferences of its owner, and/or the fashions of the time. Craftsman bungalows were subject to variations such as the Oriental, the Swiss, the Colonial and Tudor, among others. The residence in Figure 30, for example, reflects a Swiss influence with its four steeply pitched wide overhanging eaves with knee brackets, and

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diamond patterned window sash located within the top center gable. Figure 31 is an example of a Craftsman residence with Oriental influences, with its upturned eave ends.

Figure 30: 500-02 W. Wilson Avenue

(built in 1914) Figure 31: 623 E. Chestnut Street (built in

1921) Aeroplane Craftsman The Aeroplane is perhaps the most distinctive of the Craftsman sub-styles represented in the city, although there are not many examples. It is not only uncommon in this city, but also throughout Southern California and the rest of the country. This is a style characterized by a set-back second-story, low-pitched roofline, and wide overhanging eaves giving the impression of airplane wings. This residence can have a front, side or cross-gabled roof. The examples in Figures 22 and 23 are front gabled; the residence in Figure 33 is perhaps more iconic with its double front gables and elaborate porch design.

Figure 32: 607 N. Isabel Street (built in

1924) Figure 33: 534 N. Kenwood Street (built

in 1913)

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (42)


End of an Era in Architecture During the 1920s, Glendale continued to grow to 12,294 acres as a result of additional annexations. However, tastes in home design began to change as the Craftsman rapidly faded from favor after the mid-1920s; few were built after 1930. Popular tastes changed to Revival styles, such as Colonial, Tudor and most commonly Spanish Colonial, starting from the mid-1920s. The Spanish Colonial Revival became a particularly popular style in Glendale, represented by both high style and vernacular examples.

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The City of Glendale Craftsman survey consisted of the preparation of approximately 521 inventory forms for buildings constructed between 1900 and 1925 in multi-residential zoned areas. Overall, the majority of the buildings that were surveyed were either cottages or bungalows. Many of them exhibited very traditional features and were not of high style. There were a few buildings that were constructed in the aeroplane style, which is rare within the City of Glendale. Additionally, several buildings were identified to have Colonial influences (as indicated by the use of columns and symmetrical façade). Of these Colonial type Craftsman buildings, just under half had clipped gables. Following represents the overall survey data by typology:

Typologies: • Aeroplane: 5 • Bungalow: 240 • Clipped Colonial: 58 • Colonial: 65 • Cottage: 106 • Eclectic: 10 • Multi-Family: 23 • Transitional: 17

Status Codes: • 5B: 5 • 5D2: 3 • 5S3: 54 • 6L: 444 • 7R: 18

Integrity: • High integrity: 201 • Moderate integrity: 194 • Low integrity: 129

The survey indicated that there were not any areas within the City that had retained large concentrations of Craftsman buildings. Also, the areas that once had streets lined with Craftsman buildings have been significantly filled in with very large apartment buildings that have changed the scale, setting, and setbacks of the neighborhoods, leaving several of the original single story bungalows or cottages as dwarves - orphans in a sea of modern development. Many of the large two- and three-story apartment buildings appear to have been developed between the 1960s and the present, and several have subterranean parking associated with them, changing the once consistent rows of single family bungalows with their side driveways and detached rear garages.

There were very few architects identified with any of the surveyed buildings. A few builders were identified, but several of the original building permits no longer exist. Additionally, many of the homes do not appear to have been designed by architects, possibly indicating that these neighborhoods have always traditionally been middle or working class neighborhoods. Overall,

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (44)


while Craftsman style homes can be found in many neighborhoods, the alteration and demolition of so many of them has radically altered the appearance of neighborhoods that were once dominated by the style.

Identification of Integrity Thresholds

During the course of the project, the Glendale Planning staff and GPA staff members identified the integrity thresholds for the identified buildings. Each building was identified as having high, moderate, or low integrity.

High Integrity

For a property to exhibit high integrity, the building must contain the majority of its original character-defining features that are visible from the public right-of-way. Buildings with high integrity may exhibit a few minor reversible alterations; however, overall the windows, window openings, porches, siding, and architectural characteristics should be fairly intact. The typical character-defining features that contribute to the significance of a Craftsman style building include: one- to two-stories in height, are wood framed, foundation of poured concrete or fieldstone, siding materials that are either horizontal wood boards or wood shingles, a low-pitched, gabled roof (occasionally hipped) with wide, unenclosed eaves, (gables often feature vents in a variety of configurations, including rectangular, vertical slats, horizontal slats, latticework, and “picket fence”), exposed roof rafters, decorative (false) beams or knee brackets under gables; shed, gabled or eyebrow dormers on the roof; Full- or partial-width porches with roofs supported by tapered square columns, wood windows that consist of fixed, double-hung, or casem*nt sash with either multiple lights or single panes of glass, typical Craftsman door that is stained wood with multiple lights, windows and doors surrounded by wide casings or a lintel above the window. Properties that have had alterations that have been made within the first twenty years of its existence may still have high integrity if the modifications that were made were in keeping with the original architectural design and contribute to the overall feeling of the building. Modifications may have achieved historic significance in their own right. Overall, 201 buildings, of the 521 surveyed, were identified as exhibiting high integrity.

Moderate Integrity

For a property to exhibit moderate integrity, the building must contain much of its original character defining features that are visible from the public right-of-way to be identified as a Craftsman building without completely altering the building to a degree that it is not recognizable at first glance. Properties with

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (45)


moderate integrity must retain its original form, roofline, and siding. It may exhibit a few modifications or changes such as additions to the rear (in keeping with the original design intent) or changes to siding or windows on the side or rear of the building. Additional minor alterations may include sensitive porch enclosures, removal of chimneys, replacement of original doors and/or windows within original openings as long as the alterations do not detract from the overall feel and style of the building. Overall 194 buildings, of the 521 surveyed, were identified as exhibiting moderate integrity.

