The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


1897.Annie Gertrude, daughter of Edward and Mary Heaver, aged 16 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfulry invited to, attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 from her parents' residence. 2126 Rush street. Interment at St. Peter'', Cemetery.

HENWOOD. On February 18. 1897. John Henwood. The relatives and friends of the family, also the Fajragut Association, lare respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 5011 Master street, Wert Phila.

Interment private. HILPL. On February 18, 18D7, Joseph, son of Andreas and Catharine Hilpl, in his 35th year. The relatives and friends of the- family, also Weger Bros'; Beneficial Association, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 3 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 1451 North Twenty-ninth street. Interment at Glenwood.

JRJAL ESTATE WANTED I WILL. EXCHANGE Xn fNTEREST IN well' established manufacturing business, valued at $12,500, for desirable city dwelling or other real estate. A good salary is at-tacned to the business and the opportunity is a rare one for an active man. Address 1162, Inquirer office. DAIRY AND POULTRY FARM.

NOT Exceeding 25 acres, between Philadelphia and Wilmington, with 5-roomed house; must be in good repair; will buy stock and Implements; 5o0 cash, balance first mortgage. D. L. Ris-ley, 211 South Tenth street. Philadelphia.

WANTED TO PURCHASE 9 OR 10-ROOM Fifteenth to Twentieth, Columbia avenue to Dauphin street, in exchange for $1600 equity in two small houses, paying $101 per annum over all expenses. What have you to offer? Raspin, 035 Walnut street. WA NTED TO PURCH A E. WITHIN SIX miles of city, in desirable location, residence about $13,000 for small, well rented houses of similar value: clear of incumbrance; send full particulars. Raspin, 035 Walnut street, Philadelphia.

WE ARE HA VINC; APPLICANTS FOR FUR-nished and unfurnished suburban properties for sale and rent. If you want to dispose of your property send full particulars to J. Miller Nisltey, Real Estate and Conveyancer, 3440 North Twentieth. Tioea Station. MYERS.

On February 17. 1897, Ida wlf of George Myers and youngest daughter of th late Henry and Eliza Merkel. aged its years. The relatives, and friends of the familv respectfully invited to attend the funr.ii services. on Sunday at 2 o'clock, a the residence of her husband, 3705 North Fifth, street.

To proceed to Greenwood Cemetery. Interment private. MYERS. On February 19, 1897, Thomas, th husband of Mary J. Myers, in his 40th year.

The relatives and friends of tha family, tiia Reeding Railroad Relief Society, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday afternonn. at 3 o'clock, from his lata residence. Alder street. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. MYERS.

On February' 18, 1X97, Mary Myers. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 7.30 o'clock, from her uncle's residence. Mr. 128 Mead street. Mass at St.

Philip's Church. Interment r.t New Ccthedral Cemeterv. NIXON. On February 18, 1897. Ephrafrri Nixon, beloved husbnnd of A mv Nixon and son of Elizabeth and the late Varvawr Nixon.

The relatives and friends if the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 2810 Kirkbride street. Bridesburg. Interment at Presbyterian Grounds, iirideshur, Pa. NORTON. On February IS.

Lewis D. Norton, the beloved husband of Annie Norton and the son of George F. Norton, in his 29th year. The relatives and friends of the-family, also Diligent Council, No. 4.

Jr. O. IT. A. and employes of the Forrest Laundry, are respectfully invited to attend the.

fu- 21ST and DICKINSON streets. Julius Wohlgemuth, Grad. In Pharmacy. Corner 20TH and LOCUST American District Tel. Co.

Office. S. W. cor. BROAD and WASHINGTON Western L'nion Telegraph Office.

N. W. cor. 15TH and TASKER sts. W.

W. Chalfant. Pharmacist. 15TH and RITNER S. W.

McDaniel's Pharmacy, Pharmacists. DOCK STREET MARKET. Western Union Telegraph Office. No. 1 DOCK Btreet, American District Tel.

Co. Office. 5TH and LOMBARD S. W. Morris Kauffman.

Pharmacists. S. E. cor. 11TH and FEDERAL E.

C. Sellen's Pharmacy. 23D and WASHINGTON Postal Telegraoh Cable Co. Office. 5.

W. cor. 15TH and RITNER McDonnell's Pharmacy. N. W.

cor. 17TH and SOUTH H. Morse. Apothecary. FOURTH and WOLF streets.

Stineman Druggists. WEST PHILADELPHIA. 3962 MARKET street. American District Tel. Co.

Office. 30TH and SOth St. Market House, American District Tel. Co. Office.

3955 LANCASTER American District Tel. Co. Office. LANCASTER below 52D street, Ferd. R.

De Lester, Pharmacist. 30TH and CHESTNUT corner. Western Union Telegraph Office. 3805 MARKET street. Western TTnion Telegraph Office.

44TH and LANCASTER Funk Groff, Druggists. 34TH and WOODLAND College Pharmacy, P. N. Pinchback, Ph. G.

4819 WOODLAND avenue. S. Helfrich. Druggist. 71ST and WOODLAND avenue, Paschall Pharmacy.

4628 WOODLAND avenue. Van Dyke Druggistx FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL. 32SC RIDGE avenue, B. J. Murray, Druggist.


N. Willard, Druggist, A P. Brown's Drug Store. (iEHMAXTOWK. 6.

W. CHELTEN avenue. Western Union Telegraph Office. TIOGA. 17TH and TIOGA N.

W. A. L. Besore. Apothecary.

20TH and TIOGA Van Dvke Pharmacists. 21ST and WESTMORELAND Westmoreland Pharmacy, Pharmacists. FRANKFORD. 4339 MAIN street. Western Union Telegraph Office.

niCHMOXD. 2902 RICHMOND street. Davis' Drug Store. XORHISTOW.V. 13 East MAIN street (Herald Building), Postal Teleeraph Cable Co.

Office. CAMDEN', X. J. 211 KAIGHN'S avenue. W.

S. Thompson's Pharmacy. N. E. cor.

SIXTH and BERKLEY, De Groff's Pharmacy. 811 FEDERAL street, Postal Telegraph Cable Co. Office. WANTED TO RENT COMFORTABLE house of about 10 rooms, within a few squares of railroad or Chestnut Hill. Willow Grove or Darby trolley lines; large lot and shade desirable.

Ad. 100, Inquirer office. ANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE WITH conveniences, on nice close to trolley or steam cars; mus-t be moderate; state price. 10, Inquirer. BRANNAN.

On the 19th Benjamin B-, beloved Infant son of James H. and Eliza A. Urannan, nee Gardner, aged 11 months and 15 days. Relatives and friends of the" family are respectfully Invited to attend the fureral, on Sunday morning, February 21. 1897, at 9.30 A.

from the residence, 1225 Fleetwood avenue, between Eleventh- and Twelfth street. Interment at Har-lelgh Cemetery. Car.iden. N. J.

BRETTHAl'ER. On February 17. 1897. Frederick Bretthauer. la his 54th year.

The relatives and friends of the family, also Encampment No. 76, U. V. Legion: Cavalry Post, No. 35.

G. A. R. Colonel John W. Moore Post, 56, G.

A. R. Col. John W. Moor--: Circle.

No. 87, Ladies of G. A. and the employes of Schuylkill Arpenal, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 P. from his late residence, 3814 Haverford avenue.

Interment at Mt. Moriah BROWN. In Woodstown, N. on February 19, 1897. Gottlieb Brown, aged 87 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Woodstown, N. on Monday morning, February 22, at 10.3O o'clock. CAIN. On February 19. 1897, Leo, son cf John J.

and Kate Cain, aged 4 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, February 22, at 1 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 1860 Judson street. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. CALDWELL. On February 17, 1897, Flora, wife of Jchn Caldwell and daughter of John and Isabella Hessler.

aged 21 years. The relatives and friends of the family are; respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday morning, at o'clock, at her parents' residence. 2316 Germantown avenue. To proceed to Quakertown, Tuesday morning, via 8 o'clock train from Reading Terminal. CARR.

On the 18th Charles Carr. aged 64 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited. to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, February 21, 1897, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Harry Bott, 517 North Front street.

Camden, N. J. CARSON. On February 16. 1897, Kate, widow of the late Edward Carson, formerly of Woodbury, N.

J. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her late residence, southwest corner of Eighteenth and Thompson streets. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Camden, N. COMLY. On February 18, Amos Jones Comly, aged 81 years, 10 months and 8 days.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday. February 21. 1897. at 1 P. at the residence of his brother, Joseph B.

Comly, Flourtown, Montgomery county. Pa. To proceed thence to Friends' Burying Ground, at Horsham. for interment. CONDON.

Suddenly, on February 19. 1897. Thomas son of Ann and the late Patrick Condon, formerly of Palo Alto. Schuylkill county. aged 40 years.

