The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I.BrPast RN IA, Hetchhi, At, CREOLE. Nelson. A. M.esia. if, H.

cars. VDiK'rras tJ ii tp II v. 'oi ARIEL. Benne.t. P.

f3 McMilion. P. M. BT'LLITT. Ilnnaam.

P. M. at. NICHOLAS. Tow.

6 P.M. 8ULTAN. McCloV, P. M. tf.

Iuw It Dowry. P. M. Itlsveinents ot uecis BtMuacrii rOlt CSITSO TTtl. V'ihW Leave For Day.

a Beaton Tla Halifax Sept. 94 New Trk Jnan.Nic. Sept 24 Q.ebee..... 37 moue.Jfew York. Sept 27 f.

ora via tiara lork NwYork Glasgow i New Yrv York HtTM ReyW unease. Tore vi pt. 87 Oct. 1 Key Oct riioB ne' Orleans ore tros 1 aiDgton.N;ew Bremen Tla Co we Oct. 4 4B Oue Liverpool Oct.

li An. Quebec Liverpool Oct. as I. AJf.rftcaa Itueoec hot. i ttivIlaa Liverpool Not.

S3 i raoM bokopb. Vhinrtoa Tork Sept. lu Philadelphia Sept. 10 1 lwtfMl Unhx Kept in iV VrKw New Tork Sept 20 at Msn'rLlverpool Sept. 24 lll At Nrw Tork via Cowea Sept 84 Miarml n.H Sent 94 K.

American Liverpool. Oct. Quebec 9S KOTtCB Tbe ship UC A Gay. treat Boston, la dlecharging at Post 39, Third District Csaaigaee an reqaeated to receipt for their cargo on the levee, aad are hereby notified that all good not nl for will ft at their risk J'" WM J. DEWET.

Qravler street. "OflCE TO COAST The steaoaei CRiLK, tor Ocean Springs nd intermediate landings not make ner renin f's tri, the same Agent Nearree) fmr Hale. i 4aK about thirty ve years of age. and his wife, A. aboat thirty: the rbrmer a gardener and good planta on band i the latter a good plain cook.

The negroes are tstb of good anat actor, and will be sold low. Apply to R. TEATMAN A 1 aW rer of Carondelet and Gravier streets UPaBicr'B Nero Blanket). A tMALL quantity 3j points. Also, Madras Bandker A ehleA.

Bterinoa. Mooaseiine de Laine, Bilks, Shawis. C. Handkerchiefs, (lloves, and a large asscrtment ol assa suitable for the Southern market, for sale by 7 H. PS GOKa A RIPrLAKO, No.

96 Cortland street. lm New York. A Rare Ckaace. (ALE, on reaaonable terms, an interest In a Daily 2weaop8r of thai city. The establishment is fioorub tef st tbe present tima, and possesses flattering prospects fcrtae fntnre.

To a person with some means, who is deems of enKrinc into this business, a better opportunity ill fsiAom offered. Communications addressed A. foe kss, wlUracaiTe due attention and be considered nTbV Arare opportanlty for a capitalist. ai3 fit Netrrwes for Sale. I HATE bscaase unable to at' end to my cotton estate property, and therefore will ofler it for safe at auction on MONO AT.

the 16th day of December neat The planta ai sHaated aboat twenty miles north from Jackson. the true cotton hMituae. and about ten miles west ol IM sjreat Northern Railroad from Iew Orleans to the Irtbeti Itatea, The whole tract contain 3.ViO acr K70 acres an ander successful cultivation, which will be sold In twa tract. Two good new Gin Houses, wtth four aaefttSMnda, There will be sold, at the same time, aboat 100 Mules and all the Fanning Implements. Tbe Negroes are trained cotton bandstand are a valua aMe lot, and will sold in families The negroes and tarelemeats will be sold for cash or lr equivalent Tbe had will fee sold fur one third cash, the balance In two Mn mm fMtolhnenta.

dae in one and two vearm. tU LUtaKlLL. FOR RENT The large and commodious House I I Ro. MS Csmp atreet, between Julia and St. Joseota A.

i streets. This house being well adapted for a respectable private awarding bosses possession will be given lm saisttly tp asoitaal tenant, on application to BENJAMIN FLORANCE, aS 48 Camp street. FOR RENT The Dwelling House No. SO ayarte I street, between Thalia and Melpomene streets, enn i talnlag Ave rooms in the main building, and eigbt la Urn wing, together with wash, bath and store rooms soislet eight rooms with grate, and all necessary out builmfs. Apply to JOHN P.

CAD Y. ln 7 Grsvier street. FOR RENT The large, commodious three story rick Dwelling House. No. M7 Julia street, next to brick Dwelling House the corner of naronne.

containing thirteen rooms. (jell sHssred far a (Trst claja boardins house. wuia rentea very mwtoagood tenant. Possession gjveaimasedistely. Apply to WM.

H. FI9K. 163 canal atreet, nest to corner Baronne. HOTEL TO RENT From October 1. IN The two story Hotel, most eligibly located in tbe town of Berwick, or Berwick's Bay.

parish of St. Mary, Ia To Hotel and necessary outbuildings are new and ample ta accommodate about fifty guests, and offers great tailiirsini at to an enterprising man, aa tbe location is di rectly on the line of travel from New Orleans, via the Sew Orleans and Opelousas Railroad, to theAttakapas aa Opelousas parishes. For particulars, apply toH. BERWICK. Berwick's Bay.

Z. F. ROBERTSON. No. 3A Camp street.

New Orleans. A FIFTY DOLLARS RE WARD For LDCIN Di. a dark rriffe woman, aged 31 vears. about tt feet a inches high, well known in the city, former 4 iaviy ownea ny sua maniaa rniiips anu miss joae ohine Stewart. Her UDoer front teeth bad.

and smuc at then gone middle size, lively, and a very good tsoklng woman slim tsce. vf an. ir. 4i inrcns street. iaBalaiauna Colleve nnlted with The Uni YERSITT OF LOUISIANA.

THS Freparatory Department will be opened on Wednesday, October 1st. Boarders, Half Boarder aad Day Scholars received. Tke CoUegiata Department will be opened on the 1st Rsvember. For particular information, terms, Ac, apply ts LOUIS DDFAtJ A W. P.

RIDDELL, office No East Win University Buildings, Common street, corner Baraana. sii 3m Bricks. Haad. Lime, IfVl IN and Building Brick. IW.lUU la.ono Country Bricks.

190.000 English Fire Bricks. 8.000 Cold Spring Fire Brick. 10.000 Fenaacola Fire Brickr. 16 000 Bilazi Fire Bricka. loo bbla FinrClay.

960 bbla. Thomastoo Lime, 180 bbla. Plaster. 400 bblA Cement 800 bbla. Whiw Sand.

1.000 bbla. Yellow Sand. 900 bbla White Bhelh. 110.000 Laths. 100 sacks Plastering Hsir.

lay a by JOHN STEWART, 77 Customhouse street, ana door from the corner of RovaL and a Julia street Landing, New Basin. Ceal, We, fee. rTTSBTJRe COAL, in bulk and in hhda. Eagliah Cannel Coal. In bulk.

Asthracita Coal. In bulk and in hhda. Charcoal, In bulk and in sacks. Oak, Ash and Pine Wood, of the beat quality. Delivered ia qaaatltie to suit purchasers, at the lowest 1Mb, by JOHN C.

STEWART, T7 Customhouse street, on door from the corner of Royal, and en 3 9 Jaiia atreet Landing. New Basin Laat. Co ai a srsjiT fhli eTii Pan of brown or liver color, having on a chain collar. Tbe finder will be rewarded by Meavina him at mv reaiaence. on Jackson beet.

Fourth District, between Camp and Chestnut, or at XaTOPoydraa. 8. TWICHELL. Twenty Dellara Seward. 7' Stolen or strayed, on the night of tbe I3th 1 a red milch COW, with white spot on I the forehead, ear slit, and a figure 9 brand amLSSLl the near bump also, her calf, a heifer yearling, red and white (potted.

The finder JJU Rcetva th ahoveieward by calling on T. Buddecke, JfcAndrew atreet, between Fiytania and Coliseum rii Plaae Fortes. a mm i Fof PIANO FORTES from JcutilL9 OV NONNS Li II tf Fe tha mouths of July. August and SeptemSer, the subscriber will seU (with jwtp red ace his stock) all class ea of Pianos at 10 per Jl law th aactory prices. stack laige and weU assorted.

HXNRT PARSONS, 13 Camp atreet fra ERBEW 14 ew Tork, a Parlor w'TMagMdBpasrtn don ae usual 31 ot Dealrable L.arSe Fatally Dwellioaj, or Boarding House for Lease. 0 The elegantly furnished and well lac at ed House, 1 (furnished or unfurnished) known aa DESBAN TEBah DA," on Camp atreet, between Poeyfarre Calliope streets. It ia well calculated for a First Clsas jy Hotel, or for very large family rest being famished with all the modern conveniences. given on the 1st of October. the Store, Wo.

910 Camp street, well adapted for ney dry good, milllnorv or drug business. tenn apply to JAMES DESBAN, 96 Common street. Boots, Shoes, and Hats. ttuu, tm r. Ceived from New York and Boston, per team ships Philadelphia and Cahawba, ship Mara IhiM ii i I I a.

jtaea, comprising a large and well selected assort 5 ia the above line. Purchasers will do weU il and azamine our stock before nurchsaing elsewhere. REED ft FIELD, rys Gravier street Onnoaito Rank Place. Kew Orieataa Feaaale Colleclate Institute, ti Or, Boarding School for Young Ladles, conducted by PR. AND MRS.