Low Integrity

Properties that exhibit low integrity are buildings that have lost much of its original historic fabric or character defining features. These buildings have had considerable alterations or additions such that the building may still be identified as a Craftsman style building under closer inspection. Significant alterations may include but are not limited to; the replacement of all the building’s siding such as stucco, plywood, vinyl or asbestos over wood, a change in the roof pitch or form including the addition of oversized dormers or a second floor, the addition of large building additions or garages to the side, front, or rear of the building in such a manner that it overpowers the original form of the building, the enclosure of the porch with new or modern building materials such as plywood siding and/or aluminum windows, changes in the size or location of the window openings, changes or removal of window surrounds or the addition of new materials used for window surrounds (stucco), changes to or removal of original door with modern (non-compatible) door style, replacement of porch supports or railings with non-original materials such as iron, metal, or plain wood posts, addition of non-compatible design motifs such as shutters, large oversized columns, lattice, lighting, etc. (when there never were originally), and/or paint over original natural materials such as brick chimney or stone foundation. Overall 129 buildings, of the 521 surveyed, were identified as exhibiting low integrity.

Identification of Individually Significant Properties

GPA worked with the Glendale Planning staff to identify buildings within the project area that have the potential to meet federal, state, or local landmark criteria. The project team identified the buildings within their associated historic context to determine if any of the buildings may be potentially eligible for the National Register or California Register, either individually or as contributing elements to a potential historic district. The criteria for inclusion in the National Register include those properties that:

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (46)


A. Are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or

B. Are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or C. Embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method

of construction or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity who components may lack individual distinction; or

D. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.

One property was identified within the project study area that appears to meet the Criteria for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NR) and the California Register of Historical Resources (CR). However, several properties were identified that have the potential for NR or CR eligibility pending additional research. These properties were given a status code of 5S3 (Appears individually eligible for local listing or designation through survey evaluation) and are recommended for additional research for inclusion in the NR or CR.

However, the City of Glendale maintains an active program to designate historic resources. Section 15.20.050 of the Glendale Municipal Codes establishes criteria for designating local historic resources. These include:

• Identification of interest or value as part of the heritage of the city. • Location of a significant historic event. • Identification with a person, persons or groups who significant

contributed to the history and development of the city; or whose work has influenced the heritage of the city, State, or the United States.

• Exemplification of one of the best remaining architectural types in a neighborhood; or contains outstanding or exemplary elements of attention to architectural design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship of a particular historic period.

• Location which is unique or contains a singular physical characteristic representing an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood.

• Location as a source, site, or repository of archaeological interest. • Location containing a natural setting that strongly contributes to the well

being of the people of the city.

There are sixty-two resources currently listed on the Glendale Register of Historic Resources.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (47)


GPA, in conjunction with the Glendale Planning staff, identified fifty four (54) properties that may be eligible for local landmark status based on their architectural merit. Identification of Properties that are Ineligible for Designation There were several (approximately 1,053) buildings that were not included on the list of properties to be surveyed that were given the status code 6Z due to their very low integrity. These properties were identified and will be entered into the CHRID, however, no inventory forms were completed for these properties. Additional buildings were inventoried and had DPR523A forms prepared but were identified as being standard historic fabric. These buildings were given status codes of 6L to allow the planners to look at them, as necessary on an individual basis during the planning process. Most, if not all of these buildings, do not appear to have historic significance. Approximately 444 buildings received a 6L rating. A complete list of properties and their associated status codes are located in Appendix B of this report. Identification of Buildings that Warrant Further Evaluation There were fifty-four (54) buildings that were identified as being potentially eligible for the National Register or California Register pending additional research. These are the same properties that were identified as being potentially eligible for local designation status. All of these buildings received a 5S3 status code. It is recommended that a DPR 523B form be completed for these buildings. A complete matrix of all properties and their associated status codes can be found in Appendix B. Identification of Historic Districts There was one small district that was identified during the survey process. The Riverdale Drive Historic District is a geographically contiguous district that consists of eight parcels with nine single family residences designed in the Craftsman style. Their original build years range from 1898 to 1920. These homes are located on the southeast corner of Riverdale Drive and S. Columbus Avenue. The residences are located about 0.90 miles southwest from Glendale City Hall. The district is located within a residential neighborhood that is a mix of single-family residences from 1898 to the 1940s, including an altered 1914 Craftsman style bungalow located across the street from the district at 363 Riverdale Drive, and multiple family residences from the 1920s to 1940s. The area immediately outside the district is now dominated by large apartment buildings built in the 1960s to the 1980s. The properties within this district

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (48)


area received status codes 5D2 (Contributor to a district that is eligible for local listing or designation.

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Recommendations for Future Research A final component of this 2006-07 CLG grant project was to develop a list of recommendations for further research, study, programs and actions in regard to the City of Glendale Craftsman Survey. The GPA project team met with the City of Glendale Planning staff to discuss the conclusions of the survey and to discuss potential landmarks, areas and topics of that may merit future study, and ideas for educational outreach. Following is a list of the recommendations made:

1. Conduct additional research on buildings receiving a 5S3 status code. These properties were identified as being locally significant architecturally. However, there is a potential that some of these buildings may be eligible for either the National Register or California Register. Therefore, these properties should have more intensive research conducted and a DPR 523B form prepared at a later date.

2. Notify property owners. Because the surveyed properties are single

family residences located within areas zoned for multi-family use, they are at risk for development. It is important for the property owners to have survey information that makes them aware of a site’s status to help guide any plans for development or significant alterations. The property owners should be notified of the potential incentives and restrictions that may apply and could affect their decision making. This information should include the city’s expectations in the planning process (including what may be required under the California Environmental Quality Act) and possible financial constraints or incentives.

