Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

Pun GAZETTE CITY DEI ARTK ST oticks, t.PWt. April IS. Flour: the receint? tub; mobt hutdoi a fur- New fori fin PfciltdflBtel kifRtimmtn tatAS mVMU. Suth an 1 lui Nimii ptrwit. Ni-w Vort.

B.lti tee oi sale Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery, 10 hi Ul 11 AThL.t on Wilfcmd Avcnu, Cracker and Biscuit Machines. J. McCOLLl'M are manqracturirie per I 11j nuJia now gen Miles 200 bbls i kbl. llye flour and Corn me? ales GOO bbls of the former a $1 1 denu 4 m.nieo. The bill now before the legislature relative to fines and forfeitures in this connsy, has been amended so as to make tttfi penalty for non-payment of fines and forfeiture-? within the prescribed period, instead of $60.

Oca Moving Day. Vesterday, "all hands" about our office were engaeed in moving. We have changed quarters from Third to Fifth street above Smithfieid. Our readers will pardon our short-comings, in the way of newp, iu to-days 1 wad have ooBsbaatiy no hand uretl.r uprovs- Ifixsra, Dm gh lamp mh: acker Ifrkei Ac. at and 4 Dissolution ol PartKership.

IJLEASEtake notice thi the pajinerahi jp es.istiog under the style of A. A A. Wood, Mttsbu: A. Wood. Co St.

I- hy mutual consent dissolved onthe tn Mar ADAM WoOI'. A II AM WOOU. nillhllrt, Apr.x,l66.-rA-lifd J. MYKK Dissolution of Co-Partnersnip. rpa CO-PAKTXERSHIP heretofore ex- i istmg between the iu the anei" aud Dry OooAl business, under the styl i 1 'M Can dMM Campbell." is this day bf mutua! consent.

The business of the tate 6rin will be settled mnt of the undersigned, who are herebj authoriied t'- Oon JOHN OANBLBSO, DAVID CAM 0, Wft. SAMI KI. KUStW, Minnesota Point Female Seminary, rpiiE BUMMSK SIOX of this i es- 1 tabhsbeii and laatlt-Bttion commenm a the iRST Mn.MiAV IN MAY, under the personal th Her. W. It.

CAR'i'KR. A of Xw York Univeraitv, and Principal oftlM Warwick Institute. N. aaisid by the folluwiuK effi. ltekH WiM H.

Wait. Kili-h Branch-; Mia Maria V. LaMr-nte. nBBB, 'b-rr ntlm tonue, Unnanand Oraamntal Uran- Iif-; Mrs. H.

A. Caibsr. I'iauo and Bectax iu 1 Lilian stj l. educate i uu.ler the Srst intrs in New York fty. Terms pmtSmikm rfflw jmtmwm half in advan.

and half at Mad of MasiOCK Board and Tuiti in. in Kniish and Latin 060,00 Piano, 4c, ti.w Guitar and each. 10,00 Vccal Marie, 3,00 French and Ofrman, each, 10,00 Orawinx and PalarTtng, in water Mtl PaintinK- in oil. Ited ar.i Heddiuji. Waliii.ii: and Liuht.

a.tsj Rooks fumiMied at I'ittsnurjih pne-s Chemistry will be taught by tasfeURN and Lxperimeuts. mhO lawdiwAtw KAKK CHASCB TO CAPITALISTS-FOR flllTl TsmiibHiwii BoWos BUU, Refinarr and Removal of Millinery Establishment HS. BURKE informs her friends PITTS13LJKOH: FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 13, 18,55. co*ckt or Ql'abtbk Banu.

Berfoi .1 odgea M'Clure, Adams and Bogga. Thursday forenoon was occupied by speeches of counsel in the case of Ewinjj, William Bailey, Henry Kennedy and Robert Mi or, the iudiTidaaU iudicted for perpetrating the recent outrages iu Allegheny. At half past two, P. the jury returned the following verdict On the first indictment, (No. 1.17 on oath of Charles Schriber, the defendants are guilty iu the first count, (assault arid battery: and not guilty on the second count, (assault and battery with intent to kill.) mil at: t'i! isaU on the farmer- and Ueeaoniea ruutx jmwm HiqflF, an extnioii of Fourth street, and about M-r thrac and a 'juarWr miles Bran WM.

JAS. MUUINXK, I'r-Tirru-tirrs. Thf offer (or sale Try large eoHectiou oi wll mwi Imaaajjd plants sui table far transi-lantin? this lall and iming spring. The Nursery now covers some acrs RWM IM contains over-'OCitw trees, shrubs and plants, and over 1 fruit trees, and 8BM0 twiH. Ht and are of fine size for removal to orchards and pleasure ground-.

Plants carefuiiy packed and sent ai-cordiug to directions to any part ol the United States. We beg leave (a call theattention of the lovers of and venders in the trade our unrivalM collection for the Sprang i tl tha Evergreen family. Indigenous and Exotic, that is wortny of general cuttivatjnc iu this Bet.HU of criuntry. l'lants can be procured of many tbitiK- juite large to'cive immediate effect. l'rtcf nuKlerate as usual From strangers, cash or satia- i pafr is- that she has reatovwd her MUlia DrM Making Establishment fr--ui tho latter ofirriog, small sales good red at Maid 1G5U mixed southern in store and some white to arrive at Kye in de-1 inand; a sale of 400 bush Penna.

at a price to be fixed. Corn active: prices advanced; salt-s 5060 bush yellow las' evening at $1,03 aud 40i.tbu?h I to-day at $1,02 in store and 1 ,02 $1 afloat, i Otts in demand. Provisions of all descriptions in good demand. The prices of Bacon and Lard have memm advanced. Whiskey less active; small ualM in bbls at 35.

Sent to the Clure yesterday ordered i.i Judge M-'Oseph Eppinnr. an two dors mom alay until. mO Ma, Ph dad. imbim Th arrangements are maJe for the more axtanalTC Bsnrnfl on of all branches, and cuuveoiencc of customer- by appropriating the Store and Wareroom bo the MlUlrtwy, snd second story to Dress and Mantilia Making. Krery attention pai tu Wedding and Mourning orders.

laTO insane person, to be conveyed to the Lunatic at HarnsDurgfa. Wb mentioned yesterUay that a person bad fallen from the Clara Fisher aioi was dmvmil 1 cheer i cc. to DA VII In retirint I my successor and patrouaij fro.i: the busmesf M'Caudless Poii of my friends WM. H. FRENCH, 18th and Chestnut Bts.

Philadelnhia. AVK'H 1.1. rei-renc in the city ot Pittsburgh reiuiret at asi kin I'ost Office near if AMtAl lUiil oi every Uescnptt San KactoJy, Vuunnstown. Maifiiuuit: "unty.nino Iiuh PNhH is "must ettgfhly b-catwl. on the lank of the Omrm and Canal.

dxt five BUMS frOB A 1 'Mi AJL 'L A Tl UN a KM TS. orders MOnaaeO lo usth Pittfburgb. or left at tb Diamond will I otiH-dAntfT id on aiarket days, iu ptly attendM to. 1 rat ion -f Hiiiidiiiirs. rd" Center Pics.

10 -PARTNERSHIP. Tl. oncers igned have this day formed a partnership, under the atrts of POLLOCK, tor the transaction of th- ariktt ami dry aoOOfi bmilwrwi. rso.37 Woodstrewt, wb-re they invite a I lltlfUMBTSl of the patronage bestowed apon the late firm. JolIN M'OAM-I ahaw sa MITEL POLLOCK KlCULTl JIAL WARE- Mouldings.

Enrichments to Cornices. Capitoin. TroMM, Ac. New design umdellei with care ind UtVKT to drawing. All orders from the country punctually atteMlwl to an-, warranted to carry safely.

telii-tfindi" WTTSBURGHAQ mmsm and uckd i I' The works are dthe most approved custructlon, n- arly all nw, mid in perfect running order capable ut uiakintf event nre tons Iron and Nails. Tm works are situated withiu OB and a ball miles oi the celebrated Briar Hill Coal Kinds, and a railmad from Uu to the rsburgh, Pa.K. K. ri (C BTORB No. 139 WooQ Btxmt, M1ANKLAND, date 8hand, -Sta rer ana Dealer tn AgrkailtaraJ and ts, Of all kinds.

Wholesale Bd lOVat Kvergrwn, Fruit and I. Thennantv al is lim i-i i-u iue 'id for iBk'tin'ir Iron: it possesses decideil aavniit-agee veuson A Maubictn Horti'-ultural tmpftMUfl tail: Kiid, tiarden aiiJ I Dissolution of Co-Parnerstup. tu ctt-Pannership heretofore existing ObtaJniog pig metal. as it js wanted, th-re beiBg 1 Kb ad. Tm learn since that his name whs Samuel Hunter.

Killed. A man named Mnguire was run into and killed by the Express Train of the Penna. rt. ou Tuesday, near Cambria OUuty. The new First Presbyterian Church on Wood street was lit up by gas for the first time last night.

BY TE LEGRAPH Four Days Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OF THIi aao lou-irette. Ch-mical aud all ineeted with Agriculture. the Grocery business, in New Yuuk, April IS. Evening.

Cotton firm with upward tendency; sales 8000 bales; 8f. O. middling at 9f. Flour stiller but not quotably higher; sales 4006 bbls good Obi-; Southern buoyant; sales 300 bbls. Wheat firm.

Corn firm with upward tendency', sales bush mixed at $1.07 and deliverable in June at 00. Parks ttitle higher; sales 8000 bbls at $15,75 for old mess and tor new. lu-ef firm. Lard unchanged; a mederate business. Bacon scarce at 8(W Hams Whiskey unsettled at Sugars firm; 1200 hhds Orleans at 4(rt5.

Linseed Oil 8,201 83. Stocks lower; Money steady; Indiana fives 84; Missouri sixes 08 Vir ginia Cumberland 20jj Heading 8s, Erie 61 N. T. Central 94 1. other articles tn name of John Watt Co by mutual consent.

Armitage's Mousenole Anvils. IT haying come to the knowledge of Jtf. H. I AkMITAOK 00- that many spurious Itnitatkms of the Mousehole Auvil are sold ttiroughout th- country, and represented as genuine, this is to notify purchasers tha the real Mousehi ie Anvil bears the amp M. a ii.

ts imitate which is felony aR irafi MOUSKUOLE FOKdfc. neat SHEFFIELD. nosa fel4-amc HOLE Prnit Trees, to 'ir blast in lounxstowu, ami inwn iu tur Oeifi boriloo4 it has in addition easy access to Lake Sap riar Iron- and in point ot ta-diities for the sale ot Iron it is not surpassed, being the centre of a rich and populous agricultural district, aud the bole LfM toade. For In rther information, apply to Jude MAN KING, of VounK.town.orto 8U Of Allegheny City, l'ittsburith. NdM IiiJfi abeeribr would must rcsnect- tullv call the attention of his Mmdi nd khm OH day been di i ill be by Jobr street, and that use the name of tb john watt.