MACAU LAY. Tt. CamP "reet. BIS InstHnuon. cbartered years ago by the State, 52L BdrJ Immediate aoperviaion of Dr.

and Mra V'V. ofVlgnl, qualified teachers Principals of tnia Institution respectfully intimate "parents and guardians of youth in this city, and through Uie out0j that to tbeir long experience in tbe profea iT had, beaidea, the best opportunities of ex ljijt th way and manner in which education i con 2J4 Ladies' Schools of the highest grade in Europe and that it is their aim and object to give Ladiea the beat instruction possible in all the "as lbt go to constitute a solid and an ornamental jsjrtucoaton, thereby tendering It quite unnecessary datba' Moris' end thtlT ht" be ed US tki.w mm bbu nigaer, by teac jmu reason, as every step of their prcurress. and oranca Of uieir eaucatlon. By keening one arand prlaclple ateadilvlB ch tofthrt "eri, taught ahaU be taught weU and thoreuVblv. pm'a tutuon punned, tbe progress of an, miuni, aa uicv ere una Zm7'y, UlMtht to turn every literary exercise as mocha not of mere mental storing, or incaMratrr Zrl" what ia of far greater importance, lata ana tL mental training, or moral diacipUne.

vocal and instrumental Music, great attention I paid. aoL drawing. Young ladies wed advanced their intending to graduate at the Annual Examlna t.Jjy will find to be to their advantage to jola at their mpIIm ca be obtained by applying to th Principal 1'lWltution. either hi utter n.W rieas.fiaaalaetarlai Comnaay, oaja X'VU OCUICUIOCI, IOOTJ. jUtrwclDora ia th New Orteana Pematl Collegiate WaSr.

thel PPita omethlng moTa snT esmaterers in leaning, or dull miters of lea bine them to nn It Frooosala will be re i. b1eoinseuy unt'i the 1st of October, for Vvarshousa," acoordirfto Cm which. is wi4. T. SajcnMaf uriiNMnr, 'How y.

...3. i. 1 1.. i im mi luaaiiiii "jjul'j I i liiaakiaMMBMMMkBjjljij juji 3Q1L1" II 1 I 1 mJLJUi B. Byketeells erscsiiea, PreviaionaaBd Lkuara at 10 sclock, st 45 Magazln atreet I also, Bacon Shoalden, at li) o'clock, Fulton atreet.

D. E. Uorpby aeU Groceriea, Provision, sad Liqaor. at 10 o'clock, at 49 Magaxlne street D. L.

Sheerer sella Furniture, Ac, at 11 o'clock, at ST Camp atreet O. Peychaud A Co. aeU Seasonable Dry Good, at 10 o'clock, at 98 Old Levee atreet MT See Advertlaements. ITlasoBle. MOUNT MORIAH LODGE No.

69, Grand Lodge Hall, meet this evening. ALPHA LODGE No. TS, Grand Lodge Hall, meet th'l evening. TIUTONIA LODGE No. lo, Room No.

9, Odd Fellow' ORLEANS LODGE Boom Bo. 1. Odd C0vNAnTlODGE NoflT, Washington Hall. Marttny Building, meeta this evening. MAGNOLIA LODGE No.

a. Room No. Odd Fellows' Hall, meets this evening. GERMANIA LODGE No. 29, Jefferson Hall, Fourth Dla trict.

meeta this evening. SPECIAL NOTICES. OSYKA TRIBE NO. 1 OF THE IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN holds It regular meeting st their Hall, comer of Baronne and Perdido atreeta over Carrolton Railroad Depot, every Wednesday night, at half past 7 o'clock. din ly SCREWMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCfATION Jame Douglas, President! Thomas Ingrahsm, First Vice President; Chaa.

Crossman, second Vice President; John Spencer, Recording Secretary) John Huskinson, Financial Secretary Henrv Bier. Treasurer. Reaular meetines ev ery Monday, at 7k p. at their Hall, corner Crossman and Front Levee streets. myla'tfi iy COTTON DUCK v6 bolts assorted numbers and brands, in store and landing, for sale by SMITH, COOPER A 41 St 7S Tchoupitoula street LINSEED OIL 36 bbla Boiled and Raw for sale by SMITH, COOPER a ail 3t 76 Tt houpitouls street BRAZIERS' COPPER 06,000 pounds assorted sizes, in store and lauding ex ship Cynosure, nd for sale by SMITH, COOPER Wl 3t 7fi Tcbonpjtou las street EADED PLATES n) boxes, for roorjug, lauding i and for sale by svt 73 Tcboupitoulaa atreet GUNNY BAGS uo bales bushel.

31 for sale by SMITH, COOPER A CO SI 3t 7. Tchonpiton as street GUNNf CLOTH 1 bales landing ex ship Union and for sale by SMITH, COOPER A e3I SS 7ft TVhotiDttonla e. t. OAKUM aiiO bales, American Na.y and Navy lauding and for sale by SMITH, COOPER A CO I 3t 75 Tchoupitoula street TIN PLATES o0 boxes Charcoal brand, landing ex alii ne R. B.

Sumner, Ashland. Rate Dyer and Nuiemburg, from Liverpool, and for sale by SMITH, COOPER A 7 Tchoupitnulas street, sl 3t Importers and Agents for Manufacturer. C1RANBEKKIK8 sift qr. Barrels very super! jr, gnaran teed red, for sale to arrive by JOS. H.

MARKS A s20 4t 7tiand 78 Magazine street. 1 EaS Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Peucbong aud Oolong, of every quality, now landing and offered to city and country buyers at reasonable prices JOS. H. MARKS A s2Ct It 7o and 7 Magazine street. aEFLNED bUGAKS Lovrnng A Co.

AuO barrel Crushed 0 Pulverized: l.V) half boxes Loaf; for sale by JOS. H. MARKS A It 7 and 78 Magazine street. 1 PERM CAN DLES S. Leonard g50 boxes for sale by JOS.

H. MARKS A sJO st 78 and 78 Magazine street WINCHESTER SOAP 3s) boxe No. 1 1 900 Eagle, landing for sale by JOS. MARKS A S20 4t 7rt and 78 Magazine street. COLGATE 8 BOAP boxes Pale No.

1 2S Family; IA Toilet landing. For sale by JOS. H. MARKS A aw 4t 7fi and 78 Msgazine street. CtOTTON TWIN it) bundles asjorted qualities, tand ing and fur sale by JOS.

H. MARKS A sJO 4t 7K and 78 Magazine street AVA COF 60U pockets landing and for sale by JOS ST0 It 7t and 78 Magazine street. OP1CED MLaoN, 8HaU AND Et8, IN CANS lJ0 can for sale by JOS. H. MARKS A i0 4t 76 and 78 M.gazine street, JTRAW PAPER Tbe best assortment aad at lower prices than ever offered in this market 10,000 ream landing and for sale by JOS.

H. MARKS A aJO It 7 and 7 Magazine atreet EW No. i MACKEREL 3( barrels, luo half barrels. lanaing ex snip James nucnanan. ana ior rate oy JU9.

M. UAHK9 St sJO 4t 76 and 78 magazine street UNIO.tS, POTATOES AND WHITE BEANS 3cl barrels Silver Skin Onion I II Potatoes lnl White Beans: for sale to arrive by JOS. H. MARKS A 30 4t 76 and 78 Magazine street. EW ZANTE CURRANTS, very choice A casks for sale by JOS.

H. ARAB A 40 It 76 and 78 Magazine street ULTANA RAISIN 3O0 drums for sale by JUS. H. MAHKS A tU, ttO It 76 and 78 Magazine street. CtCHiEDAM SCHNAPPS Manufactured by Udolpho Wolfe, and guaranteed to cure all of tne ills tlist drsb is heir to," if any other beverage can produce tbe ameetfect 1E0 cases landing an8 for sale by JOS.

H. MARKS A 20 It 76 and 78 Magazine street. Meed Canes. Qnnfl SEED CANES Lanaing from Lauding from arhr. Hmilta, FREDA.

CAMERDEN'S. 24 Gravier itreet UWU" for sale at sil 3t For Hire or Male, A NEGRO BOY, waiter and house servant. A. B. JAMF.8 A M0 3t 39 Magazine street For Hale, A GOOD SECOND HAND STOVE, sufficiently large A.

to cook for or loa person. Call at att 3t FLORANCE HOUSE. Wool Wanted. WOOL Seller will find ready aale by applying to J. H.

BASS, aul3 3m 1 19 Common street Coals. PITTSBURG COALS. Virginia Cannel Coal, Engliah Cannel Coal, Hawesviite Coal, All of the best quality, clean screened for family use. for sale in quantities to suit purchssers, delivered free of cartage, by JAMES NIMICK, Hi 3t 108 Gravier at, and 2lt Tcboopitonla st. Anthracite and Lehigh Coals.

OCin TONS Anthracite, brokm and screened 6JU 7S tons Lehigh, lump, for foundry use To arrive ex bark Mary Uueen. and for sale in quantities to suit, delivered by JAMES NIMICK, sii 3t 108 Gravier street. E. L. C.

W. A. Fitzgerald. Collectors, House Agent, Agents for Coleman' Undulatory Mills, No 4 Commercial Place. THE undersigned having formed a general Collecting and House Agency Office, solicit the patronage of those having bill to collect or house to rent Having had many years experience In the business, they promise satisfaction to all who may entrust their btuiaea to them.

Ul lm McKEAN A FITZGERALD (inns, Klfles and Colt's Pistola. THE undersigned have just received, per steamship Cahawba, a full supply of the above articles. Also, GUN MATERIALS. SPORTiNG APPARATUS, Ac. COLT'8 PISTOLS of a new pattern a very neat article." ALLEN A HJLLE.

Gun Maker, sil 3t 8V Magazine street. Algiers Warehouses. AT. COCHRAN A HALL, Agents. 36 Gravier atreet, Are now fully prepared to receive and store on the most liberal term.

RAILROAD and PIG IRON, LIVERPOOL and BULK SALT, Ac. aat For terms, apply aa above sil 1st Boat for Male. A new sloon riaaed SKIFF, lust received from York per ship Orphan, for ale Apply to fc W. A. BARTLETT.

88 Gravier atreet. It or HENOER80N. TERRY A CO. To Planters and Engineers. FOR SALE.

ONE LATHE for turning Sugar Roller. Apply to CON VERS, K.ENN ETT A CO. No. 63 Front street, New Orleans; or to the undersigned at Plaque mine, La. HART, AUSTIN A CO.

Plaquemlne, Sept 16, 1866. si fit Notice. ALL persona Indebted to the late Capt JAMES JOHNSTON are requested to call and pay or liquidate the same at No 3 Front Levee street, or at Messrs. BUDD A LAMBERT'S office, No. 67 Toulouse street, attorney of the undersigned.