3. Map buildings by property type. The City staff mapped the buildings

located within the neighborhood boundaries established by the Planning Department by style sub-types and integrity levels to help to identify buildings that could be among the best remaining examples in individual neighborhoods. These maps will also be useful to identify potential concentrations of buildings by typology (identified within historic context). This information may be useful in identifying areas by social class or associations with nearby industries. Particularly, information may be gained from the locations of cottage type buildings.

4. Identify additional buildings that may have been missed during this

survey. This survey started with a date range of 1900 to 1925; however there likely are buildings in the Craftsman style that were built shortly

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (50)


after 1925 or buildings that were not picked up from the Assessor’s database. Therefore, these buildings might be added to this survey in the future.

5. Research the Clipped-Gable Colonial buildings further. There were

several buildings that had Colonial influences with columns and symmetrical facades. Many (although not all) of these buildings also exhibited clipped gables. More research (gleaned possibly from mapping) may reveal that these building types were built by a particular builder or developer (a quick glance indicates that several of them may be concentrated in one area as well). Perhaps these buildings may have been available in a local pattern book, etc.

6. Continue survey of single-family Craftsman residences in areas zoned for

single family. Although the historic context that was prepared as part of this study covered many of the basics of the Craftsman architecture in the City of Glendale, many buildings were not surveyed because this survey was limited to only those areas that were zoned for multi-family uses (with the exception of R-3050 zoned properties) and are therefore more subject to development pressures. However, there are likely many additional Craftsman style buildings in single family zoned areas that were not surveyed as part of this project. These homes may be architect designed (practically no architects were identified as part of this current study) and may possibly be eligible for local landmark designation.

7. Make property information available to the public. The property

information that was acquired as part of the study will be available to the public online through the use of the CHRID database. The city should also consider ways to make information obtained through this survey available through its own website and other means of public outreach.

8. Work with City Council and Planning Staff to identify process to

streamline the planning process as a result of this survey. The Planning Department now has useful information on Craftsman buildings located within multi-residential zoned areas of the City. These represent the buildings that are the most vulnerable to development pressures. Therefore, the City now has enough information to determine whether a building could be altered or which buildings may require additional study in compliance with local and state planning and environmental regulations.

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Bibliography Arroyo, Juliet M. Images of America: Early Glendale. Charleston, South Carolina, et

al.: Arcadia Publishing, c2005. “A Brief History of Glendale,” Glendale News Press, November 12, 1948. “By Architects and Builders,” Los Angeles Times, June 26, 1904, D2 (Charles E.

Shattuck). “By Architects and Builders,” Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1904, D2 (Charles E.

Shattuck). “By Architects and Builders,” Los Angeles Times, June 17, 1906, V24 (Charles E.

Shattuck). Duchscherer, Paul and Douglas Keister. The Bungalow: America’s Arts and Crafts

Home. New York: Penguin Studios, c1995. Gebhard, David and Robert Winter. Architecture in Los Angeles: A Compleat Guide.

Salt Lake City, Utah: Peregrine Smith Books, c1985. Glendale: A Calendar of Events in the Making of a City. Los Angeles, California: Title

Guarantee and Trust Company, 1936. “Glendale Building Lively,” Los Angeles Times, June 11, 1911, 110. “Glendale California Biographies: Ellis T. Byram,”

http:/ “Glendale Clubhouse,” Los Angeles Times, December 23, 1906, V1. Glendale Historical Society, “The Glendale Architectural and Historical Survey,” 1984.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (52)


Glendale Historical Society, “TGHS Glendale’s History,” “Glendale History,” “Glendale was Promoted as Place to Work,” Glendale Independent, August 23, 1967. “Glendale’s Early ‘Pavillion’ Still Standing,” Glendale News Press, October 17, 1984. “H. J. Crow Ranch a Major Part of City’s Past,” The Verdugo Newspaper Group,

September 2, 1984, A-11. “’Iron Horse’ Ran on Glendale Ave.,” The Verdugo Newspaper Group, September 2,

1984, A-11. Lindley, Walter and J. P. Widney. California of the South. New York: Appleton &

Company, 1888, 133-34. “’Old Settlers’ Recapture Early History of Glendale,” The Ledger, A California

Corporation. August 30, 1967, sec. 1, 1, 14. Perry, E. Caswell and Shirley Catherine Berger. Glendale: A Pictorial History.

Norfolk, Virginia: The Donning Company/Publishers, [1983]. “San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake RR,” Sanborn Maps, Glendale: 1912, 1919, 1925 (ProQuest). Sherer, John Calvin. History of Glendale and Vicinity. Glendale, California: The

Glendale Publishing Company, c1922. “Starts Foothill Homes: Los Angeles Banker Expending Large Sum in North Glendale

Improvements – Street Work Plans Maturing,” Los Angeles Times, August 17,

1913, VI10 (Charles H. Toll House).

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (53)


Stickley, Gustav. Craftsman Homes: Mission-Style Homes and Furnishings of the

American Arts and Crafts Movement. New York: Gramercy Books, c1995 [reproductions of two Stickley publications Craftsman Homes (1909) and The Craftsman’s Story (1905)].

“13 Families Composed Entire Town in 1883,” Glendale News Press, April 30, 1986. “Tropico: New Electric Route,” Los Angeles Times, August 28, 1903, A7. Weil, Martin Eli. “The Work of Alfred F. Priest (1888-1931): Researched for an

Architectural Assessment of the Glendale Public Service Building,” September 9, 1991.

Winter, Robert. American Bungalow Style. Photographs by Alexander Vertikoff. New

York: Simon & Schuster, c1996.