Due notice of the funeral will be given. COOK Young woman wants a situation as cook in a private family; is good on pastry, bread and desserts. Call or address 2416 North Carlisle street. February IS, 1897. Re-genia.

wife of William cTecelius, in her 33d year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 1.30 o'clock, from the residence of her husband, 401 Daly street Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. CRIPPS. On February 17, 1897. Anna daughter of William and Margaret J.

Cripps, aged 11 years, 2 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence, Bristol pike and Salter's lane, Tacony. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery. CRONK. On the 16th Howard A BARREL OF MONEY IN A PATENT MONEY LOANED in a few hours' notice up-for builder; will exchange for house and on real estate security; second mortgages lot; city or suburban.

Address four davs, negotiated. Henrv Jones, 104 South 12th st. 19, Inquirer office. I FOR SALE, or will exchange What have you to offer for a fine violin, .90 years old? Address 84, Inquirer office. WILL EXCHANGE Odell typewriter, cost $25, for good pneumatic bicycle.

Address Box 79, Berlin, N. J. WANTED To exchange lot at Essington for a bicycle; give name and condition of wheel. Address 24, Inquirer office. WILL EXCHANGE old violin for good guitar.

Address 1221, Inquirer office. BRASS or enamel iron bedstead wanted for oak bedroom suit. Address 100, Inquirer. GOOD ML'SIC BOX. 8 tunes, for good bicycle! 3318 North Twentieth street, Phila.

DENTISTRY TEETH TO DENTISTS, ON VULCANITE, per set, $2.. Gold Crowns, $2. Nelson's Laboratory'. 129 N. 8th.

Public pat. solicited. POSITIVELIY PAINLESS EXTRACTING, r.Oc. Dr. J.

F. THOMAS, 245 N. 12th St. DR. KYLE ROHRBACK, dentist, gas administered.


Except Saturday. 9 S.ttO A. M. daily, Pittsburg, Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisvilie and St. Louis.

(Dining Car). 10." A. M. daily for Pittsburg and Chicago. (No coaches).

I M. daily. "Limited," Pittsburg, Chicago, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. (Dining Car).

I. JI. daily, Pittsburg and Cleveland. M. dally, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville and St.

Louis. (Dining Car). 8.SO I. I. daily, Pittsburg.

Chicago, Cleveland and Toledo. Except Saturday. I. M. daily.

Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. 11.20 I. M. daily, Pittsburg and Chicago, Cleveland and Toledo.

Except Saturday. Niagara, Rochester and Kane Express 8.30 a. m. Elmlra and Renovo Express i 12.25 p. m.

Williamsport Express, 4.30p.m. Rochester and Buffalo 8.50 p. m. Erie, Rochester and Buffalo Express IH11.20 p.m. Lock Haven Express, jj4.30 a.

m. j4.35p. m. Cumberland Valley R. 4.30, 8.30 a.

12.25, 4.30 p. m. week-days, 11.20 p. m. except Saturdays.

Sundays, 4.30 a. 4.30, 11.20 p. SCHUYLKILL. DIVISION. For Phoenixville, Pottstown and Reading.

5.57, 8.35. 10.19 a. 2.10, 4.10. 5.32. 7.11 p.

m. Sundays, 6.50, 9.23 a. 1.10, 5.40. 8.30 p. m.

Phoenixville only, 7.45 a. 4.18, 11.37 p. m. week-davs. For Pottsville, "5.57, 8.35, 10.19' a.

2.10. 4.10. 7.11 p. m. week-days.

Sundays, tt.50, 9.23 a. 5.40 p. m. FOR SEW YORK. Express, week-days.

3.20, 4.05, 4.50, 5.15, 6.50, 7.33, 8.33, 9.50, 10.21. 11.00 12.00 noon. 12.35. (Limited 1.00 and 4.22 p. 1.40, 2.30, 3.20, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00.

5-56, 6.00, 6.50, S.12. 10.0O p. 12.01 night. Sundays, 3.20. 4.C5, 4.50.

5.15. S.20. 8.33, 9.50, 10.21, 11.35 a. 12.35, 2.30, 4.00 (Limited 4.22), 5.20. 5.56.

6.35, 6.50. 8.12, 10.00 p. 12.01 night. For Boston, without change, 11 a. m.

weekdays and 6.50 p. m. daily. For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch. 8.20, 11.14 a.

3.30. 4.00 p. m. week-days. Fcr Lambertville.

Easton and Scranton. 6.50, 9.00 a. 12.00 noon, 3.52. 5.00 (Lambert- ville and Easton only), week-days, and 6.50 I), in. uiiny.

uuiidiu, i a. i.i. rca-uaja and 6.50 p. m. daily WASHI.GTO AXD THE SOUTH.

For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 8.32, 10.20. 11.23 a. 12.09, 12.31. 112. 3.18.

4.41 (5.19 Congressional 6.17. 6.53, 7.40 p. and 12.05 night, weekdays. Sundavs. 3.50, 7.20.

9.12. 11.23 a. 12.09, 1.12. 4.41 Congressional 6.55, 7.40 p. and 12.05 night.

For Baltimore, accommodation, 9.12 a. 2.02 and 4.01 p. m. week-days, 5.0S and 11.16 p. m.

daily. Atlantic Coast Line. Express. 12.09 p. m.

and 12.05 night, dally. "Florida Special," 7.O0 p. m. week-davs. Southern Railway.

"Florida Limited," 2.36 p. m. week-days. Express, 6.55 p. m.

daily. Chesapeake Ohio Railwav. 7.40 p. m. daily.

For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. 10.20 a.m. weekdays. 11.10 p. m.

daily. Leave MARKET STREET WHARF as follows: Express for New York, 9.00, 10.00 a. 4.30 p. m. week-days.

FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad Street Station via Delaware River Bridge. Express. 7.02 p. m.

daily. Leave Market Street Wharf. Express. 8.50 a. 2.00.

4.10 and 5.00 p. m. Sundays, 8.45 and 9.45 a. m. Accommodation, 4.00 and 5.00 s.

m. FOR CAPE MAY. Sea' Isle Citv, Ocean Citv, Avalon. Anglesea. Wildwood and Holly Beach.

Express, 9.00 a. 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays.

Express, 9.00 a. m. For Somers Point. Express. 8.50 a.

4.10 p. m. week-days. Sundays. S.45 a.

m. The L'nion Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. J. B. HUTCHINSON.

J. R. WOOD. General Manager. General Pass.

Agent. PHILA. ANLnOADINfTRY Anthracite Coal. Cinders On and after February 22d. 1897.

Trains Lrarr Rending Terminal, Ptaila. Buffalo Day Express 1 daily 9.03 A. m. week davs Parlor aad Dining Car Black Diamond Express For Buffalo (Parlor Car) Buffalo and Chicago Exp. Sleeping Curs.

12.30 p. m. daily 7.3 p. m. 9.4.1 p.

m. Williamsport Express, week-days, 8.35. 10.10 a. 4.05 p. m.

Dally (Sleeper) 11.30 p.m. Lock Haven. Clearfield and Bellefonte Express (Sleeper) daily, except Saturday, 11.30 p. m. FOR NEW YORK.

Leave Reading Terminal. 7.30 (two-hour train). 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.00 a. 12.45 Uiinine car). 1.30.

.3.05. 4.00. 4.02. 5.00. 6.10, 8.10 (dining car) p.

12.05 night. Sundavs 8.30, 9.30 11.50 (dining car) a. 1.30. 3.55, C.10, 8.10 (dining car) p. 12.05 night.

Leave 24th and Chestnut 4.00. 11.04. a. 12.57 (Dining ear). 3.0!S, 4.10, 6.12.

8.19 (dining car). 11.58 p. m. Sunday 4.00 a. 12.04 (dining car), 4.10, 6.12, 8.19 (dining car), 11.58 p.

m. Leave New York, foot of Liberty street, 4.30, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.30 a. 2.00, 3.30, 4.00 (two hour train), 4.30 (two-hour train), 5.00, 6 00. 7.30. 9.00 p.

12.15 night Sur-davs 4.30, 9.00. 10.00. 11.30 a. 2.00, 4.00, p. 12.15 night Parlor Cars on all day express trains and sleeping cars on night trains to and from New York FOR BETHLEHEM.


12.30, 2.0O, 4.30. 5.30, 7.30, 9.45 p. Sundays 6.25, 8.32. 9.00 a. 1.10.

4.20, 7.30, 9.45 p. m. (9.45 p. m. daily does not connect for Easton.) For SclinylWill Volley Points.

Fcr Phoenixville and Pottstown Express, 8.35, 10.10 a. 12.45. 4.05. 6.30, 11.30 p. m.

4.20, 7.45. 11.00 a. 1.42. 4.35. 5 53 7 20 p.

m. Sundays Express, 4.00. 9.05 a. 11.30 p. m.

7.00, 11.35 a. 6.15 r. m. For Reading Express, 8.35. 10.10 a.

12.45. 4 05, 6.30, 11.30 p. 4.20. 7.45 a 1.42, 4.35, 5.53, 7.20 p. Sunday Express.