John. Wilson nvommend the ptrona-re of our JOHN WATT. The business Of the late firm Witmn. at the- old stand ou bit-e purpose hv is hereby llUmli ad firm. January th, lS5a In retiring from the business, late partner.

John Wilson, I Mioses customers. public to his very large stock ot fruit Trees, Kver-grefn. Shrubiiery, Betes, EsnmbouM 1'Knts, Ae, On the second indictment, (No. 1 16 on oath oi" Frederick Sower, Jasou Ewing la guilty on both counts; and the other defendants are guilty on the tirst count. On the third indictment, No.

114, on oath of Uotlieb Shobber.) at! the are guilty on the first count, aud nut guilty on the second count. The prisoners were then remanded to jail to await trial. Commonwealth vs. Peter Knapp. Indictment, larceny.

The defendant on. the 24tb of February stole overcoat from the entry of the pri-Tate dwelling of David M'Corinick. He was soon after detected aud the property recovered. Defemint plead guilty, and was sentenced to undergo three months imprisonment in the county jail. Commonwealth vb.

Sune. Indictment, larceny. This is an indictment for stealing a second coat, the property of George M'Cormick, at the same time, from the mtmt house. The defendant plead guilty of petty larceny and way sentenced to tw -j mouths imprisonment, to take effect from and after the expiration of the first sentence. Commonwealth vs.

John Baptiste. Indictment, assault and battery, on oath of Somub Wade. The prosecutrix not appearing, the jury found a verdict of "not guilty," prosecutrix to ay the costs. Baptiste was then discharged. VDJSIHISTRATOK'o NOTICE per-sons IttdeMad to th" Ustate of Daninl Uoe, late Tarentniii, cr.unty,'dec'd.

are re.) uestvd to snake pa BMot the subeerlber, and all having claims against ffilinm PATENT FIRE PROOF SAFES. rlHJS ssbseriber continaeg to mttnutUoture 1 bis uurivalb-d Patent Hie and ilurglar Pro'if Safes, warranted equal to anrand superior to some, of the many which hare been tested, as paDflabed and noticed by the press through. ut the world, (or the fast 16 vears; and is Jos proprietor of Hall's Patent Powder Proof Lock, both separat-'oiedals at the World's Fair, and New Fork, I8S3- also the; patentee (by them in DrxMseTbrm. said estate pill pleuo preset JOHN JfcOONSJELL, A-lmr. feS-otwS Administrators' Notice.

COMMERCIAL. MMrmi ok abwtb imott fou ai'kil. W. U. Smith, V.

W. Kinehart, B. V. JoMKrf, ItEJiJ. BAREn LLt J.

Pll-WQttTH PITTSBURGH MARKETS, OTICE herebv gives that Letters of i rrxr on uimomiii' srmutatinn Bank Look. 10( in irold ta olaced in the NJ JOHN WILSON, Grocer and Commission Merchant, No, 2M Liberty street, Pittsharsh. I he subscriber will continue the hoiesaie orvry. Pro du-e and ComMlaaion berineaa, at the old ataad of 3(dto wanAOt, ni Tlfff Iftaitj atiiut. JOHN wiitON Dissolution of Co-Partnership.

rIHK partnership heretofore existing under 5 the uauK, of ii BLACKBURN CO. WHfl dlsaolTed this day by tb- withdrawing- of O. Klackburn from the hrtn be Im-iuess of th" Qrm will be settled by either ot the subscrirs, at their old tand on Water -d. O. BLACKBURN Pitt-burgh, April 2d.

1866. GEO. B. JONKS. appe, ebb bEoce xs large uaime.

ot ivar. hv some Dwarf and Standard ot our own raising, ot choice Peah, thousand tine, with Cherry, Plum, Apricot. Raspberries. (iooseberri-s. Currants, Ac.

ur rergreen, from 1 wbich we h.ve maTiy thousands, are hne. Persons wanting large qnan Itlflfl WW be liberally dealt with, t'sli and see our stock We at vwyt 171'tv stitif tuition. Orders left at th" I'ittshur P. Mr. EL iaUeb, l.Uerty the ibiklaud Nursery, 1 miles on Penna.

Avenue, or th Pittsburgh Nursery, 1 miles rem Oaklaml, will Ihj proniptv attended to. N. Planting to order. fXtiydiwS JOHN MtTllICH, Js. Bay Wooa Flowers.

ARRANGEMENTS have Leon made with the proprietors of Bay Wood Floral Gardens for a constant supply of BoonetteS' and cut SdfWI during Winter and Summer, ladies and gentlemen can In- furnished at shun notice any of the. I French fortus: Pyramidal tM BtH Mfltj Vase (c; wirittr;) Huid'rrt Triad Tf, Administration beenkrantl U4tlt sulscnb roii rt otiq fair, uonaon, seenxva oj ti-. IIh)iiv. Point ri-I Iste dt-11 I die'd; Hall's also Jones Look, and oSaeed a reward to anv one all ierson btoisutfi thasHWlTBti nsuel.ted to sant oRUUc who wouM pick i-n i -nt. fti, i reouested to iiiuin aiai die leeks or open tha sate within 45 dajs.

orated on by avrataJ skilled in the art of one aoceeeded in oianilmi tbe safe no ana aiiriougti pickiutf. tu nrooeriv- authenticated, for inn claim" to preaont th JOHN SICK MAN. IIKNKY IHiMKKKNK. ttiement. BuriQ-Otwfi the locks or keys haling beea but the money remained in Its restored to the proprietor, and a "hnii: ptcrt ihp ennnge or ait.er.

i made during tbe safe detsi tory, an medal awarded foi Caption -None ,1 XECUTOR'8 NOTIGE-Lettew teatamen- Iv tarvon th- Kstate of.lr.lm Mrldntv. late if Pat ton genuine aiocpt thoaa haTinjl the sul- II A ISO this day associated with me Mr. sciiber's name on the townsfeip, bes tins da KrastM to the under raetaJ plate. I I AS. L.UMLKV.

our former Book Keeper, the busi- ITiiwrTu, All persons indeided to tb estate ot said aooCr dent sre hereby notified to make payment to the nn ler-IemA, without delay, and thos having elsPns atfainU sailestate will present tliftn to the un 1 -TsiKOed. at his residence in 1'atti ii township. Mleghenv unty, for settlement WH.l AM CUNNINGHAM. SILAS a HKRRINdi, tireen Block, '-orner Pine aio. Water sts tSm ork S.

P. The aboie Hates and Locks can be had (adding frehzLt at manuls-tu er's prices, of his authorized agents in al! the principal cities oi the United States and Canada. tXSmwe GMjaaiH Fl IAMBI fVT lb i iveu at QmOi PlTTSBrRflH (1 ZXTTK, ttUksj Hantec April issp. FljiUR ile9iati.Ufs tVi'in Cinrinnaii how nn.iher bf n.vy advauop there fruKt what cause id nut atat-M. 'i'hre were DC tratifaotioii from first rvorted, ia this uiarket.

but ttiert was an ai'tive trom at re. Salfl Of 100 bbia aoiwrfino, from stare, at $10.37 and 300 do, at extra, bbU. at fjmm Meal, Jo bbl from tore at GRAIN mim at ilepot oC9N tua. BfcrtliJ OorB, in bulk at and IM do. in at fTIKI IWI IB Wtw tO Midf.

prime Sugar at I' a. HMb, and 40 bbls. new Mota-. ak. at XS, caab.

IiACdN -an Mttrc demand, and twtlt jjricwi obtained sales of Shoulders at '4. rash, and JMMB Sides at B( MOB fts. rund at 7V WH, nixty days and EljBM Bs do. at 7 St, rash. aesi wni he carried on Kurmerly the old stand.

No. Ul Water under tLe style of JONK8 St COOLLY, and we solicit the patronage of our old customers be pub he in general. GEO. B. JONES.

Pittsburgh, April 181.5. JAS. I). CtXjLKV In withdrawing from the hvte firrsi of O. Blackburn ft I do most cheerfully recommend qt old partner.

Mr. B. 'Jones, and J. L. Cooley, to the CUtO! streetL TmplemknTvS anT Kulton str -Jt.

New fork, 1'URA Bounty Lands. VQRICPL1 BEEBe. ALPS a -Tl 2ECDRE A HOMESTEAD anaer- Phrenological Cabinet. FOWLERS, WELLS CO(, Phrenologist? and Publishers. 231 Arch street, below Seventh, Philadelphia, furnish all works on Phrenology.

Physiology, Water Cure. Magnetism aud f'bonorsphy, whole-aml ad retalL at New York srSoaa. Profea- igiietJ is prepare! to procure LAND WARRANTS of tha TV puLfnag so iioerslM- beSRnrfld on th late Nkw York, April 12. The steamer Washington arrived with Liverpool dates to the 28th. Li rpool Ma rkkts.

Cotton- Richardson iepence quote Cotton unchanded: sales for the Ia3t three days 36,006 bales, of which 8,000 were on speculation, aud 2000 for export. Breadstuffs are generally unchanged; there is but little speculative demand for Flour, and prices are unohauged; Western canal 4 3 (' 42; new Phild'aand Baltimore 4o 4 4: new a041. Ohio Flour 44 (45. Wheat "dull, but prices unchanged; white Wheat lis lOdoY 12s tid; rtd 10s t0i)lls 3d. Corn steady and prices unchanged.

White Corn yellow The accounts from tho Vienna Conference are unsatisfactory. The allies do not insist on the destruction of Sebastopol, but propose other conditions disagreeable to Russia. The Russ-une attacked the whole line of the allies at Sebastopol on the 17th of March, but were driven back wiih great loss. Consol? closed at 93. The Washiugtou arrived at oue-half-past seven o'clock, with 180 passengers.

The Canada had nut arrived Qui when tiie Washington sailed. Odessa advices to the 24th state that the Rus stans, in spite of repeated attacks, maintained their position ou Mount Lepoune, troni whence their guns play upon the French lines. The weather continued tine, and the health of the troops was improved. The advanced batteries of the British were making considerable progress. According to information received from deserters, the Emperor's death ha not been promulgate'! Sebastopol.

Projects for converting Siuope into a strong fort, and for the erection of extensive land at i ay O.BLACKBURN. Leather. Hides. Oil DB LANGk of the Ifttfl firm i. cmal ezaixdnaSwna, with charts, and full ritteu descriptions of character, day arid roailUC.

(Cabinet free. niy22-lyi: A TS, ANTKi' A situation Clerk i Keeper, by a foaHU Man nearly IS ye I ban Bjood athaeatfaB and writes a n-al knowli-dk-e ol business is w.th him I ban alaalai I Pot further information, wd JOHN IRWIN A SONS, oT tor all under the Am af Mareti. I aba, whkm Vdll t-ntitles all who nave EMalvai Warrants to 4dan acres to ISO and acres as well those "ho baTe served fourteen days in any wr of the United States tktot IT06 taittHag Caidaiin. T. amsiers.

Baaaawat clerk" and others re ns bataragted should attend ascarly as i-ossible. JAM KB A.1U?N!'-VV, nib'itKttwS chP HiHiraut oppolt Qwarl House. tor Sale- id bavins Taken thu tr- A prac ap3 liuni No. at id half bite. Trout at 1 IV at i-upied nv Howry.