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (54)


Appendix A: California Historical Resource Status Codes

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (55)


Appendix B: Surveyed Buildings and Status Codes

Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5623008021 1515 5th St Colonial Low 6L 1924

5676008002 436 E Acacia Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1921

5676004017 902 E Acacia Ave Cottage High 6L 1923 5676004019 904 E Acacia Ave Bungalow High 6L 1909 5676003001 1014 E Acacia Ave Colonial High 6L 1924

5696025036 316 W Acacia Ave Clipped Colonial High 5S3 1923

5696024021 321 W Acacia Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1912 5696024022 325 W Acacia Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5696025018 340 W Acacia Ave Bungalow High 6L 1921 5696024030 357 W Acacia Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1923 5696025001 360 W Acacia Ave Colonial High 6L 1920 5696024031 361, 363 W Acacia Ave Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1923 5696022020 409 W Acacia Ave Cottage Low 6L 1924 5696023016 412 W Acacia Ave Colonial Low 6L 1924 5696022019 413 W Acacia Ave Cottage Low 6L 1924 5696023015 414 W Acacia Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1924

5645012015 319 N Adams St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1923

5645013024 320 N Adams St Transitional Moderate 6L 1906 5645013003 332 N Adams St Colonial High 6L 1923 5645013004 336, 338 N Adams St Multi-Family High 6L 1922 5645013006 346 N Adams St Bungalow High 6L 1922 5645008012 410 N Adams St Bungalow High 6L 1919, 1925 5645001019 545 N Adams St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922 5646024014 721 N Adams St Cottage Low 6L 1924 5674011009 113 S Adams St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5674011020 119 S Adams St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920 5674011024 137 S Adams St Transitional High 5S3 1906 5674022021 324 S Adams St Bungalow Low 6L 1914 5674031001 414 S Adams St Eclectic High 6L 1922 5675010002 608 S Adams St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914 5675009006 619 S Adams St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1909 5675012012 705 S Adams St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5675012013 709 S Adams St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921 5675019003 737 S Adams St Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5675019006 749 S Adams St Colonial Low 6L 1922 5624008029 1065 Allen Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922 5621036021 1133 Allen Ave Cottage High 6L 1923 5621038003 1150 Allen Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1924

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Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5645027008 1326 Barrington Way Colonial Moderate 6L 1923 5645026008 1329 Barrington Way Bungalow High 6L 1923 5645026011 1341 Barrington Way Colonial Moderate 6L 1923 5645017023 206 N Belmont St Bungalow High 6L 1922 5645017017 220 N Belmont St Bungalow High 6L 1910 5645017006 236 N Belmont St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914 5645017003 240 N Belmont St Colonial Moderate 6L 1920 5645017001 244 N Belmont St Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1921 5645011016 329 N Belmont St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5674011028 142 S Belmont St Aeroplane High 5S3 1912 5676024001 1208 Boynton St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5676027014 1293 Boynton St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1916 5636013017 325 Burchett St Bungalow High 5S3 1911 5636014019 366, 368 Burchett St Multi-Family High 7R 1923 5636015009 400 Burchett St Bungalow Low 6L 1910

5636015015 422 Burchett St Clipped Colonial High 7R 1920

5636015017 430 Burchett St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1916 5636015018 434 Burchett St Bungalow High 5S3 1916 5636015019 438 Burchett St Bungalow High 7R 1915 5642017017 308 E California Ave Cottage High 6L 1923 5645019001 816 E California Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1915 5645019002 822 E California Ave Colonial Low 6L 1921 5645015003 1116 E California Ave Cottage Low 6L 1921 5645013016 1147 E California Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1921 5645014015 1215 E California Ave Transitional Low 6L 1906 5645002055 1412 E California Ave Cottage High 6L 1921 5645002049 1415 E California Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1913 5645002057 1416 E California Ave Bungalow High 6L 1921 5637006036 317 W California Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5637007009 332 W California Ave Cottage High 6L 1921 5637006030 333 W California Ave Bungalow High 6L 1920 5637006026 341 W California Ave Bungalow High 6L 1922 5637006023 345 W California Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5637007013 346 W California Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1925 5637007017 364 W California Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1912 5637017009 436 W California Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5637017010 440 W California Ave Cottage Low 6L 1922

5637017015 462, 464, 466 W California Ave Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1913

5637017017 474 W California Ave Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1920

5638001041 506 W California Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1912 5638001040 508 W California Ave Bungalow High 6L 1921 5638001052 520 W California Ave Clipped Low 6L 1921

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Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built


5638001054 528 W California Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5638015042 606 W California Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1921

5638016005 609 W California Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1922

5638015043 610 W California Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1921

5638016012 633 W California Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1923

5638019041 654, 656 W California Ave Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1924

5638016020 667 W California Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1923

5644015027 403 Cameron Pl Bungalow Moderate 7R 1917 5680004002 1300 Carlton Dr Cottage Moderate 6L 1924 5645010011 337 N Cedar St Transitional Moderate 6L 1910 5645011012 348 N Cedar St Cottage Moderate 6L 1924 5633008027 1231 N Central Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1922 5647001006 1304 N Central Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1909

5638017001 411 Chester St Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1923

5641010003 310 E Chestnut St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1910 5641010004 314 E Chestnut St Bungalow High 6L 1922 5675004027 601 E Chestnut St Cottage High 6L 1923 5675004021 623 E Chestnut St Eclectic High 5S3 1921 5675004015 707 E Chestnut St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5675003025 719 E Chestnut St Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1924 5675003017 817 E Chestnut St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5675001015 1115 E Chestnut St Cottage Low 6L 1920

5676010007 412 E Chevy Chase Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912

5676004012 825 E Chevy Chase Dr Bungalow High 5S3 1916

5645014030 337 N Chevy Chase Dr Bungalow High 5S3 1910

5680005008 220 S Chevy Chase Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921

5637007021 238 N Columbus Ave Bungalow High 6L 1924 5637020021 411 N Columbus Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1920 5637020020 415 N Columbus Ave Colonial Low 6L 1921 5636008023 1118 N Columbus Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1922 5636001030 1139 N Columbus Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1922

5696005019 410 S Columbus Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1922