4.00, 9.05 a. 11.30 p. m. 7.00 a. 6.15 p.

m. For Lebanon and Harrlsburg Express, 8.3o, 10.10 a. 4.05, 6.30 p. m. 4.20 a.

7.20 p. m. Sunday Express, 4.00 a. 7.00 a. C.15 p.

m. For Gettysburg, weekdays, 8.35, 1O.10 a. m. For Chambersburg, weekdays, 8.35 a. 4.05 p.

m. For Pottsville Express. 8.35, 10.10 a. 6 30. 11.

3 p. m. 4.zo, a. -ii i i Sunday Express, 4.00, 9.05 1.42 a. 11.30 p.

m. 7.00 a. 6.15 For Shamokin and Williamsport p. m. 10 10 a.

m. 4.u., p. m. aunuay repress. 9.05 a.

11.30 p. m. Additional for' Shamokin Express, weekdays, 6.30 p. m. 4.20 a.

m. Sundays Express, 4.00 a. m. For Danville and Bloomsburg, 10.10 a. m.

FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Chestnut street and South street Wharves: Weekdays Express, 9.0O a. 2 00 4 0O, 5.00 p. m. 8 a.

m. Sundavs Express. 9.00. 10.00 a. m.

8.00 a. 4.45 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. Lakewood, weekdays, 8.00 a.

4.15 p. m. For Cape May and Sea Isle City. Weekdays (9.45 a. for Cape May only), 4.15 p.

m. Detailed time-tables at ticket-offices, N. E. corner Broad and Chestnut streets. 833 Chestnut street.

1005 Chestnut street. 609 S. Third street. 3902 Market street and at stations. Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences.

SCHEDULE IN- EFFECT FEB. 21st, 1S97. FOR THE WEST Leave Station, Chestnut and 24th streets. Chicago, 8.15 a. 4.2U p.

m. Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Indianapolis. 8.15 a 12.20, 7.40 p. m.

Toledo and Detroit, 7.40 p. m. Pittsburg. 5.41 p. m.

(Sundays. 4.20 p. Roanoke, Bristol, Chattanooga, New Orleans, Memphis, 5.41 p. (Sunday 4.20 p. Through Pullman Sleeper to New Orleans.

Pullman Sleepers Washington to Memphis. ROYAL BLl'E LINE FOR CHESTER, WILMINGTON, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, week davs, 3 30. S.15, 10.26 a. 12.20, 1.36, 3.30. 4.20.

5.41, 7.40 p. m. Sundays, 3.30, 8.15 a. 12.20, 1.30. 4.20, 7.40 p.

m. The 12.20, 1.36, 4.20, 6.41 and 7.40 p. m. trains carry Pullman Dining Cars, 1.36 train does tot stop at Chester. For local stations on Philadelphia Division, 6.15 a.

(except Sunday), 1.50 p. m. daily. For additional trains to Chester and Wilmington, see time table to be had upon application to Ticket Agents. Baggage called 'or and checked from hotels and residences by Union Transfer Co.

on cr-ders left at ticket offices. 83.1 Chestnut Street, N. E. Corner Broad and Chestnut Streets, 609 South 3rd Street, 3962 Market Street, 1200 N. Second Street.

1005 Chestnut street and at all Stations. READ THE SUNDAY INO-l'IRER. 714 AND 716 SPRING GARDEN. EXCHANGE for small properties. A.

Taylor, 417-Pine. DWELLINGS EXCHANGED FOR BI'ILD-ing lots. T. Woods Son, 323 S. 20th st.

Jersey. $2000 CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE 10-acre farm, good house and buildings, at Vineland, N. will exchange for equity in two good Camden or Philadelphia houses. What have you to offer? Raspin, 635 Walnut street. MONEY TJzfL ESTABLISHED 1891.

THE POPULAR BROKERAGE COMPANY, 1028 ARCH STREET, makes loans upon household goods without removal, storage receipts or any other ap-. proved security. Before applying elsewhere, get our terms and conditions; confidential. YOU CAN borrow from $100 to $5000 on the moFt advantageous terms and return it in monthly installments. If you have property or desire to purchase a home, pay off present incumbrance, make improvements or money for any purpose, write or call Branch Universal Trust Company, Room 114, Heed building.

1213-1215 Filbert street. MONEY TO loan on mortgages; judgment notes secured by real estate, storage receipts and other satisfactory security. William D. Honnage, 312 Heed 1215 Filbert street. IIOUSEHOL.DE RS, CLERKS.

SCHOOL teachers, railroad and city employes can be accommodated with a loan of $20 to $50; business strictly confidential. Add. A 4, Inquirer. 1jUA.NO 3. 0, 91l, I.

J- be obtained on furniture In use or salaries. Call 85S North Twelfth street. $50O WANTED Returnable prompt monthly Instalments of S50; security; make offer. 71, Inquirer office. BUILDING ASSOCIATION MONEY FOR second mortgages.

A. J. MacMullin, C15 Walnut street. $25,000 TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY, 4V3 per cent. J.

B. FOWLER. 240 South Eighth street. HEIRS to unsettled estates can obtain money on short notice. Also loans made upon Real Estate.

J. Lloyd, 1429 Chestnut. HEIRS TO unsettled estates can obtain money on short notice. J. Lloyd, 1429 Chestnut.

ROOFING LfSCDCDLFDKDCB mlndate Jobbing and Repairing in All Branches. JNO. C. BARRETT, 1733 Christian street. Bainbridge street wharf, Schuylkill.

ALL KINDS OF LEAKING ROOFS repaired. J. Knowlan. 45 N. 13th.

2215 Lombard. PIANOS ANDORGANS (R) A FINE TONED UPRIGHT ffl) PIANO. Far superior to any piano elsewhere for more than double the money. Why throw money away in paying high prices? Save mcrey at the old reliable place. No store rent or heavy expenses.

Call, see special bargains in tine upright pianos. Forced sales. Open till 9 P. M. WALKER'S PIANO PARLORS, S36 North Sixth street.

PIANO BARGAINS STEIN WAY, CHICK-ering, Steck, Hazelton, $75, $100, $125, $150. New pianos at wholesale factory cost. The only place in the city where you can select a piano at the factory and save all middlemen's riroflts and store expenses. Don't fail to call 6r write before buying. PAINTER EWING, Piano 1105-1107 Spring Garden.

THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL SAYS: The best, the best, the best Piano is THE MATCHLESS CUNNINGHAM. But, Lo, and behold you, we have others. And some Uprights as low as $110. And Squares from $30 up. Easv terms if desired.

THE CUNNINGHAM PIANO 1100 Chestnut street. SPECIAL SALE OF FINE PIANOS. New and used. Many standard makes. Easy terms.

Write for catalogues. GEO. FLEMING 1229 Chestnut street. NEW UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND BABY grand pianos; also organs; standard makes only: exceedingly cheap on very easy terms. Send postal for catalogue and terms.

Factory agent. C. B. Hunt, P. O.

Station Phila. MAGNIFICENT UPRIGHT PIANO AT POS- itive sacrifice: owner forced to sell on ac count of unforseen cir's piano nearly new, cost $500; will sacriice for $190, including elegant silk scarf and stool. Call 1441 N. 6th st. COMPULSORY AUCTION SALE AGNIFI-cent upright piano, to-morrow, Monday, February 22.

at 10.3O, at No. 1720 Spring Garden street; also all the household effects. CHARLES SHAW Auctioneers. IMMENSE SACRIFICE; must sell at once, handsome rosewood, square piano, 7 1-3 octave; rich quality tone; like new, 1703 Poplar. FINE NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS AT RE-duced prices; tuning and repair'g a specialty.

Hartmann Son, 1234 N. 10th. Open ev'gs. VERY FINE ELEGANTLY DESIGNED Packard organ and stool; like new; will sell cheap for cash. 1217 North Twenty-seventh st.

FINE" UrTgHT-PIANO: GOOD, CONDI-tion; rare bargain. 1217 N. 27th street. SLIGHTLY USED MATHUSHEK UPRIGHT piano will sell cheap for cash. 2022 Ridge av.

$45 ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO, LIKE new. Apply soon. Residence, 1544 N. 13th. ILi DeCRAY.

RELIABLE PIANO tuner and repairer. 1732 Bouvier street. $6 DOWN. $6 A MONTH. BUYS ELEGANT new upright piano.

2129 South Sixteenth. EDUCATIONAL Taught in 6 to 13 weeks by "Greatest living authority on Shorthand." Private instruction and mail lessons. Call or write, 532 Walnut street. ELOCUTION. PHYSICAL CULTURE, CON-versation and literature; misses' and children's classes Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 105O Marshall street.

Evening classes for ladies and gentlemen. Private lessons. Misses May Dix. B. June Dlx, B.