J. M. JOHNSTON, aws lm Test Executor Messrs. ilaajgerty ds Laf tin, (GENTLEMEN The undersigned have examined the Jute Rope, sent by yon to be tested in compressing At on, and are free to aay that in our opinion it will suit lor baling purpose as well as Hemp Rope, being composed of thirty threads, well twisted into three strands, not over from one half to five eighths of an inch In size. We find it very smooth, uniform and soft, and much easier on the hands in tying.

It doea not atretch, and keep the bale in aa good ihape a any other article. PENN A RHODES, Union Cotton Frees MOORE A SIMMONS, Alabama and Branch jrre BELL A BOYD. Shinnera'and Merchant' Prei JOHN HA8 KINS, Louisiana and Factors' Presses. A (apply of the above on hand and for aale at a low price, by HAGGERTY A LATTING, s0 at 37 and 3a Poydra atreet Nocirw. BT and after thai date, we, the smderatgned.

Proprietors and Leasees ef Cotton Press ta. do herebr viva notice. tnac a cnarg oi uiteen centa per oaie win in every in stance bo made to the purchasers of cotton, for use of the yard for classing and marking all cottoa to bo raxeeved to any ether press fir compressing. L. LJS BEAD, President Levee Steam Praam.

FRERET Preen. J. VAN W1CALE A Canal street It. FA81MAK A YANCEY. Orleana FENW RODFS, Cnioa Frees.

(van asBailis, i Per Parker A Haywood, Factor' and Lonielana Prua a. BELL BOYD, Shlpner' and MerehaBta BARN Lt. STANLEY A ivdnr. i wiavommerGiaA reaasa asui' at Plantar' Praaa. H00XB SIMMON i.

Alabaasa aad Braaaah Preasae, Ajwn r. STJ a TTsnnTrMVT a at i tv dtjabti nr a7 i oiitw adpir FostBonement, rpHE aale of Fnrnltnra advertiaed for thia day, on Her A calea street, is indefinitely postpsned. 33 z. au leii. jr.

Uroeeries, rovlaiona and A.lqsor. BT D. E. MORPHY WiM be sold at auction on TUESDAY, Ud lust, at 10 o'clock, at Magatlne street ion bags Coffee 100 pkg Black and Green Tea 20 casks Bacon 76 boxes Candles li pkg. Mackerel 76 boxes Codfish .10 boxes Tobacco 30 bbta.

Crushed Sugar. Brandy. Gin. Whiakev. imitation C.nrnmr Oil.

Ron Po tatoes. Brooms, Ate r23 Uroveries, frovtslons and Atliiuorn. BY R. B. 8YK.ES, Auctioneer WiU be sold at auction on TUESDAY, the sad inst, at 10 o'clock, at his auction store 43 Magazine atreet 40 obi.

Lovenng 8agar; 40 do. White Powdered to bbla. Brown Sugar 6 casks Shoulders 60 boxes Star Candies 10.000 Regalia Cigars 100 cases Claret Wine 25 tierces Rice 160 bags Rio Coffee 4 coils Kentucky Rope And an assortments of Liquors. Bacon (Shoulders. BT R.

B. SYK.ES, Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on TUESDAY, 23d inat, at 11 o'clock, at Warehouse No. 64 Fulton atreet, opposite tbe Delta Warehouse, for account of whom it may concern 14 cask Bacon Shoulders. Terms Caab, e33 Damaged (roods. Hats, Shoes, and Seasonable Dry Goods.

BY H. PEYCHaUD A CO. C. Samory, Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on TUESDAY, S3d at 10 o'clock, A. at their auction room, 28 Old Levee street II pairs 11 4 Bed Blanket; 18 12 4 3 cases Otis Denim 1 Tick; 9 Assorted Dry Goods; 1 bale English Long Cloth slightly damaged, and sold for account of whom It may concern.

Also An invoice of Black and Pearl Fur Hats Also An invoice of French Shoes, Aud 130 package and lot of seasonable Dry Good, consisting of Merinos, Alpacas, Plaid. Mousseline de Laine, Em broideries. Colored Silks, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Madras Handkerchiefs, 4 4 French Prints, Plain and Plai Muslins, Fancy Cassi meres. Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Denims, Prints, Cottonade, Kerseys, Checks, Ac fmf Term liberal, at sale Furniture Furniture. BT D.

L. SHEARER R. M. Montgomery, Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on TUESDAY, 3d inst at 11 o'clock, at the Old Auction Mart, 87 Camp street A large and general assortment of new and second ham! Furniture, comprising Mahogany and Walnut Bedsteads Armoirs, Bureaus. Washstanda, Sofas.

Lounges, Centn Card, Pier and Dining Tablea, Spring Heat Mahogan) Chain, Kockera and Easy Chaira.Curtaina.Carpera.Clockr Looking Glasses, Cooking Btovee, Kitchen Furniture, Ac Also Second hand Piano Forte. OaT Term Caab. SI Blank Books. BT D. E.

MORPHY. Auctioneer Will be sold atauc tlon on WEDNESDAY, 2lth inst at 10 o'clock, at No. Magazine street, for account of whom it may concern A lot of Ledgers, Journals, Day Books and Blank Record Books, more or less damaged per ship Washington But cher. SaT Terms Cash. 23 French Wool Dyed Cloih, Silk Alpacas and Drv Goods BY BLACHE A LEAUMONT Will be cold at anctian on WEDNESDAY, tbe 24th Inst, at 10 o'clock, at their auction room.

No. 77 Chart res street ao pieces of French Wool Ded Cloth 75 Fine Silk Alpaca And An assortment of Seasonable Dry Goods, such aa Fancy Ptints, Merinos Black Alpacas, Alpaca Robes, Woolei Shawls, Mousseline de Lainea, Denims, Chtck Coating Mrrinoa. Undershirts, Ic aeY Term at aale. r23 Bagging, Kope, and unny Bags. BT R.

B. SYKES, Auctioneer Will be aold at auction on WEDNESDAY, the 24th lnt at 6 o'clock, at the Pelican Warehouse, corner Girod and Commerce atreeta, for account of whom it may concern AO pieces sound Kentucky Bagging; 50 roils sound Rope 24 bales sound 2I3 bushel Gunny Bars. 21 Dry tsoode, Clothing, Shoes, Hardware, ankets. BY D. E.

MORPHY. Auctioneer Will be sold at auc tlon on WEDNESDAY, the 24th inst, at 10 o'clock A. ML, at No Magazine street, by order and under the inspection of the Fortwardens, for account of whom it may concern 2t cases and bales of Dry Goods, Clothing, Blankets, Shoes, Hardware, Ac Ac. Damaged per ships lnca and Washington Butcher. BwT Terms Cash.

sil Leaf Tobacco Licnf Tobacco. BY R. B. SYKES. Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY, the 24th inst.

at 11 o'clock, at the Brooklyn Warehouse, Algiers, for account of whom it may concern About 429, hhds. Leaf Tobacco, damaged on board ship Bowditch. returned in distress. lTtrmi Cash. S18 Mahogany and Walnut Furniture at Auctiun.

BY M. MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer Will be sold on FRIDAY, 26th at II o'clock, at the brick dwelling No. 8m Union street, near Philippe street All the Furniture contained in said residence, consisting in part of Mahoaany and Walnut Bedsteads, Armoirs. Bureaus, Wasnstands. Tables, Mahogany and Cane Chairs, Sideboards, Sofas, Lounges, Carpets, Curtains, Bedding, Kitchen r'urniture, Ac wTTerm Cash.

r2l 971,000 Havana Cigars. BY D. E. oRPHY, Auctioneer Office No. 4 Mags, sine street Will be sold at auction on FRIDAY, tbe 26tb Inst.

at 10 o'clock, at A. F. Vail', Importer, No. 73 Magazine street, to close consignments Havana Cigars, direct importation, consisting of choice and select brands. aaT For fun her particulars, see catalogues.

Terms Under tioo, cash over aioo, six months for approved paper. sli ,050,000 German Cigars. BT BERNARD TURPIN. Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on SATURDAY, 37th at lofe o'clock, A. at the store of the importer.

Mr J. E. Fisther, No. 53 Gravier street Cigars, all guaranteed genuine, sound, and of direct importation comprising a general assortment of Regalias, Media Regalia, Londres, Millar, Imperiales, Prensadoa. Ac.

Conditions 9200 caab over S300. sixty days over four month; over $tOu, six months, for approved paper, sii IT Superior Kosrwood and Mahogany Household Furniture and Pianoforte at Auction. BY R. M. MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer Will oe sold on MONDAY, 2th Inst, at II o'clock, at the three story brick residence on Camp street, between Delord and St Joseph streets A large and varied assortment of Fine Furniture, consisting in part of superior Rosewod Parlor Seta in rich Brocatelle, superior Rosewood, Mahogany, and Walnut Bedsteads, Armoirs, Bureaus, Sideboards, Washstanda.

Escritoies, Sofas, Lounges, Centre Tables. Extension and other Tables. Spring Seat, Parlor. Easy and other Chairs. Splendid Velvet and other Carpets, French Plate Mirrors, China and Glassware, Curtains, Mattresses, aVdding, Ac And One superior Piccolo Pleyel Pianoforte.

The furniture 1 nearly new, and will be aold without any reserve. SaT Term Cash. sil Succession of S. W. Oakey.

BY R. M. MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer Will be sold on TUESDAY, the 30th inst. at II o'clock, at the Old Auction Mart, 7 Camp street, by virtue of an order from the hono'able the Second District Court, dated New Orleans, Sept. 16, 1866 A lot of Office Furniture, comprising Desk, Bookcase, Chairs.

Ac. tmW Terms Cash. si 9 23 27 30 For Bale, Splendid Parisian Furniture, Mirrors, Cnrtain, Carpet. Cut Glass and Cbinaware, Family 8ervanta, ate. THE Furniture contained in dwelling No 11 St Ann J.

street, Pontalba Buildings, comprising splendid sets 01 mnurua urunuiv, vuiiMiUi uiu House Servants. Ac. is offered for private sale until tbe 16th and if not then disposed of, will be sold on that day, at 11 o'clock, at auction. For further particulate apply on tbe premises, or to, J. L.