5696009001 431 S Columbus Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921 5696010027 505 S Columbus Ave Transitional Low 6L 1904 5696013022 612 S Columbus Ave Bungalow High 5B 1911 5696013023 616 S Columbus Ave Bungalow Moderate 5D2 1911

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Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5696022023 909 S Columbus Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5696022022 1001 S Columbus Ave Bungalow High 6L 1913 5696023019 1011 S Columbus Ave Cottage Low 6L 1924 5638018003 405 Concord St Transitional Moderate 6L 1902 5645006002 1116 E Doran St Colonial High 5S3 1924 5645006045 1127 E Doran St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5645006006 1130, 1132 E Doran St Multi-Family High 5S3 1923 5637003029 350 W Doran St Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5637002018 373 W Doran St Bungalow High 6L 1911 5638010032 721 W Doran St Colonial High 6L 1923 5644011015 204, 206 E Dryden St Multi-Family High 7R 1920 5644010027 316 E Dryden St Bungalow Low 6L 1917 5644010026 320 E Dryden St Bungalow Low 6L 1910 5636008029 335 W Dryden St Colonial High 6L 1922 5636004004 408 W Dryden St Cottage High 5S3 1925

5635008033 606 W Dryden St Clipped Colonial High 5S3 1923

5641004016 313 E Elk Ave Bungalow High 6L 1906 5641004017 317 E Elk Ave Bungalow High 6L 1900 5674028004 624 E Elk Ave Transitional Moderate 6L 1914 5674025017 703 E Elk Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921 5674025015 711 E Elk Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1921 5674025013 719 E Elk Ave Cottage Low 6L 1923 5674028013 724 E Elk Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1921 5674024006 807 E Elk Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922 5674024015 829 E Elk Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1922 5674030001 904 E Elk Ave Bungalow High 6L 1922 5696005014 350 W Elk Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5696005016 358 W Elk Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1911 5696003031 425 W Elk Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1924 5696006010 436 W Elk Ave Cottage Low 6L 1921 5696006016 464 W Elk Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922 5696003022 465 W Elk Ave Bungalow High 6L 1909 5696007007 524 W Elk Ave Cottage Low 6L 1921 5696007009 532 W Elk Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5696007011 540 W Elk Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1921

5621032012 1127 Elm Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1925

5645020021 205 N Everett St Cottage Low 6L 1920 5645019017 210 N Everett St Eclectic High 5S3 1913 5645020012 215 N Everett St Bungalow High 6L 1921

5645020014 225 N Everett St Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5645020008 231 N Everett St Cottage High 6L 1923 5645020007 233 N Everett St Cottage High 6L 1923

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (59)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5645019004 240 N Everett St Cottage Low 6L 1920 5674009020 128 S Everett St Bungalow High 6L 1907 5675008029 610 S Everett St Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5696025004 1013 Florence Pl Bungalow Low 6L 1921 5674008010 126 Franklin Ct Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5674008012 130 Franklin Ct Bungalow High 6L 1913 5674008014 132, 134 Franklin Ct Multi-Family High 6L 1915 5675029020 700 E Garfield Ave Cottage High 6L 1921 5696024006 324 W Garfield Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1911 5696024007 326 W Garfield Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1920

5696024008 328 W Garfield Ave Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1922

5696018020 333 W Garfield Ave Bungalow Moderate 5S3 1911

5696024012 342 W Garfield Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5696018018 343 W Garfield Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1912 5696018016 349 W Garfield Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5696022029 402 W Garfield Ave Bungalow High 6L 1921 5696022027 408 W Garfield Ave Cottage Low 6L 1921 5696022015 424 W Garfield Ave Colonial Low 6L 1922 5696022009 428 W Garfield Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1922

5643011008 614 Geneva St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5661016007 1804, 1806 E Glenoaks Blvd Multi-Family High 7R 1923 5665022012 1807 E Glenoaks Blvd Bungalow Low 6L 1923 5636007001 317 W Glenoaks Blvd Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5675004002 508 Granada St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5675004026 514 Granada St Cottage High 6L 1923 5675007002 608 Granada St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5675015030 709 Granada St Cottage Moderate 6L 1922 5640006007 1216 Hague Ct Bungalow High 6L 1922 5640006011 1219 Hague Ct Bungalow Low 6L 1922 5640006012 1223 Hague Ct Bungalow High 6L 1922 5674007013 641 E Harvard St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5674017004 710 E Harvard St Transitional Moderate 6L 1904 5674017001 722 E Harvard St Bungalow Low 6L 1911 5674009031 809 E Harvard St Bungalow Low 6L 1912 5674016003 822 E Harvard St Cottage High 6L 1921 5642007026 905 E Harvard St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5674015005 1006 E Harvard St Transitional High 5S3 1906 5674014001 1100 E Harvard St Colonial Low 6L 1922 5674014003 1108 E Harvard St Bungalow High 6L 1922 5674014005 1116 E Harvard St Colonial High 6L 1922 5680005006 1224 E Harvard St Cottage Moderate 6L 1920 5680005018 1304 E Harvard St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (60)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5680006010 1344 E Harvard St Colonial Moderate 6L 1922 5695012036 407 W Harvard St Eclectic High 5S3 1913 5695012026 445 W Harvard St Colonial Low 6L 1921 5695012021 467 W Harvard St Bungalow High 6L 1915 5695012040 468 Hawthorne St Bungalow High 6L 1920 5627013012 612 Hazel St Bungalow High 7R 1925 5627012015 625 Hazel St Cottage High 7R 1916 5661016001 385 Hill Dr Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5661016002 387 Hill Dr Bungalow High 7R 1925 5665022020 505 Hill Dr Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5665022022 513 Hill Dr Cottage High 7R 1923 5643015012 301 Howard St Cottage Low 6L 1906 5624011010 1058 Irving Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1924 5621038020 1169 Irving Ave Cottage Low 6L 1921 5643015020 324 N Isabel St Colonial Low 6L 1920 5643013009 607 N Isabel St Aeroplane High 5S3 1924 5695007001 402 Ivy St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921 5695004030 417 Ivy St Bungalow High 5S3 1909 5695007009 426 Ivy St Eclectic Moderate 6L 1910 5695004026 435 Ivy St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1923 5695007015 450 Ivy St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920 5642017011 233, 235 N Jackson St Multi-Family Low 6L 1915 5642017009 237 N Jackson St Bungalow High 6L 1913 5643008016 416 N Jackson St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914