Class rooms: 232 North Twelfth street, 1950 Marshall street, 903 N. Twenty-ninth st. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, Betz best and most practical lessons. Branch at Germantown. For particulars apply to head office, Betz Building PALMS COLLEGE, 1712 CHESTNUT ST.

(BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND.) Careful individual Instruction. Expert teachers SPANISH CLASS INSTRUCTION, $5 A MO. Prof. A. PIERRA.

1414 S. Penn square. SHORTHAND thoroughly taught by mail; lOc. per less. Edward Shaw, Upper Lehigh, Pa.

MUSICAL MR. MICHAEL H. CROSS HAS RECOVERED from his illness and has resumed his professional duties at his studio. 32 South Twen ty-first street. Piano, organ and vocal In- st ruction.

VOCAL MUSIC (ITALIAN METHOD) AND piano; lessons 25c; experienced lady teacher; highest' reference. 49, Inquirer office. THOROUGH INSTRUCTION in Piano Technique; beginners and backward pupils especially. Terms $2.50 per month. 56, Jnq.

LADY WISHES few more pupils on piano and in elocution, either private or in class; terms moderate. Box 3504, Station O. PIANOT BANJO, GUITAR, MANDOLIN, also painting lessons. N. E.

corner 16th and MeKean streets. MAX FLSGEL, Teacher of Mandolin, and Guitar. 214 E. Thompson. Banjo LESSONS en violin, mandolin, guitar rnd banjo.

Prof. Eawnson, 2207 Spring Garden. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION; MODER'E TERMS. MARY A. McGOVERN, 2134 Market street.

WATCHES AND JEWELRY Good gold watches at a bargain. Call and see them. repairing a specialty. First-class work for half the price usually charged. (SUGDd OTQILlD 1020 Chestnut street, second floor.


fully guaranteed; large stock of electric light and bell supplies on hand. VALLEE BROS. No. 625 Arch st. GAS AND OIL STOVES RADIATORS AND STOVES.

OIL GEORGE W. HUI-fcria rh Seventh St. BOOKS BOUGHT, libraries bought, all kinds, any quantity, we want all the books we can get. and If you have a. small or large library send for us; we will pay cash, whether $1 or $1HM.

and take them away; no trouble to call; city or country: send us your address. Dickens Book Store, 229 X. 9th st. PARTY WOULD LIKE TO HEAR from par-ties having small butter and egg store, with dwelling attached, for sale, with trade. State full particulars and rent.

09, Inqurrer. AN EVANGELIST wants'a free hall or church (central), for revival service. Dr. McLean, 233 North Sixth street. CLEAR OUT cast-off clothing, hats, shoes, musical instruments; highest prices.

314 North Tenth street. WANTED A good, strong walnut sideboard; must be cheap. I. 434 Penn street, Camden, N. J.

WANTED Complete set of meat must be in good shape: for cash. J. H. Peat, 2811 Darien WILL EXCHANGE stock in' commercial company for bicycle, typewriter or diamond. 1183, Inquirer.

GORDON CO. buy all kind of furniture, stoves, carpets, etc. entire houses a specialty. 727 Callowhill. WANTED Ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing, boots, shoes; highest prices paid.

Call or drop postal. Weinstein, 326 North 13th. WANTED Stamps, coins, currency, foreign money exchanged. H. M.

Smith. 1113 Chest nut street. BOOKS BOUGHT, libraries bought, all kinds any quantity; send address; will call. Dickens' Book Store. 229 North Ninth street.

WANTED 1793 cent. $5: 1799 cent, 5525; 1804 1 cent. 1806, 1809, 1811 cents, 50c. each. Mason's, 1314 Filbert street.

OFFICE AND STORE fixtures and goods of all descriptions. 1013 Ridge avenue. WANTED Furniture, carpets. entire houses. L.

630 Callowhill street. STAMPS, COINS Highest prices paid. H. G. Clay, 1512 Chestnut.

WANTED A ticket for the Philopatrian Ball, cheap. 41, Inquirer. WANTED Second-hand oil engine; 2 or 2 H. P. Address 2305 N.

13th street. WANTED Sewing machine, in good order; state particulars. 97, Inquirer. WANTED, the address of country egg gatherer. 6, Inquirer office.

WANTED Furniture and carpets; good prices and prompt removal. 1628 Ridge avenue. COIN BOOKS, illustrated, giving 'prices I pay price 10 cents. 1706 Market. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand furniture, carpets.

Apply 1329 Ridge ave. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW DOLMAN BUETTNEH. ATTORNEYS AT law. Advice free. Suits prosecuted and de- fended In all courts.

Established 18 years. nigitesi references given. Area street. NEW SINGER, Domestic and Wheeler Wilson machines cheap. Send postal for trial.

Easy terms. Hunt. 5239 Germ'twn ave. OPTICIANS EYES EXAMINED BY DR. DICKINSON; gold.

eyeglasses and spectacles, i uiaiue ejegiassses miu sails- faction or the money refunded. E. P. PERCIVAL, 221 North Eighth street. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OTTcTdiTeJErTMa'nDO banjo soloist; piano instructions; clubs ana beginners a specialty.

Studio. 2538 Brown st. Where all advertisem*nts may be left at office rates. CENTRAL. BROAD and CHESTNUT S.

E. WeFtern Union Telegraph Office. 2040 Market street, Western LTnion Telegraph Office. BROAD and CHESTNUT, Girard Building. American District Tel.

Co. Office. Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Western Union Telegraph Office. 106 South EIGHTH below Chestnut American District Tel. Co.

Office. Bourse Building. Fifth, below Market Western Union Telegraph Office. 807 VINE street, i Western Union Telegraph Office. FRONT and CHESTNUT streets, corner.

Western Union Telegraph Office. THIRD and CHESTNUT streets. Western Union Telegraph Office. 106 ARCH street. Western Union Telegraph Office.

THIRD and CHESTNUT streets. American District Tel. Co. Office. Bullitt Building.

FOURTH above Walnut. Western Union Telegraph Office. 520 ARCH street. Western LTnion Telegraph Office. FIFTEENTH and MARKET, Harrison Building, American District.

BROAD and SOUTH PENN SQUARE. American District. CP TOWX. 175 POPLAR street. American District Tel.

Co. Office. SECOND and POPLAR N. E. Carl H.

Bohn, Pharmaceutical Chemist. FOURTH and GIRARD N. Wr. C. G.

Ivlns. Stationery, etc Grand Opera Housi. Western Union Telegraph Office. SIXTH and CUMBERLAND S. W.

Lewis J. Steltzer. Apothecary. GIRARD avenue. No.

902. Western Lrnlon Telegraph Office. FIFTH and SUSQUEHANNA W. H. Sutton's Pharmacy.

SEVENTH and MASTER C. E. Spenceley. Prescription Che-mist. TENTH and MONTGOMERY S.

E. D. B. Richarde' Pharmacy. TWELFTH and VINE S.

E. cor. E. F. Kessler.

Pharmacist. S. E. cor. NINTH and GIRARD American District Tel.

Co. Office. North SIXTEENTH D. Fairheller, Pharmacist. TWELFTH and STILES S.

W. J. Hallowell Stroup Pharmacists. EIGHTH and POPLAR N. W.

Louis Trupp, Pharmacist. 28TH and GIRARD N. W. E. G.

F. Miekley, Druggist. COLUMBIA and FIFTEENTH P. R. J.

Young, Pharmacist. ERIE ave. and FIFTH N. E. Glbbie's Pharmacy.

632 North EIGHTEENTH st, B. N. Bethel, Druggist and Chemist. 2000 RIDGE cor. North College Heintzelman's Pharmacy.

RIDGE ave. and 21ST corner, J. L. Patterson. Pharmacist.

2736 FRANKFORD Test's Pharmacy. i5TH and COLUMBIA N. W. F. C.

Lehman, Pharmacist. Bo wen's Pharmacy. 8TH and DIAMOND N. corner, J. L.

Nebinger, Graduate In Pharmacy. 2508 KENSINGTON near Cumberland, American District Tel. Co. Office. 706 North DELAWARE Western Union Telegraph Office.

NINTH and GIRARD American District Tel. Co. Office. SEVENTH and MONTGOMERY A. Cozens.

27TH and OXFORD N. W. J. Paul Zeller, Pharmacist. 27TH and YORK S.

E. j27TH and LEHIGH Lehigh Pharmacy. 2327 BROWN street, William E. Lee, Graduate In Pharmacy. 1630 North SECOND street.

Postal Telegraph Cable Co. Office. 1415 COLUMBIA avenue, American District Tel. Co. Office.

685 North BROAD bel. Fairmount American District Tel. Co. Office. 1407 FAIRMOUNT avenue.

Western 'Union Telegraph Office. 1923 CALLOWHILL street, American District Tel. Co. Office. 2909 KENSINGTON avenue.

Dr. E. Bryant Kvle. 2800 GERMANTOWN cor. SOMERSET, Rehbein's Pharmacv.