No. Liberty st. oppotdte fh-head ot Wood, aud.having purchased ids tortt. whib h1 is no- replenishins from the Last, invito the Ulnnll II ol pltyera tp Bis rLwrtment which Tie is Qett-rminei) l. sell at ths lowest rates for cash or approved sh rt credit KENT.

Is. Dri i. frvin 30 a lots at will be i ANTED fur which WILL cell 50 beres. being tne Ponds and Mortgag-s on Seal Woaiaai Ksrui." sltua'e arforntfl his customers In part 0 uib.it known as the ftll1'lll). t' 1 Ii.

DAY here that he is stiil tf Liberty st where he sba hereby hal! be found at tha old stand. 23S For Bent. Mm ACRES LAND in Peeblea township, I on the p.ur Mile Run, and 3 miles from the eity; abtmt HJaeroeiB bottom land, suitable for warden Ing, aad the hniaure hill side, well apapted for a Nursery ar.d Vineyard. WIU be leased on tavorai terms for one OT aaore years. D.

W. C. abfi-iWd 155 Front street. ba oleaaad meet tneaa an as heretofore. mh2T-2wd snpnly their mmvd the offered for ANTED- active bush rTUTt mm aftOMii and 10 do.

large at FKl TT a saleofli from nrst baud and 08 do. Apple at Jl.W. gAT lltaoa wharl OIL a nale of 5 bbls. SALT FKTRL-a sab LI MK sales on th 1 cash HITM mm of MtiNETARV Thf Alleirhenv Wv ri tkM is, looked tU from 1 rlentifu. supply Of tlat The-pvDio; Ignnl iu the forks of Vough.

Knaawwag towiwlia. Weatmomand cimntv. one mile trom tb-- Vonghiogheny hut aud ConneMariUe Balbnwd, and five miles fn.m tb- Uraoaaa-hela. About oue hundred acivs ar-- w.dl nabamd an I the remainder olaarad an.l wall adapted to either agricultural or gracing Vva, thousand dollars of tlie puicbase mr ue)iuust be paid i nib an Ltbe remainder ma. retaaio tea years, ou lnter-st.

if r-uired Kmqmtnmt A II MILLER. OTICE The late firm jfWiek i M'Cand- ttVr 1 an ao less baring beea diasotrad by the deaih ol D. Wii'it, on the ZUtti the business of said firm wii! i setled by the undTsj gned. at their oJSee, cornr Wood and Water sts. D.

M'CAND LKS, Swyivteg 1'artner. 4th st anted rfso -From the First of April I.I. I Ki. ittst-ur. b.

--r the sutler nw, near in- KAM BOAT OWNERS I) A poKTKH. de'JU-vtfS Ttle indisputable AND COMMERCIAL 0 PARTNERSHIP The arKiersiitned. oi Lebanon Nursery. 1 IIOMAS Wi fae late Srm of Wick A M'Candlfs. haE toi iay OCKSTOCE AMMON invito tin 1.

tbf nti-nndbooi buildings, sit ate in th- Se-'- ward at the city of Eatssaaai Braehanridys vtiaa4 and the Mooonnmhela fimr, lately occupied by lvars 1 as a fcla liafbafor aud warenousje. This property is e'igibly situaLed. adjacent to th- Mo uoUKabela wharl, for any business i.OUQSlitaJ with steftui twffm or riri tratl-. or far anufctuiing purpoees. SeTtrai mall buildings and rapacious yard an- attach ed Applv to OL1VKK W.

BAKNKS. PrV.ident Pittsl.urgb and Omnel-vllte R. H. Oo. I mhl3 tf Mall.

cor. 4th and Liberty stu H0RNE CO wd Retail Dealers in JuSEPH Whotoral The Malicious Misohibf Case. In the malicious mischief case of Graham and others. Col. Mo Can less has filed the following reasons for a new trial, additional to those already published, viz 3.

That the Court in their charge expressed themselves so strongly ua reference to, and adverse to, the alibi proved by the witnesses produced by Thomas Stewart and James Wesley-Bradley, that laymen, nut familiar with legal terms, were forced to disregard evidence, which should have been left io the calm consideration of the jury. 4. That the question of identity being one of the must difficult for the determination of a jury, the Court in their charge to the jury assumed that the identity of defendants was conclusively proved by the testimony of Mehaffy and Cooley, although it was shown em trial that the night was one of the darkest of the year, aud that it was impossible to recognize KB individual, even at the distance of a few feet. 5. The verdict was acaiust the evidence.

"Arru'K Holes, Nine P. M. Thk Cathedral, Lovers of the Mysterious, attend and give ear! Yeaterilrty morning, threat wonderment wag caused throughout the two cities by a mysterious inscription chalked upon bouses, fences, doors and hrldges, as follows AmiTB Hmlrs. 9 P. But the popular excitement was greatly increased Iy the general circulation of bits of on one side of which was writien the aforesaid dark, diabolical and cabalistic announcement, and on the other these words "The Cathedral, Midnight." Whether the whole affair was intended to bore the public we cannot say.

but such mysteries eertainly augur no good. What does it all mean1' Are the Satj Stieki about Miss Greenfield's Concert. This world-renowned colored vocalist gives her first Concert in this city, this evening, at the City Hall The programme effeis a selection of choice operatic id OnUMItll nni 2. in I. PltUWrgh BOdatea with ami wi; MBASB aud A COFKI.N the purpose ol i-nntinuing the Wholesale Grn eery and Commission boarneas, at the old tand.

oixiier i.i ao4 and ater sts Pittsburgh, under the nano- atoi style ot DLKSH, KAN3 CO. Ah respectaully in -site a aaao of the patrouage lilcallv extended totb latoN b. M'CANnLESS May myjJ7 Executor Notice. hrfhv xivn thiit Letters 0 OR KENT A very deiirahle Dwllintj; The'house Is in first rate Older, NOTK'K A'Juma. ft a Io tOe House on Pnii st TS; lTThiu.t PitrBbumb aOxUttrs, trading under the firm I A I.ANUK, rtfrmolTfid partnership nn tbe aintua! oomaevt.

KICrtARO BAKP March ltth, 186ft. M. DE LANG L. Moore, ar iai oj i ag reeently fitted op, nupered, painted and i vr tbsn i press ion Liberty st. nihO.

Emjuire of b-ghv-nv tvuolt, AH arsons Kmiwmg tbi-uis" sai i an- tiiwi to r.i- uih the market will 1 range much i iow the general mm bar af fiat 1 arge, aud tbev eu aud is sb'wly TRIMMINGS, KMMSOlMUtlKS, HOSIERY GLOVES, Kaiii-v Goods, Ac. r- Ageats i-T Itradt'Vs Yarns. mhf-lr HARDWARE FOR BADDLSK8 AND MAKERS T. Leech, 3B tfOOp STHKKT. I'l TTSl'l HiH, aaia fbraaorly oeeoriei by iltg-iry fltsbT,) one Jfor ahi.T the Pittsburgh Trust Co.

(loths. La cos. pAinastcs, Moss, Ir l'i hnt 0 Mnmm rtmfrr, springs, tthm TwiIibi. Ii Ac. Removal (rTatr- iSTmeut.

and ail the haviiw -laiui ll i IMj LET A DweUine House Third imm it lira t- 1. for Sfttlennt ft. B. Mi H)UK, WM. iOH.

s- 'is r.nr S. AON. 140, 2i BtL HO-LET. A small well-finished and fur- "braiiE't ship! tm lata tb" itlshed STORE. wKb Iftrm tow window, nixt iistrater Sotice.

mmfaj given that Letters 0 Ad. a.TOTICK it BOrmal 0 Mid Htm. PewMMtoa Eitn im- TLe subscriber will continue the Wide ard Leather business iu ali its branches, at the old stand No. 15 Liberty st. and respectfully solicits a pontiuuatiou of the patron age BO liberal 1 3' extended to tb" late firm.

30 RICHARD BARD K)-PA RTNERSE I We have thifl da io ourselTes in the Carpet business, at No. 112 Market the partn-rship to dste from the tirst dai aj January last, and the business to be ct winded i an.i fcrm ot W. Mel BtOWeM. OTO jC I I t- ALKXANDEU eOLfHTl Et RO L. Mc LlMuCh.

mtdlUrlr- OAZZAM. granted tb-ut--rlU' Li liride, late rlh lKtl I p. nr0 LET. The STORE on Market, street In airs wiiiii havinu I i at jail 1 'nets, aio o.xt dMi lbt IHliatl of $4 o-TiipiM by Mr. B.

st.rn exevlton! I wl sunwn nana Kir nr cunning iHMinlw. Km. OAZZAM. 1 11 SEN, anaCactmrer of every vn-riotyaf VIAL. BOTTLES amA WiMjOW GLASS, Porter, Wine and Hard Bottles, bemipdins and a.

A too. ytlnt lilaas in sn-rv 4 Svmd. and 1 (9 ani LM First sts Pittsburgh, terday and to-day of at 'ut tag grm.i Kio. out of th caxtfo'ofthe Antelope, at llcts. The Rio adTW-s vestrJay by tb'- lr Lapwing si 1 favorable tar holders, aud the market t-j-tlay is Wry firm ahoaaa tarn at cts.

There bav- haaai amies as y-t a Lagua'. rs ffe rafajiTad a day or fean i since. eoadttiU nttaha lit, 1864. mylo For Rent mi Weil-lighted ROOMS in the WO tint sea fortirica turns at were favored by the British government. Omer Pasha arrived at the allied camp on the 12th.

On the 13th tho Russians opened a tire from the heights of Balaklava, when the English, assisted by Gen. Knoyes, rested them. The alliance between Sardinia and the Porte was signed on the 15th. Napoleon and the Fmpre will visit Victoria ou the K-th of April. France agrees, says the Morning Herald, to send 50,000 additional troops to the Crimeaafter the Conference, provided England furnishes the means of conveyance.

It is understood that the Conference agreed upon the two first points, and that the critical third point, on which the question of peace or war turns is under Cunsideration and woidd occupy several days. The demolition of Sebastopol im not demanded. On the other hand another despatch says all connect urers ft- to rc-ults are idl Sariina is in the English market for a loan of 2,000,000 at 4 per cent. In the House of Common-, the second reading the hill to abolish newspape stamps passed by a large majority. Sir Charles Wood stated that it was intended as soon as the ports on the Baltic and While Sea were open to establish a strict blockade.

The committee of enquiry into the conduct mi the war continued their sessions; the revelation-i are rtttl more appaling: street adininitig the iu on arge new the Puolic. Removal I th -list hutch. Th" ro: To RT. Th. kbtaalar, Utbogragher.