5643008013 428 N Jackson St Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1920

5643008012 432 N Jackson St Colonial High 6L 1920 5643008011 436 N Jackson St Colonial High 5S3 1920 5643007026 529 N Jackson St Colonial High 5S3 1919 5638005060 209 N Kenilworth Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1922 5638005055 211 N Kenilworth Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1920, 1923 5638016002 311 N Kenilworth Ave Cottage High 6L 1923 5642017013 247 N Kenwood St Bungalow High 6L 1911 5643017012 300 N Kenwood St Transitional Moderate 6L 1910 5643017044 301 N Kenwood St Transitional High 5S3 1911

5643017009 312 N Kenwood St Clipped Colonial High 5S3 1920

5643017037 321 N Kenwood St Bungalow Moderate 5S3 1900 5643017033 329 N Kenwood St Transitional High 5S3 1910 5643006013 429 N Kenwood St Bungalow Low 6L 1911 5643007012 500 N Kenwood St Colonial Moderate 6L 1919 5643006012 503 N Kenwood St Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5643007004 534 N Kenwood St Aeroplane High 5S3 1913 5643007003 538 N Kenwood St Colonial Moderate 6L 1922 5665020001 608 Kimlin Dr Cottage Moderate 6L 1923

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (61)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5676015003 1119 La Boice Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912

5610023082 3928 La Crescenta Ave Cottage Moderate 7R 1924

5645009013 921 E Lexington Dr Cottage High 5S3 1922 5645009014 925 E Lexington Dr Bungalow High 5S3 1908 5645009019 1007 E Lexington Dr Cottage High 6L 1922 5645005005 1219 E Lexington Dr Colonial High 6L 1924 5645005015 1307 E Lexington Dr Colonial Moderate 6L 1922

5645005016 1309 E Lexington Dr Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1923

5637005011 324 W Lexington Dr Bungalow High 6L 1914 5637005023 348 W Lexington Dr Bungalow High 6L 1919 5637004015 349 W Lexington Dr Bungalow High 6L 1924

5637005031 364 W Lexington Dr Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5637005035 372 W Lexington Dr Clipped Colonial High 6L 1921

5637005037 376 W Lexington Dr Bungalow High 6L 1913 5637019020 406 W Lexington Dr Colonial Low 6L 1920

5637019015 416 W Lexington Dr Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5637020030 439 W Lexington Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1917 5637019009 440 W Lexington Dr Colonial High 6L 1921 5637019008 444 W Lexington Dr Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5637019003 460 W Lexington Dr Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5637020038 471 W Lexington Dr Cottage Low 6L 1921 5680030028 316 Lincoln Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1923

5680030006 320 Lincoln Ave Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1923

5624006005 1061 Linden Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1925 5621036012 1126 Linden Ave Colonial High 6L 1924 5641005010 403 E Lomita Ave Bungalow High 6L 1910 5641005009 405 E Lomita Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1921 5643001002 531 E Lomita Ave Bungalow High 6L 1903 5675004004 610 E Lomita Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914 5675004007 622 E Lomita Ave Eclectic Moderate 6L 1913 5675004010 634 E Lomita Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5675004011 700 E Lomita Ave Bungalow High 6L 1910

5675003003 726 E Lomita Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5675002007 1000 E Lomita Ave Aeroplane Moderate 6L 1914 5675002010 1010 E Lomita Ave Bungalow High 6L 1920 5675001004 1120 E Lomita Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5675001005 1124 E Lomita Ave Cottage High 6L 1923 5675001006 1128 E Lomita Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1923

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (62)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5633008010 231 W Loraine St Bungalow Low 6L 1921 5642017029 224 N Louise St Multi-Family High 5S3 1914 5642016040 237 N Louise St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1925 5643019008 317 N Louise St Bungalow Moderate 5S3 1913 5643019003 339 N Louise St Bungalow Moderate 5S3 1923 5643006043 528 N Louise St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5643005001 545 N Louise St Bungalow High 5S3 1913 5647010025 1148 N Louise St Colonial High 7R 1920

5641011005 716 S Louise St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1921

5641012028 727 S Louise St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1900 5641012027 731 S Louise St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1910 5641011010 736 S Louise St Colonial High 6L 1912 5640006005 317, 319 Magnolia Ave Multi-Family Low 6L 1922 5640005028 328 Magnolia Ave Cottage High 6L 1921 5640005011 338 Magnolia Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1922 5640005015 354 Magnolia Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1923 5675015019 500 E Maple St Bungalow Low 6L 1912 5675015029 532 E Maple St Cottage Low 6L 1922 5675008023 811 E Maple St Cottage High 6L 1921 5675012001 900 E Maple St Cottage High 6L 1922 5675010011 1129 E Maple St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5675010013 1131 E Maple St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1915 5696016002 400 W Maple St Colonial High 6L 1922 5696016003 406 W Maple St Colonial Moderate 6L 1921 5696016008 424 W Maple St Bungalow High 5S3 1914 5696016014 448 W Maple St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5696014001 479 W Maple St Bungalow Low 6L 1921 5676009016 1001 Mariposa St Bungalow Low 6L 1922 5676009010 1021 Mariposa St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5676008008 1024 Mariposa St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1911 5676026015 1208 Mariposa St Bungalow High 7R 1912 5676029011 1213 Mariposa St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5643019022 328, 330 N Maryland Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5643005032 400 N Maryland Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1919 5643005017 528 N Maryland Ave Bungalow High 6L 1910 5680025006 125 Maynard St Colonial High 6L 1924 5636007021 1029 Melrose Ave Cottage High 6L 1920 5636011033 1128 Melrose Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1919 5636010027 1137 Melrose Ave Colonial High 6L 1921 5636010033 1159 Melrose Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1912