Pharmacists. FRANKFORD and HUNTINGDON John H. Kerr, Druggist. GERMANTOWN and JUNIATA Albert D. Forrest, Apothecary.

1921 North SECOND street. Western Union Telegraph Office. 1207 North SECOND street. Western Union Telegraph Office. 68 North THIRD street.

Western Union Telegraph Office. 334 North THIRD street. Western TTnion Telegraph Office. Cor. SEVENTH and GERMANTOWN (Washington Hotel) Postal Tel.

Co. Office. and HAMILTON Western Union Telegraph Office. 1913 RIDGE Western LTnion Telegraph Office. EIGHTH and WOOD streets, American District Tel.

Co. Office. YORK and NATRONA 33d and Ridge, Natrona Pharmacy. S. W.

cor. 23D and CALLOWHILL Wm. M. Hill. Pharmacist.

N. E. cor. TENTH and Cumberland. Charles Kohler.

Pharmacist. S. W. cor. THIRD and COLUMBIA Columbia Pharmacv Deutsche Apotheke.

410 CAMBRIA Ft cor. LEITHGOW. Ehrgott W. Gebhardt. Ph.

O. DOWN TOWS, N. K. cor. FOURTH and WOLFF Stineman Druggists.

1114 South FIFTH street. Western Union Telegraph Office. 23D and SOUTH streets. Dr. Holland's Pharmacy.

19TH and CHRISTIAN S. E. Dr. Miller's Pharmacy. 18TH and MORRIS N.

W. W. P. Bender, Druggist. 13TH and DICKINSON sts.

S. W. L. S. Henkel.

Apothecary. 11TH and SOUTH N. E. F. Morse, Apothecary.

12TH and CATHARINE N. E. Morris A Kauffman, Pharmacists. 8TH and McKEAN S. W.

Chris Petzelt. Pharmacist. SECOND and SIEGEL corner. East End Prescription Pharmacy. 710 South SECOND street, George W.

Ewlng. Pharmacist. ine mouirer Brancn oiiices 2 HOFFMAN. On February 17. 1S97.

Eliza-' beth, wife of Edward M. Hoffman, in her 61st year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the imiciai bcivhts, on aunuay aiieriioun, ai .1 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, Harry Stauffer, 3059 North Ninth street. Interment private, at Northwood. JACOBS.

On February 17, 1897. Rosine, widow of Stephen Jacobs and mother of Elizabeth Karnan. The relatives ana friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence. 3857 Nice street, Nicetown. Interment at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery.

Germantown. JARVIS. On the 19th Caroline Jar is. at her 'ate residence, 1006 Pine street. Due notice of the funeral services will be given.

DONOVAN. On the 19th Elizabeth C. Donovan. Funeral on Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her late residence, 232(1 Colorado street. High mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church.

Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. JOHNSON. On February 17, 1897. Marv, wife of Joseph A. Johnson, in the 64th year of her age.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, February 22, at 1 o'clock, from her late residence, Academy above Holmesburg. Services and interment at A1 Saints' Church, at 3 o'clock. Carriages will meet trolley at Academy road from 12 to 1. JOSTING. On the 19th instant.

Henry Jost-Ing, aged 78. The relatives and friends of-the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late 130 Birch street. Camden. N. J.

Interment at Harleigh Cemetery. KANE. On Thursday. February 18 ISfiV Daniel Kane. Funeral on MotfdaV morning, at 8 o'clock, from his late residence.

No. 2338 Fitzwater street. Services at the Church of St. Anthony. The relatives and friends of the family, and also Point Breeze F.

F. are Invited. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KEANE. On February 18.

1897. Kate, widow of Thomas Keane. The relatives ami friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from the residence of her brother, Thomas Lynch, 14 South Tenth street. High mass at St. John's Church.

Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. KEPLER. On February 17. 1S97, at her husband's residence, Haines street, Germantown, Lizzie, wife of William J. Kepler and daughter of Charles and Rosanna Zen-neck, in her 34th year.

The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, at the Cemetery Chapel, Doyles-town, on Sunday morning, February. 21, -at 11.30 o'clock. Train leaves Reading Terminal at 10.02 A. M. The remains can be viewed at her late residence, between the hours of 7 and 9, on Saturday KERSHAW.

On February 19, 1897. Mary Jane, wife of Thomas Kershaw. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, at the residence of her husband. 3KTS Lancaster avenue, on Monday, February 22, at 2 P. M.

Interment private. KEYSER. On February 17, 1897. Emma, wife of Jesse J. Keyser, and daughter of Catharine and the late Charles J.

Mannal, in her 42d year. The relatives and friends of the 'family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 2218 Orkney street. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. KLUG. On the morning of the 18th inst.

Catharine Klusj, widow of Charles F. Klugj formerly of Moorestown, N. aged 66 yearsl 26 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, February 22, 1897. at 10 o'clock, from the residence, 105 South Fifth street, Camden, N.

J. Interment at Harleigh Cemetery. LAAFF. On February 19, 1897. Margery widow of Thomas Laaff, aged 48 years; The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, southwest corner Second and Glenwood avenue.

Solemn requiem mass at St. Veronica's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. LACEY. On February 18, 1897, Sarah A Lacey.

The relatives and friends of the family are respestfully invited to attend the lu-. neral, on Sunday, February 21, at 2 o'clock from the residence of Mr. Robert Johnsion" 1717. Afton street. Interment at Monument Cemetery.

LAUDEMAN. On February IS, 1807. -Catherine, wife of Philip Laudeman, and daughter of the late Martin and Margareth Keilman. aged 41 years. Relatives and friends of tha family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service, on Monday, at o'clock at her late residence, 2210 South Seventh street.

Proceed to Glenwood Cemetery. LAWS. On February IS. 1897. Matilda A.

Laws. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday evening, precisely pt 7 o'clock, at 1843 Filbert street. Interment at Lumberton, N. J. LEATHEM.

On February 16. 1897. Robert son of Joseph and Elnor Leathern, aged 1 year and 10 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to auenu tne iunerai services, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at his parents' residence, 1929 Ella street. Interment private.

LEOPOLD. Entered Into rest, on February 18, 1897, Anna Rebecca, wife of John Leopold, aged 57 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday evening. February 21, at 7 o'clock, at her late residence. No.

1238 South Eleventh street. Interment at i-kippackville, Montgomery county, on Monday morning, February 22. LYNCH. On February 18, 1897. Sarah, widow of Terrence Lynch.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her late residence. 1145 Jack son street. High mass at St. Paul's Church. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.

McCLEAN. On February 19. wife of Michael McClean. The relatives arid friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 2975 Richmond street. Solemn requiem mass at Nativity Church.

Interment at Holy Redeemer. McCROSSIN. On February 18, 1S97. Margaret McCrosstn. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 1341 Bainbridge street.

Solemn requiem mass at St. Teresa's. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. February 19, 1897, William B. McCullough.

in his 27th year. The relatives and friends cf the family are respectfully invited to attend the. funeral, on Monday, 22d instant, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his father, Mr. Robert McCullough, 1036 Ward street. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery.

McGETPTIGAN. February 19, 1807, Joseph, son of Patrick and Annie MeGettlgan, aged 9 months. The relatives and friends of tha family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence. 2219 Wellington street, above Sixteenth street and Susquehanna avenue. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.

MCLAUGHLIN. On February IS, 1897, 'Isabel McLaughlin, widow of Edward McLaughlin. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'lock, from her late residence. No. 1128 South Broad treet.

Interment at Lafayette Vault. -MAINVY. On February 18, 1897. May daughter of Mary and the late Joseph P. Mainvy.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, February 22, at 8.30 o'clock, from her mother's residence. No. 957 North Eleventh street. Solemn requiem mass at St. Malachi's Church.

Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MANNING. On Thursday, February 18, 1897. May daughter of Mary and the late Joseph P. Manning.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her mother's residence. 957 North Eleventh street. Solemn requiem mass at St. Malachy's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery.

(180) MASTERSON. On February 17. 1897, Mary, wife of Michael Masterson, aged 85 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 from her husband's residence, No. 2629 East Norrls street.

Requiem mass at St. Anne's. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. MELLEN. On February 19.

Elizabeth, widow of Robert Mellen and daughter of the late Captain John and Hettie Saunders. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence. No. 28 Christian street. Interment private.

MERCERON. On the 19th Victor J. Merceron, aged 64 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 1653 North Seventh street. Interment private.

MESSICK. On February 18. 1897, Charles, son of William and Je3ie Messick. aged 2 years and 4 months. The" relatives.

and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 527 South Twenty-seventh street. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. MIDDLETON. On the 18th Clara, wife of John D. Middleton.

and daughter of the late Winsoii and Katnarlne Bower, age.l 39 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Mcnday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 318 West street, Camden, N. J. Interment at Harleigh Cemetery. MOLETON.