CARMAN A CO Auctioneers. 14 tf 60 Magasine street Sheet Iron. LANDING rxsblps ft Sumner. Kate Dyer and Nu remberg. from Liverpool, and in store 200 bundle R.

G. Sheet Iron, assorted, 14, 16, 16,30, 84, 96, no anu i7. bundles Eng. Sheet Iron, assorted, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 26. 27.

PRIESTLEY A BEIN, 1 At ft and 91 Camp street. Copper. LANDING ex ships Memphis, Clifton and Cynosure, and in store to cases soxoo Roofing Copper, assorted, 10, II and ft xskou ii ana 3 20X60 SOXrjO Brazier 1 to 5OU0IB Bolt Jj to li inch. PRIESTLEY A BEIN, sl9 6t 7 89 and 91 Camp street New Orleans, Ked River and Texas Tcle grapu Ltine. T1HE undersigned having nurchased at SberilTs sale all J.

that portion of the above line situated in the Parish of Iberville, will disnosc of the same either entire, or the Posts, Wire, Cable across Bayou Plaquemlne, Instruments ana umce fixtures lor two omres, in seperate lota. HART, AUSTIN A CO. Plaquemlne, Sept 18, 1866. sl 6t For Sale or to Hire, A STOUT and healthy NEGRO MAN. 24 year of ace i fully warranted; price i20, half cash and balf six months.

In a good endorsed note to satisfa tion. witb mortgage. Apply by note in box A 49, Foat Office, or at Old ievee, wnere tne negro can oe seen. sa or O. 3 MACKEREL 60 barrels and 26 half barrels, landing ex James Buchanan, and tor aale oy JOS H.

MAH.KS A 76 and 78 Magazine street. Careat Improvement In Manufacturing the Bi Snlnhlte of Lime. BERNARD A ALBRECHT, manufacturer of Bisulphite of Lime, take tbia opportunity to call tbe attention of planter ana commission mercnants to tne im movements and extension that their manufacture haa un dergone, owina to the numeroua ordera thev have filled laat year. Tbey are now prepared to fill all ordera In their line, which they may be favored, with punctuality and despatch. The great improvement that they have added to the process of manufacturing, as well for the purity as for It degree of atrength, will engage the planter who have not yet need their products to give a trial thl year, and they will be satisfied that lt stands above all the others As tbe value of thia article ia particularly subject to It density and purity, we shall always give tbose two guarantees We have already received order from planter for an article of an an usual density, which we guarantee to be accordingly.

Planters favoring us with their ordera T. LANAUZ, Commission Merchant, 16 9m IT Conti rtreet Mrs. Turner, 109 Canal al HAVING extensive order in Franco, will be prepared to offer to tbe ladies. In the falLan unusually large and attractive stock of Good a. in PARIS MILLINERY BONNETS.

RIBBONS. FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND HEAD DRESSES CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS in the prevailing style and fashion i and Itai broideries, direct from manufacturers Is Ia tbia department there will ne nine 6 novelty. tela arte xtoots, Base stwa nrsgaaa, A A Wow landing from hip Norfolk. And hi store, general assortment ef BOOTS, SHOE lr. .1 CANS, HATS, CAPS, Ac Plantation srrp SwwTOrime DITVrHING BOOTS, RC 5 gET BOOTSJSROGANS, WOOLjMllCA PALM LEAF.

STRAW and CAMPEACHY HATS, at toweft market prices. WT UAlSi VAri, AS. Vf K.MamMx: Wr an constantly receiving a general assortment of Silk. For, Cassimere, Panama, Leghorn, straw, Jfalaa Leai liaxioon i ol RAld, atV arvj aw reiws al VW AAA A ti srw LOrrXsX MAPJBT PRICrS. saws as im aaaasnisa nt Succession of William Watson.

saie ei a vooa. aauer ana ironer. BY J. A. BEARD A MAT M.

deArmaa, Auctioneer Will be (eld at auction on TUESDAY. September 33. 1856, at 19 o'clock at Banks'a Arcade, Magazine atreet. In the city of New Orleana, pursuant to en order from the Honorable P. H.

Morgan, Judge of the Second District Court of New Orleans, dated August in, i860 Tne slave BIG CORA, a negreas, aged about 30 veaia cook, wasber and Ironer. tar Terms rjasn. Act of sale, at the expense of the purchaser. hfora Wm. Christy, notary public anil 30 s3 13 23 Steamboat Funny Sparhawk for a diri aion 01 lutereat BT J.

A. BEARD A MAT J. A. Beard, Auctioneer. Will be aold at auction on 8ATURD AT.

September 97th, 1866, at 19 o'clock, at Banks' Arcade, on Magazine street, in the city of New Orleans The steamboat FANNT SPARHAWK, her Furniture, Tackle. Apparel, Machinery, Ac, as she now lies on the opposite side of tne river. xerms une nail casn. ana tne oaiance on a ere tut 01 six months for approved endorsed note to the satisfaction of the vendors. ai WANTS.

"VVTAN TED A Seamstress must come well recem the residence of J. T. BELKNAP, Common street, oppo site 'he Medic' College. 24 tf WANTED A good colored Cook must rome well recommended. Aonlv immediatelv at the residence of J.T.

BELKNAP, Common street, opposite the Medical Ci lloge 23 tf WANTED A situation ai Warehouseman by a person acquainted with the English. German and French weighing, markiug and measuring of goods also well ac quainted with common arithmetic Reference can be giten Inquiie at 2 New Levee, between Customhouse and Bienville st etts. si.i it WANTED A situs' ion as Wet Nurse by a respectable hMithv mmn 11 mi .4 v. mi ,.4 mI.mi.i i. a ply to Mra.

AiAKY JOYCE, bi Julia street, corner of TchoinpitouleuL rvt WANTED A young man to go to ttie country, Clerk Drv Ciooda Store None need bddiv onlv Those that can fire th bttof reference. Apply to W. ivftusAi to, vivy noiei. vv vf ANTED Either a Scotch fleruiu or colurrd House Servant. Apolv on Maaazine next door above First.

Tl hiebeat wages will be paid to such as come well recommended none others need apply. i WANTED A middle sized Sugar or Cotlou Plantation nm i o.i.a i nni nvr ui i i i 1. In twinA the Hand and Farming lnstrnmrnts necessary for its cultiv tlon. Tbe price will be paid yearly, and per cent. i i ere.

i iu nve aucceaaivc years. Aaoress nan aoionio, Texas, Box 87. Iso. For Sale, one of tbe beat Ranges in Texaa, on the Wlin. tt.w.

anilu. fMm S.h A ini.i I. 1 uerfect order and cultivation, and very welt timbered. ntii tae stock ana su toe jr arming instruments. Address asanove.

ji im" ANTED Employment aa Mock Clerk and would TVi.k. himu lf Iim Gooda 8rore. Beat city references given. Address Clerk." at tbia office. sil 6t iV ANTED Ta hire, a colored Woman.

Must be a good Cook. Washer and Ironer. Address box H. Kg Post Office. til 3t WANTED An Americkn Tutor and Disciplinarian, to teach PenmsnsMn and Arithmetic Apply to LOU IS DUFAU and W.

P. RIDDELL, No 2 East Wing University Buildings, corner of Common and Baronne treeis sso at Tl ANTED TEACHER Wanted, a gentleman to auopiv a vacancy in the caslcal department of an academy near Natchez, Miss from 1st Ocober until luth December next, or lor a longer term Apply, personally, to BYRON F. tOOR. 20 3t Caron jelet street. ANTED In a small familv, a brat rate cook, waaher and ironer.

Good citv reference reauired. Addreea r. Plcav une office. rill at WANTED A child's nurse and seamstress. Best of recommendation reauired.

Address T. Pica vune office 20 at WANTED By a respec.abie young niau, a situation In a Unix Store. Good recommendation. ApdIv auick. at this office, to M.

J. N. s0 st w. ANTED A prfy POtaW Med of expeririire nd ener rv. requlrea a tut nation as Salesman, in the Lrv Oooda trade.

Satisfactory reference given. Address A. ANTED To Sugar Planters Sugar Boiler A situa tion wanted, bv a competent person, of thirteen years' experience, with open kettles and vacuum trains. Conduct unexceptionable aud la capable of keeping the engine and train in good order, without an engineer as sistance. Address E.

at this sffire. 20 At WANTED A sitnatiou as Gardener, by a young man who understands the manasem*nt of fruits, dowers and vegetables. Address L. D. at this office.

slt 3t WANTED A competent Accountant wishes employment for a nortion of his time, and will take charae of a set of books that will not require tbe full employment oi a Dooa xeeper. r.xceiient references win ne given Aa dress, Picayune Office. si tf WANTED By a lay, fully competent to give instruction In the Enclish and French laiisuaaea. lottkioc both fluently, a altuatlon in a pleasant family or acbool haa no objection to leave tbe city, and would be willing to take charee of a female department under a board of trustees, having been principal of an institution of ber own. Her experience and discipline unobjectionable.

Instruction on the guitar, singing and drawing can be given A good salary required. References produced. Address Bax 12, Post Office. iu ot ANTED TO LAWYERS, Ac A gentleman, a au oerior and exneditious Deoman. wishes to roc a re a situation as a Copyist In a lawyer's, office, or otherwise wberever ne could make ntmseil nseral he can copy from fifty to one hundred folios per diem.

Or, being a Teacher by profession, he will accept a situation as sucn in a private family in the country bis acquirements as an Kng ctish and Classical scholar qualifying him for it. Refer ences unexceptionable Any communication addressed to A at the omce or this paper, will be immediately attended tO. S18 ANTED A Journeyman Paper Box maker, also smart girls and a boy to learn the bosineaa. Wages paid while learning it NEW HALL A H0YE, slrt 6t Canal street, np stairs. WANTED A Tinner to go to Galveston, Texas.