5637004028 358 Milford St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1920

5637004026 368 Milford St Bungalow High 5S3 1910 5637004024 376 Milford St Bungalow High 6L 1913

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (63)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5637020013 424 Milford St Cottage Moderate 6L 1920 5637020012 430 Milford St Bungalow High 6L 1913 5637020011 434 Milford St Bungalow Low 6L 1920 5638010013 709 Milford St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1923 5610019036 2824 Montrose Ave Cottage Moderate 7R 1910 5610008026 3000 Montrose Ave Cottage High 7R 1922

5637006022 344 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1918

5637006020 350 Myrtle St Eclectic Moderate 6L 1913

5637005030 361 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1920

5637005036 373 Myrtle St Bungalow High 5S3 1913 5637019025 405 Myrtle St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920 5637019027 415 Myrtle St Bungalow Low 6L 1920 5637018034 416 Myrtle St Colonial High 6L 1921 5637018033 420 Myrtle St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920

5637018032 426 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5637018030 432 Myrtle St Colonial Low 6L 1921 5637019036 451 Myrtle St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922

5637019039 463 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1920

5637019040 465 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1921

5637011038 508 Myrtle St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921

5638016032 640 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1922

5638016036 664 Myrtle St Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1923

5638016035 666 Myrtle St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5645007015 407 Naranja Dr Bungalow High 6L 1922 5695019001 400 Oak St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1909

5695015029 429 Oak St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1924

5695015027 439 Oak St Bungalow Low 6L 1921

5674018013 612 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912

5674017018 615 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow High 6L 1920

5674018012 616 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1912

5674017019 619 Orange Grove Ave Cottage High 6L 1911

5674018011 620 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913

5674018010 624 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913

5674018009 628 Orange Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (64)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built


5674018008 632, 634 Orange Grove Ave Transitional Moderate 6L 1907

5674018005 706, 708 Orange Grove Ave Multi-Family High 6L 1922

5674016010 801 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1912

5674016014 819 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1921

5674019003 826 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920

5674020008 916 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1921

5674015018 917, 919 Orange Grove Ave Multi-Family Low 6L 1913

5674020006 1002 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow High 6L 1913

5674015020 1003 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1922

5674020005 1006 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1913

5674015022 1011 Orange Grove Ave Cottage Low 6L 1922

5674024011 1128 Orange Grove Ave Eclectic High 6L 1922

5680005022 1237 Orange Grove Ave Bungalow High 6L 1921

5680005026 1305 Orange Grove Ave Colonial High 6L 1924

5661017010 1706 Orchard Ave Multi-Family High 7R 1925 5661016021 1801 Orchard Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1924 5637016018 212 N Pacific Ave Cottage Low 6L 1923 5696009033 430 S Pacific Ave Multi-Family Low 6L 1922 5636003007 420 Palm Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1911 5636001018 433 Palm Dr Cottage Low 6L 1912 5676011010 513 E Palmer Ave Bungalow High 7R 1914 5676011012 519 E Palmer Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914 5640009006 327 W Palmer Ave Colonial High 6L 1922 5640008013 367 W Palmer Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1915 5610023056 2662 Piedmont Ave Cottage Low 6L 1922 5637002038 332 Pioneer Dr Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5637002037 336 Pioneer Dr Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5637002035 346 Pioneer Dr Bungalow High 6L 1914 5637002034 350 Pioneer Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5637002033 352 Pioneer Dr Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5675016019 418 Raleigh St Colonial High 5S3 1920 5675016028 526 Raleigh St Bungalow High 6L 1914

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (65)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5675016030 534 Raleigh St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5675017012 600 Raleigh St Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1922 5675017011 604 Raleigh St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922

5675017010 608 Raleigh St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1923

5675017019 712 Raleigh St Cottage Moderate 6L 1922 5675018014 716 Raleigh St Bungalow High 6L 1921 5675019027 904 Raleigh St Cottage Low 6L 1924

5675019001 1020 Raleigh St Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1923

5675011014 1113 Raleigh St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1915

5623023007 1014 Raymond Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1925

5623021042 1027 Raymond Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1921

5623023002 1030 Raymond Ave Colonial Low 6L 1923

5623023001 1034 Raymond Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1923

5623024009 1042 Raymond Ave Cottage Low 6L 1923 5623024008 1044 Raymond Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1924 5623024005 1056 Raymond Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1923

5623021016 1057 Raymond Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1922

5623016009 1170 Raymond Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5696013016 342 Riverdale Dr Transitional Moderate 5B 1920 5696013017 346 Riverdale Dr Bungalow High 5B 1910 5696013018 350 Riverdale Dr Bungalow High 5D2 1910 5696013019 354 Riverdale Dr Bungalow Moderate 5D2 1912 5696013020 358 Riverdale Dr Bungalow High 5B 1911 5696013021 362 Riverdale Dr Bungalow High 5B 1910 5696012013 363 Riverdale Dr Bungalow Low 6L 1914 5696010009 447 Riverdale Dr Bungalow High 6L 1920 5680019004 1421 Rock Glen Ave Bungalow High 7R 1923 5683002031 1526 Rock Glen Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1923 5637007033 335 Salem St Aeroplane Moderate 5S3 1914 5637007031 343 Salem St Bungalow High 6L 1913 5637008010 348 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1911 5637008011 352 Salem St Bungalow High 6L 1910 5637008013 360 Salem St Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5637008016 370 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1915 5637007024 371 Salem St Bungalow High 5S3 1914 5637008017 374 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1909 5637007023 375 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1910 5637008018 376 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (66)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5637017036 401 Salem St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1921