On February 18, 1897. Annie Moleton, nee Mohring, beloved wife of Harry Moleton, in her 35th The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 from her late residence. No. 1733 Cuba street, near Fourth and Moore streets. Interment at Lafayette Cemetery.

neral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock sharp, from his late residence. 1232 Harold street. Interment at Cumberland Street M. E. Church Vault.

O'BRIEN. On February IS, 1S97, Dennis O'Brien. The relatives end friends of tha. family are -espeetfully invited to attend' tha funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from" hts late residence. 2IH)2 P.eeves street. requiem mass at St. Franc's' Church. Interment at Holv Cross Cemetery. O'BRIEN. Of disease of the brain, on February 19.

1N97. Katherine wife of Dr. Bryan O'Brien. The relatives and friendn of the family are respectfully invited to atte-ni- the funeral nn Mnndai- mm-nlnsr at 11 i o'clock, from her husband's residence. 5i3 Market street.

High requiem mass at Church j-of Our Mother of Sorrows. Interment at New I Cathedral Cemetery. I O'CONNOR. On February 17, 1897. Brid-! get.

widow of James O'Connor. Thn relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her late residence, rear of No. 511 Catharine street. Mass at St. Philip's Church.

Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. PARKIN. On February 18. 1897. Kitson.

son of WUaker and Annie Parkin, aged 14 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from hi9 parents' residence, 839 Main Interment at Mount Zion. PENNINGTON. On February 18, George son of the late Jchn and Susan 20 The relatives and friends -oft the family are respectfully invited to attend, the funeral, on Monday afternon. at from his aunt's residence, 2044 Carlton, street.

Interment private. POWELL. On the evening of February ,13, 1897, Captain Jacob W. Powell, aged years. The relatives and friends of the family ar respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday evening, February 22, at 7 o'clock, at his late residence.

10D0 South Fourth street, Camden, N. J. Interment at Eldora, Cape May county, N. J. Train leaves) Kaighn's ferry at 10 A.

Tuesday. POWERS. On February- IS, 1897, Laurence Powers, aged 59 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, morning pr--cisely at 8.30 o'clock, from his late residence. 205 North Thirty-sixth street.

High at, St. Agatha's Church at 9 o'Ico*ck Interment at Worcester. Mass. PRICE. On February 19, Isaac, Infant son of James and Janie Price, aged 2 months-The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at o'clock, from his parents' residence, Stamp'-' er's lane, below Stone House lane." Inter ment private.

REEVES. In Penn Grove. Salem county, N. February 19. 1897.

Elizabeth, widow of the late William Reeves, aged 84 years. Tha relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday morning next, 22d instant, at 10.30 o'clock, at the Baptist Church at Woodstown, Salem county, N. Interment at Baptist Cemeterv, Woodstown, N. J. RICH.

On February 17, 1897. Mamie, daughter of Charles F. and the late Lizzie Rico. in her 17th year. Gentle be thy footfall.

Lightly, lightly tread. Here they laid my Mamie Down among the dead. With her white hands folded O'er her fair young breast, Then they laid my Mamie Laid her down to rest. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 217 Sycamore street, Camden. Interment private, at New Camden.

Cemetery. SAILE. On February 19, 1897, Matilda Francis, the infant daughter of William and Annie Saile. and granddaughter of John an, the late Matlkla Alfree, aged 3 weeks. The, relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, 1711 East Juniata street, Nicetown.

Interment at Greenwood. (K. of Cemetery. SCHUCHARDT. On February 19, 1897, William son of Frank and Amelia Schuchardt, aged 20 years.

The relatives and friends of' the family are respectfully invited to attend' the funeral, on Monday, at 1.30 o'clock, from the parents' residence, 4417 Wood street, Man- ftVlink. Service in th Munnvilnlr Pantlc Church Tntprmiint nf TjiV0rlnt.tnn Pamaturu February 17, 1897, Carolina Schulze, wife of Charles Schulze, aged 71 jears. The relatives and friends of the family, also the members of Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fourth and Carpenter streets, are respectfully Invited to attend tha funeral services, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at her late reslderce. No. 1438 Tier-nan street, near Broad and Dickinson streets.

Interment at Philanthropic Vault. SEVER. On February 18. 1897. William S.

Sever, in his 53d year. Relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from the M. E. Church at Medford, N. on, Sunday morning, February 21, at 10.30 o'clock.

SHEIP. In Doylestown, February IS. 1897, Rev. Levi C. Shelp, pastor of the Salem Reformed Church.

Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral, at the Doylestown Presbyterian Church, on Monday, February 22, at 11 o'clock, without further notice. Carriages will meet train that leaves Reading Terminal at 9 o'clock. Interment In Doylestown Cemetery. on February IS. 1897, Richard E.

Sleeman, aged C4 years. The friends of the family and employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sun-, day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence. No. 314 North Thirty-first street. Interment at Mount Moriah Cemetery.

SMITH. On February 20. 1897. George beloved infant son of Charles H. and Mary A.

Smith, aged 3 months and 19 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the on Tuesday afternoon, February 23, 1897, at 1 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 844 Pina" street, Camden. N. .1. Interment at Greenwood (K.

of Cemetery. SMITH. On February 18, 1897, James, son of James and Ellie Smith, aged 13 months. The relatives and friends of the family ara respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, oa-Monday morning. February 22, at 10 o'clock, from his parents' residence.

No. 2953 street. Interment at St. Charles'. Cemetery, Kellyvllle.

SOMMER. Suddenly, on the 10th Instant. Henry Sommer, aged 48 years. Relatives and. friends are respectfully Invited to attend tha.

funeral service, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 627 "Wolf street. Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. SPEECE. On February 17, 1897; Edward son of Margaret A. and the late.

Abraham Speece. in the 41st year of his age. Th! relatives and friends of the family, I'assyunkr Court, 6977, A. O. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, en Sunday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock, from his late-residence, 104 Almond street.

Interment -at-Mount Peace Cemetery. SPRATT. On February 19, Mary widow of Robert Spratt, aged 00 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence. Noi 1439 South Broad stret, Interment private.

February 18. George W. Starrett, In his 32d year. The relatives and friends of the family, also the members of the Eleventh Ward Republican Club and employes of the Bureau of Fire, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, from his late residence. No.

510 North Second street. Interment at Mount Peace 'Ometery. February 18. 1897, LViufs" Stuebing, beloved son of Ernest and Maggia' Stueblng, nee Farry, aged 3 months. Ttm relatives and friends of the family are re- srectfully invited to attend the fuera4- services, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 -o-'eloek-, his parents' residence.

No. J815 South Front-street. Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery. SUTTER.r-On, February 18. RacheL.

of Peter The relatives, and friends the family are respectfully Invited to the funeral, on Sunday, at 1 o'clock, from her son's residence. 212 South Fourth -street, ('oh, wyn, Delaware county. Pa. Interment pri- vate. TOMLINSON.

On February 1. E. Aubrey, son of Benjamin and Emma Tomlfnsoh, aged 26 vears. The relatives and friends "of the family. Federal CouhcIT, No.

129. Jf. Or U. A. and the Electrical Aid Society of Philadelphia, are respectfully- invited to at-' tend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his father, Benjamin.

A- Tomlinson, 1411. South -Jtinlpe-street. Interment at Mount. Alorlaii. Cemetery.

YOUNG. On February 19, 1897. Maria," widow, of Nicholas Young, aged 99 Residence, 1( South Fifth street. Due- notice of the funeral will be given. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVER- TISEMEXTS OX TENTH PAGE.

CEMETERY LOTS MARBLE CRADLE. IN USE IN CEMETERY a short while, for sale cheap. Address 24. Inquirer office. FOR SALE Choice lot in Mt.

Peace -Cemetervs Inquire 3063 Hutchinson street- SEND US LIST OF PROPERTIES YOU have for sale or to rent and we will find vou customers. Preston Real Estate and Conveyancing. 450 North Third street. GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL houses wanted fr responsible clients; both furnished and unfurnished. C.

P. Peters. 44 North Fourth. WANTED A FARM CLEAR OF INCUM-brance in exchange for citv houses, lightly mortgaged. Richardson.

1221 ATch street. WANTED A FARM WITHIN EASY Access of Philadelphia. Farr, 4(321 Frankford avenue, Philadelphia. HOUSES WANTED TO SELL AND RENT: good tenants waiting. McGowan Son, Nineteenth and Christian.

WANTED WE WILL COLLECT YOUR rents for 3 per cent, and return same day. A 1016, Jnquirer office. WANTED TO RENT BY THE YEAR, small country place on Reading Road, near station; state lowest terms. Address CO, Inquirer office. WANTED SMALL FARM IN EXCHANGE for a third-story corner store and dwelling; send particulars or call.

Miller, 45 N. 13th st. WANTED GOOD FARM. NOT OVER 100! acres, in exchange for fine suburban house clear and cash. Miller, 45 N.

Thirteenth st. WANTED TO RENT, 8 TO house, with large lot in suburbs; ticulars. SS, Inquirer. 10-ROOM tiaie par' WANTED A FARM IN THE VICINITY between Fort Washington and North Wales. 38, Inquirer.