Entcrmrer. iA( ba ri fOHN 9mmU A cf ahs baa) haeo leased tor altaatotiny Oo-. dee'd. ah paraoos thaoiaawes lav icl.t.U hi said are nefebjr notthetl t- make fEnmedb ati uajaMtlt. and ad those bating -Malms V' pre wot them, I itOMfti auth-ito-ated.

at 4th I1ttsbi.rh. mammmmS afcOffUCaLt, HaftlUM, slm AaiLinmrarur's Notice. NrOTICE is herehy ir'tven that Letter of! Aduiioistralb has bwn gran'iS to ihv suscrdier the tjitati- 't Agnes Turner, late of lOaahtoj ity. dfMaed; r(ins ku-nio thruts-lres Iroiebt-d loPl stat- rpj nested tv. mak- immediate par meat, an all (if as haTtoj(dJMi to presen them tamper authentica td.

(ot aattlaaaamt. mbldJS QSC Tl'ltMIK. tJm r. DM INT STR A TOR'S NOTlCl -Ntto is h.t ajaaai that larttonof A Jminiftratt bav- irawWlt In Thf ftut filllir th Mftatvof i Youiiff. lal Uieitj of Pittsburgh All person ltn-'w log th-iii mde'rt-d t- ta?" are raaaat4 mate immlia''- miit.

and all th- harina claims to i them, i n-irli fir sfttbtneot. Hhliitwf UKo KirHAHl'V, dnr. adjoining tlie Cas Works, wb'-re nndry. on -cod ft. the HI lot HI I 'a' POTwOajaj foilowinK a he III sell aj inn i asiinu line at JOHN fAKKY, N'OTICK I h-we sold my interast in the business of lying.

Miller A Co. to A. Lonw, vrho. with Jno. Pbilllris will the old BtOAdVo tmmmt St.

I c-rdiaily recomnienl tUe new BABMMatlw ronaje of nay friends. P. H. IDLLSS PlttsburRb, July Mo, ISM. S.

a.LOMv riTILLl. SA. LONG Be-H and dan and Uas Fitters, iuvVte vtu-ntion to tlo ofCbaudeliers. Rrarkt'ts. Feudsnts and other ftMures -We tit uj houses with steam and sas.

make hrs paatiiutr of all kinds toorsar, furnish Railrosd pumps and taak tings, aa4 keep anti attrition met! f.nstaoTly c.n hSiL jyst reaiiy 'nau va pri'-es Far RftDt. id Nw Hon liMHA PLASTERS- 1 a larice lot of thefi (-vlebrated I' iu the trk or lluit ki pi and "iij" cfeajaajbtf. 3 -ans, bol afier OtMft bam mm, greater "-ase than Iwf- r-, and irti-s hTiri' I'alan'H'S vrr found tt difficult to lend Th-- moe-tnent of th last dar i two BO0ajH have een an st umi't on th- part al l-nders fa iut up the ratrofcall hns I fi ut tbu far they hav met with no sinv fthoat MB4MKie iil go trom tbi for MM stamr at 4 savanna steuir. a week or two ainc.uk Hi.Wi. f'r llif Banks of that city.

The advices rfoao San nOMBhaH hakd us to anti ipatn a OHisidaraM- imreaw In the shipment -ddold tj thnr( Pausuta steanur i the fe of Pittsi'urih, ai the fnnctiOB ol the Greeasburc i'lk- fbmm in th an i a FMank Rod frrm Ptttstourfrh, c-'ntajninp r.onis, and built in the most MOdoca sixta, all the conveniences of a first class tat, MM hat be and DMwhl Uouse. Stablinif fc.r to bsi and a bio- Barn. Tha OBlaf JOTICE. The late firm of JOKES is at wet furnish--' a itb tha st of Furniture ot mod Edgf: worth Ladies seminary, i wh av r. i a- ht rsu rn mm.

OUIon batiutf Wn dissr-ived bj tne d. ath John i-r. t-' the Irsv- or removei (eoji Wisit-ri'a Piltsbursh, March 15t'i. VSU SOTICE -TM KOTICK Thf Bofurrlol Quigg. en the -7th thf booteso of said frrm will raoolrM.

A Bao3orden ntt 'd to the House, and from nria- IVIDEND I) DO s-ttled by the undershzned, at Their office, corner ol Koss and First streets. Sept. 30. HHtES, sural nar rrtn -r rectors of an i ROOSOfJ MaMOjK itaOS s'utv to rwvtrut acre, ftB oieviBom.B or oator oortiOD mt which is rirb bott-ui. lyiajl along the )aoks of Turtl Creek.

Therw is on ot otral Kailroad stations on the farm, within Ott OB idr-d yards from the Hotel. -persons -an go asal otbho btobi Pittsburgh twice a day. tbi dwlar- -Uw n-1 ir-Oi i ai-itai II im ed laaiiBiiii i The Sumner Sesamn UI eaoimeoeaoB BH fir-of Mav.and as most mt tha oca pupils will return, but si, or seTen a-aBcits in the school (. an i-liratin uld theretor tw inaile SAAC JONES, Manufacturer of a sutiiuier resort Por I ih ii. us-- aas a aud Blister Ptt-el.

I'IoukL iab rteel. ttl Py BOOM i.v, to f-i-- ib, titers in the Instituti incs. Coacli and Not Tsprs. Ba) At the annua: meeting oi the HnBraMn Amen can Land Company, A highly satisfactory eihib Patent Scrt-w Mail and IfommfTvd Sr. reasarj arrangements for a BBj lioraes, llarness, C-ws alao a DBHtB, Seminary u-! The notel aud vjr without the Farm ud Rires and first streets, Pittsburgh.

Hotel are also for and tarming utens aud Post Mm oiea tenancen will be OliaBwisa itTtBrfnTrBir tafflrmattj ina be had Py ap Id-, in I MH.r.J Wil and f'Cli or H. Sweln. Liberty st. Pttuburvcb. or to PffaotoOb oja-elOtd Stoes Ot ir pr "hare.

pabie OB the 'jHth mt Ka'en Uesbdd-T- to paid at the obVm of W. OlEllOO st w. CH AKLF.r WIRY, NbbwbwmV I I A HI OTl I -f Adminlsti OB BOO MLbM of Jam bat tie-n gr anted th- ntideratif nd. Aii OS in iebted to the aata4B call at th OBHI mt H. Botcfc, Kjmf, "it Mh -pp- it- tb- "urt if.min-.

ni -ut is! the awe. with-'Ut wis-' a ha- claims axainst th sTate wll! pmMmmft n-m BW ft)w)nnt AN IM 1KKH Adioiin-tra! ri S. to tnr- r-r Krie. RaatOMC au Cumbt-riand Coal Sprat aetcn-d s.rthw laail.hto which etfan to show yesterday aftemn, arr-nir which w-rt the featorir the statements, oW-iaJly ru'jiHb-d a mail-up to Satunlay afterno tprl'. Ther shr.w a continued increase In th tin' nftsaWM and DtOBewVla.

OB a rwdn.ssd reserve ef Speeiw, and a rOBOraad BKldlaawaaooWladi "fruTTCDt usios papr. Th trait" now is not lam enough Io errata an aXOOM ot the latter, and it Is ar cud that of the iBeooaaa ta th loam and olauouata is in the hap of accomtn "lat 'n! "i stoca. Subject io-stant detuan and that th ns will s-wi have to re.Ju',sd if the tn-tife pw. rr in-iuiry Me speeif ontinu' mu. bmeer.

Hat as a enra1 raaaork, the Haok no sreat o-noern OBj thw Tbeir Itry aJa are still pTOWb aad a a Jrate in lainnl is Ihioo-lojfl nsil of oaaoj atnary the OU and TrnaarratlTf of BOB 1fUt Itanfes -ther most f--. and arKfreely di-'-'ionted on. Th-r- was aha a iittif talk in the street about our Cohan OUfb-nltitML, arhtoh a acadn taeti a aO 'ituru. a thi ooint. the f-eiltia tr.n, i- n' ONkh.

B. ROGERS Manufad 1th other land adjacent, Ohl entire or in any baser-, lot Country ooruei oi ivofts -In soM of hav Van Gorder i Trimming Store. I roi ojvinjr large rvnd wfl tte ail the uw at us af A It I KiT DRKSS A STILL A MI. VMS' ine. BBBOOBO.

UaUtXiua. IfftBBB. Hraitls, elects, pBDaat HBVBBBBi aa 'tiMn Wf ook, Paotfh an 1 A us bhriiT Sales ur Vumaoes te the L'ambria Iron Comranr, tl, gardening purpose-. deninng to lease the liotl or Farm, or to Furniture. Horses.

Ac. Ac. ilinlasalaaiul ALLKV iiR.WN.l Turtle Creek 1'. Allegheny lily Cnion coot 3mo ancl cliarir oarti.er n- i. II" i lb a VIKMK rit; -i' in ta BEROKR 4 at Mill Crek Furnace, and als.

the part ft L-ai-1 Fa'tM iwuwi out or the Ihtriet Ooortnf Atejf -iay rshk. i-xistinc uioler th-tirm of KINO ft SHOKJIBEK "not-. E- re ol and ballad music. She will be assisted by Id- dian Mario, who comes highly recommended as an artist of great ability. Professor Ana hold presides at the Piano.

That a large audience will be present we have no doubt, and the entertainment, we feel assur ed, will be of a character fully equal to any here 1 tofore given in our city. Miss Greenfield ia most remarkably endowed with vocal power and compass, aud is pronounced by isadieaj critics, the peer of our greatest lingers. I Thb Recent Forgery Case. In the Court, of Quarter Begeiopa, on Wednesdays Mr. John Wilson, charged in two indictments with having forged the names of Graff.

Reisiner GrafV to two checks one on the Merchant' and Manufacturers' Bank, for $0.50, and the other on the Citizens' Deposit Bank, for SSf brought in for trial. Prosecutor Roberts stated that from all the facts in the case which had come to knowledge, he was satisfied the offence bad been committed while the accused was in an nnnaturs' condition of mind. He added that the prosecutors were unwilbng to push the suit. The Jury thereupon rendered a verdict of "not guilty" and Wilson was discharged by proclamation. District Court: Before Judge Williams.

In the case of Wm. Larimer, vs. the owners of the steamboat Savannah, a verdict of $412, B0 was rendered for plaintiff. Defendant's counsel made a motion for a new trial. Reineman Martin vs.

David Holmes, Thos. 8. Clark, et al. owners of the steamboat Iluckme Stat. Action to recover the vIae of a box of goods, shipped as freight on the Buckeye State and lost.

Verdict for plaintiff for $269,21. Coal Company vs. Samuel Watson Can. Action to recover $400 which plaintiff alleges Can holds, it being the property of the Company. Can contends that it is his as salary fur extra services rendered the company.