5637016002 406 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1918

5637017034 409 Salem St Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1920

5637017031 421 Salem St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1920 5637017026 441 Salem St Eclectic High 6L 1913 5637016012 444 Salem St Bungalow High 6L 1920 5637016013 448 Salem St Cottage High 6L 1920 5637016014 452 Salem St Bungalow Low 6L 1921 5637017021 463 Salem St Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5637017020 465 Salem St Colonial Low 6L 1920 5637016019 468 Salem St Cottage Low 6L 1920 5638001050 500 Salem St Colonial High 6L 1922 5638001045 511 Salem St Bungalow High 6L 1921

5638005056 542 Salem St Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5638015035 623 Salem St Cottage Low 6L 1923 5638019029 671 Salem St Bungalow Low 6L 1914 5636007002 1006 San Rafael Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1920 5636007003 1008 San Rafael Ave Colonial Low 6L 1920 5636004040 1025 San Rafael Ave Cottage Low 6L 1923 5636007009 1034 San Rafael Ave Bungalow High 6L 1913 5623007007 1160 Sonora Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5623007006 1162 Sonora Ave Cottage High 6L 1924 5634028022 524 South St Bungalow Low 6L 1923 5645015019 1141 Stanley Way Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922 5645003055 1315 Stanley Way Cottage Moderate 6L 1923 5633009002 219 W Stocker St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5633009001 223 W Stocker St Cottage Low 6L 1918

5636010017 316 W Stocker St Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1923

5633011021 323 W Stocker St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1921 5636001020 420 W Stocker St Multi-Family High 5S3 1910 5634015019 573 W Stocker St Colonial Moderate 5S3 1925 5634015022 601 W Stocker St Bungalow High 6L 1923 5645027001 119, 121 N Verdugo Rd Multi-Family High 5S3 1923 5645026012 133 N Verdugo Rd Eclectic High 6L 1923 5696011009 340 Vine St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5696005024 351 Vine St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912 5696005023 355 Vine St Bungalow High 5S3 1912 5696005021 361 Vine St Bungalow High 6L 1915 5696009007 420 Vine St Cottage Low 6L 1921 5696006032 425 Vine St Bungalow Low 6L 1920 5696009008 426 Vine St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1912

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (67)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5696009009 430 Vine St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1918 5696006030 435 Vine St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1913 5696009012 442 Vine St Bungalow High 6L 1909 5696009020 474 Vine St Bungalow High 6L 1920 5696007034 537 Vine St Bungalow Moderate 6L 1922 5633010020 1211 Viola Ave Transitional High 5S3 1909 5633009005 1212 Viola Ave Bungalow High 6L 1910

5633008013 1233 Viola Ave Clipped Colonial High 5S3 1921

5696025033 1016 Virginia Pl Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5696025030 1026 Virginia Pl Cottage Moderate 6L 1921 5696025026 1029 Virginia Pl Bungalow Low 6L 1909 5623025040 1022 Western Ave Cottage High 6L 1911 5623016024 1147 Western Ave Cottage Moderate 6L 1922 5623016021 1157 Western Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1921 5623016020 1159 Western Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1924 5642017039 309 E Wilson Ave Bungalow High 6L 1914

5645019021 817 E Wilson Ave Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1921

5674005001 822 E Wilson Ave Transitional High 5S3 1902 5645016004 1113 E Wilson Ave Cottage High 6L 1921 5637008027 351 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1919

5637009019 354 W Wilson Ave Clipped Colonial Moderate 6L 1920

5637008025 361 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914 5637008024 363 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1910 5637008023 367 W Wilson Ave Bungalow High 6L 1912 5637008021 375 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1918 5637016036 405 W Wilson Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1920 5637015063 406 W Wilson Ave Colonial Low 6L 1920

5637016034 415 W Wilson Ave Clipped Colonial Low 6L 1920

5637016033 419 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1918

5637015010 440 W Wilson Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1920

5637015009 444 W Wilson Ave Colonial Moderate 6L 1920 5638001077 500 W Wilson Ave Multi-Family Moderate 5S3 1914 5638001076 504 W Wilson Ave Colonial High 6L 1922 5638001074 512 W Wilson Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1922

5638001081 513 W Wilson Ave Clipped Colonial High 6L 1922

5638001070 528 W Wilson Ave Colonial Low 6L 1921 5638003041 600 W Wilson Ave Cottage Low 6L 1922 5638005031 643, 645 W Wilson Ave Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1923 5638005029 651 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Moderate 6L 1924

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (68)


Parcel # Street No. Direction Street Name

Street Type

Evaluation Type Integrity

Status Code Year Built

5638006023 655 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1923 5638006022 659 W Wilson Ave Bungalow Low 6L 1923 5638004040 664 W Wilson Ave Bungalow High 5S3 1916 5675016007 509 E Windsor Rd Bungalow Moderate 6L 1909 5675025006 518 E Windsor Rd Bungalow Moderate 6L 1914 5675025022 534 E Windsor Rd Bungalow Low 6L 1913 5675018001 717 E Windsor Rd Bungalow Moderate 6L 1910 5675019021 909 E Windsor Rd Cottage Low 6L 1923 5675019007 1017 E Windsor Rd Cottage Moderate 6L 1922 5696019016 412 W Windsor Rd Bungalow High 6L 1909 5696019012 428 W Windsor Rd Transitional Moderate 6L 1907 5696016030 441 W Windsor Rd Bungalow High 5S3 1912 5696016031 447 W Windsor Rd Multi-Family Moderate 6L 1925

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (69)


Appendix C: Volunteer Training Packet

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (70)


Appendix D: DPR 523 D Form

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (71)


Appendix E: DPR 523 A Forms

Glendale Craftsman Survey Final craftsman...However, beginning after World War II, many of the Craftsman neighborhoods that are located in multi-family zoned residential - [Download PDF] (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.