REAL ESTATE BOUGHT. SOLD, RENTED and exchanged; a call on the phone will reach us. Andrew Taylor, 417 Pine. WANTED SOME GOOD PAYING CAM-den properties for nice farm. Attorney, 1020 Betz Building.

A SMALL HOUSE, RENT ABOUT $10 MO. country, near Philadelphia preferred. 75, Inquirer office. RENTS COLLECTED AND RETURNED promptly. T.

Woods Son, 525 S. 20th st. HOUSES WANTED TENANTS WAITING. Egan, 1145 South Eighteenth street. WANTED TO RENT A SMALL RAW STOCK dye house.

Address Dyer. Station' G. i Karma. WANTED TO RENT A FARM OF 15 TO 25 acres-, within ten miles of Philadelphia or Cnmden; must be gooa ground, good buildings and close to R. R.

station: give full particulars. J. J. Campbell, 103 East Lehigh avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. SMALL FARM.

WITH GOOD BUILDINGS, wanted; one in Pennsylvania preferred, not over 40 miles from Philadelphia, and near railroad station. Ad. 100, Inquirer office. A NTED A 30-ACRE FARM OR LESS. IN or hear Philadelphia, near car line.

Farr, 4021 Frankford Frankford. Phila. WANTED FARMS IN BUCKS. MONTGOM- I ery and heter counties: customers waiting; send particulars, Mulligan, 209-S. Cth.

WANTED FOR CASH WELL LOCATED Pennsylvania farm; must- be a bargain. Rose, 209 South Sixth. ntilldtnK Lots. LOT WANTED TO BUILD HOUSES ON UP town. 1017.

Inquirer office. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE DO YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE? I Exchanging of prop-I erty my specialty; 1 city, country or sea- shore; state what you have and want; no charges unless a sale is effected. JOSEPH RASPIN, 635 Walnut street. WANTED TO TRADE ELEGANT NEW two-story, eight-room house, on South Fifteenth street, with all modern improvements, for a small place in the country, from four to six acres, with a good six or seven-room house on; not more than ten miles from Philadelphia, within half a mile of railroad station; good quality of land. 84, Inquirer.

$SC00 CLEA OF INCUMBRANCE DE-sirable 13-room brick residence, all modern conveniences, stable, large barn and necessary out buildings; will exchange for similar equity in three good houses near Sixteenth and Dauphin streets. What have you to offer? Raspin, 635 Walnut street. $2000 CL EAR OF INCUMBRANCE DE-sirable country home 16 miles from Camden; 8-roora house, all modem conveniences, steam heat, etc. will exchange for equity in one or two small houses northeastern part of city. What have you to offer? Raspin, 635 Walnut street.

$2l0O CL EA OF INCUMBRANCE DE-slrable 7-room house with stable in rear; lot 180x100, in Seattle. Washington; 1 square from trolleys; good location: will exchange for Philadelphia or suburban residence same value. What have you to offer? Raspin, 635 Walnut street. $15.000 CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE FOUR-teen-room house, centrally located. In the city of Memphis.

Tenn. lot 40x200; assessed value will exchange for Philadelphia suburban or New York equities. What have you to offer? Raspin, 635 Walnut street. WILL GIVE 1607ACRE TRACT OF LAND in the State of Washington, clear of incumbrance, price $1UX and some. cash, for a good equity in small Philadelphia or Camden property.

What have you to offer? Raspin, 635 Walnut street. A PARTY DESIRES TO EXCHANGE A Diamond street property, located between Eighteenth and Twentieth streets, for the equity cither in small houses or a $45O0 house. 74, Inquirer. TWO BRICK HOUSES. 5 ROOMS EACH; hot, cold water, underdrained, street paved, rents at $9 tax.

$14; near Ferry. Pries $O0 each; $5O0 equity. Rankins, 264 Kaighn'a avenue, Camden. $SOO0 CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE 12-room house, all modern, with 2 acres of ground in Twenty-first ward; will exchange for equities In small houses; good locality. Raspin.

635 Walnut street. $7500 DESIRABLE LICENSED HOTEL. fully furnished, ocean front. Sea Isle City. N.

J. will exchange for Philadelphia equities or clear farm. Raspin. 635 Walnut street. IF YOU HAVE ANY REALLY GOOD PROP-erty, large or small, city or suburban, to exchange send full particulars to Raspin, 635 Walnut street.

SALE OR EXCHANGE ELEGANT 25-ACRE farm, with good buildings, plenty of fruit, fine soil, in a thriving town in Jersey; only $1800; a. bargain. Address A 19, Inquirer. WANTED TO RENT BY YEAR OR Exchange for city properties. 12-room house, about 2 acres of ground, old shade; on line of trolleys.

Address Bell, 51, Inquirer off. WA NTED CLEAR GROUND FOR A bTJiLT lng operation in exchange for well rented dwellings. Address, with particulars, 14, Inquirer office. FOR EXCHANGE SOME WELL LOCATED and rented small properties for small lota or cottages or ground in Atlantic City. 78, Inquirer office.

WANTED CLEAR FARM OR OTHER property in exchange for private dwelling, stock of store and cash. 415 Wyandotte Ftreet, South Bethlehem, Pa. $25,000 RESIDENCE. CHESTNUT HILL, FOR residence In city, Germantown or W. value $7000.

J. B. Joslln 1604 Chestnut. GERMANTOWN BRINGHURST lfrms! 85.9x215. clear; for suburban house.

J. B. JOSLIN 1004 Chestnut street. SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE. WILL EXCHANGE for Job painting and carpenter work.

George Apel, 935 North Thirteenth street. TEN NEW HOUSES. NEAR TWELFTH and Rltner, all rented; would exchange for farm. J. Hayes Galla her, 10O5 Betz Bldg.

FOR EXCHANGE EQUITIES IN GOOD paying small properties in Chester for lumber. Attorney, 1020 Betz BuiMing. WANTED- LIVERY STABLE FOR WELL paying real estate. 59, Inquirer office. WELL-PAYING LAUNDRY TO EXCHANGE for real estate.

31. Inquirer office. Cured Fever and Spasms. ELBA, Dec. 9, 1895.

Dr. D. Jayne Son Gentlemen During the last few days your Tonic Vermifuge restored my little girl to perfect She was suffering terribly with fever, and laid in convulsions for hours. The doctor said that her condition was caused bv Worms; so we tried the Vermifuge. I never saw anything act so quickly.

We saw a change for the better soon after we gave the first dose, and she continued to improve until cured. CHAS. KOLICK. Aid digestion with Jayne's Painless Sanative Pills. "Burning the candle 'at both ends," is what you are doing.

If you lie awake nights and worry without cause. Set 'your system right with Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. When your life is at stake, as In the case of a Cold on your Lungs, use a tried, trusty remedy one that has stood the test of nearly three-quarters of a century Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant.

MARRIED. BOYCE MOORE. Mr. John J. Boyee and Miss Hannah L.

Moore t'ere united In marriage February 17. at the home of the bride's parent's, 3121 Richmond street, by Rev. Thomas is. BR ADFI ELD SPENCE. On Wednesdiy 17, 1897, at the house of the bride's mother, by Rev.

S. G. Fitzgerald, Mr. Frederick W. Bradfield and Miss Jennie May Speace, both of this city.

BROWN ROBB. On February 17. 1897, at the home of the bride's brother. Dr. George Q.

Robb, by the Rev. Charles Wesley Buoy, D. Dr. Arthur E. Brown and Miss Sara Robb.

both of this city. D1LKES ASHFORTH. On Tuesday. February 16. 1897, "by Rev.

H. S. Hoffman, D. at the Church of Our Redeemer, Mr. Thomaa Dllkes to Miss Beatrice, only daughter of 'Ethelbert Ashforth, all of this citv.

GRIFFIS GLASS. On February 18. 1897. at the bride home, by the Rev. c.

S. Cleland, William E. Griffis and Miss Anna S. Glass, both of Philadelphia. HIPSON POTTS.

On the evening of February 17, 1897-. by the Rev. Robert Hunter, D. William Henry Hipson and Miss Annie Potts, both of Philadelphia. On January 20, 1897, by.

Rev. W. H. BurrelL, at his residence, 43 Cooper street Camden. N.

William P. McLaughlin to Miss Ella Glass, both of Philadelphia. MAY PAYNTER. On September 24, 1806, by Revi" Robert S. Harris, Harry Rogers May and Ruth Emily Paynter.

both of Philadelphia. February 16, 1S97, at the home of the bride. Primrose Station, near Baltimore. by the Rev. J.

A. Lefevre, assisted bv Rev. J. M. Jennison, Francis B.

Reeves, of Philadelphia, and Miss Lillian Primrose. ROMMSL KIRTLAND. At Montgomery, February 17. 1897, by the Rev. Dr.