Apply to 8 LARK, STACFFER A 14 it 64 Canal street WANTED A Tear ber for six pupils in a private family residing upthe Coast The applicant must be fully competent to teach both French and English his pronunciation of tbe EnglUh unobjectionable, and come well recommended as to capabi'itiea and moral character. Apply to BELLOC4. NOBLOM A CO rU lot fil Carondelet. street. ANTED SCHOOLS A gentleman well quaiiliedia wanted as Principal of the Boys' High School.

First District Address immediately, sio lmdAW D. P. MITCHELL. New Orleans. WANTED By an experienced Accountant, employment in balancing books no pay demanded until a balance sheet be rendered.

Satisfactory references given. Address R. Picayune office. S3 lm vember 1, litf7, two story House, having or 6 rooms, rarnisoea or uniurnisnea, yarn in rront ana rear, and situated in the First District. Address Box No.

17. au3i i HtfANTED Pattern Maker Wanted, a good Pattern sundrv Apnlv to VY Maker for the Vickaburg Foundry T. i i 1 BREWSTER A ZACHARIE, 36 Fulton street au3 tf ANTED TEACHER In a private family in the counter, a abort distance from New Orleans, a com petent middle aged man, capable of teaching Ptench and rngllsn, ana to wnom a lair compensation wiudc ai owea. The best of reference will be required. Address Box I Ho, with names, references and salary asked, aula tf GAS FIXTURES.

Oas Fixtures. H. GUILD, No. 314 8T. CHARLES STREET, between Girod and Julia streets Entrance to Shop on St Mary street, KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Gaa Fixtures of the latest pazterna.

and also J. W. Hoard aew and improved Patent Gaa Regulator, which is guaran teed to aave 26 per cent, of a as. Braas Work of every de scription made to orders Globe Valve co*cka, doable and single Flange and Stops of all sizes, of new pattern Spelter Solder constantly on hand. All order entrusted to my care will be promptly execs ted in a workmanlike manner at low rates for cash Jell 66 ly lias Fixtures.

EO. ALLAN. 166 CAMP STREET, Next to the Odd Fellow' HalL I WOULD re pec fully Inform my old friend and th public generally that I have on band and will be con rtantly receiving large Invoices of GAB FIXTURES and CHANDELIERS of all descriptions and tbe latest sty lea. I will engage to fulfill ail orders entrusted to my care la the beat and neatest manner. Also, particular attention given to Stuns ap Gas Fixture Is Private Dwelling.

art lv S. ALLAH. CLOVES bale for sale by JOS. H. MARKS A 20 it 76 and 7 Magazine street Plant Cane for Hale.

HAVE eOarpentagood Plant Cane for aale, price 9100 1 per arpent, on tne oayou Laiourcne, six mnea oerow If taken for fall nlantine I will deliver it on tae hank of the Bayou, or to tbe Une of tbe Opelousas Railroad i. AKmuauii, 20 aw Tbibodaax P. O. riDKiiin urmi tsai, IVOR Sale In hossbeads at per delivered in the Pint and second unmet, oy Wi OLIVER A CO 13 lm'taw Carondelet street To mercnants and Flaaters. tr HE subscriber haa on hand A and 1 constantly receiving a arge and complete assortment of Philadelphia manufactured Plan (Hun anil Rood WAGONS for horses and oxen, Cane and other CARTS, DRAYS.

TIM BER. HRr.1,8. OX CARTS aad WHEELS. JERSEY and BAGGAGE WAGONS, TRUCKS and WBEEL Dsaautrs oi su ainus, uu iu vwer huuc iu uu, made of the beat material and workmanship, warranted to be superior to any other manufacture, for aale on a good term and lower than any other establishment. Pur chasers will find lt to tbair interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.

DAVID G. WILSON, Alt. 70 and 79 Carondelet atreet ay All of the' above articles are manufactured of th beat New Jersey white oak. witb black locust hnba. aV Also on hand a large assortment of Sugar and cotton Ptoweha.

a low srieaa Jyi oo ly Charley Blsllone's yster Saloon, FORMERLY DICK NASH or Ht Charlea atreet CHARLEY BIGLIONE baa th honor I to Inform the public, that having leased the above Saloon, be ia ore Dared to accommodate tbaee friends who may wish to give him CHOICE LIQUORS, and th best the market afford, arwava on nana, ana wiu oe servea ap in nrs sty w. I.nnrh from ton. A. to 1 P. M.

aaT A well ventilated Reatsssnt no ataira. Nstwr Hrjiaa faeai rreaa Gainea'a landing, on Mississippi 5J River, to Waahlngton, AjA. teaving SmL.mi rlXftarnea'a Landing every MONDAY, WEDNESDAV and FRIDAY, at o'clock A. M.1passing through the following town, vizi Monucello, Warren, Huntm. Camden and Washington, distance 180 miles.

time 64 boon i connecting at Camden with stage line so the following place i Eldorado, Rock Port, Hot Spring and Little Rock i at Waahlngton, connect with stages lor llarasviue, lexaa, snreveporc, z.a., ana uikw atoca. Ark. Pars from Gaines's Landing to Waahlngton, SIS Thb liM haa bees recent! established, and as Mocked with sew team and new Concord bailt nine passenger eoacaea, wun aooev, carenu ana swnw onTm BEEMAN A Proprietor. Camden, BESSY WALLIS, i walnsa'aXAadntgs WM. JHILLIFS; Jylg tf aa St Cbariea street.

New Orleana. rr. Vlaatm. THV) snderaVgned, aaents for BOOR'S PATENT SUGAR FAN, keqleav to inform the tW piaster wuss vacs sow resuy to asroiy tuem wit a tae swyw tas unawiajUMtocnUiwJUp eU2 Ta Wholesale and Retail Urocers. CITY ANLVCOUNTBY.

I tHE abscrtbeTa ha m. rwkan Susquehanna, Cynosure. Creole and Fanny Forrester a 'so for sale to arrive by ship Horizon, James Buchanan, Pyramid. Middlesex and brig West, the following large "id varied assortment of NORTHERN AND EASTERN MERCHANDISE, selected with great care, which they "ner to he trade at accommodating term and prices. wih.1, casuiummoii ur iKTcz oy purcnsaer previous to tbeir buying elsewhere.

Coffee sen pocket OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA 900 bags LAG UAkRA 15 balf bales MOCHA; SS quarter bales MOCHA. Spl 100 bag SUMATRA PEPPER 2S JAMAICA ALLSPICE 60 RACE GINGER; 900 mat CA88I; ft cases No I NUTMEGS: 6 bale CLOVES Fish 200 barrels Shore No. 3 MACKEREL 1 lfiO Large Nq, 3 76 N6. I 167 half barrels Large No. 9 26 qr.

No. 2 150 kit Large No. 9 loo No. 1 60 HALIBUT FINS; 60 TONGUES AND SOUNDS; 10 barrel PICKLED EELS 20 balf barrels la qr. 300 buxe CODFISH 600 MGIALEN HFRRINGS.

Oils 18 cask BLEACHED WINTER WHALE OIL 6 SPERM 86 barrels TANNERS SPERM OIL 3 cask BOILED LINSEED OIL 76 barrel EMtRV'S LAHD OIL 60 LINCOLN'S SPERM OIL. Candles loo boxe NEW BEDFORD SPERM 60 CARTOONS; 90 COLD WAY loo ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 76 BOSTON MOULD Teas 260 hair chests FOUCHONG8, hit) paper io 4m 126 case CANISTER IMPERIAL 96 half chests IMPERIAL, various grade; 60 OOLONG, 10 GUNPOWDER, 2uo 1216 boxes IMPERIAL, 300 SIB Soaps oim ooxea winvnuicK no. i boat, 45m 901 EAGLE loO SMITH A HILLMA'S 80AF, 60 WINCHESTER'S RU8. KO 12 boxes COLGATE'8 FANCY. Tobacco 25 tnree quarter boxe Roa oke 6' TOBACCO 6 W.

Hurt' 6' 60 8. P. Childer' 10' 6 one half boxes Buckeye Tw st 10 keg People's Luxury, half pound lumps; 'o three quarter boxes E. A Gardner's, pound. 10 C.

T. Will's, 90 Uncle Tom's, 20 Emma Adam', Liiqners 10 qr. casks Kocneiie vineyard BKinut 10 Old London Dock COGNAC; lo Anarew Seignette 6 Esmeralda Grape 1 eighth casks London Dock 26 Esmeralda and Francis I 3 pipes Double Swan HOLLAND GIN 10 qr. cask Superior OLD PORT WlNE U) OLD SHERRY WINE; 2ft barrel Smith's OLD BOURBON WHISKEY 16 MONONGAHfLA WHISKEY 3i baskets (quarts) CHAMPAGNE 16 (pin's) Straw Paper 3no reams Douoie crowns S00 GaStney (Hardware); tv) urge Small li wo Medium 2U0 Tea Cap. I.OHSTKRS Vi case i aud 2 pound can, 100 dozen.

SALMON 76 esses I and 2 pound cam, 150 dozen. Wooden Wnre 2ia dozen PA1NTD AILS .1 nest TC BS 75 dozen PAILS 2.1 WASH BOARDS 60 boxes CLOTHS PINS in dozen BED CORDS: in CLOTHES LINES 76 bundles WILLOW BASKETS; 60 nest BrCKETS. Split Peas IM.LOW ano i tj oau pore. Plcltles, Sect 26 dozen gallon ritULtS; 60 Til 75 5 26 pints 75 TOMATO KETCHUP; 10 pints WALNUT 10 pints 10 MUSHROOM 25. ASSORTED SAUCER Currants to casks NEW ZANTC CUKK AIVTB, Dates 10 frail HEW IMIRHt HATH, CUBA 8IXES uoo boxes varioua qualities SUP.

CARBONATE SuDA 60 kegs Newcastle; SMOKING TOBACCO 100 cases Goodwin A Bro. SCOTCH 8N PF 26 boxes kTB bottles YEAST POWDERS 25 cases Hope Mills; CHOCOLATE 10 cases Caracas; GOSHEN BUTTER 35 firkins Rose Bud; PIN APPLE CHEESE 20 boxes ex Empire City; FIRE CRACKER8 260 boxes Gold Chops; STARCH boxss Oswego and Chicago ALE, PORTER aid CIDER 260 caaea qta. and pte. GROUND COFFEE 26 Domes Hope Mills, Tt! paper; GOU LEY'S BITTKR8 26 case. 96 dozen: STOUGHTON'S BITTERS fO cases, 60 dozen.