On trial. i i la that ahiW Mr warcy r.t MAT th- -nrt -uw- iu th For Sale or Rent. WELL ftnished Brick IweUhio -j iu 6HEB, at Cambria Furnwr. we both dloaorvww The bosl ii-ss will ba settlr-d up by the managers at Fnrcar1 I anH Saontfc B. Kiiit.

who art- aaMBBBBBBl B9 use Qki Oann of tbtt firm) iu wttlii'? uiBthf usirie''s. r. KING March U-o3. imhlfctfl F. 8HOENBEBGER.

mm I nlants fhe use tains lo rooaaa, ao i the tot, ou which rhara IMPORTS i a h-ard-n and gotd stabliun, trmts if tet on the inni nike and eid-nd 2U teet in depth to a titty ot street. rata lu I supply of Moartiin( i rar- Mao OUara Wuil L4n tts. Sle-eea. Plain Bwiaa d. Oaaaalaal dsIB and Cauie Veils, auie an i Ugtilj Fails.

toAoaoad t'rat BXX ElCBliAUH 8MB oM I'Kl'AV tb 'Srn t-t Aeaiu A. D. at 3nockck. A. tb- iinnotBg deaerikw-d property, to wit: theritttit, iuterfst and claim of Wbiiam McKnitiht.

ot. in and io ail tb -ertain u-U or ptt-t-s Of rfMund situate in the Of All-zbenr, ad kOOWO la r.at pUn lots laid out br R.J Caaaatt lit 'A war at said 'tv and in Maotias IowbsibJo, adjoin a aaM wa--l Bow BOBBaOOi NBO MBBBfeoM aod and hounded and de'rifed asfi-Uow-, its: liejrinnltiii mfil trt at a c.rner of lot number in sam- plan: tiitn atwrdi v. isaid trtiwt, frrty fet and eirfbl inci Io a corner oi I No. ib-ncw- ai-ott tb tin- et aatd This desirable i anuuui. Z- a a 1 in rTOdurw HERSTINE Commission Korwardinu Mumhauts.

and Itealers gfneralij" i'ittsburcb, Ctm liiiaal 1 and nfhar SJanufs.G- To Editors au i Printers. tUlVS, ic, Nos. 9o aud i'5, RQBt 6trt-rt. PtttabBag. nue mrntA i oi uujs mpaa twooro, paaot an En-rtitfB.

Fret -h or Oag Ctton. Hoobo, Linen aaa Cotton FPss, Oilcloth. Kmbrvidwrtng ilks. Miiettoa ant Sirw-7r. Mantua, in and jO tt Ribbons A ionn assortment of "ntlenien's UOOBO-birts.

Cravats. Tis, Fins. Needles, ut tori Tee and strr IhtBg in small wares tfenerall) 'UK ituilding ocpupiod for more than ton 1 it of the state of its affairs was made. Latest. Viemna, 27th, Eveniug.

The state of the political horizon is again becoming I iooiuy and the conference of the day prew os am the Si point was in anything but a farisfac- tory condition, what is retired of Russia being very disagreeable Prince GortschakorT arrived at Sebastopol am the 20th March. On the l'Uh the Turkish cavalry made a sortie and were repulsed. On the 17th. three battalions of Zouaves attacked a new Russian redoubt, Out were driven back with great loss. On the i night of the 15th the French troops earrie-1 liw of ambuscades occupied by Russian sbarp-s hooters; at the same time the Russians made a sortie but were repulsed.

In the Commons, Mr. Ph'mn moved an address to the QoMBt, praying that tB the peace negoti i-tions exertions be made for the reconstruction oi Poland. After debate, in which Lot 1 Palmers-ton opposed the motion, on the ground of cn-s-ting greater difeca'ties, it was withdrawn. The bulk of the British fleet was at Spit Head, and was expected to sail ou the 2d of April. Parliament has agreed to Sardinia r.

sues; for a loan of 2,000,000, one million to be immediately advanced from the public treasury, and the other million a year hence, if nee- -I rj. A Madrid correspondent of the London Tunes btatea that the Spanish Cabinet has been di I cussing the strong note addressed to the govern- ment by Lord Howden, the British Minister. yt-ars by tb fWaVaraB utmitti, aad which is cwotral-wataal on Third st Boat Market, is now KHK RKNT, tliriii a good opyortuntty t. tUlitors or Printers of sr- ABASH hr Wm. Knx3SE ncs meal jaosblhi 1 hbls lime.

1 JHcke; ft co: 9 Am "ashl-nr l. bajOkVai I Jd do. 4 hides, i bhds ti'aM. pk- I niest, bhdstaOow. 46 bhin t--f.

r.ado prk. LU ma Zl du whiskey, sundry eonvignee-. LUUBf LUJa, by Twin Oty- Is bbls .1 I Id bbls ham, 'hrirer bbls nioia-s. ayd hhdo leon. tea di.

ls dds port, 2 do lard, hhl tobacco. St'Z bbls whiskey. Ul bbls lime, sundry o- LtiCL-VILLE. hy Hartford-iW bbl--lonr. A A A VI Haue.

hhds d-, A fiordm: l.bls do chareoeJ. V)Q do fkrar hbda boron, tfla in, hMs lime. sk" nus, ll to fttatbers. "undrv aOwOBBOOl Kl.oWNVILLK BAT! 10 bbia whiskey. ll tclaM, sundiy consiiinees.

ajrUiaaTUSttL. hv anat CSarr IM an baoom. fj siro-ss. Iht" lot cm hundred WI to llentiork altr; tb-o-e atoDK 'aid iStf OBot OL'flJ TbrtT lost and ettfht inches another (Mrner of bl No and O-eucf ina the i said hundred fft to th plare cf ((etnthe tame tw. lots.d a IB ii wnW'h (be mm i asst sod oV in deed latd s'-h date iibftiw rtare.

"on e-1 tao same Mi jfBlatif a wpil nown staii tbttr is opjsit? th- exiDS.v Mr oaBMrnoaaaoafiBi in iogfriy's (rLis, applj t-t Bat Market I 'riutinu aud Nuws-rotitftth Build H. UA.ZA.M, w-su and 4th. LiiiC of Aintraiia Packets trom Piot B6W i ors to Meibounie. The undersigned having formed a 004aVteer- shlp, under the style ot D. TlERSTTNE A t.r the transaction of a Qotfearal Agoo CoinmissiOD.

Fi-rw sr tir.g.' aa-1 IV'duc businesi. at Nos. and 9b. Yrvut street, are pared to iv special attontion to tilling orders. aud forward in produce and merchandls, and to the BBatftoa of all businese that Baas be en runted thir cajre.

0. HKReTINE, H.MN. LICHIiAI t-rff. to Clarke a Thaw; Wuiiui Baaiey 4 i M'C'uily Jt F. liavs A Wack; Kramer Baaaaj Heau-y Graff, Kivl.Um; R.

mmtA Bake well, Bm Geortre Ledlie, i Baa. JOO. ABXl. Mm. i J' fcvj OTICE: Joseph Fleming having aseo 11 elated with him A.heL the business reniie will btt coioiucU'd under the Style I JOS KU Allr3daA" CO.

St the old stand, oorner of timiibbeld and Fourth streets. Kit TA L'Kl For Sale. STC'RK in a tcr )m from Ptttaburph. As it is the he yntr, niaii ot uvod in and CiiT'per Una; 1W bbis flour, ttardner. in.

11 JO IMROD, nio-twnTb whip -f thii imr-, will It bis hay, sks potatoes f', apj i ape he rati ut mmmmmm gs barley, sundrj sks fruit. 21 ks wul, 1. bhis kn ts, find thVltTeafe and profitabi Kate lnl lasniir aoromm tiw unnurpaM-L conirtiinees. Avid nil Bt. BRKIHN, Ha.

sta-Inoo 3W, Ftrat tJabln. rieoood tMo, Slza The i Nimwl wtl followed by the celebrated Clipper Ship Oliudwar i. ippK ou Urdat Last lUer. or to OU CAMRR 1 1 A aTaU stret New Yfk Carpeimirs, Oil Cloths and Matting. ROBiSON Ciaer and Vinegar.

IN LG AH made fo IMPORTS Bf K.MLROAT Ouaiaajn a tmmmmvmmm) n. I tm hair. 71 sks wool. aet: bbU nour, esgs. 1 1 R-a; 'L do, 8 Can tie Id; B3 bus wheat, i Oaaa mmmm.

k. ll- it mm mmm, bii HcKeJalkt oft Ua owtt at U-rt s. CbobbU. AiAATO, All tbs riicnt. tltb.

am! 'latin of John Oris, if. in Jrns A Monaiiban. iUr to Wm. liormif, juBsiii i i't aa-t t- that ri" pjrtluu araaaiq mmmm i taodty ol aoaoaaaod tmi bowmbI in th- plan of bm lab) out by Kobtrt assa MM n.nlrw in i -as aD-l i-ounilt-l au1 follow. wit IfeMrlnitira; f-n Url---n irwt at thjriMr bt sta.

IT in tb sam plan swhirti wao 1t th-aW K.S Caawti to J. lioffmai IM ntD4liDS to t'roat on IU-Matit lso-t th -'nsr of lot No 1 1 iu i nn i io dtiplh to Park stra-t. pr-s nine BBS au width. tM POJ aut amra-iuit H4a Not li, L' 14.15 au't lit th ait plan. OB BBAf rvtfl a thr-torv Srira faflt.ry.

t.tb-r Uh a botlrtr, ta-'k au fraitt- -uiiiu Ib-ioa tbi- saiu pbw Of BaaBartf ob tfa i i 1 Oaooatt bts mmm baorlai itn dat wtt.h the rto.rinaa hi th sabt .1 bo'irl-r. ir ai. Motiaahao, awn th saoi-. will mors, fully acl at lar app-or. an I taSt-n in -sfutH-i as lbs pror-rt" of '-br-Srart, jr.

ai'I -Iam A. Mi.tiabau. with Bpaea iu. t. (b rmly.

AasiitTiw, at tb suit 'bert S- "aatr. N. Parroaanrs will l-p iBaaatOai BlJpBr mm oanl oo amounts U-w than $ls- aioJ 1" miilv the Pickle and aow eoJ4ln BonaMiiaM baif of timcerifs of pittfburghand alVftbany, wh-re (O-BARTNEKSHIP Haring associated E. $. Ward with ru iu the lrui5 business, the busi ci orr tf th th f.a i meat, VK now on rmnd, ami hn-l Uiev sire hue cm 4 Lb I do potat -es, fcB oiTte Rairsi' A eo: 245 ness win r.

carried ou thiii date, under th st ie Ms hay. As Impudent Horsf. Thiep. On the night of the l'(th of March, a valuable horse was stolen from Mr. Johnson Besicom, of Penn township, and choie- a'Sortmnt of the K.

SELLERS A CO Jauuary 1H64. 1 229 has oora, 3 aors hsrosa, 44 vbbL oo tmmMf bmm fZKS. d- butter. '-lis paper. It afti dr frn wis.tr-r.T Hi- tnun-'r nwo 1 A ll ttrrm.

AiB Run. Ml lHaO i dr The thief rode the horse Ene euojecior religion nasva, auu Westmoreland county ft K. SfeLX-EES A to. Wholosale'lni Retail BeaSara in iJrucs. Painta.

tHls, Varniht-B No. 57 Wood street. i4 ARRIVALS AND i-caud tu di' that tinv' iteeu savtrd in it lor Win Vinetrar aia)s tW.lo Ohio tiraaef, egual to the hall loiportexi. Hi Cider Vinegar that will bear rodorina OBO half and stiil ba od retaUinn Vito-jtar Th ttntlou nt private biuu i-f, h' tel keeprs and the mrrhauUin particular, iirecud to this Vine K( iiifr thai will keep iwed until Bit NIL Vines-arsand Cider warranted lobeealwBBa-H Tiled. nihil A flALL'H', 146 Water A li 1st st At I COMPANY, Booksellers.