W. D. Powers, William Bremer Rommel to Annie Elizabeth Kirtland. WrHITE WASHER. At Newton, N.

February 10. by Rev. C. X. Hutchinson, Mrs.

Eliza Washer, of Newton, to Mr. Frank White, of La Fayette, Pa. DIED. ABEL. Suddenly, on February 15, 1S97, Edwin M.

Abel, in his 51st year. The relatives and friends of the family, also the P. F. D. Relief Association and the Young Men's Republican Club of the Twentieth ward, also the surviving members of the South Penn Hose, No.

31, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence. No. 951 Alder streeS-Interment at Mechanics Cemetery. ALLYN. On the morning of February 19, 1897, Issac Webster Allyn, in his 76th year.

Funeral services at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. John T. Rogers, 318 North Thirty-ninth street, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment private. ANDREWS.

On February 19, 1897, Ysabel only daughter of John W. and Harriet E. Andrews, aged 3 years and 5 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her parents' residence, 254 North Twentieth street. Interment private.

ANTHONEY. On February 10, Jacob W. Anthoney, in the 77th year of his age. The relatives and friends, also the employes of the Twenty-fifth ward, and the other city gas works, are respectfully' invited to attend the funeral on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence. 1)19 Ross street.

Eighteenth ward. Interment at Palmer's Vault. ARNOLD. On January 1897. Edwin, son of Philip and Carrie L.

Arnold, aged 16 months and 13 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 2223 Mt. Vernon street. Interment at Mt. Sinai Cemetery.

ATMORE. On February 19, 1897. Margaret Atmore. widow of Frederick B. Atmore.

Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, at her late residence. 1641 North Broad street, on Tuesday, the 23d at 2 o'clock precisely. Interment private. BAILEY. On February 20, 1897, John Due notice of the funeral will be given from his late residence, North Elm street, Conshohocken, Pa.

BAKER. On the 19th instant. Cornelia, infant daughter of Mary and Samuel Baker, aged 5 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 540 Rising Sun lane, Frankllnvllle. BASTIAN.

On February 18, 1897, Catharine Bastian, widow of George -W. Bastian. aged 75 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon. at 2 o'clock, from her late residence.

No. 1310 MeKean Interment at Philanthropic Cemetery. BENNISON. On February 18, 1897, Carrie, daughter of Thomas and the late Rebecca Bennison, aged 15 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday 10 o'clock, at her father's residence, 2648' North Third street.

Interment private. BERRY. On February 18. 1897. Annie widow of Chalkey Berry, and daughter of the late William P.

and Julia A. Howell, aged 56 years. The relatives and friends of the family. -also Sheklnah Temple. No.

3, Masonic Tie. and Centennial Link. No. 7, Daughters of are respectfully Invited to 'attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence, of ier Mrs. L.

F. Ellis, 2707 Neff street. Services at Port Richmond M. E. Church.

Interment at North Cev dar Hill Cemetery. BETZOLD. On Thursday, February 13, 1897. Louis K. Betzold.

son of the late John G. and Lydla Betzold. In his 46th year. The relatives and friends of the family, the Thirtieth district police officers, the Thirty-third Ward Republican Club, and the Pleasantvtlle Beneficial Association, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at o'-clock, at his late residence. 3448 North Front street.

Interment at Green Mount Cemetery. Patient sufferer at rest. BILES. In East Nantmeal, on February 16, 1S97, Joseph H. Biles, in the 62d year of his age.

Funeral from his mother's residence, near Zermatt, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Interment at Goshen Friends' Burying Ground. 1 Friends and relatives are respectfully invited without further notice. son of Florice G. and the late George H.

Cronk, aged 4 years 10 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect, fully invited to attend the funeral, on Sun day, 21st at 2 o'clock, from Edward Hasenclever's residence, 1035 South Fifth street, Camden. N. J. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

CROTHERS. On February 18, 1897. Catharine, wife of William Crothers, aged 52 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 7.30 o'clock, from her husband's residence, rear 330 Garden street. Mass at the Church of the Assumption.

In terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. DELANEY. On February 19, 1897, Ella C. wife of Thomas Delaney. aged 32 years.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 8.HO o'clock, from her husband's residence, 4911 Hoopes street, West Philadelphia. High mass at the Church of Our Mother of Sorrows. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. DEMPSEY. On February 18, 1897, Anna Vera, daughter of John H.

and Anna Demp-sey, aged 8 mcr.ths. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 1224 Parade street. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. DOUGL.4SS.-On February 17, 1897. William, son of William and Sarah B.

Douglass, in the 24th year of his" age. The relatives friends of the family, also the employes P. and R. Railroad, Freht and Noble streets, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his parents, 2011 Stella avenue. To proceed to Franklin Cemetery Vault.

Interment private at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. EXL'M. On February 19, 1897, Ednora, Infant daughter of Martha and James W. Ex-um. aged 3 years and 3 months.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully-invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence. 1933 Alder street. Interment at Lebanon Cemetery. FATZLNGER. On February 18, 1S97, Clarence son of William H.

and the late Elizabeth D. Fatzlnger, and grandson of Ann C. Sperry and the late Gearge Balz. in his 16th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of his grandmother, 2603 'East Nor-rls street.

To proceed to Palmer Ground. FBNNER. On February 18, IS97, Winifred, wife of Michael Fenner, aged 32 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to att--1 funeral, on Monday morning, at 3.30 o'cloeh, from her husband's residence. 622 Orion Thlrtv-fourth street and avenue.

High mass at St. Agatha's Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. FERREN. On February 16, Henrleta wife of Edwin T.

Ferre.i and daughter of the late James H. and Mary E. Hunter, In her 33d year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residmee of her husband. 48 West Pearl street, Burlington, N.

on Sunday, the 21st Instant, at 1 o'clock. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Burlington. FERNHOUGH. On February 19, 1897. Maud Eveline, wife of Vincent A.

Fernhough, aged 27 years. The relatives and friends of 'he family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Mtnday, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her husband, 3o29 Lancaster avenue. Interment at Mount Moriah. FIRTH. On the 18th Mary wife of Thomas Firth, and only daughter of Mrs.

Charlotte and the late Samuel Marks, aged 49 years. The relatl-es and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday morning, at 10.3O o'clock precisely, at the residence of her husband, 123 West Susquehanna avenue. To proceed to Mount Moriah Cemetery. Interment private. FRALEY.

On February 18. 1S97, Isaiah, Fraley, in the 70th year of his age. Te relatives and friends of the family, Sioux Tribe. No. 87.

I. 6. R. are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'lock, from his late residence, No. 1816 South Front street.

Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. FRISBY. On the 19th instant. Charity, wife of the late Stephen Frisby. in her 90th year.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invfted to attend the funeral services, on Monday evening, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of her son, Chtarles H. Wirmore. No. 2054 Alder street. Interment Monday morning, at Milllngton, Kent county.

Md. GOEBELEIN. On February 18. 1897. Henry, husband of the late Mary Goebeleln.

aged 81 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sundav at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 1624 North Tenth street. Interment private at Fernwood. GRANLEES. On February 18.

1897, of pleuTO-pneumonla, Robert E. Granlees. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, 22d at 11 o'clock, at his late residence. Narberth. Pa.

Carriages will meet the 10.15 train from Broad Street Station. GREGSR. On February 17, 1897, suddenly, Gilbert Greger, in his 6ftth year. The relatives and friends of the family, also Harmony Lodge, No. 52, F.

and A. M.f and Girard Mark Lodge, No. 214; Columbia Royal Arch Chapter, No. 91 Fidelity Club, Twentieth Ward Union Republican Executive Committee, East End Republican Club, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on Monday, at 12 o'clock, from his late residence, 1547 North Thirteenth street. Interment at Odd Fellows Cemetery.

GUY ANT. On the evening of February 18, 1897. Sallie A. Drayton, beloved wife of Edmund S. C.

Guyant, aged 48) years, 6 months and 12 days. The relatives and friends of the family arc respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, February 22. 1807. at 2 o'clock, at the residence, 811 Birch street, Camden. N.

J. Interment private, at Mount Peace Cemetery. HAIGH. On February 18, 1S97, Marguerite, infant daughter of George and Jane Haigh, aged 2 years and 5 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her parents' 117 Catharine street.

Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. HAINES. Entered into rest on February 18, 1897. Gerardus A. Haines.

Funeral services on Monday niorninn-, at l- 'clock. Interment private at Woodlands HARRIS. On the evening of February 18, 1897, Edith May. daughter of Theodore and Marv J. Harris, aged 4 The relatives and "friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend -the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her parents' residence, 1823 South Fcurth street; Camden, N.

J. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery. HARTLEY. On February 19, 1897, Joseph Hartley, aged 57 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also the members of General John A.

Logan Castle, K. of M. C. Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip, of Bethany Presbyterian Church, and the employes of the Atlantic Refining Company; are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday. February 23, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence.

2232 Tasker street. Interment at Mount M-crrlah..

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.