1 and 2Tb cans. Extracts lo case EXTRACT of tKMUS to VANILLA; 10 ROSE: 10 A 8 oQRTED. Assorted Preserve 160 cases NUMSEN. THOMAS A UU Baltimore; 76 cases quarts. W.

K. LEWIS A Boston; 60 esses BRANDY PEACHES; 26 case BRANDY APRICOTS. Pie Fruits 200 cases. Sundries. 20 case, pint, Red Currant JELLY; 99 GREEN PEAS, 2 IB can 60 PEACHES.

21B can; 96 STRAWBERRIES, 2B can; 26 'TOMATOES. 2Tb can; 15 TABLE SALT, boxe; loo baskets SWI F.T OIL, quart and pint 10 cases MATCHES; 6 ceroous Manilla INDIGO 76 cases LEMON SYRUP; 96 tin cases Bent' WINE CRACKERS WATER 60 OySTER 60 ASSORTED 26 gross Mason's BLACKING; 10 SHOE BRUSHES; 75 cases Assorted CAN DI ES HI SPICED LOXSl'ERS; 75 boxes GROUND PEPPER; 60 GINGER; lo CASS I a 10 CLOVES; 60 Oleine Oxide SOAP; 50 Caaiile 900 19TB boxe Oswego STARCH 60 tilB 60 boxes Superfine Family MUSTARD, TB 30 Fine JilB: 10 pound; 90 Pure Arr can rtrrtK; 60 case Assorted ORD1AL8 76 baaketa ANISETTE i 26 case Old East India MADEIRA loo 8t Jnlien Medec CLARET. For. ale by D. MARKS A a1 4 SuATu3w 61 and 63 Tcboupitoulaa atreet REMOVAL REMOVAL SMITH.

COOPER A CO. have removed from 109 to No. 76 Tchoopitonlaa street S21 Im REMOVAL HERk L. GzlEENLEAF baa removed to No 66 Gravier atr. et a9 lm It EMOVAL We have removed our office to 61 Union Kjtreet.

near Baronne. HARRISON. DR. L. H.

EVERITT, Graduate at Edinburgh, and Author of Vital Atomic Medicine and Surgery, haa removed to a more convenient omce. 1U7 BARONNE STREET, between Hevia and Girod streets, where hi patient may find bim ac all hours of tbe day. at lm IT REMOVAL JOHN C. STEWART haa removed bis tfie from No 98 Gravier atreet to the Coal Yard. No.

77 Customhouse street, one door from the corner of Roi al. Jye REMOVAL We have removed from 46 to 46 Carondelet street, where we will give our attention to sale of Cotton and Sugar. air urjivovi roriivnur. R' EMOVAL J. F.

ALLEN, Steamboat Agent, has raj moved from No. 67 Tchoupitoula a reet to Ms. II Poydras stieet. comer Commercial F8 tf Bargaaay Wines. rwBH noacrlber, having been appointed sola 1 m. the hivhlvreanectablcand wel se ui knoa nnirn( A Growers and Win Burgundy, begs to call tb attention of the Public to tne very superior quality or uwr SPARKLING WINES. I. Lauaaeure, (Vleux Ceps) Amber Wine, extra. Cte d'Or, Pale Wine. Bed Sparkling Romanee.

RU ROUND LEA Cloa da Voageot, Bicbaburg Romanee, Chambertin, nita, Fommard, Ac WHITE WINES of Chablia, MONTRACHET and all FRENCH WISES, vuui ana nnauaviS'S. iiai a. riRnrRRi. OM I Vlcksburs; Wharf Boat. ssawgat The undersigned respectfully Informs I merchant shippers and the public generally mrZ New Orleana that he haa pare baaed the i'Url RoZziormerlv keot at Vickabnrx bv Forterfleld A and haa contracted for the building ef new and splendid Boat, which will soon replace the present The ac common ano, ana Collectors.

Baits AeaA, Ve HE undersigned have opened General C. Uectas and House Agency Bnaine at No. 4 Commercial known ta ths el" tb7 UcT ehanS, doeSs, pro'owse and other, having, buia nd Va tu rent or hire. 7 E. L.

C. McireAN. 5 im N. A. FITZGERALD, Agent for W.

T. Coleman' Undulatory Cots an ilia Laid Warrants. EPS imrrmtrr anaeket racea mid Land Waiiai 'a ataa ail kind at Tmn rtnt li iiniirsaad Wsasss, iwreaaaao 07 'm new boot will possess superior accommoaatiano, ana wu freights thippedbyth Vickaburg and New Onerj pack tato th care of the subscriber for Yazoo Rtr will be stored and re hiped free of charge. solicit ths patronage of business men, and pledges himself to give pep. H.fks tin B.

J. BUTLER, anio Proprietor. aaLaaas, COMMERCIAL. oy THB rnT mw UmoF Eveoing, September 22, ISM. I UajanUf.

llI2 19.l Good MiS.dyl; LowMiddsng 104U STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stock on hand 1st September, 1868 Arrived since Arrived to day bales 7.198 ....40. 168 9.O80, 88.448 .18.308 2.0l 1S.909 Exported to Exported to day Stock on hand and on ship board not 41.939 TOBACCO The only sale we hear of were SO hhds, at 8To)c afHS. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. Stock on hand 1st September, 1866......

hhda, 9.074 Arrived 660 Arrived to day Exported to date 8.404 Exported to day 75 2.479 Stock on hand and on ship board not 7.275 SUGAR AND MOLASSES We heard of no transaction in either article, the rain preventing any business on the Levee until late in the day. FLOUR Only 60 bbla. superfine were aold at6 75 bbl. WHEAT The receipt by the Florida not, landed and nothing done. CORN One lot of 3500 sacks white was sold in the afternoon at 61c.

bushel, and 1300 sacks in six or seven loU at 62S63C for white and 60363c. for inferior Creole. PORK AND LARD We heard of only a few retail lota disposed of. BACON We noticed a sale of 16 cask prime ribbed Side at 10c. and a few cask ordinary at Jc 4fr 7b.

COFFEE We hear of nothing doing to day. BALE ROPE 60 coils fancy (Louisiana Manufacturing Company) sold at 11 cash. RICE About 201 cask have been (old within a day or two at woic. and some small lo at tc. tb.

1 auunis iMuet ana we nave not heard of any new engagement co aay. EXCHANGES Transactions very limited. London, (clear bill) percent, prem. Pari 2036 96 per dollar. New York no oaya.

1)I per cent. dis. New Yoefc aiaht per rt discount to par Izlat of Veatsela Closured and Sailed tor New Orleans. Corrected for the Dally Picayune, September 13. 1869.

COASTWISE FORTS WEW YORK. Steamship Empire City. Windle sld Sept 17 Ship Brandywtue, Merriman Sept 13 Smp Scotland. Burke Sept i3 Ship Harry of th West. Adams eld Sept 19 Ship Liberty, Atkina Sept 4 Ship Realm.

Septs Ship Pvramid, Aug 29 Bark Helicon, Sept 6 Bark Ann, Aug 30 BOSTON. Ship Juliet. Moulton Sept 6 Ship Rockaway. Lufkin eld Sept 9 Ship Frank Pierce, Sept 9 Snip Middlesex, Cook sld kept 2 Ship Forest Stute. Sept 6 Ship Excelsior.

lid Aug 26 Ship Horizon. Reed. Aug 19 Bark Diana, Davias Aug 13 PHILADELPHIA. Ship Morse. Weeks eld Aug Bark Tammany.

Septa Brig David 8 Brown. eld Aug 97 BALTIMORE Brig West, Bray aid Sept 3 ROCKLAND, (Me.) Bark Glann, Holme. Aug 30 FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. Ship Fanny Fosdlck, Crabtree sld Aug 93 Ship Sultan, eld Aug 25 Ship Agamemnon. Affleck.

aid Aug 21 Ship American Union, Otis Aug 21 Ship Gov Langdon. Aug 19 Ship Enoch Train, Rich gfog 18 Bhip Shakespeare, sld Aug 18 Ship Clarissa Bird, Bird sld Aug 17 8 hip Idas, Westcott Aug 16 Snip Carlyle, aid Aug 16 Ship Julia Tyler aid Aug 10 Bhip Neptune, Batcbelder Aug 7 Ship Ed Hyman, aid Aug 3 Ship Deegany. Aug 1 Ship New Orleana, Rich aid July 18 hip Sir Cbaa Napier eld July 10 LONDON. Ship Ocean Belle, via Cardiff eld Aug 19 BRISTOL. (Eng) Ship New Empire, Randall Ang 16 NEWPORT (Wales,) Ship Wm Witberlee.

At wood aid Aug 18 Bhip Palestine, Pettingall. Aug 1 7 CARDIFF, Wales. Ship Sarah Park. Pendleton sld Aug 29 HAVRE. Ship Oregon, Porter Ang 29 BORDEAUX.

Ship Morning Glory, Hobba. Ang 9 BREMERHAVEN. Ship AnnaDelius, sld Aug 21 Ship Hermann, Aug 19 RIO DE JANEIRO. Schr Mary Thomas ald July 15 HOTELS. St.

Liouls Hotel. During tbe past summer this favorite family Hotel baa been thoroughly overhauled, refurnished, painted and papered throughout it ia, in all points of comfort and elegance, among the foremost In the Union, and never promised better. Messrs. W. Holbrook at J.

H. tc raircnua are con nected with the management in fact, every department has been to the very best improved. lt will De opened ior tne reception 01 its inena ana patron on Wednesday. October 16th. SI4 tnna.

1 ou rane.Lt, jrropnetor. ear New York Herald, Pittsburg Gazette. Boston Post, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, St Louis Republican, Charleston Courier, Louisville Journal, Mobile Advertiser, copy one month each. Fillmore House, MNo. 108 St.

Charles street, corner of Poydras, New Orleans. Fitted np expressly for Resident Boarder. V. 8. GOODIN, ai8 lm Superintendent Planters' Hotel.