Paper Dealers aud Stationers. question wnetoer the letter hwrih not returned to the author. Howden got ft scent of this and threatened th.it it' such insult was ft-fered he would within tix hours suspend all intercourse with the Spanish government. A satisfactory adjustment i- looked for. EW COLLEGE Sba.l-s Venttlau and Uf le -oTers.

huff IL4 i lan-L "irwen dl cJotb. otid ali oth-r tf' -Is tte'tabr kpt iu I a-it. h-'e-. t-' whu the attention of pur'-haaers is la A Country Seat tor Sale nPH aabeeriber tiati roromk the rmham jp- 1 mm mmmmttt mm whi-h booj resides. eaatatB-flB inii alxiut twenty acr bottom trouioi, on which motad lanjo aud band OM Mi Daohiae lipase, and I tdte netvMary Oat boiAdttiaa.

There is a tine "1 watrr at th dr and tb ir mund is weil -vt iu ail rte-1 I BarlaHoBI Ol the twnt PnM Trees, in ltariu(r OfOMT, -IRON 1 i A LL corn AKKIVKM BVBBBMIBw bj Bavard. Kiiabtli Mibian 1 Ctt. Ix)UiTlli' ttarifort. ito Aiibr Franklin, forJt isy I A RT B0-Ja ffarwin Brrwnsvill 1 RayariL ITIliolwil1l Mirhican do. 'i.

1 KVsViwt. LoBtfavthV. LoBOimll St Louis ItiToillii. I'tu J'hilaJlr-hia, a few miles west of this city and sold him for $85. Mr.

Ii. in the mean time advertised the horse. The thief seeing the advertisem*nt, stole the horse from the individual to whom he had sold him, took him buck to Westmoreland and very coolly claimed the reward of $20. Bo-fore lit B. had paid it, however, the second owner came on in pursuit of the thief, but he managed to escape and has not yet been Pirt.burU MILLAUj in ireseiitlug their cknowiedjrnie.rt the honor to announce that thev hai at elegant and OOdtt style, unso; fO the publii rittfd aa bueA ai to CawVn in I A.nl 12 1 Cucif FARM FOR SALE IE midrrsignod offers at private sale mm Farm lately ownd hy John Poafe, and ku' wn aa 1krm aut taiin is I O.

i biin.4 waoBtDawoa 1 iy. Od in tLis oaaatay, the now ColU Hall, wtiich oaeera FTSMffM 0 md pur sale at li i shriioi'i-rr. etc iroprt is situaim in AV eoznitsja.tH on baad itlnnannr riser, aad taa 4Raahaas alley Railroad st lit- Inwr-st prices, a lare and ll selected stcx-k ot I w-r 7 feat Ferry. 1- tniles rittshuryh ll tli- Pa on lh a-i froin Kn-n N-w OaatW, "ne ml east of the of Mt JastoOB. aol --ntahi TWO NDHKI' AM SIXTY SI A 'U Im prove utouts ar-.

a kwvI pnhstarttlal 1 wo Maty tujmk BSBSB. IfM rruij Baro. larice -'bed. Wa -a -ht-d. rn-t'rln.

a lirannery. molaii th-r nwwawry ut-buiblhi. AN ut out beoeroof oa4 awwoay acrai ar aa4or waaroviosiit, and th- iralaw of tine wood and timber lamb wtlb suction '-ii th- Raiffoaa, is oe inejuarw 'lires. torty a-r-s will Sold m-tb" will be oaaa. Also, tite Stnntl i wtf r-'d, with uti irctiarn ami STEAMBOATS.

For St Anthony Fall. Min Ter direct. Ami all biaiisp tbc Bppef liwiitippi. raw i raaaar, anit la th- beat Btaao ot ruitliati Bcneol, Law, Hisrnoal. onn Hiatal laaaoaa ooaa, ane aaw idain editions of hibles tad PZayBT HooHs.

In every var-ty ot binding aud sis-. S-knooL Boos a. They reswrt fully sdicit the attention i Tea nh PI I encac-d in the lntructoii of youth to thfir aaaaraai -nt of Books, which in exteniTe, rT.cifrisinn i he most valuable work- BOW ta ne. HUNK iv-oaa Thfir stock of blank Hooks is earrcoav plo'e, eio bracing every variety of Aci.i-.ont. Record and Memorandum B'mks Every variety oi OOBW0B And fancy J'ta-tiounry, including Writing Papers of vcr luality, Btaol Peal Of arari description and pi ice.

Ink, Qutlts. ao. Merchants. Tea-'hers. laataHBa, aawt 8aBBol OopMattCaaa snpidied on the tuuet reaeonable ttrtna.

mhlll DRY GOODS iderwi oaaaalBi Has oaoea paaaai I oa thm aaaal and rier at; Tmmm is a food. Tavern BoaaaaBd oaA-aaawlaaw an t. nrr-eot uroUO Tumi On half raohat1 bataBoa oa time laitm i Hl U. 'n ith betwewo Ferry ao.1 Lit-r. -the subarnWr.

Tin Bubacritr will tak f.i.,,t aula mart k'atfe 1 1 wb'tf premise. mb'lmlw JONATHAN lit LT'lN fci Elkction. The annua) election for Directors of the Allegheny Savings Bank was held on the 10th instant, and reuUed in the selection of the following gentlemen Geo. R. Riddle, Nelson Campbell, William B.

Mo wry, J. Geyer, A. Ackley, Jas. Longmore. IT.

Irwin. At an election held on the 10th iastaai, for Directors of the Mechanicti' Bank of Allegheny, the following gentlemen were elected; H. De-haren, J. L. Graham, Irwin, EL 8.

Fleming, tto. Farley, H. P. Schwartz, A. Bob- iaa1n is lawaaoBt.

and tawaooBany eora oeo of mm boat and Bsoat Aaamaas farms B-rnr terms. A inyuiro oi either of th- Ji Baalim Daaa, Att ya. New t'a-t. i 1 morniug Judge Curtis delivered au opinion ta the case of Theodore Parker and other- that fcse indictments were void on the ground that the nioiin wae not Mithciently set forth for the m- d'xtment; that it wa not alleged that the com- mihsioner on the Barns case had legal cogni zance. AU the accased were therefore ordered to be discharged.

The result was received with applause. The Grand Jury have found indictments against Capt. Wentworth of the schooner A. I Hooper and crew fox feloniously attempting to destroy the vessel at sea by boring holes in her with intent to defraud the Columbian Insurance Co. of S.

where the vessel was insured. Baltimore, April 12. Capt. White and two males, CobaHeu find Packwood, of the ship JtfflMM Cheston arrived and were held to bail for further exa'ninatioD on a charge of barratry. Srer-U ITT.

hallt ah I I ouaSl-ata It l.lT.Hy.KT. M.Ulsr. area of Barb four thousand aajaate nmt, BBtsTiiit tt a I or ce the most maunifb-ent eatabnoaaaeat of the kind in taa Weatara ooaatry. The hali is ri-hly furcisbe.1. and lontsius a aaaacSooa Librery.

coataiafog evrrv fcon-aidbla work ou Accounts, Commer'-ial Law, Jte to whih taa students have freo acoves. Thai noalrarrilBraa institution is a6a in the full lido of success, having only been not Bltllsliod cbouT iour BOtaitaataadioa; (and to mmm iim pubhTbiIIj with the COOaoaoaity,) has had! upwrtrds two hondrea stu ttents. aatea axalbite a peoaperity, i-onetdi-rinff thi- short tiuif oper.f jierhaps untqualt-d by any ther mtusr-i CUeBe In connection is ari spartmect Beat furnished, foe the I lusti Bhtbiii of Ladies, and which is eottrely dis-; txmaBOBtd trmM theotlier department. i The principle design of tins College is toqualiF vounp men tor the counting hou-e, or in fact for any kind of merrantiln business, a BaVBrfor and QloaiitliajB manner. Lectures daily on Domestic Huoinesa.

DifOunUnc aod lCfnens bills, importing snd Kxf rtins, Bankiug, thi- purchase and sale ot Bills of Kxehaage, Comnaisaion and Company Accounts, domestic and lore'un. awn I Ota-i mercial Calculations. Steam boat bVnik-keepiUK and all such BOODnata as usually OOOUI in actual business. mmrmmmiU QwreaBoaoleaoe. 3taatest lu thi branch win i ne made familiar with composinc all ibe forms hill, useful iuthe routine ot busin-ss.

iasineai, Spisudarj uwaara deocxlptioB of Palo and 'iruninental Benmanship taught on entirety Ba and i original principles, WT Miliar A whose (rrest repota tiouas successful teach ts and actual writers isfMeo i throughout the Ooited State. Lecture on Political Boouomy. Lecturaa on CV.uimercial Law, In a word, this lnstitoti i a ILL leaT Pittshursh Ri Peremptory Sale of Timber Lanus. rfl rabeeriber ariil poeiiiveJj eU at UMKbova anil aarTy oBaaaa of i nrtHi i.lftt!ou of tb Uaeor MlirtplpgL rjr mHsbt JT 1 bargain, ahoot wa For Sprntg' and Summer. LT HVii.W MIL'S.

Pie, 91 Market stmt Turtle Creek Seminary. ATTtTRTUE 0RHBK. ALLH.I1KNV pA. THIKD SESSION -d this Inftitat i dry tr-'t, situate in unhurv ami r.rie i.aiiroa WOl LD reHpeotfally inform the Ladies' that we harereorWed our BaMptj of Iry tbjoda i UVBM that pr tit from prinit ami Summer, BBaOBawl BBBj win Le loun.i a ilesirablf assortment of 1 wbl eommeti TaaoaaTi thefirst day oi It a i Pupils of botJA nS will tie admitted ThBBH. laiJ'lee ettendiiot th toatHattoB are axaoOBM l' board with th-PrintipaL Hoarding obtwlneil in ria' tamln-s OB I Will abb.

LanS OL1VF.K Al Z. A. It Prin-ipel MRS. .1 A I AT, iaaoaiato PriraetfMU A Li DRBga (JfXJDa of the ehoiceat pat terns and boat mate- beat farms tt eetCB ifland c*nty. mar tanfii me wm rarrn'on at a r.nnh banefe: li.

Cutter Qmmt, wVIrSnt.a; W. bi-r- Boric island, in. H-nx it I s. It. Y.

Betel z- K- B. Nash, f. M-ultoo. i't. kntho-ny Mm Mln K.