I adiaonvllle, Louisiana. Thh desirable summer retreat, ao generally known throughout the 8tate, is now open for the reception of visitors. Dnrine the neat winter, the proprietor has made extensive improvements and additions Large and finely ventilated apartments for families and single entlemen. Dinner parties will be served to order on the shortcut notice. The choicest delicacies of the season, together with the beat of wines and liquor, will be served to all natrons Bath nonae.

nsning tacxie. ate, can ne naa at au times Pleasure parties, firemen. Ac, attended to at the shortest notice. Jys 3ml A H. L.

DIAg. Proprietor Barnes's Hotel Mississippi City, Mia. Thl desirable Bummer Retreat, so generally known throughout the Southern Country, under the management of WM. BARNES, situated at Missis sippi City, on the Gulf Coast, will be opened on the First Day Ot June next, ior uic reception oi lajwr. The manv natural advantagea of thia Eatablishment.

commanding the finest water prospect on tbe Gulf, with the pure Salt Water flowing direct from the Ocean, and having never been visited by an Epidemic, nave not tailed to impress favorably tbe many Visitors from the different Southern Cities and surrounding country. Dnrine the nast Winter the Proprietor haa made eaten stve improvement and additions Large and finely ven mated apartments tor oacneiors nave oeen erecteo. a new. large and substantial Wharf built, decidedly the beat on the Sea Coast The Billiard Rooms bave been tkor oughly arranged and fitted ap, and the Ball Alley pot Is perfect order. Carriage and Horse can alway be had at the shortest notice.

The Proprietor ia determined to spare no expense that will enable him to merit a continuance of the generouy patronage heretofore received, and render the stay giieetaSgreesble. i.irora iiiiiii new Dr c. im tBarnea'sHotal, will land at tne nirsx wnan, in Slppi Citv Cooper's Well. Situated In Hinds county. Misa, forty mile from Vicksbnrg, by railroad, Raymond within four mile, from thence oy stage.

Thia noted Watering Place, for the core of Chronic Di arrhee. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Chloroala. General Debility, Ac, la now open for the ffF visitor. IN MAM WILLIAMS. March, 185S.

Proprietor. N. B. It ia well known that the yellow fever waa preva lent here laat fall, evidently brought here by peron or gooda from an infected district Person arriving at the Well will be struck with its elevated location, (situated In tbe pine hills,) and will fail to see any local cause for fever. Precaution haa been taken to have the bedding used on the occasion pointed out by the resident physician, (Dr.

J. S. Beazeley and burnt in presence of witness, and their certificate published. A thorough renovation a now going on, and visitors are daily arriving. I do not desire, ner da I expect a very large company the coming season bat every exertion will ee made to render the Invalid com fortaW CmhiA tf W.

Carrollton Hotel. fas This delightful resort, so convenient to the dry I only twenty minute' ride on the cars running A every half hour to and from having been thorough ly repaired, painted. Ac, and newly furnlehed. sow open to public patronage. Families or single gentlemen ess accommodated wits beard and pleasant rooms, or board only.

aaT Dinner parties will be served to order os the shortest notice. The choicest delicacies of the season, together with the baa Wis aad Liquors, will be served to all JhTtl C. H. HOBTON Pf tlH Jf loraee aa wi, PIE VT VUWI'i Corner of Camp atreet "ndifff 3: a This pleasantly located hotel will remain opes daring tne summer months for the eceommodsttos of city and transient boarders Its healthy and "Siffy "nry TwO. T.

JETER. Tka fleeu Wort a cs Hotel wfiii be opened on tbe first day of Jane ander the I attention of JOHN Mc DON NELL, of 147 Com street Every energy will be brought ta bear to maae zn viartoTe as oome. mvn xx. ueaviri BAYOU BT JOHN HALFWAY HOUSE, I I th tell gate, will open hi Restaurant and Bar room a na atnsrecxitwoicnaToTan tA msaay. Point Clear Hotel.

The proprietors of tha Battle House aave tb piaav 1 I ore of informing the jrnblic that the above dellgbt a.ful lUHstA RESORT wUi Bo opened aWtWM DAY, 11th of Jans. During tb past season they sava bass lm proving the grounds, and have made some sew doit" to tbe arauldinga, which are now in perfect a "i antmest comfort A sew North Wharf I 1 which wfll lessen ths distance and time coi'lZnZ new tabie haa been erected and roar ri the Point Clear has advantages over MilMM Coast, and tnese who visited there lr TzZ.nmt rm for the imwior Water Bataln and A adoreasine may oa ( CfJ. MARINE NEWS. sisrSsaaaayar 7. Vf 'TCaTUHxS OFFICE, September ta.

CLEARED YESTXEDAT. Sk vor C.Hm". Baxter LeveTl Acs HTJST Boodouequie A Phillip. Scar Titcomb, Manning, Lagnaa, Crrevy at Farwell ARRIVED. Ship Pocahontas.

Cotter, fm Liverpool 30th Jniv tm Meeker Acs 4th district 47 Bark Ardennes, Marah, 9 day fat rnirs ta If net. son Quarantine Station, mm Brig May Queen, Jackson, i days fm Philadelphia, to a Hynaon A Co 1st district 29 Hex Brig Union, Perez, 6 day fxn Tampico, lasses 2d district ia Schr Julia A Rich. Sean, 19 day fin Savannah, ta Fools Aco 9d district 18. Schr Martha, Harrison, 8 days fm Fenaacola, to master BchrPhamix. Brown, days fm Fenaacola.

to 1 fciSi 5 ay to PcnsacoU. to Fssley. Anew4?" cnooaaaa tun, Sarah Decide fmtoVS? FontainWeau, PetorCfS TTcbefunts. Telegraph, Murray, fm Bjniouca arsABtsas. ''7 Alma.

Marah. fm Bt Louis. 1 Delaware, McMurty, fm 8t Louia. Citv of Knoxville. Terrebonne, ns Dosaldaaavllla.

Oregon. Myers, fin Mobile Princes. Holmes, fm Vickabort. MagnoliA Sbute. fm Vickaburg Capitol, Ure.

fm Fisbeis Landing Eclipse Jr. Conry, fm LooisvUle. Florida. 8mith. fm St Louie.

Jaa Stockton. Hawthorn, fm Psscagoula. Young, Hoffman, fm Lake end Fontchartraia via the river no cargo. Towboat Ocean, Chapman, fin the Passes towed down and to sea ITta in6, sblps Mulbouae, Par West, bark Sarah Bridge and Mooasco brought np ship Pocav bontaa, brigs May Queen, Union, and schr alia A Rich. AKRrvXD ON SUNDATV STIAMEkS.

Southern Belle. Broad well, fm Grand Lake. Jsa Montgomery. Montgomery, fm Padncah. EXPORTS.

JtiR.i3'l0 Hancork 9011 bales cotton, 3539 ska wheat, lite bbl flour, 6000 staves. BOSTON Bark Victoria bale cottoa. 8 do wool. 145 bale hemp 16 hhda tobacco, 900 bbla whlakey, 603 bbl Hour. 101 hide, 17 hales rope cuttings.

800 atsvcA 11 pkgs muse. LAG UNA Schr Titcomb 3600 aka earn, and L50 bbl flour. IMPORTS LIVERPOOL Snip Pocahontas 4067 aka (alt to 3 Meeker Aco 12 ck castings Chamberlain A Tufts 36 caaea steel a Whiting Aco do 9 ck mdae A Meyer Acs 3 cases do Buddecke Aco 1 ck hware Trice 24 crates eware Lewis Aco 41 do Dickerson A Le Better 1 ck hardware Wilson 79 pkg mdae Letchford Aco 22 ck 9 case 1 bskt I bale hware Justice A Hcinetz 1 caaea mdae Holmes I do OTalamon Aco 30 do North. Smede Aco 4 do gerty A ro 10 do do 36 bale do Caballero A Bsa nalde a da Graham 270 do 13 cases do Cramer Aco 8 do hware Caldwell Aco 2 cks do Bridge. Ran let Aco a do Bell.

nucnanan axco is caaea steel mcuregor aco nnas 107 crate eware 46 pkg mde to order cases de Dt Bailey. SAVANNAH Schr Julia A Rich lsocks tics 80 bales bagging to order 68 cks rice 8 A Levy 1 bale mdae Martin, Owen A Cobb (0 bark mills Bauly Blanchard co 3 balea cotton yarn Graham 6 do aomeatica to Watt Aco box book Buchannon, Carroll stco 9 has mdae Scovil A Mead. PEN SACOLA Schr Martha 70.000 ft lumber sto ft aaah A Simpson Aco PEN SACOLA Schr Phoenix 60,000 ft lumber A Simpson Aco. PEN SACOLA Schr Southron 61,000 ft lumber Pooley, Nicol Aco. MaTaNZAS Bark Ardennes 1038 boxe sugar to Murison PHILADELPHIA Brig May Queen 426 ton coal to Nimmrck SOS RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE.

ST LOUIS Steamer Florida 89 balea cotton Payne A Harrison 60 Estlin Aco 98 Oakey, Hawkins Aco 46 Hemingway, Friedlender Aco 18 Tbombill Aco to do Ward, Saunders A Hunt 37 Martin, Owen A Cobb 94 do Henderson, Terry Aco 16 do Robson A Allen 16 do Adam Aco 13 Byrne, Vance Aco 9 Cuddy, Brown Aco 8 Pinckard Aco 6 do Hugbea, Hy Heated Aco 6 do Rugeley, Blair Aco 9 do Hail. Rodd A Putnam 879 bbla flour Jno Woodruff Aco 961 do Conuoly Aco 600 do Voorhiea, Griggs Aco 600 do Keep. Bard Aco 160 do 9 hf do Oglesby A Marenlay 160 bbla do Kennedy atco ion do Perdreauvilie Bros 686 do 696 ska corn 9 bbla lard Horrell, Gayle Aco 747 sks corn A Morton Aco 169 do A Doughertv Aco 334 do Shaw Aco 419 do do Overton 600 do Moore Aco ISO do Given a bbl eggs O'Brien 16 bbls apples Price, Converse Aco 44 do Toranto 99 do DelBondio 18 do A Tnomaon Aco 19 do 8 bbls krout Schneider 76 bxs and bbl apples Yeatman Aco lot of machinery Mnrteon 48 head cattle 13 cow 467 iheep and 326 hogs to order Total bale cotton. ST LOUIS Steamer Alma 60 bx 98 bbl apple 1 bag potatoes to Benton Aco 6 ck bacon 96 Sega batter Convers, Kennett Aco 169 skswbeat Hogan A Murphy 610 ci rope A Dougherty Aco 16 tea ham Moloney A Bro 200 ci rope and 562 ska corn Kennett, Dis Aco 310 wheat Levy A Summers 401 els rope Perkins Aco 79 bx 6 sks ,30 bbls apple O'Brien 780 bbla floor Smith A Hadden 22 sks neat 16 bbl apple Biacoe A Slmma 16 bhd tobacco Short Aco 9 do do 906 sks wheat 187 corn 3 ck bacon Yeatman Aco 90 bbls apples JnO Duffy Aco 336 bbla flour Keep, Bard Aco 776 aka corn Newton Aco sundries order Total 18 hhda tobacco ST LOUIS Steamer Delaware 81 hhda tobacco Robinson 9W bbls flour Perdreauvilie Bros 989 els rope A Dougherty Aco S3 cks aide Connoly Aco eo kega bar lead 20 ck lead pipe Kennett, Dlx Aco 360 els rope 26 pc bagging Pope. Ellison Aco 44 bgs potatoes bay A Thomson Aco 760.bbla flour 8 Kennedy Aco IT frks butter I Adam Aco 60 ck sides Savage Aco 7 hhds tobacco Brander, McKenna A Hubbard 10 bbla spirits Moloney A Bro 13 do pork Newton Aco 991 els rope Haggerty A Letting 160 de 67 hf do Wood A Low 55 sks rye 11 hhds tobacco Moore A Van Colin 90 do K.

Short Aco 17 do Yeatman Ace to do Turner 10 do Levy A 8ummera 3 do Clark A Moaby 61 sks corn 1 cks bacon Martin 17 bxa tobacco O'Brien 194 bales cottoa Robson A Allen 97 do Miles, Adams Aco 108 do Ward, Saunders A Hunt 136 Payne A Harrison 18 Adams Aco 10 Pinckard Aco 9 Roaer A Bra 33 do Hughes, Hy Heated Aco 18 Buckner. Stanton A Newman 29 Ridgill, Roberta A Terrell 24 Henderson A Peaie Buchannon, Carroll Aco 3 Anderson A Metcalf 18 do Cuddy, Brown Aco 90 Oakey. Hawkins Ace 98 Walker A8nyaer Total 669 balea cotton 190 hhda tobacco. DON ALDSONVl LLE Steamer City of Knoxville SO hhds sugar Bogart, Foley A Avery ao Brand A Landry 3i do Ryan Aco 10 do Bujsc sundries, order. VICKSBURG Steamer Princess 630 bales cotton tb Buckner, Stanton A Newman 661 Jackson Aco 307 Watt co 1 0 Ricks Aco 117 Henderson A Peals 1S6 Mandevilie A Mcllhenny 148 Pinckard Aco 146 Connelly 132 Fellowea Aco 79 Person AOs 131 Carroll.

Pritchard Aco U3 McDowell. Mill Aco 103 Cuddy, Brown Aco 92 do Wrigqt, Allen Aco 76 do Ernst Aco 65 Estlin Aco 60 WAD Urqahsnv Hughes, Hy llested Aco 62 Ward, Saunders A Hunt toD Withers 66 Nugent Aco 38 Payne A Harrison 61 Cox Aco 36 Ronton A Allen 96 Byrne, Vance Ace 33 Henderson, Terry Aco 31 Ridgill, Roberta A Terrell 26 Oakey. Hawkins Aco 9s Frellsen, Stevenson Aco 99 Tarieton, Whiting A Tullis 96 Giraalt Aco 96 Adams 90 ThornhiU Aco 16 Cooper Ace 16 Sampson A Keen 10 Bogart, Foley A Avery Lewia Aco Green, Crump Aco 8 Anderson A Metcalf 6 A by 8 Heald. Maasie Aco 6 Greenwood 2 bbla and 77 hides Dennett, Withered Aco Total 3760 balea cotton FISHERS LANDING Steamer Capitol 106 bale cot ton Carroll, Pritchard Aco 41 Ward, Saunders A Hunt 90 Byrne, Vance Aco 84 Oakey, Hawkins Aco 80 do Lee 70 Payne A Harriaon 47 Nalle, Summers Ace 60 do Wright. Allen Aco 13 Ar Miltenberger Harris A Levi 37 Estlin Aco SO Nugent Aco A) Thorns on .10 Henderson A Peale 96J Watt Aco 10 Lallande 16 Jackson atco 16 Menard A Vignaod 8 Ferret 16 Burbridge Aco 16 WAD Crquhart 19 Bailly Blanchard Aco lSDegelos.

Durrive Aco 18 I Dosson Aco 12 McKleroy A Bradford 10 Anderson A Metcalf Cleveland, Bros Aco 6 Person Aco II Fellowea Aco Anflrew Kiermti a Frellsen. Stevenson Aco do Scudder 6 A Kelly Aco 4 Beilocq, Noblom Aco 6 1 Rlani A Son I Ho order 3 hhda SUSST Kobn A RVSn 20 do Bogart, Foley A Avery do Hewitt, Norton Aco rw ooxea nroonance i ump.iu. wuuiiu, mium Total lonw bale cotton loo hhda sugar LOUISVILLE Steamer ecupae jr ia oaia iron ana bx mdse Farlev, Jurey Aco 81 tea hams Goodrich Aco 10 bbls egg Hurley Aco 2 de do 6 hf do cheese Del Bondio 2 do 6 bbls egg 9 keg butter Schneioef 1860 sk corn Overton 17a do Michell Aco 947 do Given sundries, order VICKSBURG steamer magnolia su vmurm cotton iu Caddy, Brown Aco 323 Payne A Harrison 133 Tbornhiii Aco 243 Buchannon, Carroll Aco 160 Smede Aco 941 Pinckard Aro 113 Brander. McKenna AtHubbsrd 177 Oakey. Hawkins Aco lit warn, saanaers 135 Person Aco 104 Watt Aco TS Connelly 109 riff at.

Alien atco dulruci. dwuvw 7 Miles. Adam. co 0 Estlin Aco 79 feliowes Aco Hughes. Hy Heated Aco Bo Freltaen.

BtovenaosAco 76 Green, Crump Aco 70 Coleman, Putnam Aco 68 do Byrne, Vance Aco martin, T7.V co 66 Henderson A reiie a atwrtu, a McLemore, Rayburn Aco86 Cumtntoga, 8tewsrt eo 49 Robson A Allen 41 A Kelly Aco 60 Adm Henderson, Terry atco au raaue, wu j. i Jbm 1H Tarieton. Whitins A Tollia 1 29 Bogart Foley A Avery 16 Ridgill. Robert A Terrell 25 Rick Aio 83 Burbridge Ace 6 Tats Aco 92 8 Nelson Aco 14 do Rooertaon A McDougall 1 id CarroU. Pritchard Aco 14 do A Hopkins ee do JF O.raultAro Rugeley, Blair Aco 4 THartis Aco 12 Lowe, mcrteynoid stco vat.

in vV 1 Campbell A Strong a do Cleveland, Bros cf lrTTZ Aco Harding, Anoay aco "rTr. WCoxAco 9 cks hide Dennett. WithnreU Acotot of fruit and aondrie. order Total 3e98 bale cotton. ReeetDts at the Now Baam.

PASCAGOULA 8teamer Ja StocAton MOJJOO ft Jam. ber to A 8 and ford Aco, a BONFOUCA Bear xeiegrapir w.vw Phillipa. inmnhmkMt.T PASCAG OULA scur A ER Schr Venua 90,000 ft lumber WW Carre 4co. t. ii.

an nm ahu.HHL PEARL RIVESV Dtm HPEARLCRVER Schr' Sarah BlsdenJXW ft Issabw ATCEF CNCTA Schr Fontslnblesn 600 bbl eand to Webber. AMITE rtl X. tt. acor arcwiu wjjwv BONFOUCA Schr Decide 39j000 bricks. atmn For New Orleana, Jackson aad R.

Rsurosd. nHVK a ins halea cotton tn Warren. Glilmore Ace 19 Mile, Adam Aco 71 Payne A Harriaon Harris A Levi 9 Anderson A Metcalf 6 Ward. Saunders A Hun 6 do Hemingway. Fried lander Aco 10 CarroU, rntcnars tc 41 Byrne.

Vance Aco 10 AtcKleroy A Bradford do Ricks Aco 4 do Frieraon, Conway Aco 9 do vvngnt, Allen Aco 10 ak potatoes Warren, Olllmora do A A Henderson 60 kegs tar A Kearpey Harria 44 ft lumber Bach 7 sheep TfJ. Imbteanx 7 bead cattle 19 calve Last wananm, order Total 988 balea cotton 7 For Fontchartrata SSiaa to1' MOBILE Steamer Oregon 1 baies jsosi w. Roberta A TerreU do Bradley. Wilsos Ao 1 A Morton Aco anndriea. order MUAAIA.

Spoken "ri alav Cyaeen, oo i' By Capt Jacasofcof tgSlss, ship Courier hemes for fort max, ney vew. Bis de ta jat'tT 10. og hlP Civilian, nm she lOtb nw, hence for Li rerpao' Iat9490, long tOW. passed tha stern brrfeouid sot make out the name. i.

Domesae Forts. BOTON, Sept 13 Cld brig Wm A Brown, Tucker, "PHILADELPHIA, Sept lS Cld bark Joaeph EaU, Ikter. rULNOria gtlaiess 2xtraette of a jseatt Ol LUtort' nn pr i sOCll iiiivllnlillli TH? ss lersifroed ia a oog t. 4 Chloroforru tier lure practice i sow euera to a i advanr a Which by loeml ur ouo J. ut tuS aaay be em w.

nout paiu, nowetes rrdkT. a7la AapuArf at.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.