Murpbv. John laoBlaa, jUBimirnHa; Burban- ft OOA I'ouL Tm) r'ALLu CtTT is an oajlrolv nw and Spoady l-at: ltowcrf.il marhlt Ty built bvlb-i-, r-f r-ry lljht iraoifhl; BMBllmt afwmni-l ions, will 1 s.b-odbily turunbH and finisbfd; built oejttaaiy toe tha St rolls Pteambool PiaMpanr. frhm aaaar laa immediate SBjaBsr-viaioti of It. Cutter. Kntf inT; and will rnn a rKular Parkst fnm Roak Islancl or DahwQO to tb VaUa f4 r1! Anthonr, thrOBSB BO aaaOO, ainl ie BOBBBOe by BBSOtOi and rf IIs' Ih ofl mm and BMM J.

tt I LhKHT, 'lenrrsl Airant sffi Ht. Ubarloa Haut, Pittsburgh, Mlasouri House. Wellsville.K. and C. L.

'JU AHfi A Troasorors of ruaaoit, imiiBihilBo: lime iiBTM, lee aaie clump--a rare bsncf. P-reardnersfr larntt-rs BOM buildiime, with a larici- vam-l ofseleflte! Also, coil on UM uemttMB, io.ijutaoh-. P. lull particulars, call nniwe.ll tiT at my rmm at th- i atted maaee Botat, Penn straet, There plots rand draft ot tb lend ran he aud tttl. Tipplino Bom Casks.

-The following per-soo-i plead guilty and have been fined $20 and mo9U each in the Court of Quarter Sessions du-riagthe past two day-for keeping tippling hoase: William Hannan, James Dyer, Peter Grundy, M. Partsara, Michael Meyers, I). Bernard, Martha Bell. Hugh Uuffy, John McCutcheon, William If. Silvers, John Mullen, Charles Quinn, NichoUs Myers, Bartholomew Goth, Samuel Shore, Gporgc Bailey, James Henry and Thomas Wilson.

Total amount of fines, S3 B0. Pitt-burh. or appl) tOWM Trin-'ipal at. TaHioUraoh, l' tiais. Iu KMBIMIOKlt.

Wm have 11 handsome, in the wav of WBfaad MM Chaniaotta, Setts, QOODB. Io tali mrm laaaoa earj tun assort moot, aad noappatitioB HutKHY. lur stock of Hosiery i aalaetod ith neat care AN 11 LLAT8- are receiving as broaalit out. the lUJiiait and raatd las aud Tsluiss. tety aaataBaaa sod has beei 10K Kb.

uhf mm. rmaloto uoanuna uottae oo ao rutiM i The public are assured that stml-nl shall Iwteive iron-, th Iron City I jiih" Js sailors testify that, there were only 1-- iSeJaofi water in her hold; that none were sick, ihat then; was plenty of good drinking water, nd fhat the vessel was in good condition nt the time of her iibandonmeut. The sailors arrived from Wilmington, Boston and Savannah, as witnesses. Ham is said te have beast the cause of the abandon ment. $100,000 of V.

S- stocks were received at Washington for redemption to day. Spring Dry Goods AG AN a Alilo So. 9 1 Mark. On are nd Well se ES mh2-l Boetwoarr of taa Bmxm rrmsteea A Musical Journal tor the Million. rfHE NEKVOHK MUSICAL RK iKW I sltfinHy oro One Uondrwd Ptaoeaoi Mew Musi'- vjts.t-arnoUi.it of MSSBTIWtiTfl and oiitcrtaniliiK read I ok: alao.

a work (published tn tjhaatofa) hr liweii aaaa, aailajdjlBa the araaMuol rssiots. as ai plied mpfmmmmimmmtmm ot his axoaaBHaea, duiiaK a loBte pi I iiolutrious oanor. as ai author aud tea-btr of musir. And yet th- Mum-il U'ffi" is mily one dollar a war, ati onMM live doiisrs-intieiibiy raadoaaoi. Aorbody ajrtlaa: an baaaraat IB the ruse of 111 tiir, in vitiHt til aC b0 their lare itaih Ba.

Aoihftny tslis. receiving rpiaii i i i.i. aa uriv. SA, TK AS Tin chetai stock Of Store iii the Iwst OM Country id the only pla- where HaojtilUa, Kmbrot leries: Hbanls au b-sander's Kid a I)) oatl taa att.nti OlliO ItelttBiCS' lBSUtBa. rOV EENTB AS a EE OiElTlOB, Will he opened the 'Ohdav -d May, '55.

i rltl! I'fOlliSIi-UTJ-. IIITCUCOOK. (author of Uii. hoock's arsfm of i Book-keeping.) ITincipal of thoB ok-koepln Deportaient, and l-'cttirer on all itnp-i rno iii'o-s-i JOHN FLLMI.Nti.tautbor uung Den snd ImpT I ajaBBB or tJook keepiuK.) srul aaarfar weeklv Led ana iVi Science Of Aooouota- tadh tt h. ibs.aioi up club Li.

TtoOOtT Ul), hav on .1 a B8 ll. IMPKf ineuiher i Of the Pittsbi is TBI crrv of Cincinnati ANU ACTUREES, Me. skaoicB, Artiati and ali rt'hars ar invit! to fontribato BPBQlBMtBI i oai Ban ue tiaii. Kir.e 0M Country BUck at f0ct. Uno OoaaOfl andfJolonj; Iroiu to in small catty bOXOH expressly for a' I its.

each. Pttie tlreeit, warranted to gtvo sa'i Coffee, Sutfar, 1 Sidces all kinds cheap-r than ca store io the eitj. Mind the ton I 2d door from Diamond alley, iu b. hntn Kane tev. John Beudder, BalH at lndin, Jan.

Mth, of upo- The Arneric! Africa Ukj stamps. Boeroe, Afiril IS Missionary of the died near (Upetotni etaaw aatomorejaJ Law. post-paid, AM' in BROTHER an assortioeot ot Imported and woaeetit OnMHrssioss ARRrvEn The Protbonotary UliJ received from hea i quarters at Harris-harg, the requisite coomoieiM for the recently elected Justices of the Peace of ihe eeveral town-htp- of Allegheny county. The meeemmfm can-d dates may now come forward, be cloihed with a little brief authoti.y" and proceed iortbwith dispense law and justice to the good people of the county. 0O" ST TO THE HOfSl ItKFUtiE.

A Colored girl, sixteen years of age, named Margaret Gra da. Wt- are xmatantlf rnoelTtOK auilitmns thtor axhihitnma ttf their akUl Th- Collece is open trom oVaocl il( fig i Thepui'ic are reaaet1 tful Invited torsji. fTlw.iAw2inT rarte Rtsw. Hea York. at ao; othet irriV Tea bn lond.

now hy nit k. aud hnite dealrsto examine our iixd. as aiaka ortoaa low to ell. i natoa, tiilt naaa AdmiiusTrator'a Notice. UoCOMBS.

Hnaldioaa, wUkw tt are, i locks. Ac a.wa; m. ooraer woo4 mid ith sts Pittabursn. OTICE in hereby pren that Letter of Ad- Dah30 Varnish, Varmsh mlnisl ratbwi oaTe I new id, aahaoribor oo 12G FOR SALE of Kstate of J'dii' St wart, tat- of KaSrviow, tineri.s. ALUABLE FARM rmMmith a slone tt Ph; telpbla Varnish Manufactory house, barn.

itabl mpetent Jiids will he apidnted to rxaTtine and a ard Gold and Silver Medals and Diplomas, to eotitiad to the saute Uloler the rules. Special aWoa4toa is aaHM tb- mh Rxtro nroaaiusi, Fi: For th praeliral fovwBtloa 0aaOw to roi im i. ha Ultimata 1 with refersooi to nhwaptMMS and uao ri utility. aaJsihttai frnai aorrotttao of mm Lnlt-i it iaa. Pffkt OoUaart AH frOJB a afatoBOa arlB srefnity stored and insured free of char to tbo owner, its airiral, until the fair otoBOB.

Any Inform aidon taat msy ba aaatrod will ba rrarnished to'd. si.riio- bouaa. -aar Jte-. a small ri-nard invite riMfE ft 3a, ,1.. Coai' Blairsviile Female Summary Bee.

O- Mrs. r. SHEI LKT, KmcipaZ FTptI next Beeaion will commence Mr, 7th, JL ami tsuitinui- 21 1 ks. Tb critire enerci (be fritn-ipals and of six thoroughly eJuraLed TawMiers are devoted to its anrerainanf ami th various depareoi ol a. srstematic.

thorough and extendml ours? oi Koh cation The spacious iiti(-, now ft in ti. afiords amplti ih-uium dat ion for TO haafdlag sch. two laa room Ktaaaat (exatBatea of Baataa i foo ur bsmIuh, Mttdium t-xtra oiBaaa fniti ii ma! aaja, btawtna I'siBtiois ami Laneuascs No eaacM f. ni Musi'-, raBaatBOt Latin. Cl-0aWfl may of W.nvdwfii.

Kmj or J. II Mtdlor. Pjttabareh Ad lieas. Re? 8. H.

SIIEPLKY fn-'-'uni' Blairsviile, ludiana 0.. Ia. ntTlntS. an I other, to thair rrr auperior Coai--h acres in cultivation, r'enc tn gifnl repair, coal under th wli-de (arm. the tintm OJtQ ved part is wll 85 per acre, or If-j or 9 iil in redd tf aaaied oato at about 6 Bailee irm the city.

aaoT taa oM Waafa ingtf.u road. apa S. CCTH HKBT A SON 1 RKSBYTEKI AN HYMN BOOKS I todaj toraaa, a large aaaort tout of IVahns snd ilvrnus, of all ses and ityjes oi binding, at J. r. DAVISON'S Bookstore, tnhlrt 66 Market near 4th.

ci.unty, i mm deoeaaea. aii BttaiBe knoarlaa tbaai t.T-s indented said eKtat" ar re.ii--ste1 to tuakt iionu diate payihoiit. and all daium pre (tent the aaas. properly autaeuttcataa, fir awttlanent M. KDMuMJSttN, Adm'r.

New Stock of Dry Goods for tho Spring of 1855. VRK LAN DELL, 3. W. corner of bfa I and ireh st. rhiUd.

ipbla. an prepared to suit r.uyers, an retail, with ds adapted to their wants and at th NLTT CAXfl PIUCKF BLACM SILKS, BRITISH I'KISTs, fancy rhAitt a is a hams. rrotuptly, by atdrawain8 the Pi-'sPboit. Librarian, or Cor. ftee'y of the InstitoU.

CHAS t. WILTACH, liALTfMORK, April IU. New Orleans pepers of Friday are received. Commodore McC-auiey tesree Washington thid morning tor Pliiladelphia to meet th San Jaciato at Newcastle, and to sail immediately for the Gulf. The Commodore han received falfl iostrOC tiona from the rretsident.

Wahincton City, April 12. Rumors are prevalent of important dispatches from Havana jubt; received at Charleetoti or Havunimh en route for Wushington. The contents have not transpired here, and we may have to await the arrival of the mail for them. Baltimore, April VZ. CattU Marh 7.

The ofiwmfcs were 80 head; HO were driven eastward aod the balance sold atpnres ranging from $6,60 to Hogs, supply right; prices im- l. arna Cabltwt, Uao.ar. um Hryi.i2.ia Tn other kind arni.h. wlik-h hare si "'n-IMit forty and feel thai urimi-iirwio! 1 any Other maw) 3lD Ihi-oountry. for I lu-ir dryinu nual-I heanlifol ppUM iTO oor prtM S3 orTcji 1 uib-V'iud 0 8'! Kfflrth 4tb -t l.dadolibbv liemoval.

4 XANUKK GORDON, Oommioeiorj aad Forwarding Sterfbant, Las reuiovt-d to So. Hi AKK CHANCE TO Hi: a KA KM 800 land mm si.il Is son! aaa deep, and arr'-s af first rat- Is first rat- JOSEPH WHITE 0i'f St. 111 I timlier ut the t.pt nuaiu ham, was brought before Judge uiure. ywster day, aud adjaJged a fit subject for the House of Refuge. Thia young girl was arrested las.t week on several charges ot larceny and the Court remarked that there was no doubt as to her guilt.

The formality of a trial was therel'uro waived nod she was sentenced to the House of Refuge. Fatal Railhuau Act: i rnstir. Ob Wednt-day ihout noon, a brakesman on the G. P. Railroad, ll Tfti James P.

Ritchie, while uncoupling a treight train, fell under a car and was crushed buneath the wheels He survived but an hour and ft half The unfortunate man resided in Allegheny, where ho leaves a wife and three children. The accident occurred at Knon Valley. JHEKT FLOOBOIii CLOTHS The best Ntt Martimrlila. to the fork of KUhing Oaok. "rif AkRI i REPttSTTUfiV! rtntant la eltr, wbb we will eat to tit any ij i one and a hail" mifs fnroi saw aod k'rist mills.

The al've raH be woH dlvhtod uxto three saj farms Pnre only twn rooms or balls. J. H. PHILI.IP8, 118 Market st OOPS, II A WL iUSKPU WHITE u.r ii wtr SelWSJ'BISO now carnmg bus ban in srosuai Uivhs, SHEKTl iitb'jeld. i ajdf oe-- in bis spaeioai prewises, (mow tatssTs eo.btreed osvments.

AJaO, IflO in Marsha! OO at less than mABfJ OILCIAITHS -300 dot. oi ditt u--f: ri. rrtABLE OILClrOTHS 300 dox. of diffia uuortod. at.

J. II. PHlIXtPfA I ent -ui. and beanf itul stvUs: also. Stand and I I iml Kii.

and lauiilul alao. Stand and I bu wt-mi ratoaaarca and uvtll, near ta iDsit sine nun, rsi- ui; iiivues ii.u! rauea freea the Ohio ptft, au aaraa cbatfod, with a bouse, afeabia, tmit tm s. k-. hrfbpe hwtai na in thru" yearh' payments. The title to all lauds X.

B. Bargains daily fn.iu theAu York ami I'hiia Salphia, Oil Hotted Oiaea Mlmx warranted wearing, ftor keepers supplied with the- uvir bt- rf I ilia, SIO i'l 1. A UJvLMJlvc, Ly informs BBBB tj on sale is tu n.i'U!" ruTHBKKT It aON.14o Sd st mhi) Sewickley Aif.deiuy. 4 CLASSICAL A Sl) COMMERCIAL JlL j-t'lUKiL tor H.iys, mi the Ohio and Peous Ivav.i Railroad, aad Ouk) itlv.tr. 12 miles from Pittsburgh, r.

JOS. S. TKA VK1-L1, I rtndwl TheflU5MEH BK3tSlUi, a ill coaoa ma TUESBAT, May 1st, 1S65. TtBMS -Hoardin-r. Tuition, Waabiag, kc, par asaaiOB af 0,10 rui 111 1 api i3njrfw IN BOUND N0TS 87 Hek mnv ripfaOTJ "I PICKET CO hoa.

IVucdla. HERE mav be had tlou his Dr. C. Greene's Eye Cups. Paints, tiii-i.

Pitrsientmo. 1'rtinl. Hi i KING PAKTiCULABiTX DKS1ROU KuIvhs, Putty, IMaLMUiiss, KDgiien QJaaa, French il: i- DlaMJB Sttjjttcfioe est ana ij i ''i'i 5k roo American tis, uotoawu n'i "wiiuuefiaa Ulass, VU iiitrodu-'iUi: my invatuahie i ro into evo.ry iwiinjini exfperwee it. iBeDaatuese. him to piac" before his patrons the ct oice et of CarriaxBS, whb'-h so ttiaov pt depariuiui to s-yt ftot-o the ta FaWntafl aaaaara Maarafarfajeri Tne BBeaeae pystwm is itttfllMlta, the eeonoai 3 of Jiis nriso supplv tb; beat and most faehjenaBte Maoiiie.

1 prirvs. Unem-ontbered by thost heavy aaHBaei bbi I i.anur tor dworating Baaaai of boirtnees bas oii 1 mm print ol'tioods. (oa lag fco ia rent- Jo will saisli on ready Bsoaey ouiy.at unci, is than (, ujonttis. iuu SBd KlHfBl U1WS. "mi swjck tink- hi'sv Stat, au eapeeiauy ror ruwuorgn uiinnmi.y, For aean aad gt John Irwin i seiectea -wilu uu- 1 -w it'-ui me laoat esjeorat any Physician, Druggist '-r ether scientific rso: wmjuirp af Messrs T.

twtm 'o uthJ tmd OUN MEAIi- w. ar "T' i vxecaie odar ij arueuM uraw. wmil, utiu 1. ailtl more tban ordinary induonn-nts to beeome my may seen at the City Hotel any day before tlie tWht the hit 1 for salt) try ap. No.

IU, Ubrt5 Pittshur. Remov-r in tu buy any aim arst ric'llll 11. -'JO bblrt 1" Stuve iiii.il urtiflf. ar. lair BrtOB wili IHnl Itto iheir rail, or forward tlM-lt order, to BCHRACK ru mhllI-Bi-" SO st North 4th nt prov.ner; ftalen at per jibmoh.

Nkw Ohleans, April 11 Cotton firm; sales 8,600 hales; N. O. middling Ak. SttHiug Exchange 'f Freights r.t cotton to Havre Nbw York, April 12. The Halifax telegraph lines are hopelessly deranged.

Tho America was not there at two o'clock this attomoon. Cincinnati April 12. Evening. Flour firm at with sales 800 bbls. I tats 60.

Whiskey 2V. Provisions active and buoyant, holders reluctant ta nell anticipating a fur at prom. IN ISTKATOKS' NOTICE All pffjpv R. SPB SON Pna sir. et Itt-ar flf GCAVa hours A.

anu 2 April. A (toss Tp. DM it paA, Steel, a colored man, convicted of burglary, was brought into the Court of Quarter Sessions, yesterday, for sentence The Court remarked that he was known to be a common thief He was sentenced to undergo imprisonment iu the Western Penitentiary for and dut'ug the period of three years. SuPfM.sfcn to be Drowned. The hat, coat and vest ft a man named Graham, lately in tho the Messrs.

Cools, ay a teamster, were, yesterday fouud oo a tiat boat near the point, it is Wuppo3 that Graham is drowned, and par tu 334 I'l-nn and vfanub ap- oMMKH WKAIi r.uR indebted the Ks aW of Win. I.eppage, wm i 1 AKDEN TOO 1C Ami's' Alletrbfiir firf.i.. ar o-sir hi I Bttdlna 1 BOYS SPRING 'oe i aou ai St. Clair Hotel Ihnter fan ait't St. lh.t 'IU l.r-.iO!' ral Hurphy Iturcbbwl ha i re -ived usiiiii prio.

BBSlMtnraeacBaj lb Bacnaaiana. full i aason lij.oit. b. 7 Iron I do? mVtoZ) ItwkM i. th.

mat compl.t- iii JAS. WAKPItor. 'nr. unuerameB, inrnierly al and utHUier Woar, lueiudinv: 1 Adiiiiiij.tmti'r.. ana t-nildrMos eds, mt t'l- the, At Is Is much targi Bf Sjr.tinu B8K8TIMK CO.

tor aaio by P' I TK UK -2d bus store and rm- i 7 I). HKll.JTINK CO I'F ap Si'lMOTIlY SEED 78 bus. lor sale by I bSmw? -iames wardIiop. i kEu OATS Scotch 1'otatoe Oats i'nr sale inhil 4tT JAS. WAIUIKUP.

ILK BONNETS A. A. Mason Ou. i will i xhildton April 900 mnr Silk and Satin leaMw, in all ODMOt ol own ami eastern mauufacturr. pll ORY APPLES it)0 bus.

justree'd anafor mJmht P-i tel. and bay, nit MtM it hi mwuftcnt poctmlly milts bt fi ierdi. ar the tr-y. ive him a call. Ai.

ur d. ill NION SETS 100 bus. finp smnll Seed ywmTftRB KiOTICB Notice is berebj nasaaa Rassissnij mh- As uur i seortui-iii. v. tbmm usuallv kept, I njurs arill ad ral with us, to their he th r'ft do fin lid Hcta-.

ii ur im Tiav ther advance; sales 2600 bbls mess pora in hits at giv th Batata oi m- Km for al br mktwT JAP, WAltUK'H- $15; sales 300) pieces bulk BklM part mop fed at granted to iiofto-ny sanray Km ii and BUFF Ol i l' 0..11,, kM. or 'ate of -r rUi-M EXECUTRIX'S All nenotts Kl IT I l.a iroin ifS U) 54 Inches in idth i io i emtste wi 1 r.rt-sent aiacKst st. lavintf f.laims thp Kutfttw rtiwn.hi.,. of Jam. IHvrr.

Ml antire hi." mxlerto fSa-C. UOSNE1.LY UfHiKO trfsJUB EATS. rw I i uirite our Jriecda ami the pafiln- itnomil, all ul aunar nor new fie and liich are iOi to lor CASH; al.o 8.r CSsst I luh ii wid to be uu- mi. I at.J -'j I Ibe.MKic iH WIUaN mtM. lfWi JPARENT okken iTU, fur Window Uiind.

and retail. t.t 11 t. iW. ii i-it sd brands, aud ale hy lii-ilis ie na st. ft.

dckf, iUeoato ties ure engaged, ragging lor fett body. Chronicle. Accihest to a Yesterday morning, a raft coming down the Allegheny river, Itrook on a pi-w otw of the bridges and was broken to pieces Most of the lath and shingles, which it wai loaded, were recovered Jtuvauceu; witu pbibb in prima reuucicu n. tieiuciit mivi-' tv. i ialj arftthaBUoatad.

fox fOUAOOO-50 1, 0 Gothk Chimtif; 1 1H1MVKV TOPS OLLBUTTEK aibbls. fresh, in cloth lump, Iii srore ao tad t'l aald will MAIIY P. i.lLVKIt, Weataar and ali lron. indol naymunt without dlar rah'-etwT 1 and for sale bf i (iroceries uucbangeti; firra. The river has riseu four Mbcaaa p'eas ant.

Ul. Tops, raring patt rns rei bbbM.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.